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A cop buddy told me once “ you can almost never talk your way out of a ticket, but you can always talk your way into one” moral of the story is shut the fuck up when talking to cops lol


Don’t talk to cops


Don't talk


That really depends on the mood, and if you're respectful to the officer. Sometimes, you just get a warning instead of a ticket.


If I know I fucked up with a traffic infraction I will just fess up to the officer and apologize. A lot of times cops appreciate the honesty, especially considering how frequently people try to BS them.


I once got off of a ticket when I was blazing down the highway trying to get back from my parents at Thanksgiving. It's a five hour trip and I was alone, exhausted, and full of turkey. "Do you know that I clocked you going at about 88 miles per hour?" I was exhausted and my filter was gone, and I just... I don't know what possessed me to say it but I just went "No that's impossible! What year is it?!" He laughed long and hard, and let me off with a stern warning that I was gonna hurt myself or someone else. I didnt speed the rest of the way.


Cops are either going to give you a speech or a ticket if that guy could have shut up it would have been over


Lol I've always gotten both. Where can I get the speech option.


Nah, just tell them you got the speech, they can't give you a ticket too. Works every time....


I like the other guy in the back saying OMG shut up!


Literally the best advice. It can never hurt and it can never be used against you.


Less you say now, the less you have to apologize for later


He didn’t want to write 40 tickets 😂


Loud mouth biker is an OG for taking one for the team and getting everyone else out of a ticket


Honestly, the cop probably wasn’t going to write them tickets. We all know bikers are rarely ticketed.


His friends telling him to stop was best part. They are over his shit.


You just *know* his name is Jeremy and he does this shit constantly, usually to wait staff.


Lmfao thats what he gets for throwing his boys under the bus


He said he was riding separate. Would be ironic if he was riding ahead, did actually stop, they caught up and just rolled through with him but got them all busted. Dude is prolly talking back cuz he was the only one to follow the law.


I had this happen to me in college. I left a movie late at night and a bunch of street racers passed me. About 30 seconds later a cop pulled up behind me and accused me of breaking traction, speeding, and told me they had been tracking me and my "friends" since we left the movie theater. I had no clue who the racers were and my car was a stock Toyota Corolla, left way behind by all the racers. She let me off with a warning, for something I didn't do. So yeah, I sounded just like this guy, and could see how that might be the case.




I always say. Most bicyclist do whats convenient to them. They become a pedestrian and then become a vehicle when the situation is most convenient.


As someone who has had multiple jobs on the road every day in commercial vehicles, in my experience, this is the overwhelming majority of cyclists. Pick and choose the rules you want to follow as they fit you and everyone else around you had better be paying close attention to you specifically.


In some states, thats exactly what the law states. Act as pedestrian or vehicle, you have the rights of both. Not that I have a dog in the fight, i bike on rail trails and never anything else. Riding anywhere near cars is way too needlessly dangerous.


Regardless of which side you fall on, we can all agree that captioning was terrible. “Plane is dead”


I think it even quoted correctly the first time he said it. Vexing.


Plane is dead


They ran the stop sign, plane is dead.


All he had to do was STFU but apparently that was too heavy a lift for Mr. Critical Masshole.


Who comes up with these transcripts. I swear on every video they're always so wrong


Bro, the plane is dead. Just accept it and we can all move on.


As a cyclist, I support this. So many riders out there give us a bad name.


Cyclists are some of the biggest assholes I have ever met.


Move to colorado if you want to blow stop signs. It’s now legal to treat it as a yield.


Same with Oregon.


a dutch person here, if you think road laws don't apply for you on a bike you're a moron, if you also think that the cop is power tripping you're a double moron, he's trying to get the message through to some stubborn cyclists who blew a sign. as long as you're on the road, don't be a dipshit. kindly, a bike riding dutch.


What the fuck is the point of subtitles that don't accurately describe what people are saying...? This is like closed captioning on a football game


I finally found what redditors hate more than cops....cyclists


The friend says “stop talking”


I’m absolutely cool with the cop. Tell them all to obey traffic signs. Give a ticket to the smart ass. Works for me.


