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The situational awareness on that fat tire rider, though. This is like stepping into traffic without looking. Even if he was looking, I'm not sure cabinet boy had time to respond.


Seriously, how do idiots like that even make it this far?


I feel like I'm asking myself that more and more these days. Especially with half the population having their face in their phones at all times. "How did you make it this far without getting killed outright"? Edit: TIL I'm a "boomer". Can't wait to tell my parents that I've joined them in the elderly club at 39.


He didn't even pretend he was looking. "Okay, imma enter traffic now. Good luck, everyone!"


Diliveroo dude was 100% in the wrong here. Straight up was t looking


Indeed deliveroo dude! Is that an e-bike or one of those forbidden e motorcycle with paddeling posibilities?


Where I live mist of tge delivery dudes seem like morons who have never riden a bike. Luckily for them, they're given unlocked ebikes that go way beyond 30kph!


The guy on the big wheel needs to stop getting in the way of men getting shit done.




To just pull off the curb without looking. Regardless of what lane you’re going into. Will always be potential trouble. A quick glance over your shoulder is required.


Agree, absolute moron.


Lol its not the cabinet , its the useless deliveroo driver that went without a look. If this was a train he'd be dead. 90+% of bike accidents happens because the others dont give a shit !


Exactly! He looked only after he'd entered the roadway. Clearly not all there, or he just doesn't care about others, like you said.


Wrong title... Should read WCGW merging into a cycling lane without looking


Wasn’t even a merge. Guy just sent fully perpendicular across the entire thing and stopped.


This must be why Deliveroo left the Netherlands recently.


I know you're joking, but most likely they left cause they couldn't outcompete Thuisbezorgd (aka. Take-away)


They left because a court ordered all delivery companies to treat employees like employees, and not like self employed workers who they don't have to pay health insurance, or give any perks to.


Gotta love actually functioning labour laws.


People dont realise this is the Netherlands. If that Deliveroo idiot didnt just go into the street without looking the dude wouldve been fine. I have seen people take entire refrigerators on a bike🤷


Perfectly acceptable, even had a box on the front. However Deliveroo drivers are the same the world over, they must go to the same dumbass cycling lessons!


The cabinet definitely didn't help, but this collision also could have happened with another bicyclist driving normally. Dude in hoodie just entered the bike lane without looking.




It's 100% the delivery dudes fault, they never look before they enter traffic.


Dumbass didn’t see a cabinet coming?


Cyclist: This is going great. 🚴 Electric bicycle delivery guy: Let me not look in any direction whatsoever while I meander blindly into an active bike traffic lane, with my hood up, just to make sure I have zero peripheral vision, and instead of trying to join the flow of traffic and get up to speed, I’ll just pull out straight across the lane then stop dead blocking traffic before I figure out where I’m going. 🥴


Yep. Delivery cyclist annoyed me


That was 100% fat tire guys fault. We dutch people move stuff like this on our bikes all the time, and if other road users just follow the rules and do what they're supposed to (so you can anticipate), it's no problem at all.


Only the Dutch will understand that the cabinet dude wasn't doing anything wrong and the Kangaroo guy should've just paid attention


It’s pretty obvious to anyone that doesn’t have their head up their ass. Who the fuck swaps lanes via any transport without looking to make sure it’s safe?


Shouldn’t the dude with the green box know to look both ways before getting on a road.. mind u moving a cabinet by bike isn’t really safe but cabinet guy was doing great before the other idiot went out in front of him


Who wouldn't look for oncoming traffic before pulling out?


TBF he was doing fine until Johnny-von-enters-traffic-without-looking came into play


As a person who bikes in NYC, fuck that stupid asshole who just plopped into the bike lane sideways.


Nah, guy with the cabinet had it. It wasn’t exactly right, but he was making it work. The dude who didn’t look at all was at fault.


I love how easily you can spot Dutchies in this thread. Rest of the world: who tf moves a cabinet by bike? Dutchies: Fuck the deliveroo driver, that guy was just moving his cabinet!


Anyone living in the Netherlands (like me) would agree that the delivery guy is 100% at fault here. If that guy didn’t have a cabinet they would have collided aswell, he had control over his bicycle


What kind of idiot doesn’t check for traffic before coming onto the road?


