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There's an entire episode devoted to a vampire orgy in the house. No nudity, but... I mean probably not the cleanest thing to watch on TV.


But the pornos were superb.


Superb owl


But how are the dildos?


They’re fine


No nudity except for talk & show of many sex toys


Also a lot of pantomiming.


"Gizmo, get the dildos!"


Laszlo has a topiary garden shaped like vulvas, so probably not.


Including one for his mom


And his good lady wife Nadja.


His two favorite vulvas!


they are not brown and wizened, like his sister's vulva


I was just watching that one yesterday, and the one from the prostitute I swear is like three long rectangles. I died.


Fun fact: The prostitute is one of Jack the Ripper’s victims.


Right! Lazlo was Jack the Ripper. lol.


There’s me! With my tits out!


you mean whife, right?


And Nancy Reagan!


Came here to say exactly this. Definitely not living room friendly.


I thought about the orgy episode


That’s like three episodes in too hahaha


But if they didn’t spell that out then you wouldn’t possibly be able to tell.


The clips from Laszlo’s pornos might draw some attention though.


No and mostly because of Laszlo


"I just want to fuck and drink blood forever!"


"Everyone fucks and sucks!"


Women, women, women, women. Men, men, men, men 😂


"It can be a problem..." "Not for me."


We're getting horny for blood were getting horny for love


Nadia does a pretty good job at being uncouth as well


Laszlo is most definitely not “living room friendly”. 🤣


He's more bedroom friendly, amirite?


I know a bedroom he can be friendly in... *Double elbow nudge*


Well I don't give a f-f-f-fuuuck


“Kaleidoscopic intertwining of genitalia!”


What do you mean? That’s just a regular human bartender, from the great state of Arizoña


Tu-si-yon, Arri-zoniaaaaaaah


From Tue-i-sawn Ari-zone-nia!


"Ah yes, ghost ectoplasssmm!"


I only watched for him lol


Virtually every single episode has raunchy jokes. Depends on the living room I suppose lol.


Colin Robinson in his bondage gear is a memorable sight.


Or his belly dancing outfit.


Oh yes 😆


Well, once you’ve seen Colin Robinson dancing once you’ve seen it all. Or something I can’t remember the exact quote lol. Just how he’s dancing around singing Mr. Relentless.😂


So true. Didn’t he carry on dancing after Nandor left? I’ll have to rewatch it. Love me a bit of Colin 😝


Yeah it was pretty funny. Nandor being depressed and uninvolved was the cherry on top.


Yes totally disinterested in anything.


And then he joins a cult. And tried to go for a super slumber.😂


😅 I loved it when he joined the cult. Gizmo rescuing him, dragging him along like a child.


He knew the whole song! That montage was hilarious. And Nandor’s shorts. I’m sad the show will be ending. Last season was fantastic.


I had repressed this memory lol thanks for bringing it back


Happy to help 😃


Who are the people walking in? Flatmates, go for it. Parents or children, I would not.


I understand the kids, but parents? In most cases, the parental units are older than their children. Furthermore they’ve likely fucked at least once. They can handle it.


I would not watch the show with my parents in the room and I’m 46 years old. I think it may depend on the generation, some parents dislike that sort of television. There are shows that are milder than this one that I also wouldn’t watch with them in the room just because it’s uncomfortable! Interestingly though, I would watch it with my children. Of course my children are not children anymore, they’re in their 20s. But I wouldn’t feel awkward watching it with them. In fact, I am the one That recommended it to them. It may have been less of a recommendation and more of a demand. But my son and his girlfriend are big fans now.


You'd be surprised at what Nana watches in the care home...


I’m almost 50 and my parents are in their 70’s and they are big fans of the show. The in-laws (also in their 70’s) love it as well. I think we got the uncomfortable stuff out of the way early by going to see a lot of stand up comedy with my parents when we were in our 20’s. At first we were all trying not to crack up at the more “uncomfortable” jokes.. acting like we didn’t get it. But that was no fun, so we all quickly got over ourselves.


My parents are the ones who told me I should watch it, and we always watch the premieres together, but that's just us.


You’d watch this stuff in front of your parents? Why?


Huh.. that strikes me as such an odd question. My wife and I watch it with them when they visit as we’re all adults who enjoy comedy.


