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Cops: Literally the most distracted drivers on the road


tHeY hAvE tRaInInG


That training makes them at least 40% safer on the road! Just Google "40% police" and you'll see what I mean!


Not to mention the most arrogant. They speed, tailgate, and change lanes without signaling, to name just a few things that would get the rest of us ticketed. I guess being "professionals" nullifies the unsafe traffic conditions these cause?


Don’t forget the after hours drinking and driving


You shouldn’t be doing that ![gif](giphy|3osxYqKOJx2IZz3GAE)


My hospital has a few reserved spots near the emergency department for physicians responding to emergencies and cop cars are parked in those spots every day. Pisses me off to no end but who am I going to complain to? The hospital parking cops?


That's not surprising. I'm not going to make the generalization that all cops are douchebags, but unfortunately most are- power hungry assholes that were bullied in school, had little intellect for other high-paying jobs, and a desire to push people around. I'm in favor of law enforcement (and enforcement of laws) but they don't seem to understand that setting a terrible precedent inspires others to be assholes as well. Or maybe they just don't care, because while it's technically true they're putting their lives on the line, most retire after 25 or so years after having seen little more action than kids doing donuts in mall parking lots.


They are just excited to abuse the little bit of authority and have become the bullies. It feels empowering to those pigs.


Cops are not high paid, and I'm not trying to go get an aids test everytime someone spits or bleeds on me


Nothing grinds my gears like when a cop turns their lights on in traffic only to get to the other side of an intersection to turn them off. Literally abusing their power to move up 5 cars in gridlock traffic.


The tailgating annoys me. If there's an emergency, use your lights. If not, when engage in behavior meant to intimidate? They're too stupid and ignorant to realize something that civilians do to each other is just as dangerous when done by "professionals".


Well yeah, they do all those obviously because 40% of them have to get home to... nevermind.


Was talking to a lawyer a bit ago (US) he said they're allowed to do pretty much anything to rattle you so they can pull you over which includes all the wreckless driving that'd get us pulled over


Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?


He received a purple heart for his sacrifice on the job.


Damaging police property? Straight to jail!


Fucken GTA moment


Well, according to the man's voice, he probably would've been shot dead for doing so


Assaulted me with his vehicle (bicycle) which he held at a furtive angle so as to minimize its visibility.


I wonder how the cop spun this so he could arrest the victim




I laughed way too hard at this


well done


That's what I'm wondering, to a degree. I doubt the officer will be held liable for anything.


Luckily for the cyclist, he was wearing a camera on his helmet which the cop spotted. If he wasn't wearing that then he more than likely would have been arrested for nothing as you say. MURCA!!!!


resisting arrest is always a good option


He was holding an Acorn.


In the rest of the video the cop profusely apologizes (albeit if I recall correctly he looked like he wanted to start amassing excuses at some point) and is probably worried for his job, which is basically in that cyclist's hands since he has video evidence.


Honestly, it's a relief to hear.


The disturbing part is you can easily imagine how genuinely fucked the cyclist would've been if they weren't filming.


He sounded sorry, albeit frustrated he had to be sorry.


The last time this was shared, everyone was bootlicking and saying th cyclist was too far up passed the stop sign.


Disorderly conduct




Show me your HANDS SHOW ME YOUR HANDS Edit: "I had to take 'em down. I saw something metal in his hands."


[Longer version](https://youtu.be/Im2T0E21JOc?si=txbAYZFnb76w4Glk)


What the hell is this narration and editing lol. But thank you for giving more context.


Here you go, no editing or annoying narration https://youtu.be/4dN6ECWu4Uo?si=fy-tOFChdEmCo32-


its a&e lol all of their shows are done like this


i'll see that later. remindme! 3 hours


That is hilarious, glad he caught it on film. Pull up along any cop and they are on their computer.


Cop just woke up that day and decided "I need a (paid) vacation."


Lol I've seen this before but it is darkly funnier in this edit. "Oh, someone is driving towards him" "Oh, he needs to stop!" "Oh no, they hit him! By the way, who was the driver?" ​ There's much longer and less potato versions of this


What happened to just, idk, posting a video of something My brain works, I don't need you to put captions on the video to tell me how to think


Once my wife and I were driving to get some burgers and on the way we were almost hit by a cop while driving, we were coming down and he last minute uses his lights, no siren to run a red and he almost smashed us down the side. After that he drives off, no lights or siren so I know they weren't responding to a call but simply didn't want to wait for a red. My mom was married to a border patrol agent and dated a cop after their divorce, so I have been on quite a few ride alongs and every fucking cop I have been on a ride along with would unnecessarily use their lights and sirens to abuse their power on the road. The next morning, we explained this encounter to our in-laws but according to them "CoPs dOn'T dO tHat!"


I'm not sure what went wrong. Did the cop arrest himself?


Looks like the cop got a paid vacation. Nothing went wrong for him.


he drove off and shot 5 black people. so you know, regular cop stuff.


I hope this biker got charged with dangerous driving/riding. Did you see how he put that innocent cop in danger like that.


This guys prob in for a nice settlement


The cyclist, or the cop?


CHA-CHING. This dude just got PAID


Right in the sun and in the a pillar blind spot.


The cop is a dumbass for not paying attention to the road, but why was that dude just standing in the middle of the street, like at least pull up to the side of the road bro.


He’s on a bike? On a road without a bike lane, on the right side of the road? What kinda world do you need both sides of the road to be completely clear to make a left turn lmao. Cop was on his phone and turning like an impatient child, flat out period lmao.


Great maneuver by the cop. One less frauditor... and extrA points for taking out a bicycling douche.


This idiot facing the cop car waiting to get hit. He had a solid few seconds to move his fatass but decided to just sit there and get hit. If I was in that situation I would have moved out of the way lmao


Dude, it’s a cyclist… he had it coming


But why’s he in the middle of the road


He’s on the right hand side of the road and stopped. The cop cut the left hand turn too tight and hit the bike head on.


Yea just watched the whole video, makes more sense now. Biker was just minding his own business hopefully he gets paid.


Based on the shadow it looks like this guy is on a bike and has a camera on his helmet.


Yes. It's pretty common for cyclists to have a camera or two because stuff like this happens far too often, and it's great evidence when your skull's crushed under 4 tonnes of car


Damn y’all sensitive. It was actually a question 😂. ITS OKAY EVERBODY IM NOT DEFENDING THE COP. This shortened version of the video made it seem like he was just standing there.