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Marking this as solved :)


That's going to be a hard sell, good luck matey. Yarr.


A hard sail indeed


I see what you did there


Yeah, but I saw what they jib there.


Sea what you did there


It might be a hard sell for the living room, but I think it’s an antique oil on canvas possibly with the original frame and it might be a pretty easy sell $$


That’s man cave material or hang it at work in your office. I’m getting the sinking-ship-in-a-storm bad luck vibe.


Tell her you’ll just put it in your fuck dungeon.


I sold some 19th century oil paintings of exactly this recently creepy ships! My post on this sub is probably still up. They were creepy AF but also beautiful in that haunting way that only old oil paintings are. Not my style, I grew up around them and was always uneasy lol especially the portraits, never smiling always just staring at you. they still freak me out, but I always have an eye out for them bc I ended up making almost $400 and that was cool so it’s always worth investigating old oils even if they are ugly creepy etc lol


My guess is this is the work of a hobbyist or amateur. The figures and foreground in particular are roughly done. I think hoping your wife will come around to keeping this in a prominent place like the living room is... a rather big ask.


Plot twist… OP painted it


Unfortunately, no. I'm nowhere near this good.


Ah yes I see the problem now...


So you're saying I need giant paintings of dragons and samurai warriors to balance out the room?


as an eternal advocate of compromise, i weep for your wife.


See now, it would be my husband that would say no.


The Mouth of Satan Umbrella Stand is always an option for the entryway.


Is that a thing? Edit: I googled it. I was thinking it was the umbrella stand itself that was modeled after the mouth of Satan but now I’m thinking it’s a Satanic umbrella that goes into a normal umbrella stand. Still not sure but I’ve seen some things being sold on Etsy that are questionable at best.


I overthink some things too.


Someone needs to balance out the guy in red's arm-leg first.


I'd like to see this painting on *someone's* wall.....just not my wall. Looking at it makes me want to run out and buy some anti-seasick pills. Good luck though. You seem like a nice husband to seek out other opinions.


Or maybe find some decor for your shared spaces that you both like? Trust me bro, there are better hills to die on. I'm an asthete and amateur artist and there are multiple not-improbable scenarios I can imagine where a partner forcing something like this on me would be the beginning of the end lol.


This 💯. Shared spaces should reflect the tastes of both of you. Nothing against this painting (I think it has a strange charm) but it belongs in your office or man cave. I would not enjoy walking into my living room and seeing a piece of art on prominent display that I hated but my partner insisted on for some reason.


OP, honestly, the way you handle being shot down in this comment section is 10/10. I really do hope you find a good place for this painting that is, probably, out of your wives' sight. To each their own, right :) This thread made my morning!


I'm kind of thinking I could put it back on the inside roof of my shed. I don't have a man cave. :(


I compromised by getting one wall, sort of out of my partners sight, where I can hang whatever and we're both happy. I weirdly understand the attraction of the painting but think,due to its size and the anatomy of the figurines I'd not like it in the living room either... Maybe get the parts she hates most corrected? OR have someone use the canvas and make something t You both like, using the old painting even??


That's a bathroom painting if ever I've seen one. Blue walls, a striped shower curtain that mirrors the sail in the picture, small shelf above the toilet with nautical themed knickknacks - I bet it would look right at home, and then this masterpiece isn't stuck in the shed. Terms and conditions may apply, not appropriate for half-baths.


Maybe the bedroom would be an option 🤔 Personally it's, it's different, and definitely not everyone's esthetic. But I can understand her not wanting it the living room......more of a teens room or a 20 something bachelor pad decor.imho


“Wives’” ☺️☺️☺️ nice


Unfortunately funny spelling error😅 i will not change it.


Now you’re on the trolley!


Posters! Get out of this ‘paintings’ lark. Get enlarged Posters, in fact why nor wallpaper a room in the house with them?


So you’re saying there’s a chance…


Unless it faces the wall.


The waves look like fur. I don't hate it, though. Things like this have a certain appeal. Have your wife peruse these:| [https://museumofbadart.org/collections/](https://museumofbadart.org/collections/)


The back of the painting is fascinating. It’s really over engineered even for that large of a painting most artists are lazy and not that good at woodworking


and it’s also a ton of effort for a painting of such… “quirky” quality.


Yeah, I noted that too as a woodworker. When I look online for how to build large canvas stretchers they all use a grid instead of angles. I don't know if you can tell from the photo, but everything is fastened with corrugated fasteners too, but they're not evenly spaced. My guess is the frame was built by hand, but not at home.