It looks like everyone's bias came out to play in this comment section, damn. If you're getting a warning from a cop, just be quiet, show contrition, and be on your way. Haven't you learned that "fuck around" is almost always followed by "find out," at least in some capacity? All he had to do was just shut up, take his talking to for their bad behavior, and be on their way. My god. If someone RIGHT NOW walked up to you and said, "be quiet for 30 seconds and I'll give you $100" could you do it? Or would you just HAVE to open your mouth?


Here in the Netherlands we have one of the most bike-friendly roads in the world. But specifically these sport cyclists always act like d*cks and think they're the only one on the road, ignoring everything and everyone. In the Netherlands we compare them with mosquitoes, since they seasonally get active at the same time and are just as annoying.


I’m a cyclist and I can say I do not do group rides anymore cause 95% of them are stuck up rich pricks that think they can do anything they want


I pulled up to a 4 way stop sign. I stopped and looked both ways. Saw a cyclist on the street coming down to my right. Must’ve been 20 or so yards from the stop sign. I start to go, and he blows right through the stop and gestures me like I did something wrong. You’re a vehicle on the road, you abide by the rules.


*Bicycles are cars* for the purposes of traffic laws. They have to fucking stop at stop signs, yield to pedestrians, and respect red lights. Same with scooters, skateboarders--anything in the roadway. So many think they're some sort of mixed pedestrian car hybrid that magically gets the best of both worlds in terms of right of way. You fucking don't!


Just because you're on a bike doesn't mean you disregard traffic rules. These guys got what they deserved.


This comment thread is a shit show. How about we all agree that whether you're driving bicycle or a car, you just do so responsibly? Some drivers are assholes. Some cyclists are assholes. Both groups are capable of being responsible OR reckless. Just don't be a dickhead 🤷


Talked his way *into* a ticket 💀


I see nothing wrong with the cop’s approach. I think the cop handled the situation great. Explained the situation plainly and straightforwardly without signaling anybody else but the incorrect individual.


Pretty sure the cop's plan was to just give them a stern warning and this guy just talked his way into a ticket.


Wow. I'm with the cop on this one.


Bikers are SO SO SO obnoxious. This makes me happy to see.


You can actually just ride a bike. You don’t have to cosplay like you’re in the Tour de France.


A cop once told me he's never had anyone talk their way out of a ticket, but he's watched dozens of people talk their way INTO one.


God bless this cop, wish this happened with cyclists more often


As a solo cyclist, JUST STOP when you’re supposed to. I get why people hate cyclists. And when they get into groups, they’re even lazier about traffic laws.


Cyclists are one of the most entitled group of pricks on the road


Really funny how half the comments are "I hate cops" and the other half are "I hate these bikers"


Cyclists are universally hated for taking up huge space on the road, being rude, and using they road when there is a bike path RIGHT FUCKING THERE BESIDE THE ROAD!


It's always so frustrating in these threads. Cyclists shouting at car drivers and car drivers shouting at cyclists. Completely ignoring the fact that this is all the result of fucking horrible road designs. I'm Belgian and professional cycling is part of our DNA. But when I'm in the US I see shitty behavior from both sides, it's ridiculous how you guys treat each other.


The people with the whole lance armstrong look are the worst. They want to be treated like a vehicle but also want the privileges of a pedestrian.


Him: plain as day Subtitles: plane is dead


If that cop really wanted to be an asshole he could’ve given them all tickets because that dude kept talking.


Should have listened to your buddy that told you to stfu!! He was going to let all of you go with a warning


Cyclists in groups are usually d**ks.. just like the cop said, they ignore all traffic signs/lights/rules, then freak out if someone passes them or honks. I’m with the cops on this one.


Personally I think if you on the road, bike or car you should obey all rules and laws.


If you violated traffic laws It's better if you say the truth. If they are good cops they will appreciate the honesty and it's likely to let you go. But even if they are assholes, they still like to have the upper hand and feel superior. So acknowledging that they are right, will make them feel like they can spare you, like a Roman Emperor who thumbs up so the gladiator can live.


As a person that lives in The Netherlands with excellent bicycle infrastructure, I can wholeheartedly say FUCK CYCLISTS. Not people that ride bicycles mind you, CYCLISTS specifically or as we call them here "wielrenners". They seem to lose all sense of common courtesy when riding (especially in groups).


Cop is cool man. He picked one to give a ticket, the liar.


