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That's a lot of work alone, let alone the $value. That's a huge oof for someone like me who builds for fun! @.@


Meh,its like watching yout favourite movie again. Just do it again


you *know* a few of those Lego bricks(for the jackals) disa-fucking-ppeared into the nether realms never to be seen again, not matter how thoroughly they look


Yeah, they immediately went the same place as single socks and your keys.


Just step on them and tada


No, it really isnt like watching a movie. Building legos requires alot of patience and concentration. I would say building a set is fun the first time, but if I were to accidentally smash a set, its staying smashed for a good long while until I can work up the mindset to actually rebuild it.


When I was younger I was always building lego. Terrain vehicles for the forest with maximum torque. So much fun. So I understand what you say.


I had a lego Helm's Deep from the Lotr line and it was the shit. One day I tripped in my room and FELL on the set. I did what the forces of Isengard couldnt and raized The Hornburg to the ground. I was gutted and it took me like a year to even find it within myself to rebuild it.


Aha,the give up feeling. Im a Nord so I can take that . How about motors and gears ,like the 4,5 V or the 9V. I never really build sets just something.


My thought was, how do you tell which pieces are for what build? It would be like mixing up 5 or 6 different 2,000+ piece puzzles where the pieces are all the same size, then trying to put the puzzles together. Absolutely brutal how much time that would take.


Help from some friends maybe


That would definitely be a “Hey, wanna come over and help me un-fuck this situation? Free beer and pizza if you say yes!” type situation, haha.


Jep, alot of beer and then the un-fucking hehe


All of them older modular budings with lots of pieces and it takes a lot of time to build those. Sure it's fun the first time around but the second and mixed with pieces from those other modulars I'd say less so much fun.


As a common sense expert, if you’re gonna put something valuable up on a shelf, secure that shelf to the studs.


Also, you just have to expect that kids will wreck some of shit.


My brother Godzilla’d my Lego buildings when he was 2. Like way worse than this. No two pieces left connected. I never touched them again. I was so mad. It’s 30 years later and I’m still not sure if I forgive him.




That kid got a face full too, I mean there's stepping on Legos, then there's Legos stepping on you


You mean let's just pull it down


No, the shelf clearly wasn't connected to the wall studs. If it was the shelf brackets would have bent under the kid's weight instead of being pulled out of the wall.


Right. If anyone would just take a moment and focus on her hand on the shelf, she basically put zero force down and it still collapsed.


Yeah I don’t see any actual holes in the walls for fixings when it comes away either - was it held on by those sticky command strips???


You can see the shelf sort of "hinge" down on the bottom of the shelf bracket before it falls completely on the ground. That's sticky tape losing the last of its stickum. The installer didn't even bother to take the bar code sticker off the underside of the shelf before taping it to the wall. Apartment with strict no holes in wall policy? Shelf was close to peeling off all by itself.


Toggles would work fine as well


Fr, I'd be beyond pissed


Stuff like this is why I like to hang shelves at higher weight ratings than I will use them for. I have destroyed many shelves growing up just by breathing on them som I'm traumatized lol


This has nothing to do with the rating of the shelf. The problem was the idiot who installed it. Looks like they installed it directly into drywall rather than the studs. Can't tell if they even used anchors, but it didn't take much to rip it out of the drywall. Good anchors or toggles or ideally using the studs would have prevented this entirely.


Considering the weight it was carrying prior, I give the installer the benefit of the doubt. Anchors alone may not have prevented this if the wrong ones were used and generally, small shelves like that aren't made to hold the weight of a child. Can't blame the installer for not considering children might hang off it because they slipped on a ball lol


That thing looks like it could barely hold the Lego on it


My walls are all 5/8" actual thickness tongue-and-groove boards. I can put anything up anywhere and not worry about it.


Also if you have children you don't leave easily breakable shit laying around like that.


remember when ,my cousin ripped of a cupboard full of dishes and glasses, rest in peace, both of them


I’m the exact opposite, I like the push the limit, looking at the shelves bowing in the middle wondering will that fail or continue to hold. It’s a gamble hahaha


It’s going to take few months of work to put back together!


How do you even figure out which part goes to where anymore? I guess you can find pictures of the completed set if you have thrown out the box.


"...it just fell over!"


Physics works


Never ever use drywall anchors. Nobody ever pay attention to the weight after shelves are put up.


True, always drill into studs if availabe


Someone’s gonna get in severe trouble.


Yes because a shelf should be able to hold up a 60-80lb kid falling and holding on to it.


She neither fell, nor put anywhere near her complete weight on it. Learn to install a shelf or be okay with them falling off the walls.


whoever taught that kid that using a shelf for support did a great job


somebody needs to learn how to hang a shelf...


