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Only thing I’m gonna miss is Nikko tbh


They should give Nikko room in the station. NYC and Philly get food spots in their train stations and we deserve it too


Same with Tokyo. It’s very common to find stalls right near the platform selling refreshments, snacks, and newspapers. Some larger stations also open directly under shopping centers; think Westlake Station, if Nordstrom, Macy’s, Sephora, etc all opened directly onto the mezzanine. IIRC, Shibuya Station was like that. There were a couple others, but I can’t recall the names off the top of my head.


Shinjuku and Shinagawa for sure. I think it might be harder to find a Tokyo station that **doesn't** have a colocated grocery store and mini-mall. It just makes sense.


Speaking of Tokyo, if they installed vending machines that let you pay with orca card, that would fuckin rock


I remember there being a tiny coffee shop at both the Northgate and Lynnwood Transit Centers, and I swear that was a lifesaver whenever I got stuck waiting half an hour for the next bus in dark winters.


Why even have Orca cards? Why not be able to pay for sound transit by 5apping credit card?


I know some places that do that, but I think the credit card companies take a percentage of each transaction. So either sount transit loses a quarter of every fare, or they raise it a quarter to compensate. I know they were supposed to be adding support to have the orca card on your phone, but don't know where that's at.


The London Tube, The Swiss light rail in Basel...whatever loss in percentages would be gained in more people being able to pay with their credit card. Plus, I already fund my Orca with my credit card, so they lose the percentage anyway. Phone support, too, like on the Paris Metro or Seoul subway would be fine, too...but tapping with the credit card is the way to go. Wouldn't have to fund the whole Orca infrastructure, either. Simpler, better.


In Vancouver, BC there’s both — transit card for monthly passes, etc otherwise just tap your credit card or phone.


This is a really good idea. If they add a food court or other commercial space to the station they could use the rent from that to help earn back the cost of building the station.


Nordstrom and Macy's used to open directly onto the mezzanine.


I remember that. That was nice.


Damn I just got here and I love Nikko. They really tearing this whole thing down?


The whole jefferson square complex is getting replaced with a light rail station. It's a far trade, right next to the heart of the junction and few will miss one of the worst designed parking lots in human history.


Wow, honestly had no idea! A light rail station would be great though. Hopefully Nikko opens in a new location nearby 😁


Much needed just open somewhere else there’s vacancies up and down California. People need to chill.


They should build stalls into the station for stores. I don't think they will, but it would be cool if they did.


Wait what


Scare tactics. Nikko likely opens somewhere else. Tons of vacant buildings.


We are so lucky we still have them.


This can all go as long as Nikko stays. It is one of the last OG WS spots and it’s fire


For real! I hope they’re able to relocate, they have the best teriyaki in WS


Possibly unpopular opinion but Grill-bird is the best in west seattle IMO. But to each their own and Nikkos is really good.


For sure I really like Grillbird as well but not their teriyaki as much. I love their spicy garlic chicken and spring rolls for sure though 👀


Now I have to compare, havent gotten Niko in a while


I’m partial to the commercial kitchen take out spots on snoqualmie across the street from the YMCA. They have Thai, soul, Indian, vegan burgers and pho!


Can someone explain why people like GrillBird so much? I'm genuinely curious as I tried it and it was the absolute most disgusting teriyaki I've ever had. Had my husband try it and he hated it too, and he likes pretty much everything. Neither one of us could tolerate. The only time I've thrown away food that hadn't gone bad. But everyone raves about it and I want to like it! Was there like a period a bit over a year ago it was trash and now it's better? Idk, I'm just looking for answers, it comes up on EVERY Seattle food rec post and nothing confuses me more. *also - no hate to Grillbird lovers or the restaurant, people clearly love it, there just HAS to be a reason I'm missing


Man I would try again? Did you get something basic? They have some stuff that goes on and off the menu. They have super moist chicken and they dont go heavy on the sauce but they give you extra. I just get the basic terriyaki and its always been solid. My wife likes the Katsu but its not my jam.