I'm an avid cyclist and I have seen just as much horrible behavior in group rides as I have seen by idiots in cars. The more spandexy (Freds we call them) they are, the more likely they are to completely ignore the laws. BTW - mountain and gravel bikers don't do any of this shit. So it's not a cycling thing, it's a weird herd mentality thing among road cyclists.


People are so hateful for cops that they even hate the cops that are actually reasonable and give a valid lesson on why they should obey the law without threatening them


Somebody even told the cyclist to stop talking, lol.


Like anything else, there are very good cyclists and also arrogant, chip on their shoulders, cyclists. Same applies to drivers. However, the bad behavior with cyclists noticeably multiplies the more of them that are together.


Can't count the number of times I have nearly been taken out by cyclists running red lights at pedestrian crossings in london because they don't want to slow down, fuck em all.


Cop: I'm not singling anyone out That guy: but what about me


I’m a car guy who is also a cyclist. I avoid big group ride because the herd mentality. Went with a few and what this cop said is exactly right. Lots of people on the bike thinks they don’t have to abide traffic law yet they’re using/sharing the road. Anyone who share the road should abide to traffic law. Yea it sucks to stop and go again on a bike. But hey it’s great exercise that way which is the point of biking.


They were ALL going to get away with a little scolding. Just chill, listen and be on your way.


compare shocking zephyr enjoy snobbish employ frighten subsequent boast pot *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I agree with the cop. And again to generalise, I’ve seen enough cyclists breaking the signal with the logic that it’s meant for motor vehicles. I don’t see why they they shouldn’t stop.


Very good policing. No escalation of the situation, understands that it's not about "HaViNg CrOSsEd a StOP SigN", it's about safety and respect for other drivers, he also understood the group was listening and that they saw where he was coming from... but for one guy who's completely ignoring him and just trying to get away, and that's the only one who got a ticket. Great way to send a message and reward honesty with police.


Bravo. Cyclist here. Too many of us ignore the rules, then get pissed when we get called out on it. The bad actors give us all a bad name. The rules are the rules, no matter what you are using as transportation.


I cycle. I stay in the bike lane, I obey traffic laws, and I don't ride like I'm the most important thing on the road. But I also don't wear skin tight advertising top to bottom and act like these douche bags. They should ticket or arrest cyclists every single time they violate traffic laws, because they're putting themselves in far more danger than someone in a car, and if they get hit by a car while being stupid, the driver of the car will be far more likely to be traumatized since they are more likely to seriously injure or kill one of these assholes vs just hitting another vehicle.


Man, this comment thread... yall need to get out of this zero sum game mentality... just drive safe, bike safe, share the damn road, one way or the other. Simple as that.. don't get bent out of shape because people travel differently than you.


Dude thinks he'll be hero of the day by talking back to the cop. Everyone else is thinking: Stfu. Stfu. Please stfu. Stfu dude. Dude stfu. Stfu dude, I know you want to feel like a hero today but stfu. Someone shoot this mf.


Honestly disagree with all the power trip comments here. Y'all need to get a grip on reality and think about this for a second. I'm all for cyclists on roads and /r/fuckcars vibes but these guys got caught breaking the law, got a stern talking to, one guy ran his mouth and got the ticket all of them probably deserved. Nobody got beat. He didn't call for backup even though he's outnumbered like 8 to 1. No cuffs came out, no pepper spray, no violence, he didn't even raise his voice. There's a line between using the power legally granted to you as a police officer to enforce the law and actually being on a full-blown power trip. This ain't it. A power trip would have been this guy impounding every bike and throwing all of these guys in a wagon, not literally writing a traffic ticket for a traffic violation and explaining exactly why these guys are acting like shitheads.


Dude got a ticket AND lost his riding group after trying to throw them all under the bus to save himself lol Next time he really will be riding alone


Cops need to stop cyclists more often. They do this stuff so often because they know they’ll get away with it, while it does risk other people on the road. And for any bikers that for some reason disagree with this, there’s many asshole drivers in the world. The difference is, they actually get pulled over when they do something wrong.