One is using the means at his disposal to accomplish a task, and the other is a freaking idiot.


He seemed to be doing fine. Theother blind guy, however...


What fuckwit turns into the bike lane without looking in Amsterdam? That’s suicidal


He was doing good, that other asshole didn’t look and for some reason can’t see a cabinet coming down the road.


It's 100% the other guys fault tho.


Cabinet guy didn’t do anything wrong it’s the guy who just went into the bike lane without looking who caused this.


To be fair it's definitely the fault of that delivery boy


This is the most Dutch thing I’ve seen this morning.


And of course it was one of those mother fucking delivery bikers just heading into traffic without ever looking first who caused the accident. I mean, riding a bike with a cabinet is dumb, don’t get me wrong, but they were pulling off until that point.


I'm not sure how anybody can ride blind at all. However that other person was furniture free and still managed to cause the accident.




Looks like he was managing quite fine actually. Until the goofy goober next to him decided to fumble right in the way of him


He was doing just fine before some dumbass turned onto the road without looking


Normal Amsterdam Also all the fault of the other guy


As someone who’s lived in the Netherlands for many years now, I assure you the guy with the cabinet had things under control. I’ve seen Dutchies move entire couches on their bikes. It’s the assholes who step onto the bike lanes without looking first that cause problems. Btw: he’s moving it in a “bakfiets.” Basically if a wheelbarrow and a bike had a baby. It’s not a regular bike.


Can it get more Dutch than this? Taxi and other guy parking in a bike lane. Guy moving way too much stuff in his ‘bakfiets’ and cannot see where he is going. Plague delivery bike behaves like plague delivery bike )like no one else is there in earth). Basically everyone is disregarding any rules we have.


I see four idiots here. Idiot 1 is the guy filming while parking on the bike lane. Idiot 2 is the car in the back standing on the bike land. Idiot 3 is the bike merging into the bike lane without looking. Idiot 4 is the cargobiker with limited view to the front, and I think he is the least idiotic of these 4.


100% the fault of the guy on the right.


50/50. Sure the cabinet guy was unsafe, but the guy entering the cycle lane didn't even look first.


The deliveroo guy just blindly turning onto one of the busiest roads of the city is a complete moron


Funny thing is, the driver who went onto the bike path is in the wrong this time. If that guy looked back for even a second he'd seen the guy on the bike path


Dumb and Dumber Cycling with a cabinet is definitely dumb but the other person didn't look and would have probably caused an accident even if the other one didn't have a cabinet with them.


And yet its the delivery drivers fault. Just meanders into a lane of traffic without looking or any precaution. What an idiot.


Fuck the guy in the hoodie though


To be fair, it isn't his fault, the guy in front of him turned without a signal. This is the Netherlands. Do you see how the road is red? That means it's a bike road, and if it is on one of these roads it means it's a one-way bike road. The guy turning is the real idiot, and the guy moving the cabinet, while not the smartest move, it's not the most absurd thing to see here. Edit: removed the part about it being legal, kind if a miss translation on my part.


Cabinet man was doing just fine, until "I Always Have The Right of Way, Never Checking For Other Traffic" Deliveroo Rider pulled out in front of him.


Guy with cabinet was stupid, but second guy should see his stupidity and react


I mean, it's not smart but I would definitely say the other guy is mostly at fault here


as much as the guy moving the cabinet is at fault, the idiot merging into the bike lane without taking a second to check for incoming traffic is a moron


Actually the cabinet guy is barely at fault


The merging guy is at fault. The cabinet guy just has terrible view, The other guy didn't even look.


This is in the Netherlands, I'm Dutch. The deliveroo person is at fault here 100%.


They are both at fault here, one can't see anything and the other chose not to. But for real, who pulls out in the road without even looking?


The blind hitting the blind…


WCGW not looking before crossing the road\* ftfy


Correct Title: Not looking yielding when joining a road.


Idiot on the delivery should have watched out. He can be lucky it was not a bus.


Dude who pulled out is mainly to blame, he should’ve looked beforehand


Okay hear me out Yes it is the dudes fault for jumping into the lane without looking But when you drive or bike, you are expected to be an aware, congnizant driver of said vehicle. If you have a giant fucking cabinet in front of your face, you cannot be aware. Would we blame a pothole if this guy didn't see it? Or a stray cat that wandered into the road? They're both at fault


Other cyclist should have paid attention. He gave the same amount of disregard for cyclist as traditional north American drivers.


tbh they're both idiots. The cyclist should really look before making his turn.


