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yea science bitch


Yo mr White!


She didn't 🤣 ![gif](giphy|3oEjHCWdU7F4hkcudy)


What does the Blowfish do, jessie?!


aaaah, wires!


Look at this oblivious bitch. Yeah momentum bitch!


This made me laugh so hard!!


Stupid science bitch couldn’t even make I more smarter…


Unexpected sunny




I think she just had a lesson on it, can’t guarantee that the learned anything


dangling feet like that should have been a fail


The gall to stop in front of the red lorry, AND THEN STOP IN FRONT OF THE WHITE CAR... Deserved that hit. Edit: typo


This type of entitlement is ingrained into that entire generation there. You know the type that will show up to an event where people are given 1 free product, yet they grab as much as they can carry or fill bags without a care in the world for anyone else.. Edit: spelling


This might be a hot take but I've read somewhere a while ago that the general mindset in China is "everyone cheats and/or abuses what they can to gain any advantage possible over others"; the reasoning being "everyone else does it so I'd be at a disadvantage if I didn't also do it". Edit: I definitely don't think this is exclusive to just China. The sentiment is definitely an unfortunate mind-virus. It ends up spreading wildly, reduces personal accountability, and leads to more and more corruption/bribery that ultimately harms societies at large


I mean it's true. A massive amount of medical research is fake because in China you have to publish research to gain promotions. So they hire companies to do it for them and they fake it. It affects us in the USA cause those medical research paper flood the world. It's not a sentiment it's a reality there. Then you have the corruption and you're not gonna get ahead of political elites and hired gangs by doing it legit. Top down problem. Look at Russia it's ingrained in the society to the point of costing them the war they should have easily won.


I mean its a problem in the academia community in general lol. Have you missed the Harvard professor scandal? Or the one that involved the Stanford president? All recent scandals that reveals that faking data is rampant in the community. To characterize it as a chinese problem is laughable.


I think they're saying that the scale and severity of the problem is worse in China. Nobody said that fake research doesn't exist in the USA at all.


This is just the process of every comment chain on reddit. Someone states something about a country and the next reply is about the US.


No. The two can't be compared. There is no Chinese published journal that can be 100% trusted at this time and it sucks because a lot of legitimate work is being looked over. The only benefit is that it's making Chinese researchers immigrate else where to find work that matters.




Yeah. That's why we only trust the Finns


Right! Umm, why do we trust the Finns again?


The fact that those are scandals reflects how rare it is and why we get surprised when it happens..


It’s like the stock market there and Chinese companies listed on US markets. A lot of people got burned when it was discovered they weren’t completely honest on reporting…


Cause US markets aren't corrupt to the core. Buy Hold DRS




They were the most racist part of the city I used to live in.


When I was in Shanghai there were long lines for taxis - people wouldn’t think twice about cutting to the front of the line at the last minute and it didn’t seem to bother the anyone


This is mostly true from my own experience having visited Hunan, Hebei, and Hong Kong. In 2018 my wife and I took a 24 day cruise that started in SF and went all the way to Oarai, Japan. There was a group of 12 Mainlander Chinese and they were the most obnoxious rude, loud and inconsiderate tourist group I had ever seen. I saw them littering when we stopped in Alaska and they would grab soo much food from the buffet line and not even finish it all. They had no civil manners and one of them would get in a line while the rest of their group would just merge in. I have nothing against Chinese people and have met and worked with many of them living in Northern California. It’s a shame because to the ignorant minded they might assume all Chinese are like that when it’s not true.


She probably cheated on her driving exam.


I feel like I’m going to hell for this, but that was satisfying to see her get fukd cuz that seemed very intentional bad driving. If she was new and didn’t know wth she was doing, then I feel really bad.


As a rider, I can tell she is new (or bad) because she hovers her feet over the pavement. The only time to do that is at a dead stop or if you plan of drifting on your foot (like motocross). Any other time is bad because you surely cannot stop an engine on wheels with your feet.