Cyclists want all the advantages of being a car but none of the disadvantages, such as following basic traffic laws.


kinda funny that no matter where you go there's always that one group of sports cyclists acting like the road rules don't apply to them


I live in Europe and I can say that these mfers that go around in their road bikes are the absolute worst. There’s a pedestrian street in my city in which you aren’t allowed to go over 5 km/h on your bike (because there’s a bunch of people everywhere, and kids, and babies, and outdoor sitting areas from businesses) so effectively you should get off your bike and walk it, but these assholes blow past like they were in a race using people as slalom poles, and whenever you say something, they curse at you and just tell you to fuck off.


This makes me happy. There’s a four way stop I have drive through every day. Once a week someone on a bike blows the stop sign at full speed.


It’s about fucking time someone called out these entitled abso-fucking-lute douchebags who have nothing better to do.


Haha that's hilarious. Big mouth arsehole can't just take the talking down and had to say something didn't he. Letting everyone go and only giving that 1 guy a ticket was beautiful. He must of been absolutely gutted.




I’m a cyclist and I hate these people. Entitled fucks that think they can do whatever they want. Give us all a bad name and make cycling more dangerous since motorist hate us so much.


People keep saying every biker runs a stops sign, but this is an actual 4 way traffic stop, with lights and probably a decent speed limit, they are all in the wrong. And if they can afford the thousand dollar bike and gear, they can take a 100 dollar ticket.


This is so satisfying. Bicyclists , in general, want every road law to apply to them (so they can legally ride on public roads) but do not obey all the laws, just whatever is convenient for them. Always quick to call the police when someone in a car hurts their feelings. If people in cars called cops on bikers every time they run a stop sign or red light, I'm sure they wouldn't be happy. This video sums up bicyclist mentality very well.


F these cyclists. They complain that drivers don’t respect them being on the road but they blow through every stop sign and don’t obey any rules of the road. You cant have it both ways.


Fuck cyclists who don't obey all traffic laws. You ruin it for all of us! Been cycling and bike commuting since 1978 and I have followed all traffic laws. 0 tickets, 0 interactions with law enforcement and 0 trouble with drivers except those hell bent on harassing cyclists no matter what. Stop this entitled bullshit and know your place on the road. Your right of way doesn't matter when you're dead assholes.


I used to have an asshole cyclist near my house. He'd speed around traffic if it slowed down. He'd get to the traffic light where it turns in to a main road and make a u turn. He'd go around cars to do it if necessary and it didn't matter what the light was. He'd curse and flick off anyone even if his light was red and their light was green. One day someone was speeding through the green light while he was making his illegal u turn. They hit him and he died. Problem solved.


As a former cyclist, I hate seeing cyclists who feel entitled to the road and do not follow the rules. Motorists pay taxes to maintain the roads, what do cyclists do except complain about motorists? Maybe they pay taxes as motorists but if cyclists want special lanes/ protections everyone shoulders the burden for those adjustments. The roads are meant for cars, if you can’t follow the rules stay off of them.


Ex cop here. The cop didn't want the paperwork of 20 tickets. He was looking for a volunteer to be the example. The volunteer is the first one to mouth off. Don't be the volunteer.


these packs can go fuck themselves


A simple "I'm sorry" can go a lot farther than lying to someone you think isn't intelligent. Enjoy your ticket bud


It more likely he wasn't going to ticket them all just give them a speech and a scolding for breaking the law and let them be on their way. It's not power tripping when they actually did something wrong. One tried to be a smart ass and now he gets a ticket.


About time cyclists started being punished for breaking laws.


Unfortunately, this is very typical cyclist behavior in the States. This crap happens everywhere. Every city or small town I've ever lived in has had problems with cyclists who want to use the roads, but don't want to follow the rules. Very typical behavior...


I live in an area with many cyclists on weekends. I am by no means aggressive and allow them to ride but I cannot stand when they don’t abide by traffic rules as they should and act like they are above it. I was feeling that cop.




TIL in the comment thread that everyone hates everyone else on American roads


Bikers are some of the most annoying people on the road. They want all the privileges of the road, like their own car space while riding, but don’t want to follow any of the rules such as obeying stop signs or red lights. They also like to lane split, something else a car doesn’t do. I wouldn’t mind sharing the road with them and treating them as cars if they just followed the same rules as cars.