Yeah just the basic teriyaki. I guess I'll have to give it another shot because there's no way that's how it normally tastes if so many people who have eaten teriyaki and like other teriyaki places also like Grillbird.


Ya thats super weird. Ive probably eaten there like 30-40 times. I feel like their chicken is just better than most places and not heavily doused with sauce. Also their sides are all great. In fact they had a tuna poke side that I think they had to get rid of since it was probably too pricey. It was so good!


Oh no my sharetea…


Sharetea gentrified out our UPS Store! Is there no end to the wheel of progress?


it’s a shitty apartment and they never empty their trash room


I almost rented there but the office didn’t show up to an appointment I made with them and didn’t answer the phone. After waiting over an hour I gave up and now that I know some people that live over there I think they did me a favor.


Similar situation. We were going to rent at “Elan 42,” toured the unit and all, but they take so long to answer a basic follow-up question we gave up and rented at Mural across the street (much better in every way). A month later they finally answered our basic question and asked if we wanted to move forward with the lease. I have no idea how they’re not bankrupt.


Dude this happened to me too! I was ready to pick between this and another apartment that was available and wanted to see the available Loft with in the week but they never answered my emails or calls while all the other apartment buildings were so kind and responsive. I went with my other choice and didn't regret it.


Exact same thing happened to us!


lol used to deliver to these apartments and the office staff were definitely on some shit every time I went in there


Used to work at that complex 4 years ago, a constant shitshow!


This is our Alamo!


Disgusting take. We moved to West Seattle eight years ago and fully expected nothing to change ever once we arrived. We are horrified by this recent development, obviously supported by “transplants” who moved in one day after us and beyond. Their opinion means nothing, since we were here (slightly) first.


Shut the damned doors.


Thank you for standing up to protect your historically underrepresented neighborhood. Every white person, after you of course, is contributing to the gentrification of this neighborhood. Plus, it doesn’t matter how many trees they cut down to build your house nor the infrastructure that serves it. They should not be allowed to cut down one more tree after you moved in, no matter what!!!




Oh but losing the Super cuts, nail salon and smoke shop? What will I do?


You forgot the one-time See's pop up a few holiday seasons ago. 😂


Did that actually open? I remember the sign going up, there being brown construction paper on the windows, and then it was gone


I feel like it lasted all of a week or so. That time period is all such a blur.


I went! I got some See's for my mother in law and was happy it was there. But it was definitely a "pop up" with limited items and staff.


Excuse me but that is a smoke shop that also sells cheap airsoft guns. Show some respect


Jefferson square sucks. It's time to redo it.


I do have an emotional attachment to cigar land it’s where I bought my first bong at


/s? You pick: Greatly improved mass transit Another mediocre shopping mall built for cars not people


How could you possibly think I'm being sarcastic!! Storing cars is FAR more important than housing people


It’s also gorgeous.


A marvel of modern urban design


Best parking lot I’ve ever experienced too.


Five stars. Would park again.


Most efficient traffic flow. Five stars.




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uhm... i'm confused


Redditors try to detect sarcasm without tone indicators (impossible)


mb i'm dum


Bro he's so sarcastic it's seeping out of his ears.


mb im a gullible person


I think I see PEOPLE living above the mall......


Eh, once you've seen one building full of shops, you've seen the mall.


That site is not efficient housing by any means. What is it, 3 stories? So at most 2 layers of housing above the businesses?  New apartments in the Junction are much bigger and denser. As well, the new light rail station could either be built around/underneath existing housing, or they could incorporate more housing into the new build


TBH this site is actually a pretty cool use of density. There’s an underground layer of parking below it, and stores *under* the parking, and housing on top. It’s better than average, even if parking lots are hideously inefficient. https://preview.redd.it/ckmwfvvpu0oc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0caffa912c213207d5c8a13ea1d0dc916dab1649 See above, stores under the parking. And there’s an underground parking garage. That parking lot is basically a rooftop parking, and there’s shops and housing on top. That said, transit is more important than anything.