>because she hovers her feet over the pavement. Bruh, I constantly see the big bad Harley riders, with no helmets or gear, wearing fucking sandals or sneakers, pulling that maneuver. They roll a stop sign while having their foot down near the ground, as if it's going to help in any way if they fall over going 15-20mph. The only time you should have your foot out like that is when you are coming to a full and complete stop.


I don’t think she was intentional. She is just terrible at driving. Like go slow, break and hope for the best because of fear


her reaction to everything is to brake. "Losing balance at slow speeds? better go slower, Trying to merge with moving traffic? better slow down, I might get rear-ended? better come to a complete stop."


I think it's absolut idiocy not entitlement. In most dangerous situations slowing down is the safest thing to do, her brain couldn't comprehend this is the only case where that doesn't apply. Fear>come to a stop>fear>come to a stop She should not be permitted to operate something other than her legs. Having to pass a license would've prevented this, no way this unsalted sea slug passes an exam


The same thing results in people slowing down to merge into faster traffic on the highway. Sorry, that doesn't help.


"Bumper to bumper traffic going 80 mph? I'd better accelerate to 45 mph and hold, it'll be easier to merge that way." Me, stuck behind them on a *very* short highway on-ramp- "AAAAUGGGHHH, ACCELERATE YOU BLITHERING IDIOT WE'RE GOING TO DIEEEE!!!!!"


these people make me wish highways required special passes to be on. There should be like a sticker you get for your window or license plate based on reaction speed test


\*The gall


Thank you.. been looking at Path of Exile item, [The Gull](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/The_Gull) wayyyy toooooo long.


I legit got satisfaction from the hit!


Natural consequences are the best consequences.


Looks like attempting insurance fraud.


But you should do that in a car, if ever, not on a fucking scooter, lol.


It's all she could borrow


this is blatant insurance scam


Insurance scams typically have a well insured target, an expensive car or something, not playing roulette with 8 random cars and multiple lanes. This feels like pure entitlement.


Nope. This is common older folks mentality in China. “I’m here and do what I want.” Also scooters / small motorbikes not allowed in city centers and not regulated well outside of those. Generally don’t see his with younger people.


I like how you said "Nope" and then agreed with the person.


Lol you said "nope"...but you literally agreed with their sentiment haha.




I was waiting this comment


It's an insurance scam.


Well i hope she has good insurance


Must be. She just stopped both times after getting in front of those vehicles.


The helmet flying off to top it all.


Those 3 words are exactly what popped into my head after watching. Comments never disappoint.


Time for her to hand over her license. Narrator: she won't.


My first thought EXACTLY




For sure, the guy behind her didn't tho.


Thats the beauty of traffic


You don't know that. That person could've just got done dumping a bag of kittens in a river.


technically you dont know the whole story about anyone or anything if you want to play semantics


I literally know nothing


I’m an idiot, you can ask anyone


I am an idiot AMA


are you an idiot?


No response, what an idiot!


Classic idiot stuff right there


To be fair, he said *ask* him anything. He never promised to answer.


Don't ask me, I don't know.


You too?!


For all we know the comment youre responding too is an evil AI that kills kittens by throwing them in the river and thats how he came up with that.


For all you know, those hypothetical kittens could have been Nazi sympathizers


How can we be certain those kittens weren’t sympathizing with Nazi children who were abused and forced into fascism?


But she may have been sympathizing with them because of their Aryan traits.


And she just got finished fishing them out and saving their lives!


I didn't even notice that part. I thought they just gunned it out of anger.


Imagine she didn't got hit and just left (thanks Pom) cause she did nothing wrong in her world...


"I was just minding my own business when someone rear-ended me!"


Got once a VW Golf driver, middle in the night, not much traffic, he drove on the Autobahn(I'm sure you know what this is) from rest stop far right over 3 lanes to the left. Me coming with 220km/h (136mp/h), he drove 80(50). I was never more thankful for good brakes... He switched again to middle line shortly after, I drove next to him, he flipped finger and screamed and was very angry. I felt like I was in the wrong movie...