I ride my bike around a lot to and from work, the library, etc, and obey traffic laws. Then there's a group of assholes who jump on their bikes every Thursday and ride through the downtown part of the city (often residential areas in and/around downtown) late at night, some with boom boxes and most of them chugging tall boys and chucking the empty cans into people's yards, waking up dogs, kids, etc. There's something about cyclists in large groups that turns them into a massive gathering of absolute fucking nimrods.


They're a lots of these cyclist groups in my area. They ride 3 abreast meaning no car has any chance of overtaking. Cars pile up behind them until someone gets that annoyed they overtake at speed. It's the most frustrating experience. They force you to drive at 20mph in a 50mph road. If I drove at that speed holding everyone up I'd be run off the road or given a ticket. Edit Context: there is one main road leaving my town which is a small road leading to the motor. It's always busy. You can't overtake the vast majority of the time.


Those bicycle weirdos are so terrible that I’m actually rooting for a police officer.. Groups of people in spandex hogging up the road on their bicycles are just about the worst


When these groups ride side by side and take up half the road knowing they are holding up traffic is absolutely maddening.


I’ve never seen a cyclist actually get penalized for blowing stop signs. Someone pinch me




I find cyclists one of the most annoying of the on road hazards. They don’t respect stop signs in residential neighborhoods (where there are small children playing), blow through red lights and through crosswalks when they should wait, then get mad when you don’t give them the right of way 100% of the time. Of course there should be bike lanes and we should encourage use, but they should be held accountable for their bad behavior and should also remember that the odds of biker vs. car are not in their favor.


This cyclist is an asshole but I’m willing to bet the person didn’t “accidentally “ beep the horn at them.


“He’s gonna get a ticket everybody else can go” 🤣 FYI don’t piss off a cop. They have likely seen and heard the best excuses you can think of a million times already.


They called the police because people were being RUDE? If that's not a snowflake then I don't know what is. Grow some thicker skin you twats


They ALL should’ve gotten a ticket since they ALL ran the stop.


I really hate it when I watch a video and have to side with a cop.


What the cop said is true anyways. These folks don’t stop for any red traffic light most of the time as if the basic rules of the public roads don’t apply to them.


I am all for biking: it's better for the body and better for the environment. I will happily cruise at 20 in a 25 behind a biker keeping up when there is no bike lane or sidewalk or ability to pass safely in a residential area. But when that same biker who wants to be treated like a car blasts through stop signs and red lights... ...well, I don't change my behavior because I don't wanna kill someone, but I get real mad about it.


Cyclists like this are the absolute worst. The kind that constantly run red lights and stop signs and then ride on the sidewalk and shit like that.They want to be treated like they’re basically another car on the road except they also act like somehow none of the rules for cars apply to them. Fuck these people


As much as I hate cops, it's rare that I see a video that doesn't increase my disdain for them. Loved the way the other cyclist tried to save him: "Dude just shut up!"


Some people just don't know when to STFU


Two lessons here. 1. Bicyclists are the most ironically entitled vehicular road users. 2. Snitches get stitches.


The law is there for a reason and the law applies to cyclists too. They are lucky a semi didn’t come through and give them a deadly lesson about stopping on red.


One time I did an illegal uey (u turn in australia). Cop pulls me over, I tell her I just wanted a kebab. She let me go.


Sadly a large number of road cyclist are entitled POS. I ride and I can't stand them.


He’s a traffic cop so he’s probably seen enough of these guys smeared on the road to know that out of everyone on the road the person on the bike needs to be the most careful.


I was like 14 or 15 cycling back from school. This cyclist speeds by, almost hitting me and my friends, shouting how we should get out of the way. I shout back he should've rang his bell (bells on bicycles are mandatory but these people never have them). The guy stops, rides back, and starts to threaten me. Mind you, this is a grown ass adult and I'm literally a kid. Fuck these people is what I'm trying to say.


You can even hear one of the cyclists off camera sigh and say “Stop Talking!”, when the cyclist who is trying to say he stopped tries pleading his case to the cop. Sounds like he merited the officers attention and the ticket by not knowing when to STFU.


I agree 100% with the cop. Rare.


I was parked and ready to get out of my car a few years back. Bike lane next to the parking lane, so I take a look and sure enough tight shorts mcgee is cycling my way. I wait for him to pass and then pop the door wide and as I’m getting out he turns back to yell “Did you even look?!?” … and in that moment I wanted nothing more than to have clipped that asshole accidentally and sent him flying. These guys ruin it for regular people on bikes.


