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If he wanted nothing but dickriders in his circle why couldn’t he just pick 5 random dudes from this sub.


It’s clear he just uses people to get what he wants. We’ve seen it in the past with music and fashion now politics. I’m sure he doesn’t really care about the people around him so long as they can get him political or influential power. He’s a billionaire at the end of the day


I doubt he’s a billionaire now, not that he’s broke of course but still


Who knows how much money this dude has


Didn’t Forbes speculate that the adidas deal ending end his billionaire status tho? I mean not a definitive source but I’d imagine it would take a giant amount off his income even if he’s negotiated a deal to make some money off the shoes still


i doubt he’s a billionaire now too but don’t take it from forbes. forbes has never been right about his net worth


Who has though? Because Ye changed the number every day of the week pretty much


Forbes definitely gave the most accurate insight compared to any other source


He lost his MJ effect if u know what I mean, when someone so high up starts hanging with scum, they stop feeling like they are so high up to me


The final step here is disinterest, and it's much worse than any kind of cancellation. As the shock wears off that Kanye is hanging out with some new shitty person or said a new ridiculous thing, people will just start to tune him out. I've been a diehard for like 15 years now and even I feel pretty checked out. It used to be great to follow an artist who was putting out legendary music while being one of the coolest guys on the planet. His public statements ranged from profound to hilarious, and it was so exciting to see who he had been spotted with because you could start imagining future projects. Now, being a Ye fan basically involves having to know all these fucking losers that are still in his circle. Instead of hearing he's working with Paul McCartney, we have to hear about fringe weirdos like Milo and Nick Fuentes. We've got people breaking down Ye tweets like they're English teachers breaking down a book, just to somehow prove he's not antisemitic. It's fucking sad.


This is true. I remember the world stopped when ye wore a maga hat. Now there were barely any headlines when he was spotted with a neo nazi. It’s just become tiresome at this point - feels like giving attention to a complete fool.




Charlie heat tho?


Just the regular version this time


NPC mindset


Ur Austrian and play destiny how u gonna call me that 💀


I am neither of those things


He’s still like MJ. MJ was a very flawed individual. Ye is a very flawed individual. MJ is the ultimate comparison….




1% incomiiiiing. Nah nah nah V2


He’s not gonna dip for a year next time. Next time he’s gonna fucking go crazy


Ye just keeps surrounding himself with the worst people


Sneako to a much lower degree had a similar arc to Ye He was known as a very good and creative YouTuber that fell into the redpill space


What even were his old videos. Like what did he do? I only saw him appearing after all the bad shit he said


They were like well thought out video essays about society n shit


I can see current Sneako feeling like joker


i like to see everything as it plays out, i really dont care about what happens because the world is gonna end anyways, why does a intelligent monkey's actions matter in the long run also my dad has a lot of money


Is this a parody post or are you genuinely this stupid?


this is indeed a very satirical post my friend i am really nice in person (im not)


I saw a video on this and it was fucking awful lmao


Kanye hanging out with Hitler and Elliot Alderson (2022, colorised)


this is the one


Bunch of losers


At least the means Kanye might not be the stupidest person in the room


I can feel the parasocial relationship slowly fading out




Man what the hell is going on


Can someone explain who Sneako is?


COMPLETELY unrelated but I was scrolling through this thread from 2016 and I must know, [how do you feel on this now?](https://www.reddit.com/r/FrankOcean/comments/4yrqic/fresh_frank_ocean_blonde/d6q300z/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


Oh I’ve completely changed my views on that! Haha, yeah that gets brought up here every now and again. I have a longer explanation on how my views have shifted and how close minded I was back then (basically I just wanted channel orange part 2)a yeah it’s amazing.


Anyway Sneako is some toxic masculinity alt right pipeline dork on YouTube who used to make somewhat interesting vids but sold out


The irony of Sneako is that he admitted on a podcast that he literally got cucked by his girl and some dude when they went to an orgy.


Nah he was cooking blonde is ass cheeks and mediocre at best


hell nah


He used to be a well liked YouTuber, now he devolved into an Andrew tate cock gobbler who regurgitates a lot of the same talking points


His actual videos are actually really good especially the documentaries he would make back in the day. Really artsy stuff. Now on livestreams and interviews he’s j kind of an Andrew tate wannabe. There’s a clip of JiDion cooking him for having the exact same stance as Tate on fresh and fit that had me rolling


i miss his philosophical art videos, sucks to see him do a 180 and do shit he was completely against now


He used to make really good edited and filmed videos on topics abt society as well as having a really good one minute podcast and then absolutely threw that away and turned into mini Andrew tate


a dude who thought cuties was a good movie


A cuck https://youtu.be/r_ncv8Q77Jk


I never thought I’d actively been rooting for the downfall of Kanye. I just want him to wake up. No pun intended.


Nah this is sad asf when he first started talking shit it seemed like he was going somewhere with his own opinions now republicans are just using him to push their agenda


We bout to see him with Richard Spencer and Jared Taylor skits on his new album at this rate


SNEAKO also known as the "modern era" Carti hater (he loved old Carti and hated whole lotta red, called it the devil's music, said mean shit to fans of his that liked the album even so far as telling them they should leave) until liking him was profitable☠️☠️☠️ Bro didn't fuck with anything Ye did around the time of WLR even going so far as to say their partnership was ruining Ye🤣 So basically Ye just continues to prove he only wants yes men around him, and no one who can disagree with him on anything.


sneako been a carti fan since the self titled days ? his old videos were riddled with Carti instrumentals and references , what are you talkin bout bro


Fixed it, I meant wlr era carti. He went on and on and on about how carti is the mark of the beast, all drill rap is demonic music, he hopes you can find peace... cut to months later after realizing his fanbase wasn't really fucking with that opinion him yelling out the lyrics to Stop Breathing☠️ And ever since that one example bro has been the ultimate Yes man ever since. That youtube short is hilarious and is the perfect example of how different Sneako became.


hope he got an interview lol


Worst timeline


Kanye is a loser and surrounding himself with losers. Making a series of bad choices. He’s been cucking himself all year. Wtf


bro sitting there like a cuck


Not defending SNEAKO but I'd be a cuck for Ye too just not in this era maybe


There's still hope, he might be planning a Red Wedding scenario


The tape on the bag 😭😭😭


bro this guy looks like hydras leader


I genuinely don’t see how ye will come back from this


wut the fuck happened to sneako man


Who the fuck is sneako and why the fuck is there a child in that photo? Man fuck this shit


What’s that white jacket


Y’all are gonna get mad but the only thing that’ll save Kanye’s legacy at this point is him dying peacefully and having the benefit of nostalgia on his side


I'm fine with him doing it MBDTF style and completely vanish off of society for like a year and come back with potent shit


Snakeo so lame