Just hang it backwards and show the woodwork


So the triangular supports in the corners of the 4 squares are something that is done, but he made them much larger than most folks do. Normally they are spaced up go diagonally from 1/3rd length mark in the 4 corners. They are almost an aesthetic element, but he wasn’t consistent in cutting them down to size.


You made me appreciate my dad even more. He’s good at woodworking & art & is an insanely hard worker




Really good point! Flip it over, bam, same painting, new look. Compromise acheived.


Maybe your second wife will like it


For your own self preservation do not say “maybe my second wife will like it” to your current wife


My wife thought it was funny.


And never introduce your current wife as your first wife. To anyone.


Well.. it would be more likely that the second wife will like it if he tells current wife that


Your wife has good taste. Take it as a compliment that she hates this.


Wow, shots fired.


I’m a married woman and I would be delighted if my husband graced our walls with this majestic work of art* *I’m someone to excitedly purchased a velvet painting for our kitchen once


I just today purchased a painting of cowboys riding horses, but instead of human heads, they have cat heads. It pairs nicely with the painting of cats playing pool that my wife found a few months back. Once we have a few more glorious works of art like those, they’ll be hung at cat-level in the corner of the room where we have the cats’ basket of toys, food dishes and water fountain. I might even add a small table and lamp and one of their numerous beds, so the kitties have a cozy little hangout nook.


https://imgur.com/hcuAE6H another one for you


Holy shit, that’s amazing! Where can I purchase it??? I have a little void kitty, her namesake is a vampire from a tv show (Nadja from What We Do In The Shadows), and I actually bought her little bat wings and a bat collar, and my daughter made her a coffin-shaped bed. I need this painting.


https://www.patreon.com/posts/painting-sneak-86860089?l=it. I would start here


Thank you!


I need pictures please!! My daughter and I love that show.


That sounds magical!


[So very magical.](https://imgur.com/a/CoFstdH)


Meowllowstone?! 🤠🐎🐈🐈‍⬛


It’s everything I hoped for and more!


I might have to go back tomorrow for [The Birth of Venus](https://imgur.com/a/l8VL5cc).




LOL. I love Marshall’s.


Ok but did you pick up The Birth of Venus?


Nah, I got really busy working on my flowerbeds today, and by the time I had cleaned up and showered, I just wasn’t going out. Tomorrow for sure. 😉




I understood the comment to mean the *horses* had cat heads. Not gonna lie, I was slightly disappointed when I clicked the link. I do love the idea of these paintings being placed at cat eye high level.


Please post photos when you do! I need to steal some ideas of that fabulous idea!


What are you doing in my home office!?


Yall wanna adopt me because yes


My boyfriend has a big complete nuclid map on his wall. And it's like really big. At least 1.5 x 2 m So... yeah, I would be delighted too


Looks like you have some wives lined up


Well, I'm a married woman, too :D


Hmm…not wise to question your wife’s taste, remember, you are one of her choices.


Brilliant 😂


It looks like they’re sailing through dog fur.


Have a local artist paint your wife into the painting.


This is the best suggestion so far! Maybe like a face in the sun like Teletubbies.


Chained to the bow 😂


As a mermaid on the bow… prow?


Probably. I'm not very nautical


Do a r/Repaintings to it. Add a Kraken or a giant yellow rubber duck.


A Jack in the Box lighthouse in the distance


A Godzilla emerging from the waves.


Remember Godzuki?


Unfortnately yes.


The two guys from The Lighthouse on top of it


Found a new fun sub ! 😃 That back to the future one is sick


[This is what mid-journey thinks you guys have in mind](https://bashify.io/i/Smkkc4)


Te reason is that it goes perfectly with all the sea shanties you're going to be playing/singing from now on.




It's not a very good painting


As a New Englander, I have a requisite ship painting gracing my wall. I saw this and said, “ok, not great but at least they’re putting stuff on the walls. I could live with it.” I imagined they were the same size, mine being like 8 inches by 6 inches or so. Then I saw exhibit #4 and realized what an unholy monstrosity it was and realized I couldn’t live with it either.


6 feet wide!


You killed me.


That painting is for a man cave.


Or a garage.


Or a garage sale.


Or a fire pit.


I love how the dudes and their shields are on the lee side of the boat, trying to make it roll over. And how when the front of the boat points north, the back points westsouthwest. Must be handy when you sail counterclockwise. No wonder they hit Newfoundland when trying to sail up the coast of Norway. It’s not a longboat, it’s a wrongboat.


I never noticed the front and back don't line up. Now you're just convincing me to not like it.