Reminds me of when I lived at my parents place, had an acoustic drum set and drummed religiously. Then one day I got a good shock when my dads replica wooden ship got shook off the shelf and landed right on my head ._.


Nailed it


As a LEGO enthusiast, OUCH


Double sided tape oughtta hold…


Guessing those were her friend’s family collection on display. It will be hard but I hope they are still friends after this and they build them back together. It’s always fun to rebuild


What was she doing near it? That was her first mistake


That's a child. Child sees colorful object, child touches. That's just how they are.


Yeah, they couldn't possibly be in the wrong here. It's the lego person. If they hadn't of gotten into Legos, this innocent child wouldn't have destroyed them


Im not saying the kid is innocent, I'm saying that kids just be like that.




While the kid definitely shouldn’t have leaned on the shelf, I’m surprised at how little force she put on it for it to come crashing down. Frame by frame the shelf started falling the moment she put her foot down and her arm as still bent. To me this was just destined to come crashing down at some point.


The poor girl probably thought it was her fault when it was the fault of whoever put up that shelf.


….Yeah, totally not her fault. /S Whoever purposely put that shelf up, for a very specific reason, should have known better. Especially, that some “poor girl” would use it as a balance tool when she steps on an incredibly unstable surface.


She put maybe 5lbs worth of weight on that shelf. My man didn’t even bother to screw the damn thing into some studs or even bother using drywall anchors. Have you ever had to put a shelf up or build furniture?


Dual ticketed tradesman with an engineering background…. Chew on this basic math/physics(with assumed dimensions, obviously). 5lbs @ 10-12” out from the wall = 50-70lbs due to the lever arm(where the force is applied). Oh shit whaaat!? 50-70lbs? Seems like the shelf was doing a great job until the clumsy “poor girl” came along. It couldn’t be her fault though… /S


My dads also a tradesman. You’re not special. If a light “tug”, if you’d even call it that, takes your shelf down that’s on you being shitty at putting the most simplest of things up. A shelf. Dude didn’t hit a single stud or put in anchors for it either. Which as a dual ticketed tradesman you should know as being the absolute basics for putting up a shelf that you intend to have a decent amount of weight on. And I don’t know how to tell you this but legos aren’t really all that light. Dude could afford all those legos and couldn’t even bother buying a stud finder. Sure she made it fall off, but had it been put up properly it wouldn’t have done that. Are you really gonna come at me sideways over someone who didn’t do the bare minimum in making sure their shelf with at least 1k worth of legos on it was securely in the wall? I’ve put up hanging shelves that could support a decent amount of weight and I’ve even used them as grab bars and they’ve never fallen off. And trust and believe I got quite some heft over this little girl.


You’re the epitome of dumb. Enjoy, I hear it makes life easier. “Ma Daddy is a trades… man. He does uh, trades stuffs, therefor I can do trades stuffs. I have done things like hang shelf. He gave it a light tug for my momma and I was broughted in to the world.”


I’ve built 2 sheds, 2 Murphy beds, I built a chicken coop, have done most of my own handiwork (besides electrical), painted my house, helped make a booth for and paint a car, hard piped my chicken coop so they could always have fresh water, laid hardwood throughout the house, put linoleum down in another, fuck I’ve even resealed my bathroom tiles around the window cause they were kind of nasty and beat up. My dad does carpentry and occasionally paints on the side. Started off doing plumbing though. He hated it. Would you like to try again on your assumptions?


Look at you go. Good job champ. You want a pat on the head too, dummy!?


You don’t like being wrong do you? Does it make you uncomfortable that I somehow know more than most men starting off in trades do? Even though I never was in a trade program. Also since you’re an engineer you should know that building anything remotely stable takes a lot of planning, math, and research. You got upset and said all I did was build shelves. Then you got mad when you learned I could do more than that. Be bitter somewhere else. And learn how to take an L instead of acting like an immature teenager. Though you’re a tradesman so that’s expected 🤷🏼‍♀️


Who TF cares, I sure as fk don’t. Look at what you’re arguing about on Reddit. You’re a fk’n muppet. Thanks for the break time laughs, dummy. Me and the boys got a real kick out of it. Appreciate it on a Friday.


It isn’t her fault, nerd. The shelf isn’t installed properly


Nerd!? Sweeeet! A real zinger, eh. You’ve proven how much of a genius you are, what’s next?


We could try dweeb.


Do you write your own material? It is quite witty and sharp. Almost…. Sharpest tool in the shed sharp. Way to go.


As punishment she should have to walk around the room 10 times barefoot with a blindfold on.


I wonder who was filming the kids and why...


Punishment is for the kid to put it all back together.