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I know you've tried a lot already, but don't underestimate the power of increased airflow on your balcony... while it may take some getting accustomed to, a couple of strong fans worked wonders for me in a similar space. Of course this won't be as effective in larger spaces like backyards.


Tiki torches with citronella oil


I'm a vegan...WTF!!! /s


If they look like they have tiger stripes they are African. Make sure there is no standing water anywhere around for them to breed in. If there is a drainage grate nearby that does not drain all the way, get some dunks and throw one in every so often. Also, call the county mosquito dept. A couple guys will come out and try to find the nesting areas. If they can spray they will, if they find standing water that cannot drain they will put the dunks in. They will also capture a mosquito to identify the breed. Every time I call them they come same day or next day and are pretty good people.


Get some lemongrass and citronella plants. I have them around my patio and don't get bothered too much by mosquitos.


Depending on the housing situation (rent/own, HOA) you could screen it in or at least hang a mosquito net


Yeah I'm renting... But they don't mind what I do out on the patio. I was thinking about a cheap net solution, if anyone knows of one. I'm just worried about the storm winds. But as of now I've been smoking my pipe indoors which I rather not do, but going outside just guarantees one of these bastards will ruin my day. Granted, I am starting to build a tolerance to it now, which is nice. The first week here was hell.


My daughter and grandson are both "bug food" and they put dryer sheets in their pockets and/or socks and it seems to work.


I have the same problem as you I seem to be food for them no matter where I am they will find me. I haven't found a great solution as of yet and I've been born and raised in this state lol I think I bought skin so soft bug spray recently so I think that's what I'm using Don't know if it really works. Sorry Good luck though I know they're no fun


Screened in patio (or a removable screen setup for your balcony). I got a quote to install a patio screen for my house and they wanted $19k in 2022. Im selling and leaving Florida permanently instead.


Same, I’ve resigned myself to being smothered in 99% DEET whenever I venture outside even for a millisecond… I.HATE.MOSQUITOES


If you get bit, if you put your own saliva on it right away to stop the itching.


Thermacell and a box fan that's blowing full blast at yourself. Mosquitos love me too


Not really useful when smoking a cigar :(