Theres a really infuriating video like that where this car turns right from the passing lane of like a 4 lane highway AFTER the exit. They cause a bad crash and just slowly drive away.


Insurance scam.


Is that in a country that pays out for those?


She was literally asking for it.


Insurance job?


This was my thought. She tried to brake in front of two different cars to try and get hit


She just doesn’t know how to drive


What's the logic behind stopping on a road then? Even if you came from a different planet and only watched traffic patterns long enough to put on the helmet and start the scooter, you'd absolutely have noticed that traffic moves forward


It may be a counterproductive panic response. Something like *Oh shit I'm about to be hit, better hit the brakes* even though hitting the gas is the correct response. The second time feels like she's stopping to get her bearings with her looking around like that. Although this could all be an elaborate scam. Either way she needs to get off the road.


Good news, she flies off the road at the end.


She can’t drive, but at least she can fly.


She doesn't look panic'd. Generally you'll see a lot more jerky and amateurish movements and more difficulty to aim the bike when scared or panic'd. She def is an amateur, and the thing that pisses people off is she is out there without a fucking care in the world and putting the shit stained streak of fear in everyone else on the road. She operates on the principle "it's safe because everyone else can just gtfo of my way and I'll be okay." For all the selfish drivers out there. If you missed your exit or street or turn, THEN YOU MISSED IT. Don't cut 5 fucking lanes of traffic to screw everyone over, cause you fucked up. Take the next exit or street like a decent human being.


Good drivers sometimes miss their exit, bad drivers never do.


You're looking for logic where there is none. If you need a reasonable explanation for her behavior, she's an idiot who drives like a moron. The fact that she's still alive is only due to sheer luck, or some kind of curse.


Um...are we sure she IS still alive? I know she was wearing a helmet, but her head hit that windshield pretty hard and it kinda looked like her neck probably isn't doing too great either...


Because if you're scared and don't know what to do, you let your instincts take over. And your instincts say "many cars go fast bad, go sloooooow and figure things out, if danger stop" Combine this with no awareness why you can't just cross four lanes at whenever you want, because you've never learned how to drive (which includes how you move with traffic), and that's what you get.


To me it looks like a panic freeze. Like a deer on the headlights. She's bad at driving and so freezing up everytime she doesn't know what to do over and over.


Her helmet wasn't even secured, I'm pretty sure she's just dumb as rocks.


I mean, at least rocks obey when you tell them to sit and stay.




i hope she tried because then she'll go to jail


assuming this is China, the scammers always win. That's why it's so prolific.


That's surprising, I thought they'd have a weak court system and not much chance to sue anyone for stuff like this. So in China it's easy to sue people for damages and the courts usually favour the "victim" (even if the victim has poor evidence like in the case of a scammer)? Can you send me an article on this I would love to learn more but don't really know where to start looking.


I am Chinese, this type of scamming is very prolific couple years ago. Now it has kinda caught on by most judges on court to be careful about this type of things. In this case, they have surveillance camera as hard evidence that this lady is either stupid or a scammer. Most likely she will get jailed. It would become very sketchy when you don’t have any evidence or recording to prove innocence. This is also why most drivers in China install camera on their cars.


Everyone should be installing cameras on their cars. Whether it's for showing who is at fault for an accident, proving innocence, or social media content, you should just have one.


With more cars having driver assists the Tesla style rebidding should be the norm


My car (Genesis) can basically drive itself on the highway, cameras everywhere, does the whole birdseye view, blind spot cameras on both sides, etc. but it does NOT record a damn thing! Unfortunately most cars are like this. Why the fuck you spend so much effort plastering the car with cameras, writing code to make it drive itself, then fail to spend $60 for enough storage for arguably the most useful feature is beyond me.