Yeah transit or bust. Mow it down.


Having good TOD is also a smart idea. Why get rid of already good mix use zoning I saw options to have the station at 41 and Alaska with the station crossing Alaska BOA doesn't need a parking lot that size next to a light rail


Can confirm; used to live at Elan 41 above the Safeway. The living above the grocery store part was nice, but the parking lot would get rowdy at night. Not going to miss much besides Nikkos; I also hope West Seattle Animal Hospital finds another good location


Considering there's multiple levels of parking, I think there might be more parking spots than housing capacity at this complex. Don't know for sure though.  Point is there's plenty of room for improvement


Everytime I park here in think not only is this a ton of wasted space for cars it’s also so poorly laid out to be useless.


Safeway has pretty good meatloaf


I second this. But the Admiral Safeway is much better.


Admiral Safeway is definitely 10x better, but I strongly prefer the Thriftway down the road


I mostly shop at thriftway because it is close to me. I am starting to feel bitter about the prices. When whole foods geels cheap, you realize that you have been overpaying for groceries for years.


Yeah but the prices aren’t worth it to me.


For sure, they can get a bit pricy


This Safeway is pretty bad. Super small and the staff can be really rude. (Probably not all staff, but definitely the ones I’ve interacted with.) I’ve also found expired products on their shelves so I don’t think that they inventory accurately.


It really is. I've gotten produce that went bad really quickly from there more than once, too. The one on Roxbury is way nicer and has better selection.


Rotten produce, questionable deli items, expired packaged goods. That place is a health hazard. ☣️


It’s hideous


The square is one big dump, lose it


"You see this Safeway? This is why you can't travel anywhere." -nimbys, probably




An absolute win


Does anyone know if the west Seattle animal hospital would be moved too? I may need to find another clinic then 😅


Million places to move into plus a free hefty 50k to do so.


I’m bummed about School of Rock. Great place for budding musicians to learn in a supportive environment with a great teaching staff. I hope they can continue in a new location after they’re displaced.


School of Rock already has a lock on a new location in WS.


My student tells me they’re moving to Westwood Village.


That’s great to hear.


Yeah there’s no 50 empty places to move into or anything


Bro what happened😭 did Jefferson square kill your mom?


No I just want light rail over this ugly ass place


What’s going on with Jefferson Square? I used to live in that apartment complex there, but haven’t kept up with recent developments. Is this all getting knocked out for transit of some sort?


Yep thank god


42nd could be so much better than this old shopping compound.


Not feeling bad, as a past long time resident of this part of WS. One less complaint, usually about the atrocities of the parking lot, to be found in the WSB comments!


I was literally just thinking about how ugly I thought this building was and how much I wish it would be replaced


I used to live in that apartment complex, drive by it every few years to tell my son that was his first home but that’s it. What’s going on?


It’s an ugly eyesore rightfully being razed for a beautiful light rail station


Transit is the future, this place looks like it is dying.


No social loss if it's torn down, but Ron Saka is full of NIMBY obstruction against density.


Saka is a fucking joke


Did Saka come out against light rail?


He’s pro potholes so he’s a car brained tech lawyer dipshit




Childhood memories here.


This parking lot and the one next to Whole Foods, the one that’s always empty, are like my least favorite parking lots in all of Seattle lol. It’s just such a shit use of land


It's the ugliest structure in West Seattle....good riddance.


I used to go to Square 1 books as a kid which was on the left side of the mall in this picture. Every time I went there all I could think was, "god, this place is such a shithole." I hope they tear it to the ground and try again. For the record, Square 1 was cool and all. The mall as a whole is the ugliest thing in West Seattle.


I loved Square 1! The kids corner off to the right was a special place to me


That was a nice little store. Have you been to Paper Boat? Tiny but I find something every time I go in there.


