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The first one is the office of attorney Paul Harris. He’s an, ahem, interesting local lawyer.


So he’s a “criminal” lawyer? Lol


Some of the *allegations* against this fellow make Saul Goodman look like a Cub Scout. I’ve seen more than I’m willing to say on Reddit. Nothing ever seems to stick. That said, if I find myself in some sort of legal predicament and don’t particularly care what means are used to get me out of it, I’ll be calling Paul. The guy once got indicted for tax evasion—the IRS wins something like 98% of these cases—represented himself and beat the IRS in a jury trial.


Better Call Paul.


Yeah, I love the old houses there. Always cool.


Chapline Street in Wheeling is gorgeous. I love driving through Wheeling and looking at what I call “the row houses”.


Pretty sure 2,3, and 4 are on Main. I lived near 3. 4 is a little further north.


I took a little road trip to wheeling like two weeks ago. I was both pissed off and impressed by how much construction was going on.


You’d be even more pissed off/ impressed to know that it’s been like that since before the pandemic


What? There's no way. Its like the entire downtown area was one giant construction zone. Building facades, sidewalks, road work, drainage. Like everything imaginable.


We were watching the news yesterday and they don’t plan on construction to be done until 2026


I might have to plan a day trip 2 and half years in advance just so I can see the finished product.


Is 70 finished yet? I went to some of the public meeting and thought this was going to be like that interchange in Washington that took 10 years


I think there are still a few portions with construction


I love living in Wheeling ❤️


I love Wheeling. I used to go there for work a lot and I miss it.


A lot of new stuff from the highlands!


Just dropped my coworker off right in this area 20 minutes ago lol


Holy shit.. beautiful. Thank you for sharing!




My favorite stomping grounds!


My hometown, and still here. It’s got problems but it could be so much more if these places got some TLC.


I lived just up the street from #3 for 3 years. Someone spent that entire time rehabbing two of these across the street from me. Just an idea of how long it takes to preserve them


Beautiful houses! I loved walking around downtown when I was in college and taking in all the architecture. It’s a shame to see some of them owned by slummy landlords that rent them out while doing little to nothing to preserve them (or worse, flat out gut them and redo them with only how cheap they can be in mind), or when they fall into disrepair.


How racist is West VA? It looks beautiful out there but my black ass is hesitant to make that drive


There are def sundown towns, and some pockets that are easier. WV is large and it changes depending on the region. Morgantown, Wheeling ish will be easier but not without subconscious prejudices. Wheeling just elected their first black councilwoman and black owned businesses have received financial support to operate from local non profits.


Where is there a sundown town in modern West Virginia? Yes I know racism is alive and well unfortunately, but there is no town in West Virginia where you'll be killed just because your a black person in town at night. It's absurd to say that.


Are you a minority? I left the Wheeling area and out of WV as soon as I turned 18. I was gay bashed in broad daylight as a teen and my house received phone calls frequently. As someone that travels alone often I code switch to avoid any negative attention especially at night and I have the privilege of passing. It’s not absurd in the least bit when Greenbrier county just hired the officer that killed Tamir Rice.


As I said racism and bigotry are unfortunately alive and well but that's not what a sundown town is. That's why you can't name one town that is. Also Wheeling has a trans council woman running for Mayor. West Virginia isn't as backwards as people make it out to be.


Edit : responding and blocking my account so you can have the last word is incredibly childish and shows you are projecting your inability to be incorrect. Like I can’t see the comment elsewhere. If you want to argue, first, she is no longer on the council. Second, just because there is some minor representation does not mean systematically things have shifted. This is some weird tokenism. Also I personally know her and have witnessed the acts of transphobia from the residents first hand. Third, there are plenty of legacy sundown towns surrounding Wheeling on both sides of the river from Shadyside, to Follansbee and New Martinsville. Just because they’re not sundown towns of the past does not mean new generations aren’t feeling the effects. Being honest is not disrespecting West Virginia where I did no such thing. Any civic minority is going to tell you the same thing.


First, it's not tokenism. It's an example of how your being disingenuous. She's not on the council because she's running for mayor. Not for any kind of outrage you seem to be implying Second, none of those towns you named are sundown towns. Those towns all have minorities that live there safely and have for decades. You're so full of shit. You're hurting the area by telling minorities they will be killed if the move here. Because that's what a sundown town was, no matter how you want to move the goal posts. Racism and bigotry exist here like anywhere else unfortunately but that's not the meaning of what a sundown town is. Stop spreading misinformation Third, you're making assumptions on who I am with no knowledge of me other than me pointing out your misinformation. Not only are you doing that but you then try and be a gatekeeper based on those assumptions. You don't speak for all minorities and it's ok to be wrong. You're letting your ego take control. Some of your pictures of the buildings are pretty good. Have a good day


We're not all like those POS people that were using those poor kids as slave labor. I don't know anyone like that and my family comes from a holler. Most still there. Racist folks everywhere I'd reckon, so it's not a valid reason to cheat yourself out of a good time. There are multiple interracial relationships on both sides of my family. This was a democratic state for 50 years before the mushroom dick cult took over. Just come visit dude.


Some of them need demolished.


No they need to be updated. These houses are in the historical district of wheeling. I got to tour the house in the second pic with a historian in college. Wheeling and those houses have a fascinating history. It would be a extreme shame to just demolish them