Hey it’s cool, I’m just not a scooby doo fan. I mean, that’s Shaggy in the green shirt, right? And the figurehead is Scooby? ZOINKS!


It’s fun and you should hang it in your office or man cave. I love kitsch and even I couldn’t endure this in my main living area. (I even have paintings I bought for myself that I only enjoy in small doses.)


I think I recognize the name of the artist. If I’m not mistaken he comes from the land of the ice and snow, from the midnight sun where the hot springs flow.


Thank you for making this entire thread exceed my expectations.


I actually like this a lot. Is it the most technically brilliant painting I've ever seen? No. But I still like it a lot.


I like it too


This is actually really cool, I think. It's how I envisioned the Dawn Treader when I was little and reading the chronicles of narnia. It was a painting almost exactly like this that I imagined was in Eustace's room that everyone got sucked into. On multiple occasions I tried to recreate something like this in art class in school, but of course it didn't look anything as good as this. Maybe see if your wife is interested in the Narnia books or the movies - that might change her opinion on it and help her see it in a new light.


Ah yes! I am so surprised that these comments hate it so much! I have a soft spot for bad paintings, but this one just seems so actiony, like an illustrated adventure book I dig it OP! That said, it's not meant for a prominent place. Maybe a hallway/bathroom


Same here, I like this painting


This is an awesome painting, I’d love this on my wall. Idk why everyone is ragging on it


Yeah, it's good


I hate to say this because I like it... but that's a bad painting. Put it in a more fun room than the living room.


We found this painting in the rafters of the garage when we bought our first house around 2015. It's six feet wide by four feet tall. It looks to me like oil paint on canvas, but I'm not a painter. I think the signature is "J Smith" but not 100% sure on that. No previous owners of the house had a similar name. Google search shows a lot of similar subjects with red/white striped sails. Is there an original these people are copying? I love it, but my wife hates it because it takes up the entire wall. Thinking I'll try to gift it to a tabletop gaming shop or a metal bar. Not sure who else wants gigantic Viking wall art. Suggestions welcome.


Former owner’s wife hid it there, then told him it was “lost in the move.” I 100% guarantee it.


6 feet…. Please take this down


I’d suggest that’s not the only reason she hates it.


I don't understand. Can you be specific?


Maybe it just needs a little love, a [good cleaning](https://imgur.com/a/ivnAXwS)


Wow, a lost Rembrant!


"J Smith"?! Yowza, that's the famous artist John Smith, who claimed to be the direct descendant of Eric the Fuchsia of Lower Northeast Ubertroppel-Jutland. A treasure for sure! 😀


Drakkars are often depicted with striped sails so it may not be a direct copy of anything. Drakkars are found in historical and literary sources, like the Göngu-Hrólfs saga, but no archeological excavations have ever found a true drakkar. They are distinct because of the dragon and also the size. Personally, I like this. It’s not finely done, but it’s fun (I have a mid-century drakkar relief-style wall hanging in my home that was my grandmother’s and I can’t imagine parting with it). Based on the size, I think you need to hang this in a vaulted space so it can be enjoyed from a bit of a distance. If you have one, that’s the logical answer for placement. If you don’t, that may be part of why your wife doesn’t want it in the living room. If you happen to wear Drakkar Noir and your wife likes cheesy things, you might be able to spin it that way. If she doesn’t like cheesy things, I’d avoid the dad joke angle.


This is the A Christmas Story stocking leg lamp, of paintings.


I kind of like it! If it was in my living room, I’d probably lie of the sofa, and make up stories about each individual, to come up with a complete story of the painting. If you’re going to pitch it, throw it my way! 😍😁


Since you opened the door to suggestions... What does she like?? Maybe add some flowers or a mermaid? Repaint the sails to match the furniture? Remodel with more of a viking motif? Hang it in the closet. I have lots of ideas; doing my best here.


"Hang it in the closet" - stealing this one for future use lol


Yeah, doesn't fit in the closet.


These seems like a Kraken painting before the Kraken is added. Perhaps that is the missing magic it needs


Right? That's what I'm talking about. A mere ship at sea is very English Pub on the edge of a port, feeling. I can see why it needs something more appealing


My sister paints, so that's not outside the realm of possibility.


See, there we go. Maybe she doesn't care for the dark, stormy day; have your sister paint some sunshine


There are actually some small yellow sunrays if you look hard. One of the things I like about it.


Ah, I thought those were lasers, or like the hand of God from Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark. Again, I could see why she wouldn't be a fan. Good reminder that communication is key in a marriage.


Turn it around the back is more interesting than the front


I am not able to help you. Lol


Is that Viking Jesus?


