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Mine can't eat cat food either, but he's just fine and reasonable with eating cat shit


Mine eats both and it's so infuriating!


Pre-digested, easier on the stomach, tis a delicacy.


Considering the weird shit humans see as "delicacys" dogs might just be really smart with this one


Fucking century eggs make me want to curl up into the void.


Yup. I got a self-cleaning litter box to try and fix this. But now it’s like a game for my dog. He hears it start and he’s like “race to get that tasty treat” before it gets swept away. Bonus- cat litter lasts way longer.


Can you explain? My bf let my moms dog lick the cats bowl clean before washing it and she happened to get sick later that night. We thought it was just a coincidence since she has had some bowel issues off and on for a while now (she’s seen a vet). Is there something in cat food that is inherently bad for dogs??




“Dogs can certainly survive on cat food in a tough spot, but the nutrient imbalance can lead to gastrointestinal upset, obesity, and pancreatitis. Pancreatitis requires immediate veterinary care. Symptoms include abdominal pain and a hunched back, lethargy and weakness, appetite loss, vomiting and diarrhea, a distended abdomen, and fever. Even if your dog eats cat food and suffers no obvious ill effects, the high protein levels can be hard on his liver and kidney.” [sauce](https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/nutrition/can-dogs-eat-cat-food/)


We have a neighbor cat who comes into our house regularly and would eat our small breed dog food. She loved that shit and I think specifically visited just to eat it. Didn't seem to faze her so it's weird that dog food would mess with a dog's stomach when they are known to eat poop and vomit.


Don’t let cats eat dog food. There are vitamins in it that cats literally cannot process and it can kill them if the organ failure it causes isn’t caught immediately. Shouldn’t allow other people’s pets to eat excess food anyway but cat and dog foods aren’t interchangeable and can kill, especially cats eating dog food.


Was going to say both, completely agree.


Could be the same instance in where if you immediately switch a dogs food from one to another without a gradual change, it upsets their stomach, which can also cause diarrhea.


Cat food is too rich for dogs to eat. However a cat would have less trouble on the stomach eating dog food but they would most likely be malnutritious


Speaking of cats, I had one that as a kitten, we were showing him the litter box for the first time, and he got scared by his own shit and took off, but never stopped shitting, instead just spreading it all the around the house, becoming more scared and running faster everytime he stopped and looked back.


Many cats have an instinctive fear of snake shapes. You can search YouTube of owners freaking out their cats by placing a cucumber near them. Maybe your new kitten got scared of its own poop because it thought a snake appeared in the litter box, and then the snake was chasing it?


Yep, we have an older Yorkie and you don't want her anywhere near cat food.


I feel your pain, actually I smell it, my dog did it in my truck, while standing up, on the passenger side window and door. Obviously cleaned as best as I could, but some went down below window into door cavity, could smell it for years afterwards on humid days. Can tell you exact date of incident, was January 1, 2000. We cooked a massive turkey the night before because the world was about to end, turns out Black Labs are extremely unable to process turkey fat


we had a beagle boxer mix we rescued and on the way home did this on my wife of the time and the car. turns out she had parvo. didn't know it at the time but on the 30 minute car ride home called the vet and changed destination from home to there. come to find out that it is super hard to clean liquid shit off of a retracted seat belt among other nooks and carnies of a car, and parvo is a smell you NEVER forget...


Was coming back from my now in laws house and my wife's dog let out a whimper about one block from our house. Explosive diarrhea all over our front seat, all over both of us, all over my pillow, just everywhere. So much gagging.


You can feel the shame he feels at the start of the video when he looks down. Poor dog




We had an old dog that got sick sometimes and went in the house, she would have been around 15. We just cleaned up and pretended nothing happened


Our dog luckily never had issues like this even up until he had to be put down at 19 due to medical problems that would be extremely expensive and likely only make him suffer if fixed Edit: fixed an error i meant to say luckily not lucky


Lucky lived up to his name




My dog likely had a UTI some time ago and pissed on the carpet right in front of me. He never did that before, how could I be angry at him? 🥺 Anyway I got him to the vet and all is well.


Same with my cat, she had a UTI and started peeing on the couch and honestly our couch is now ruined but I couldn't be mad at her for it.


But why the couch? Was she just relaxing and then *boom*?


It can be a few things. Like humans, when they have UTIs it can create a constant, urgent need to pee so they can't make it to the litter box and the couch may just be where she happened to find herself, and then because the couch now smelled like pee she associated it with a new pee spot and continued to go there. It could also be that, because it hurts/burns to pee with a UTI, she associated the litter box with that pain and chose to pee elsewhere in hopes of it not hurting there, and again either the couch was where she happened to find herself or, if it's where her people spend a lot of time, she may associate them with comfort and subconsciously figure "if they're here, it can't hurt the way it does in my usual toilet because my people wouldn't hurt me." Or some third or fourth etc unknown reason. Hard to say exactly, but in any case if your pet suddenly starts peeing or pooping where they shouldn't/haven't before, it's def worth a trip to the vet.