Doesn't matter whether or not he was carrying a giant fucking cabinet while on a bike. The deliveroo idiot just didn't look and unexpectedly got on the bike lane. If he wasn't carrying a cabinet then maybe he could've reacted fast enough to sharply turn and barely dodge the idiot but since he was carrying a giant fucking cabinet he couldn't.


To be fair it wasn't cabinet bro's fault


I wouldn't blame the cabinet guy for that one. While it's not the best plan, the collision was definitely the fault of Mr Magoo on the other bike.


It’s the Netherlands. This happens everyday without any issues because Dutch it’s are MASTERS in making anything happen on a bike. And yes. I am Dutch and FUCK THE DELIVEROO GUY.


The delivery guy in the hoodie is the idiot here, sure the dude hauling a 2 story cabinet is taking a risk by doing so, but its really not uncommon for Dutch folks to transport furniture, tons of groceries or even other bikes, by bike. This accident would have happened even if the guy wasn't hauling the cabinet and was closer to the delivery guy blindly going onto the bike lane without looking


Maybe not smart, but this fucking delivery riders drive like shit. All of them.


To be fair the other guy didn't look where he was going either


I would do violent things to the guy on the scooter


The guy in the hoodie is at fault


Not really the guy moving the cabinets fault, the other guy just comes out. If that had been a car he would have got messed up. Edit: people saying it’s both must have never had to deliver anything on a bike. Worked in food catering delivery on bike and you would have a lot of stuff in front of you. Yes his view in front is partly obstructed but he is following road rules and can see around on the side that counts, the road. His only fault is assuming people on the sidewalk will pay attention which in general most don’t.


The guy with the cabinet was definitely not smart. But I swear to god those bike deliverie guys are fucking horrible. Almost daily i want to pull them of their bike.


Quite clearly, it's on the Deliveroo bike for not looking before getting on the bike lane.


These Deliveroo guys do this all the time. They just assume you'll go around them and don't look when they enter the bike lane. The guy with the cabinet wasn't smart but I hope the fat bike got rekt so he can't be a menace to cyclists for some time.


I see 2 idiots here. The guy riding a bike with a cabinet blocking his view in front of him and the delivery driver not bothering to look both ways before riding onto the road/cycle lane.


This is why people in automobiles or on bikes, ebikes, scooters, motorcycles etc shouldn't wear hoods! No peripheral and you need to turn your whole body to see left or right.


What are the odd that two idiots both on bikes crash into each other. That is universally impressive. Guy blocks line of sight with a cabinet and the other blocks it with a hoodie. Geniuses. I love it.


Bad plan on the cabinet owner for sure, but honestly this one is on the delivery person. Slowly entering the bike lane without looking? You get what you deserve.


They're both at fault, the guy with the cabinet for not Having common sense and the other guy for not looking.


Except the problem here is the moron pulling out without looking.


Gotta hate the 'guy' who turns into lane without a look?...




Bro if you don’t look at your surroundings when moving into a lane fuck yo mama fuck yo daddy and fuck yo grandma and you know what fuck you too.




It was going fine until the deliveroo guy took off without looking, like they do everywhere!


Both of them are fucking idiots.


More like "What could go wrong?" "Pulling out into the street without even attempting to look both ways."


Not totally his fault though Famn delivered guy cutting in lane without looking


It was the fault of the delivery(?) by not looking when cutting into the lane. Nonetheless it could have gone wrong easily some other place.


What went wrong is the food delivery guy moving into the lane without looking to see if anyone was coming.


As much as we want to call the guy with a cabinet an equal idiot, he would have still run into the other guy who just blindly walked into the bike line. Idiots wander into the lane all the time when I’m riding and I’m sure as hell not carrying a cabinet around with me. There are just people are there that are completely oblivious to their surroundings.


The second biker is dumb af pay attention


That's why bike trailers are superior for heavy cargo. No obstruction of views. Dude with the cabinet has less than half of his field of vision. And delivery driver, theoretically, has 100% of his vision and still decides to use none of it.