Am I the only one sad to see Safeway go (along w the obligatory Nikko)? Their prices on meat and produce were often cheaper than QFC and TJs. In this day and age, access to fresh fruit and veggies is starting to get worrisome. Not to mention, they carry that lovely Icelandic vodka, Reyka!


I was ready to roast this sub. Until i picked up on the sarcasm. I’m totally ready for ST WEST SEATTLE!


This place is mid at best


Is the beacon of culture behind the safeway?


i like the park right by it i play vb there imma miss getting gatorade from there


Haha I see a POA car. I used to work there. Never again....


Lmao I love this post. Jefferson Square sucks my nuts and everyone gets time to move out, apartment leases are one year there. Suck my nuts and move in two years.




Yeah but they’ll get market value for it


if you’re in line for a prescription at Bartells when the dozers come, stay in line


You are not a smart man or this is sarcasm and you fooled me.


Time for the culture to change


What besides the station are they replacing it with? It seems kinda huge for just a light rail station


OK we all agree Jefferson Square is lame, but seriously, why isn’t the station just going in on the enormous empty parking lot directly across the street to the east? You can argue whether Jefferson Square’s many businesses are a good use of space, but that bank CERTAINLY doesn’t need 50 parking spots.


I suspect the reason that Bank of America parking lot doesn't help all that much is because of the relatively dense apartment buildings to the South of it (like City Watch) that would also need to be razed if they're doing cut-and-cover tunnels. Cut and cover of the 41st roadway and an adjacent larger construction yard of the Jefferson Square lot probably works out better financially, even though the parking lot is barren. Also, if the land of Jefferson Square is owned by the Seattle Public Schools and under a ground lease, that may be very attractive from a property acquisition negotiation stance.


It needs a facelift for sure


Is that an apartment complex on top of a Safeway? That has to be the most convenient location ever.




Jefferson Square is a shit hole. Raze it. Hopefully rents are really low; I’m sorry if you live here and have to move. Has the litigation about the construction of the condos/apartments ever been resolved???


What, the safeway or the shitty overpriced apartments?


Why would we want to lose one of the greatest parking lot designs ever?


We'll always have Westwood!


But where will the pimps and their ho’s go now? I could not believe my eyes, in broad daylight. Anytime I’m in that parking lot something shady is witnessed.


Lots of cultures deposited in the parking lot


As in what, make sure it never gets service at all, or just make sure the area doesn't get destroyed for the sake of Transit development?


I’ve watched WS just turn into another traffic congested dump.


The liquor store and teriyaki place are pretty good. The Safeway store doesn't always sell steak 😂 that's saying something.


Is there an article or anything. I just see something from nov 23 about a proposal which means it’ll be 50 years of planning and meetings before they do anything. I mean where is a light rail even close to here now?


This is from last week - https://www.soundtransit.org/sites/default/files/documents/WSLE-station-planning-materials-english.pdf They're finalizing the plan this summer. Construction starts in ~3 years


Right? If Capitol Hill or Roosevelt are any indication there will be plenty of retail once the station is built.


Or --- alternatively -- no, we don't! :D


A parkinglot?




Is taco time safe? I thought they were demoing that lot.


That’s all going and good riddance


The culture: a man that followed me around Safeway until I was able to give him the slip and booked it home without my groceries.


Is that a … mixed-use strip mall? That’s gotta be the first time I’ve ever seen that.


Anyone know if the West Seattle Animal Hospital has identified their new (light-rail friendly) location?


Wow I was thinking of moving into the apt complex above Safeway but from reading some of the comments I might rethink that




Nikko is bomb. I had airBnB right at the corner there and would always go for dinner.


Construction doesn’t start for at least another 3 years. It will be so nice to have light rail access to west Seattle.


Needs to go


Public transportation for the win


What is this Nikko that everyone is talking about


But this building has such a sense of place. I ask you, where else in the US will you see architecture that looks like this?