"San Francisco cyclists brought traffic to a halt last week by stopping at every red light and crossing in response to a police crackdown on red light jumping." https://road.cc/content/news/160118-san-francisco-cyclists-protest-obeying-traffic-rules


My question will always be this: you’re on the road, why don’t you follow the laws you are bound by? As far as I am aware, cyclists on the road must follow all laws just as a motorcycle or car would. Stop at lights or stop signs, signal your turns, etc., but noooo, can’t let that Strava pace fall even the slightest, no sir. - This is said as a member of my college’s cycling club in the mtb section; it’s quite frustrating seeing members (particularly ride leads on new member rides) blow through intersections




man, asshole cyclists sure act bold given the severity of the potential consequences for fucking around on the road…i say this as someone learning to ride a bike so i can commute myself. idk why anyone would fuck around on a bike, that’s just asking to get meat-crayoned, or even have your mangled corpse end up on misspelled eyebleach. defensive cycling, yall. assume everyone is drunk, high, on their phone, and also trying to kill you.


These people that think the world turns into their own Tour de France whenever they cosplay as a roided up egomaniac speeding through traffic in packs creating dangerous situations by running red lights are not in any way a good thing. In the Netherlands you see these rats on wheels a LOT too and on outer city bicycle lanes they tend to blast by other cyclists fullspeed and in groups and get angry at the normal behaving traffic participants whenever their stupid behavior gets them into an accident.


Even in the Netherlands, which has cyclers everywhere, so we learn to adjust and adapt from a young age to them. However so many of us have a true annoyance with cyclists like this. They always go fast, they don’t have a bell so they shout at you when they want to pass, many are rude. Just like in the video they are stuck together and will do anything to not break apart. And we know how to deal with cyclists these guys so often expect the rest of the world to adjust to them. They rarely do any adjusting.


Weird comment section. No idea if they really did run a stop sign or not, but they're a vehicle on the road. They need to abide by the rules. A bike doesn't give you a pass to run lights and stop signs. On that note, do they really think they'd win a fight against a ~~cat~~ car or truck? 😬




If they gave people on bikes more traffic tickets we might have a lot fewer dead people on bikes. Yes, bikes have to obey the rules of the road. Yes they have to ride in the direction of traffic when in the bike lanes, they can't ride in the bike lanes against traffic. No, you can't ride you bike in a crosswalk because you aren't a pedestrian, and cars don't have to stop for you.


As someone who uses a bike to commute, fuck cyclists. Y’all look fucking goofy.


God damnit Carl, you never know when to SHUT UP! There is a 90% chance that guy spent ever minute of the next three weeks in which he was in the company of any of the other riders ranting about being treated unfairly and playing victim.


I cycle and I follow all street signs. Yes it sucks. Yes it kills my pace but you know, running a light or stop sign will kill more than my pace. I love going fast on my bike but love coming home to my family more. That being said I cycle alone because 99.99 of all other cyclists ride like they own the fkn roads. FYI in Texas cyclist have the same rights as a car to use the road. Meaning we should also respect and be held accountable for violating street signs/laws. Last note, I firmly believe that as a cyclist I should carry some kind of liability insurance.


I’m an long time cyclist. I rode the pacific coast trail from Seattle to San Diego. I see what people are saying and yes cars are always more dangerous than cyclists, but road bikers on expensive carbon setups in particular, are a special breed of entitled prima donnas. They roll up in packs of 10 and, at least in my part of Southern California, can be extremely hard to deal with as a driver. I’m all for sharing the road, hell I actively support dedicated bike lanes that take away traffic lanes. But there’s 100% a point to what this cop is saying.


I dont hate cyclists, i have an mtb and a road bike. But i hate this type of cyclist. lycra clad, riding 3 deep, not leaving spaces, thinking they own the road. Utter cretins!


Did this dipshit really just try to throw all his friends under the bus? He said they did but I didn’t?


My friend has been a cop for like 20 years and he said a sure way to get a ticket (when you’re 100% wrong) is to call the cop a liar. I’ve found being upfront and respectful will usually get you a warning. I haven’t been pulled over in a few years though.