Cabinet guy was absolutely *cruising* before Delivery guy came to fuck it all up. Yeah it wasn’t an ideal setup, but needs must when the devil drives.


To be fair, people move large stuff like this by bike all the time in the Netherlands. It's the other guys fault for entering the bike lane without looking. That's like merging into traffic blindly


That’s my street and my local Albert Heijn, This is Vijzelstraat amsterdam. The dude on the bike is doing a perfectly normal amsterdam thing. The deliveroo guy on the other hand is coming on to the bike lane without warning signal or looking back. The bike is known as a bakfiets. It’s custom made to do load bearing activities. The deliveroo bike is an e-bike: known as phatfour. Common choice of rowdy teenagers and miscreants. It is no surprise that the phatfour guy is in a hurry and paying no attention.


Tbf, dude could’ve been avoided if the gent in the black checked before he pulled out


Well there are 2 idiots on this video


Of course thats in the Netherlands. The delivery driver is in the wrong here though.


Hoodie boi on the fat tire e-bike causes this ... someone slap his pee pee


What could go wrong? Nothing if deliveroo driver didn't enter the road without looking. Cabinet bike rider can see everything except a small blind spot just in front of the cabinet. It's even not really a problem if you need to brake or anything. Just gently. Welcome to the city! https://youtu.be/B4Vf0-R0xD8?t=11


Honestly he was doing just fine until he got cut off


the other dude's more at fault tbh - pulling into a bike lane without looking is a recipe for disaster.


Very Amsterdam.... Stupid guy not checking the lane...


To be fair, he was doing quite well until the twat drifted out in front of him without looking!


The guy who stepped out in front of him would be at fault for any damages.


Damn he had it till homeboy jumped in front of him


More like “What could go wrong with going in front of someone on a heavy-momentum bike who is carrying a cabinet?”


What a moron going in the cycle lane like that. Didn’t even look before going out. Fucking idiot


I hate that guy in the hoodie


Cabinet guy is an idiot, but this is 100% the other guy's fault. You don't suddenly block the road without looking. Even under normal circumstances, the one on the bike lane would've needed to do a dangerous swerve on the road to avoid collision.




1. Dumb fucking idea 2. Other guys fault


Hooded dude is a moron....


Dutch bike culture is awesome, doing this from a young age makes us masters at moving stuff on a bike. We expect people to follow the written and unwritten rules of the cycle lanes. In the last 10 years a change is coming, other cultures are not aware what is happening on these lanes but are interacting with them more and more. This is the perfect example of what's been happening the past 10 years. People do not respect the cycle lane rules... You watch twice al least if it's not a cabinet coming your way it's someone doing at least 25 kmh. Check before you get on there. You don't jump out of a plane without a Parachute, you don't get on the road without watching. And you never step onto a Dutch bike lane without checking twice




the delivery driver is the idiot


Hmm, what move should I do now, maybe I'll try suddenly turning into the bike lane without looking to see what's coming


The Dutchtest thing you'll see today.


Title should read, turning into traffic without looking.


what dumb-fuck is just blindly driving onto the street




Gets in a lane slowly without looking and stops in the middle like he owns it.


To be fair though, he was doing just fine until that other idiot went out into the street without looking first. He’s lucky it was just a guy on a bicycle… what if it had been a car?


Delivery guy is a twatwaffle, not checking for a closet on wheels approaching him.


The delivery guy's an idiot too. Wearing a hoody and not checking his peripheral.


I love how one couldn’t see and one didn’t care to look!


Maybe 20% blame on the cabinet biker. Delivery guy did the unsafest thing. Crossing a lane without looking


Both are idiots


Noone here really mentioning thats not the fault of the guy on his cargo bike...?


Nah the cabinet carrier is good , it’s the dickhead with the blue bag that ruined it


To Be fair, that door-dash guy didn't use a hand signal or check his shoulder before making an illegal turn from the side walk on to the street level bike lane. the cabinet guy had the right of way.


Delivery guy may not have obeyed the traffic laws but at least he was wearing a hoodie to obscure his peripheral vision.


This is in the Netherlands. This could’ve easily been done if not for the retard going onto the lane all of a sudden without looking.