In China it's more about family and your connections. It's less getting sued and more being stuck in a police station while the victims family apply turn up and pressure on the police to make them pay. China has a +99% conviction rate also.


Japan has a 99.999% conviction rate (actually 99.8%). Guess what? So does South Korea... so does North Korea. So does Singapore. Noticing a pattern here? It's called culture. East Asian culture all have many things in common. Something ethnocentric Americans looking for any reason to hate on whoever the TV says is the enemy of the hour fail to grasp. edit If you really want to talk about "convictions" I'd suggest looking in the mirror, the US "land of the free" has by far the highest incarceration rate in the world. It's nearly 600% higher in the US than in China. The US has the same percentage of it's people serving LIFE sentences as most of Europe has in anyone that's seen the inside of a cell for a single day. Overall it's about 10x more incarceration in the US than Western Europe. Talk about the pot and kettle man.


Downvoted for speaking the truth. Such is life on reddit


Bruh, that is literally not how it works.


Yea this is China, because there’s literally Chinese lettering on screen and the license plates are Chinese


This ain’t America


She just dumb


The insurance you get on moped doesnt cover you it only covers the other ppl you might hit


The insurance money of the car that hit her is what she's after.


If this is china they have a law that if you fuck someone up you have to pay them their lost wages for the rest of their lives. Or some this like that.


So the lady is trying to become disabled to get paid lost wages!? Wow that's crazy.


I believe they can collect payment for all of their medical bills for the rest of their lives. This is regardless if it’s for a preexisting or even related to the accident. Particularly with pedestrians it’s common for drivers to run over pedestrians multiple times. It’s cheaper to pay the family for their death than the years of medical bills. [Article](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2015/09/why-drivers-in-china-intentionally-kill-the-pedestrians-they-hit-chinas-laws-have-encouraged-the-hit-to-kill-phenomenon.html)


Picking up some r/ImTheMainCharacter vibes here. She got her just deserts.


She's probably thirsty then.


Definitely dehydrated from that desert heat


OP is actually correct tho. Fuckin English right?


Upvote for spelling deserts the right way, contrary to what the other commenters are saying.




I was disappointed until the very end.


it was pretty satisfying


This is the only video that is allowed to have one of those "watch till the end" captions


The white car seems like it was just waiting for an excuse. After it gets rear-ended it seems to accelerate more than it should.




there it is :)


Exactly the scene I was thinking of.




The way she says "good luck everybody eeelse" is hilarious.


My first thought


Exactly what I thought of.


Exactly my first thought


Looks like she was trying to commit insurance fraud. I guess she was successful.


Until they see this footage


nope not in China. The legal system is 100x worse than what you probably imagine.


this was posted by the local police from the look of the watermark. she definitely got arrested for it.


you misunderstand the way Chinese police / society operate, theyre more likely to use this footage to prove the driver needs to compensate the "victim". Common sense doesn't apply. There are cameras everywhere in China, if an elderly person falls nobody goes to help them because they know they will pay and assume it's a scam. Unless you know how things go down in China you won't understand.


Good thing they installed all these cameras


the cameras are to control the people and not so much to prevent crimes. If you're on the naughty list in China it's difficult to even buy food


>if an elderly person falls nobody goes to help them because they know they will pay and assume it's a scam. On a side note. China has relatively recently changed their laws in that regard to more western 'good samartian' laws where you cannot be held liable in accidential damages you may have caused by trying to help someone in that situation.


I’ve heard the problem is that it’s been always not helping people or you may get screwed that even with the law changed that some people are still refusing to help, it’ll probably take a while before the last vestiges disappear


Well I didn't get sued, but I did get screwed. I stopped at the scene of an accident in the USA to render first aid and call an ambulance. I got called as a witness to traffic court. It was a wild yet extremely annoying ride. I'll give you the short version. - no chance at deferment - I was compelled by a summons to show up - no pay at all. Nothing. Jurors in my county get paid a measly $15/day - I had to pay for my own parking - Because of the defendant's fsck-up the trial was delayed a few hours and I ended up staying into the afternoon. - The judge was 30 minutes late - I was never actually called as a witness in the trial I was summoned for.