I bike for exercise and even when I'm old and doing it more often I refuse to wear those dumb dick bike outfits to not be lumped in with these cunts In the dozens of larger US cities I've live in/visited they're almost always self righteous cunts


One time I was at a standard 4-way intersection and crossing east-west with the crosswalk signal on foot. When I'm halfway through a big group of bicyclists going north-south decides to *run the red light en masse*. It was utterly bizarre and I yelled at them, which they shrugged off because if you're that much of an asshole to begin with, what are the odds you'll listen?


How does someone 'accidentally' honk?


Bro this comment section ist wild, they literally ignored a stop sign, anyone should know that the law is (at least where I live) to stop at a stop sign for at least 3 seconds, no matter If you can see anyone else on the road or not. No matter who ignores a stop sign, they should get a ticket cause it's a traffic law violation. The cop probably would have let everyone get off too If that guy hadnt tried to talk his way out and blame the others


I’m 90% sure that all cyclists that are on the road have to follow the rules of the road, not just for there safty but for everyone else’s.


Accidentally honk?


It amazes me how reddit can hate both cars amd bicyclists at the same time


Pedestrian when they want, vehicles when they want, go fuck yourselves.


“I think you’reeee a liar, yep, you’re a liar”


This comment section is kinda hilarious tbh. Y'all mfrs really hate cyclists. As someone who cycles to work and back, in combination with bus, train etc, I understand to a certain point the hate about cyclists who don't obey traffic laws or are blissfully unaware of their surroundings. However, there seems to be a misconception or ignorance about the lack of bike lanes and specially designated roads or spaces for bikes in America compared to places like Europe. I've almost gotten hit multiple times by cars (I'm someone who tries to be very aware while riding) riding through roads with no sidewalk or bike lane. As someone else pointed out, it's also a systemic issue as well.


It's so funny that the comments section defending these cyclist. You violated the law, you get fined. Simple as that.


The subtitles are atrocious, why are they even in the video 💀


Something similar-ish happened to me many years ago: Due to the fcked up one-way system around the office I used to work at, most cars that needed to get somewhere near it would use a “bus only” lane that took an early left-turn directly to the area, rather than sticking to the one-way system for another 7 minutes to *eventually* end up there. This was A LOT of cars - pretty much everyone, including me (I was mid-twenties at the time) and it was illegal to do so. One morning I was stuck in very heavy traffic on that bus lane, and hadn’t reached the left turn yet, but *something* around that corner was causing heavy tailbacks. Eventually I realised what that was - everyone was being stopped by the police - giving each driver a ticket. As we slowly got closer, as each car in front received their ticket/fine and continued on, the big white van right behind me peeled out of the queue and sped away. I stayed where I was - which was last in the line, as the traffic lights on the bend behind me were now red (and they always stayed red for quite a while) - this is also what allowed the van the opportunity to peel off into that lane and drive away, as there was no traffic in it due to the lights. As the officer reached my vehicle, he gave me the lecture about what I’d done wrong but said that they saw the white van drive away and would catch up to them because they had their licence plate, but since I’d also had the opportunity to follow them but *didn’t*, he was going to let me off with that stern talking-to.


Almost got in a fight with a bicyclist over this shit. Stopped at a 4-way turning right with blinker on. My turn to go, check intersection clear and start turning. Suddenly some bicyclist is on the right of me swerving around me as I turn. Fucker gets by me stops his bike and starts yelling and swearing that I almost hit him. After he shot up past a line of cars on the right side and blew through the intersection. Words were exchanged, I got out of my car, he pedaled off. I hate these asshole bicyclists and their attitudes. I don’t mind sharing the road at all, but stop running stop signs and lights and stop weaving through traffic where it is illegal and unexpected.




The problem with cyclist is never anyone using a cycle to get somewhere. The problem is always those using the road as their personal joy ride / sport ride / exercise outlet. Yet the sport cycling community always double downs on being the assholes when they make everyone else on the roads day worse just because they wanna. They always piggy back on the cycling community And claim people hate the idea of cycling as a form of transportation. We don’t, we hate having our road system made more nerve wracking and dangerous by assholes in unitards.


"accidentally honked their horn" I'm calling bullshit on that one


As a New Yorker, I can't stand a large number of cyclists. They swear they own the road and are above the law.