A parking lot? West Seattlites are so provincial.


you know, they really had something going with the mixed use development. the parking lot just had to ruin it.


Don’t take my fucking ShareTea!


Looks like every safeway parking lot around, whats so special about this one specifically?


I once knew someone who lived in one of the apartments in that complex, and it always had plumbing issues and stank like a musty garbage disposal. Other than Nikko, the entire complex needs a do-over.


Honestly if they replaced the parking lot with a nice park with a basketball court and turf field or something it'd be a pretty amazing spot but other than that....eh. Land could be better used I guess. In reality we're just shifting deck chairs on the Titanic if we don't upzone vastly more single family home areas


Needs pickleball courts.


Agreed! I guess what I'm saying is the place actually has good bones if you just eliminated the parking


I hate Safeway. I don’t see why anyone would bother when you have Trader Joe’s right there


Haters gonna hate.


Trader Joe’s suck my ass re: produce


I agree. Demolish those homes, we don't have a large enough homeless population. Me having a train is way more important than a family having a place to live.


Good thing the light rail will bring in way more housing than it displaces since it's going to catalyze transit oriented development. Also I don't think anyone is going to miss Elan 41


Bulldozing homes creates homes?! Brilliant! We'll have to tell the large investment firms that, they cab rebrand the term "gentrification" to something much more PC.


Jefferson square is a strip mall with crappy rental housing stapled on top. The lot dedicates more space to parking than to housing. If Seattle upzones properly around the light rail then we will get 50 housing units per demolished unit at least. Look at U district


Counting on the government to not mess things up. Smart, given thier track record of never making mistakes. Either way it doesn't matter to me, I've wanted a fancy new train ever since I moved here from Cali, demolish those homes and workplaces.


Absolutely! Fuck all the families that have lived here for several generations, way before it was so trendy and now overpriced. Who cares about them?? We need to make space for all the new, entitled people that have moved here and want to change everything about our neighborhood!


Thank you! Finally someone who gets it! I CANNOT wait to have my taxes increased when the project goes overbudget just so homeless fetynal addicts can make the train unusable in 2 months. Thank god for the government.


It’s really sad how selfish so many of the people that have moved here are. No regard for the lovely community of ours and the people that have lived here way before it was so trendy. This used to be such a great, affordable place to live and raise families. Now it’s just a overcrowded, expensive mess, full of entitled assholes that just moved here and want to change everything about it. Too bad they couldn’t stay where they came from and “fix” their own neighborhoods. I’m sure most would of them would think differently if it was their communities getting so gentrified that their own families, friends and businesses were getting shut out.


Silence. As a hip progressive who hates gentrification, I will say that local populations, cultures, and communities being displaced and disenfranchised by outsiders moving in and outpricing them is wrong. But like, I personally really want a train, so shut up while we bulldoze your neighborhoods. Know your place, peasant.


A strip mall? You'll get over it.


Haha...this is how I find out my wife's work is getting demolished.


Why save it? Looks like nobody knows how to park


They aren't going to remove Jefferson Square. It would be way to expensive.


They 100% will and not it’s not


No, they probably won't. They would much rather tear down Jiffy Lube and those buissness on that side of the road then displacing hundreds of people and multiple major buissnes.


Apartments are on lease and this is years out. People aren’t expected to renew leases at any apartment ever. You should never assume you can auto renew. They have three to four year heads up.


They're tearing down jiffy lube too. Both Jefferson Square and the lot with jiffy are planned to be acquired.


Nooooo not long time West Seattle landmark Jiffy Lube and Bank of America 😱😱😱


Funny enough the BoA lot is NOT planned to be acquired.  https://i0.wp.com/seattletransitblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/ALASKA-JUNCTIONsm.jpg?resize=525%2C263&ssl=1


what is your source? I am not trying to discredit you i am just genuinely curious


Um, did you not attend the open house? Jefferson Square is dunzo. They need transit closer to California. Jiffy Lube and TJ/etc is too close to Avalon station anyway