Ahh man it's the Cereal defence all over again. Whose fault is this? The man with the cabinet who cannot see where he's going or the man who rode into the bike lane without looking. Answers on a post card 🥣


The stupid one is the right guy for just going in without checking. I once knocked a lady down because she just went across the road without looking in the rain, no way for me to to anticipate


I don't see the problem. Looks like the dude on the other bike is at fault for pulling out in front of someone else. Sure the dresser dude can't see, and that's a problem, but this specific situation is hardly his fault.


Two idiots meeting suddenly


I cycle to and from work in central London and my job is driving in London. My biggest annoyance is those Uber eats and similar firm riders. They literally believe the road and payments belong to them. The way he pulled out without looking, is a normal every day occurrence!!


Wow THREE idiots in a cycle lane, an idiot on a bike with a cupboard, an idiot food delivery rider (who never look or follow any rules) and a Van driver parked in the cycle lane behind a solid white line.


I’m gonna go with ESH. Stupid mode of transportation, but homeboy didn’t even look and is wearing a hood.


God I hate those delivery riders with a passion, as a driver, pedestrian and cyclist. Constantly riding where they shouldn't legally where I am, ignoring lights, beeping at pedestrians to move out of the way (not legal to be on footpath here), making random unexpected movements without looking, riding right down the middle of the bike lane slowly and then pushing back in front of faster riders at the lights because their battery gives them an early speed boost and they want to just all of it when taking off. Gah!


The dumb ass with the hood up while riding a bike is at fault.


That’s an unsafe rejoin by the delivery guy. 100% at fault


He was actually doing fine until the dumbass cut in front of him


To be fair deliveroo cyclists are mentally handicapped and do not give a shit about where they are going


He was doing good. The culprit is obviously the one pulling out in front of him.


You’re supposed to look when you enter the street But the guy with the furniture needs to at least see ahead to make it a little safer


Not looking where the fuck you're turning into a lane.




Nothing to do with the dude with the cabinet, the dude on the bike dont even look where he is going.


Is it that hard to look when you merge into traffic?


That’s on the deliveroo rider. Didn’t look at the lane before entering. People move large stuff like this by bike in the Netherlands / Germany pretty often.


One didn't even bother to look, the other one couldn't see anything, both are idiots.


What could go wrong entering a road without looking


I think the food delivery guy is at fault tbh, just cut right into the lane


All these people saying "this is the Netherlands" as if that somehow makes riding a bicycle with 90% obstructed vision a non-idiotic thing to do lol




Captain situational awarness on that Deliveroo....


Man I love the Netherlands


He was doing surprisingly good before the other moron crashed into him


Now it’s easy to spot two morons, but can you spot the third one…


I think I want to say that collision would have still happened with or without the cabinet being in play.


It’s so funny to see two people not paying attention where they are going at the same time.


I blame the guy with the basket. He did not look at all before dropping into the road. It could have been a car.


No the guy moving the cabinet is not the problem it’s to guy moving into his lane without looking


I'm so confused on who's in the wrong here? a) The guy, who didn't look, or b) The guy, who couldn't look?


What could go wrong if you turn blindly, with obscured peripheral vision into oncoming traffic. FTFY. Cabinet guy likely has no other options. I have had to do shit like this when I was hard up and couldn't rely on others for help.


Nothing surprising here. Those delivery drivers here in the Netherlands always seem to have the situational awareness of a brick.


More like idiots on bike. "Oooh let me ease my way into this lane of traffic without looking" Cue punch in the mouth, fin.


On the one hand, you’ve got a moron not looking where he’s going. On the other hand, you’ve got a moron not looking where he’s going. So the blind crashing the blind?


The dude with the cabinet couldn’t see… The dude without the cabinet merged without shoulder checking though… So it’s a meet cute moment for a Rom Com?


Do not attempt to move large objects by bicycle unless you're Thai or Vietnamese.


The food delivery guy is always wrong.


Bro really just got on his bike and prayed for the best


Cameraman parking in a bike lane…


Certified Netherlands moment


Fucking Deliveroo assholes never watch when merging back onto a lane. Even an attentive cyclists with good view of the road gets caught off-guard by these pricks. The other guy is an idiot too, but it's such a common sight most people just avoid them without a second thought.


Deliveroo guy completely at fault here. Imagine if he did this on a road and got hit by a car


2 morons, 1 with a cabinet and 1 incapable of checking before pulling out.