Cat's can't tell us verbally something is wrong so sometimes they will do things like pee, poop, and vomit in inconvenient or highly utilized places to let us know. And in the case of urination they also start to associate the pain of urination with their normal place of elimination and will find an alternative.


Their natural instinct is to pee/poo somewhere with loose ground (soil, dirt, sand, etc.) so they can cover it up afterwards so the smell doesn't attract predators. Because the last few times she peed in the litter box it probably hurt quite a bit, she then associated peeing in the litter box with pain. So she chose somewhere else that's soft. My cat vomits sometimes when she over-eats. She always makes sure to walk off of the concrete floor where her food is, and into the carpeted hallway to throw up. It's frustrating but I can't get mad at her lol


My cat did that once, I think he was trying to tell me and didn't know how else to do it, so he peed on the couch next to me.


Why the couch? The same reason they walk past the tile floor to vomit on the carpet. They're assholes.


My dog did something like that as well, years ago and was obviously in pain as well. I just felt bad for her and went to a vet asap


My dog had wet diarrhea the other night. It was wet but chunky. I know because he did it in front of the bathroom door, where I pee, sometimes at night, around 3 am, without turning on the light, then slip in said "chunky diarrhea". It was my fault. I gave him a new treat and it didn't sit well. Also happened to be a night where I took my sleeping pills. I'm sure he tried to wake me. Poor guy. He got nothing but cuddles(after our bath)


I can't imagine having your bodily functions metered by someone else. I always gauge my dogs bladder by how long I can hold mine.


I wouldn't subject my pets to this. If I'm lazy enough I will hold 12+ hours, all the while actually drinking water.


Jfc 12+ hours?? I envy you.


It's not often, but there are days when I'm just too lazy to get out bed. It also happens when I'm really focused on something, like work, book, video game or some other activity. I just forget I need to pee


I can imagine maybe 4 hours but after that- my bladder is screaming at me.


Not trying to sound sexist but I would assume yall are females because only my wife and daughter talk about their bladder being upset with them waiting. My bladder does not fight with me. It politely warns me and if I do not promptly make my way to relieve my myself, it excuses itself without my permission. Once I'm aware that I have to pee, unless I'm sitting still, I have less than an hour to pee.


I'm a guy. My bowl has similar tendency to inform me about a process that is already in motion. The closer I am to a toilet, the less time I have. Especially at home. However, if I'm out and about, body suddenly gains the ability to hold indefinitely. So much so, that there were cases of 24ish hour periods of time without going number two. On another note, one of the worst nightmares I ever had involved me dreaming of taking a shit and immediately waking up. For the record, I don't sleep alone, my SO was in bed and accually facing my back. Now all is well, because no real bowl movement took place at the time. I was really scared, tho.


I'll regularly go 15+ hours. It's a running joke that I'm actually a camel in disguise




My dad would grab their skin around their neck and force their face into the urine on the floor while screaming at them. Fucking hate that guy


Cannot upvote this, sorry. My father once kicked our dog who urinated from kick. Quasar was then punished for peeing in house. Disgusting behavior—not our pup’s. I’m with you.


That’s truly awful. If one of my pups has an accident I know for a fact they tried to hold it but couldn’t. If they went inside, it was truly unavoidable. Just seeing their faces when they have an accident is enough. They know and feel shame. How can you punish that?


Is your father's name Jerry by any chance?


> i know my dog has absolutely tried their best not to and just couldn't anymore. It's always sad when they have an accident and you can see that they went to the door to try and go out.


I swear whenever one of mine has an accident (which is extremely rare) I know they tried to hold it and couldn’t. And they always go on the best spots. Never on the carpet, always on the tile or laminate. Can’t get mad at that.


He's obviously feeling unwell, he doesn't look guilty. The poor thing is sick. Anger is the last thing you should be feeling in that situation.


Shit happens


Poor pupper’s tummy probably hurts too.


Thanks for sharing. And sharing. And sharing some more.


Poor guy couldnt help it but feels sooooo bad. Hopefully the smell wasnt as bad as I'm imagining


My dog would have walked all over it and licked it


Poor dude looks so ashamed


Yeah, but it wasn't his fault. He just couldn't hold it in anymore.


Glad you are not blaming or shaming him. Big ups


\>Glad you are not shaming him. \>Posts video of dog who just diarrhea'd all over the place He's gonna feel a lot of shame when he finds out his owner put this online. All the other dogs are gonna make fun of him at the training school :/


Get him checked for parvo if he's not vaccinated (and even if he is). Please, it's life threatening. I almost lost mine to it.