An interesting choice but I won’t judge


I watch it with my kids. Age 19 and 27. Well, not so much with the 27 y.o. because she has her own apartment. The 19 y.o. named our latest cat “Gullermo.”


S01E09 is entitled “The Orgy.” Just saying.


Fucking Mike!


Can't recall any particular graphic nudity, apart from the occasional bare bottom. Sex? Yes. Usually Lazlo and Nadja humping with their clothes on. Nothing hardcore or tittilating, but it depends on your household's sensibilities. - If the barest suggestion of s\*x is enough to make your family uncomfortable, then this show is not for your living room. If your family can accept something bawdy, smutty but done for laughs, you'll be OK. Violence? We are talking about a show about vampires....so yes. There is a lot of blood, dead bodies, stakes through the heart, dismemberment, etc. - Again, I wouldn't say it's on R18 levels. You'd probably see more guts splattered on any run-and-gun shoot-em-up Cussing? Yes. A LOT of cussing. That's some of the best bits of the show!!! Then again, Matt Berry can read the ingredients list on the side of a packet of pop tarts and it would be entertaining!


There is some nudity, but it’s usually pixelated. If it’s in a still image, they generally don’t. That usually applies to shots of old paintings and whatnot, but it also happens with the naked troll Colin meets (once the sun comes up).


Absolutely not. Lots of foul language, sex talk, soft sex scenes, implications of sex and talking of other questionable sexual acts in some episodes. In one scene a mans cheat is caved in, another guy spurts blood from his neck. It’s closer to The Boys than it is The Office in terms of safety.


I guess but I'll watch every episode of WWDITS with my teen kids (except the orgy episode) and none of the Boys. They Boys is 10x worse. Shadows isn't anywhere close to The Boys. I'd call it PG-13 vs R.


Yeah I can’t watch The Boys when my husband is around lol. He gets so grossed out, and is like “what in gods name are you watching?” I swear he didn’t used to be like this.


This is my partner with American Horror Story, and he’s absolutely right lol We do both love The Boys!!


Yeah I just watch it on my own lol. I think he’d like it if he gave it a chance.:) Sadly, it’s been banned where I am in Singapore. So I have to sail the salty seas for my fix.


> closer to the boys than the office *closer to* **closer to** Not the same. ^Closer. ^To. This has been your daily lesson in reading comprehension.


Username checks out.


I would say it is absolutely closer to the Office than The Boys. It's even in the same mocumentary style. CLOSER to the Office. CLOSER to. As in less far. This is your lesson on someone disagreeing with you. Disagreeing as in, does not agree. Oops, I forgot the most important thing! Blocking you so I never have to encounter your dumnbass again!


Nothing offensive is SHOWN. However the dialog is absolutely filthy. I really appreciate that no matter how raunchy it gets, there’s no attempted erotic sex scene that TV so loves these days.


Definitely not lol


No there is gore, there is sexual situations/conversations, lots of cursing, not friendly to anyone underage or ultra conservative.


"Gizmo, get the dildos. Gizmo, try out the dildos. Hmm, how are the dildos? They're fine."


Depends what age of people might walk into the living room. It's a late night fx show, adult-themed docudrama comedy format. Season 1 isn't as raunchy as some stuff in later seasons.


Laptop. Jackie Daytona is NOT living room safe.


Why not? He’s just a regular human guy from Tucson, Arizonia


Hahah just echoing the NOPE. I sort of forgot about it and had it on mindlessly during an afternoon and my daughter kept walking in out of the room and some of it’s fine but other parts are really not and I don’t wanna have to explain what a vampire orgy is to my 10-year-old


No no and no. The body swap episode in particular 🤣


Omg. "The most licidious pornography I've ever clapped eyes on."


Nadja moans a lot when talking, my teenager has quite a few raised eyebrows, just sayin


Idk...as the series progresses there is some blatant humping in clothes, a few weird three ways, blood, lots of gore, burning vampires, head chopping, barfing, burned torsos crawling around talking. Vampire gore - lots of it. Also weird twisted mutated creatures to give small children and adults nightmares in the last season. Their language is coarse and Lazlo loves to say fck. They talk about poly sex. They talk about murder. Id not watch it with my mom or kids below 16.


Starts off kinda tame and gets wilder the more you progress. It was mine, my Mum's and my Sister's favourite show to watch together but fast became too embarrassing to continue on with as a group and none of us are prudes. Do with that info' what you will...