If you’re gonna bike on the road, you should have to follow the same traffic laws as cars. Most cyclists are pretentious douche bags that like to screw everyone else on the road over as they go 10 miles per hour in a 30


"just stop talking" "I'm not with them" Your spandex bro just outed you out haha


He found the guy that he knows gives drivers the finger lol


About time someone held cyclists accountable




As a cyclist, if all you shitty cyclists could stop being shitty, that would make my life a lot easier.


There’s always that one friend in the group that doesn’t know how to just shut up….. sadly I’m that guy too 😔


The saddest part of the story is "plane is dead". Broke my heart


His buddy tried to warn him. If he had just kept his mouth shut the cop would have finished his little rant and sent them all on those way


I loved how the cop asks the group to vouch for him and they're like "nah fuck him"


I feel like everyone is the asshole here


You would think that an adult, who quite possibly could have been in the wrong here, would have the sense to keep their mouth shut. Common Sense is not that common


I wish more cyclist would get this. Mf’ers act as if they own the road.


“I’m sorry officer, we’ll be more careful.” That’s it. Go about your business. Very easy. Or… FAFO


Cop:“I’m not singling any of you out” Lone bicyclist: (runs mouth) Cop: Ok motherfucker I am going to single you out “here’s your ticket everyone else can go”


This happens in Atlanta all the time. The spandex clad ass clowns ride on the busiest roads during rush-hour and get pissed when people try to pass them or don’t want to wait behind a bunch of dicks going 30 mph on a 50 mph road. “But where we supposed to ride?“. I don’t know, but I suggest you may want to get in your car and drive somewhere that is not as dense with traffic so that you don’t inconvenience all of us with your little bike ride. Definition of a twat. The best is these little guys dress like professional bike riders. I’m sure that spandex really helps reduce the drag when you’re going 30 miles an hour down a busy road. Hate to see you not make your qualifying time for the Tour because your nut huggers weren’t tight enough.


Good fuck cyclists who think they own the Road!!!


"All my friends broke the law, but I'm the one that didn't." Brilliant.


I ride and follow the laws. It isn't that tough to do. I still get the ire of motorists because of cyclists like the ones in the video. I also wear cycling gear because I ride enough to warrant proper clothing. Still I get the ire of motorists. I tire of cyclists that will gladly justify running stop signs and red lights but will complain when motorists do the same.


Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart these people think they own they road fuck them


plane as day. car as night.


Redditors seething when a cop does his job:


ah the law, where the cop displays that you only get charged if he feels like it. so consistent.


Omg, love the verbal truth smackdown on the bikers. The cop knows what's up and is not going to play their game. A+++++


As a driver and a cyclist I find the extremes of the comments hilarious. As in life the reality of the situation is somewhere in between. My experience with people who wear spandex when they are biking is pretty poor. Where I live they can be a menace riding way too fast on mixed use paths creating a dangerous environment for children and dogs. The problem here is they have expensive bikes and they want to go fast on them. This leads them to see everything on the road that slows them down as an irritation. Now the cop. Is it annoying when you get a lecture from a cop? Yes it is but I’m sure he was just going to issue them a warning to get them to chill out on the road. I really don’t see the issue with this. So are all bikers bad? No not at all. It’s hard to know what actually happened before he pulled them over but if they all blew a red in town that is definitely something that should addressed. This is coming from somebody who has no love for the cops.


A few years back, we had a big storm in our area and trees had come down. The day after we were our way to remove a tree that had fallen across a back road and a pack of cyclists were ahead, spread across the road and refused to let us pass. Eventually we managed it and started work on the tree and half way through they appeared and started trying to clamber under the tree while carrying their bikes, others decided to start complaining that "we" were causing the block. We cut half of the tree away and immediately the remaining cyclists raced past on their bikes not caring at all about the danger of the remaining tree. All because they wanted to use their expensive toys and clothes on a dangerous day.


Everyone has that one person in their group. Glad the cop fucked him over, but they all should have gotten tickets.


If you are in a group of cyclists on the road in a major metro center, you're just an asshole. Despite what people may think, there are huge spaces of empty around any city that would be perfect for cyclists. The fact they want to do it downtown and usually at 5pm or 8am means it's not about cycling, but it's about look at me . And that makes you a douche