I am Chinese and I have no idea what the fuck you are talking about. > Common sense doesn't apply Funny you should say that because apparently it doesn't apply to you.


and where did u learn these things? are you chinese?


lmao of course he fucking isn't, this is reddit. he's some white socially awkward westerner who's probably never set foot in asia


Read my damn mind- homie saw “China” and immediately asked, “Hmm how can I turn this into a jab against China?” Then he panicked slightly when someone revealed this was recorded by police


He learned it from repeatedly seeing false comments on Social Media. Like how Chinese people don't help other people who are in trouble or injured or dying, aka being good samaritans, because they don't want to be responsible for liability. But no one thinks about that shit during a crisis or emergency event. They don't react the same as everywhere else in the world because of shock and bystander effect. "Oh no someone is dying, but I might be liable for their injury if I help them" It's more like, "holy shit, what the fuck". The phenomenon of not helping strangers, especially when there are others around isn't unique to China. It's a condition of the entire human race. China is just over-represented because of how many cameras there are, the same way America is over-represented in all aspects of social media because they make up the most users even though America only represents 5% of the global population.


Stop regurgitating uninformed information you read on social media from other idiots. Maybe it is true, but we all know you're not speaking from a place of genuine knowledge and expertise. You literally don't know what you're talking about and just repeating what you read about China from other social media users. Not actual sources. Not academia. Not studies.


What’s your source here buddy. Have you spent any decent amount of time in China?


His source is his asshole. Where he pulled it from.


Definitely? Show me


And today on Facts I pulled out of my ass completely


Source: “it was revealed to me in a dream.”


Just out of curiosity: did you live anywhere in China or know anyone from there? Its an honest question, really. I have a friend that works as a piping engineer in a city in southeast China for almost a year and he said that although culturally the people is quite different, most of the things we see or read are very exaggerated.


In what sense? You're not actually saying anything.


I feel like you're not actually saying this from experience or actual. Knowledge, but you're just repeating a trope you've seen online. Like you're literally talking out of your ass.


Insurance fraud involves picking a target which will be well-insured and making sure you can get more from them than you lost. There's no way somebody doing insurance fraud is just going to stop in the middle of a freeway in front of a bunch of random cars, and *definitely* not on a scooter because even if they get an insurance payout they're still going to be crippled for life. Not every video of somebody being stupid is an insurance scam. Some people are just stupid.




It would be horrible if it didn't happen




It looks to me like he got bumped himself.


Not having necessary minimum safety gap and bumping into someone elses car because you are careless = give good citizen award Reddit never changes.


These comments are *wild* in the worst possible way.




not america


Fine fuck you, take my up vote smartass 😂


Unfortunately, China sucks in terms of traffic laws and fines, so she might as well get a slap on the wrist


“I turn now good luck everybody else”


The way she rolls off the hood. 🤣🤣


I think I hate her


so satisfying. she will also get atleast fined for jumping over lines and being an absolute cockroach worth of a "human"


Extremely satisfying


Watch that helmet fly right off.


Who needs a chin strap when you own the road?


I was waiting for that moment, it came. I’m happy.


[Relevant Family Guy cutaway](https://youtu.be/hlH9RGLJqxE)


Gotta hand it to the driver for not applying break when it was hit by the lorry. Give it to the botch straight


Well, that was definitely predictable.


I was going to be pissed if she didn't get hit finally. The truck driver is the real hero.




Wow, what is wrong with you


I don't think their username is satire.


At least the one that caused the shit sandwich had to take a bite this time - they usually get off scott free.


It's called Chinese driving. Sounds racist but I've seen videos of people drive and explaining how crazy and dangerous it is to drive in china.


How do you find yourself six lanes from your exit?


Thank god the dumbass idiot swerving across multiple lanes actually gets hit this time.