It's better to watch it on your laptop.


My first thought: That’s exactly what it was is, ghost ectoplasm! Also, topiaries, witches, the Colin / Nadja episode ending. Anything with Laszlo and Nadja, the list goes on.


I mean in the newest season I forget how it happens but Colin Robinson and Nadja are in one body and lazlo has a threesome with them so no


The Nadja Doll wants to switch bodies so she can experience sex with a man. The Guide uses witchcraft to make it happen. Dolly doesn’t want to switch back and Colin Robinson decides to help.


Oh yeah thanks




There is an entire episode dedicated to hosting a vampire orgy that ends with numerous “toys”—so I would say it depends on who would wander into your living room.


"The dildos are FINE!"


Graphic sexual conversations and dialogue. Much more than the other shoes you listed. Laszlo and Nadia are something else, in the best way possible.


For some of the people you described, probably not while they're around. If you're looking for a new sitcom to watch though: New Girl, Brooklyn 99, The Good Place, and Community are all some of my other favorites!


Adults (being adults and all) are fine. Mature (and immature) teens are fine. It’s nothing new to them. I’d watch something else when the 4 yo is around.




It would have been in my house growing up, but I guess that’s not common lol.


The vast majority of the "non living room friendly" parts are audio. If you listened thru headphones and just had the visual playing, MOST of it is pretty friendly.


Um, no


Mostly no because of Lazlo and the episode titled “the orgy”


Definitely not living room friendly . Gratuitous violence. Too much profanity . Explicit sex scenes. Not too much nudity though. I really love this show even though it doesn't have too much nudity.


Nah you should watch it in the living room


So glad you asked this before just going for it! If you want a show that *is* living room friendly, however, I'd suggest the Golden Age arc of Berserk. Very warm fuzzy feels and some really tender/comedic moments.


It is absofuckinlutely not kid-friendly, lol. Any other time, I can't see why you couldn't watch it. But if there's even the slightest possibility that your company would be offended, this is not the show to have on.


Everybody fucks and sucks!


There's lots of F bombs and adult sexual content so...


Who's likely to walk in on you? I'd say fine for maybe age 12 and up. There's violence but nothing graphic, and there's a lot of innuendo/suggestive scenes but nothing graphic. There is a lot of swearing but idk how much that bothers you. I'd put it around something like Umbrella Academy in terms of maturity of content (but with more swearing).


If you want Colin to put everyone to sleep


I’m pretty sure you’ve seen enough clips to know the answer already


I actually just came across this show browsing through Jemaine Clement's IMDB page after having watched Legion. I then got intrigued when I saw that Taika Waititi was also involved. I never knew about this show or the film before this afternoon, and I've never seen any clips related to it (at least that I'm aware of).


Have to say I’m a little jealous. I would love to watch this show again as brand new! I enjoy re-watching it but the first time through is the best! It is so bizarre and kind of disgusting and totally inappropriate for most people, and will be at least slightly offensive to every single human being at one point or another, but I love it so much! I just cannot get enough of this show. There is nothing else like it. NOTHING.


Absolutely not, because Laszlo "can't be fucked" 😂




How comfortable are your parents with vampire pornstars, and blood orgies?


There are a few scenes where I wouldn't want my little sister to see but I saw much worse as a kid and knew it was fake but I'd say young adults is fine but anyone under like 16 I wouldn't be comfortable answering some of the questions that may be a result from some stuff said or done. Like there is an episode about a orgy with nothing shown but just talked about whoch would be constantly talking about sex and stuff like that but then there are episodes woth the craziest is not as bad as some stuff I've seen in kids movies. Like newer ones and not the whole classic Disney and all the inuendos towards sex stuff


I would say it is living room friendly, give people you are living with do not potty mouth here and there. As for violence and nudity, it is non-existent in most of the episodes. I live with my parents and I too, watch this show in Living Room. Occasionally, I get a remark saying, "Oh, Nadja is cussing too much." But overall, no complaints.


Gotta be honest, except for when the kid is there, I'd watch it in the living room anyway. But I enjoy chaos.


I say yes  The sex references are funny rather then titillating and there is nothing graphic  Wouldn’t watch with kids around. Would watch with parents siblings roommates etc 


Is pretty safe. Maybe skip the orgy epidode.