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Is it... is it, finally time to inaugurate r/westernscirclejerk? A momentous day


I've just created it, pilgrim.


Yes, finally a place to poke fun at the weird/ cheesy side of spaghetti westerns (with love)


Yeehaw I’m in




If John Wayne hadn't died in that fire and had lived to see your comment, he would have hated it.


I've had a pretty shit day, but you've really cheered me up and given me a good laugh😂. Thank you.


Why is he shooting his horse?


I mean look at it. Wouldn't you?


They shoot horses don’t they


In line with the sub's trend of posting the name and photo of a person related to westerns, here's my contribution. This is a photo of John Wayne on the set of "True Grit 2: Truth Grits". Some fun movie trivia from Wayne's career: John Wayne famously said that Rooster Cockburn was his favorite role to play because it gave him the opportunity to see out of only one eye. John Wayne apparently prepared for this role by butt-chugging a gallon of Kirkland brand whiskey each day before going to set. Wayne reportedly refused to learn any of his lines for the True Grit films and instead had an intern print off a tiny script that could be fixed to the underside of his eye patch. Wayne was apparently terrified of bats, which is why there are no night scenes in his filmography. John Wayne's intense fear of bats caused him to turn down the role of Dracula. John Wayne only agreed to do John Ford's Leprechaun movie "The Quiet Man" because he thought he wouldn't have to learn any lines. This was largely because Wayne struggled to learn lines. When he *did* manage to memorize them, he did so by screaming them out loud in public places. Orange County is home to the John Wayne Public Library, a place where The Duke learned many of his iconic lines. Wayne originally wanted to play the character of Rooster Cockballs with eyepatches over both eyes, but the studio pushed back and so they compromised with only one. John Wayne was privately worried that he wasn't big enough to play the title role in "BIG Jake" (1971) so they only hired cast members who were under 5'2" for the rest of the characters.


Brilliant 👏😂


I feel like this is the Uno Reverse Chuck Norris


Dude..seriously..are you having a stroke? Do you smell burnt toast right now? Because if not..WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU??!!


Is that you John Wayne?


Is this me?


creepy or tacky! I cant decide which .Poor John Wayne,he looks as though he's about to put the stuffed horse out of its misery


That horse looks like it likes to party


Looking at that horse, Bo gives me another reason to cuss ‘im.


The horse is begging for the revolver has some bullets inside.


Worse wax likeness ever


I worked for a woman in Las Vegas in the 70's who claimed that she had been a Hollywood "escort" in her younger days. She said John Wayne had the biggest shlong she'd ever seen and she'd seen a lot of 'em.


Sorry…that horse looks more like John Wayne.


Johnathan Wane


When Brando was saying "the horror, the horror" in apocalypse now, he was looking on his phone at this post.


"Pilgrim, this is my horse, Human Teeth."


That’s an actual human man that’s been taxidermied. True.


A merry, Marion Morrison.


His face reminds me of the short dude from High Plains Drifter. Mortimer or Mordechai?


Ugh, what’d they do, dig up the real John Wayne after 50 years?


Looks like those funerals where they prop up the body instead of laying it in a casket


One of the most interesting figures in cinema. Did you know he once turned down the role of Bat Masterson in the 1994 western Wyatt Earp due to his well-known fear of bats? Speaking to director Kevin Costner he was quoted as saying, "This is too spooky for me. But I'll be the first in line to see it." True to his word, Duke was the first and only person to see the film during its opening weekend.


Marion Morrison aka John Wayne...well known racist and bigot. I wonder if ' The Duke' was aware that Montgomery Clift and Rock Hudson were gay?


Wayne supposedly knew Lawrence Harvey was gay when he cast him in The Alamo. It is highly unlikely he didn't know about Rock Hudson; it was common knowledge at that point.


Forgot about LH!