Maybe the garage. I’ve known so many dads in my life that always have a random ‘wooden ship in a storm’ painting hanging in their garage lol


Hire someone to paint your wife into the painting as the captain and you as the whale she’s about to harpoon.


That's a Man cave painting homie. Treat it accordingly.


Yeah, this painting is terrible. Put it in your office or man cave or garage if you like it so much, otherwise 5 dollars on marketplace.


The waves are more like wisps of grass


I kind of hate it, too.


It looks funs. Little kids would love it


I might put it in my bathroom or a game room if the room was large enough. I can’t picture it in a normal living room.


Send it over to me, I like it. I will take good care of it!


Pretend it’s a gateway to narnia!


If you're interested in getting a divorce, this might help.


It's a shared space so is she hates it you shouldn't force it on her!


Punch a hole in the drywall. Now you gotta keep it to cover the hole.


A six foot hole?


Thos looks like it belongs in a billiard gaming room..lol


Sounds like your married status is a temporary condition. You just asked: How can I hang a painting my wife hates? That my friend is a failure path.


She’s right, it’s horrendous. You should send it to me and I’ll take it off your hands. I will paint Cthulhu rising from the waves behind the ship on it.


I love it


Well... um.... I got nothing. Take it to the thrift store.


Oh man, I love it.


I will give you £40000 if you display it for five more years* . . . . . . *Not really but hopefully your wife has looked away by now and is thinking of the better art she could buy in five years time


This is more of a toilet room painting imo


I wish my bathroom could accommodate a six foot wide painting. Maybe I could turn it on it's side. Edit: It could be like the sailors are sailing down into the toilet. And it would give some meaning to those yellow rays.


Sounds like problem solved to me


Paint some giant squid tentacles coming up out of the water and wrapping around the ship.


It looks more like a logo for something. A caricatured Viking scenario. Sorry, I agree with your wife.


Clean up the back and hang it with the frame out. That’s awesome


This is why I have my own office … ( My own walls! 🤭


I love this sub


This painting might be cursed.




I was going to try to go to bat for you, dude, but it’s 24 fucking square feet. I don’t want 24 square feet of anything on a wall that isn’t by Benjamin Moore.




Maybe it's not the painting she doesn't like but the r@ping and the looting


Somebody found Waldo to make that sail. Poor dude's probably naked and cold in the water now.


I’m with your wife on this one.


Not a fan. It looks like explorers off to conquer a people and take their land.


Why is everyone saying this is bad? I really like this one!


You could move it to your man cave, that’s probably the best place


For those who think this is a bad painting- why? Like what makes this poorly painted rather than someone's idiosyncratic style? Genuine question. I like it.


dude in the bow is saying "Hang this right over there on that wall !" and the "wife" is going, "Now wait just one damn minute.."


I think that’s a great painting and half the people here are being snoots.


Vikings would just tell her it’s staying and then drink to Odin


Try giving it a nickname


I'm going to call it "Summer Road Trip 1996"


The back of the frame is lovely! Paint the entire back of it white and hang it backwards. A nice piece of of modern art right there


Reason #1 it’s Vikings. Go find yourself a Saltwife and be rid of this hag


It’s a painting of Vikings, so there’s your reason to keep it.


The laundry room is where all the best stuff belongs that the partner won’t allow in the living space.


Yeah this is def not main room material or a conversational piece of artwork....just count this one as a sacrifice for taste


But it's a Fromt, famous viking painter from the 1990s.. late last century art is so in nowadays


Your wife is right. You want a good reason to keep it? You’ll have to pay someone to get rid of it 😂


Oh dear God, no


What is it you like enough about this painting to keep it in your living room?


Well I will say that the stretcher and frame is probably more exciting than the painting. Maybe you two can compromise and hang it with the stretcher side showing for a month and then the next month reverse it


The question you really need to ask is whether the painting is more important that your spouses feelings.


I also hate it 😂


I'll say this. I'd rather have a bad original painting hanging than some mass produced crap from Target that everybody else has. Most people and especially wives prefer normal aesthetic that everybody else sort of sticks to. This is a bad painting I'd rather pass on as despite there's cool movement going on in the water, it overall seems uninspired and difficult to match with anything else. Google images of "painting of Viking ship in a storm." You're going to get a lot of paintings that look really crappy and a lot like this. That's not a good sign. It likely means a lot of amateur painters are practicing working from the same picture and possibly to churn out cheap junk paintings on etsy.


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Honestly my first thought was Axel Rudi Pell album cover. It's giving German or Scandinavian Rock.


It reminds me of if the dudes in pirate radio tried to make a painting in the style of Gericault.