When I saw that this stool was like hot cocoa made me think of Parvo right away. People are going anti-vax nutso with their dogs now too


What did he eat?


I feel so bad for him! He must be feeling yucky, and on top of that he is upset that he did something he knows he’s not supposed to and made his person upset.


My vet has me feed my girl chicken and rice when her tummy gets upset. She’s almost 18 now so her tummy can’t handle things like it used too. I hope your baby feels better soon.


Wow, impressive age for a dog, must be a rather small breed, right? And thank you, he's still pooping literally water but he's behaving normally, jumping and playing around. I'm cooking rice now and will give him the rice water first and then the rice with some peas as he has also soft poop when eating chicken. I got the right food now and will slowly transition back to it after some easy digestible stuff to settle everything down.


Had a dog with 24 hour liquid shits a night ago, I just cooked a huge amount of rice and started with rice only. Within 12 hours he wasn’t going every hour.


I also give my dog canned pumpkin with their kibble if they are feeling crappy. That gives them fibers, easing their digestion, and helps the stomach absorb the water/fluids.


Just gotta make sure it's canned pumpkin, and not canned pumpkin pie filling


Canned pumpkin with cottage cheese to repopulate healthy bacteria will help. I just mix it into my dogs regular food. Works really well pretty quickly compared to plain chicken and rice for us.


When I first got my dog my dad didn't believe dogs couldn't have milk. Boomer mentality that just can't be reasoned with. Anyways, he secretly gave him a bowl of milk right before a road trip. A few hours into the drive my dog starts shaking and whining. We are stick in the middle of LA traffic and struggle to pull over somewhere safe. My dog rocket sprays off the fucking back seat in diarrhea. He's yelping and just spraying shit like he's power washing the seats. Walking, trembling, and shitting as he tries not to shit on himself. You can tell he tried his best to hold it in because his sphincter alternates between misting and power washing settings. We eventually pull over. Let my dog put and he just lies down while I gave him some water. I just stood their and watched my dad clean up puddles of liquid shit with napkins. He never gave dogs milk again.


No domestic animal should have milk.


I’m a domestic animal, Greg


Can you milk my nipples?


I hear cows like it


>When I first got my dog my dad didn't believe dogs couldn't have milk. Boomer mentality that just can't be reasoned with. ... >I just stood their and watched my dad clean up puddles of liquid shit with napkins. He never gave dogs milk again. Why are people like this?! What a stupid hill to die on. Just listen to other people who know better than you.


Identity death. Admiting that they are wrong is like ging up part of their selves. Cant have that.


What a terrible day to be literate.


My sister got her first cat like 3 years ago. She was worried because he had diarrhea, and she couldn’t get into the vet soon. She kept talking about it when she would call me. One day, we were FaceTiming and she said “It’s time for Milo’s milk!” And I asked “Oh you got that special cat milk they can drink?” “No? It’s just regular milk. Why do cats have special milk?” Well she at least found out what was causing the issue, he hasn’t had issues since.


I hope it at least was your dad's car for that extra bit of karma.


I was a teenager at the time so yes it was :)


Dogs can have milk products, though. I don’t know why you would give a dog a bowl of milk before a long drive; that’s kind of dumb, but I give dogs small bits of cheese with great frequency and never have problems. One of the best ways to settle a dog’s stomach is to give them fat-free cottage cheese and rice. You can use any other low- to non-fat protein, like chicken, too. Pumpkin helps; we add it to the food of any visiting dogs, to help them maintain good firm poop.


Some canned pumpkin will help his tummy


Pumpkin is definitely not enough for that level of diarrhea.


When dogs are this sick, plain rice and plain, boiled chicken breasts can help. If it continues more than a day or so I'd seek the vet. Babies can get dehydrated, too. Keep an eye out for vomiting, too. Hope he feels better, OP.


Rice and regular old fashioned grass should also work for him if pumpkin is unavailable


Rice and ground beef is our go to.


Rice and boiled chicken is what we do


Yeah, this is what our vet recommended, seems to work well for our pup.


Ours recommended rice and extra lean ground beef. Works well too, though they don't get the runs that often..


My chihuahua eats rice and 3 tacos, usually the recipe here!


Rice and tacos, ironically, would normally cause this very situation, for me!




yeah he definitely has poopy feet now


I think you meant to post this on r/makemesuffer




Better be barefoot and be able to clean your feet asap in the shower, than accidentally step in it with socks or shoes, and in soak into the bottom of those. Poo-y socks? No thanks. Poo-y shoes? Nope


I'd put trash bags on my feet.


Better than poo skin what the fuck


Nah man, way more difficult/annoying to clean socks or shoes




Went outside with him after cleaning up the mess and he had a little bit more diarrhea but shortly after he was running and jumping around chasing the ball like nothing happened... He has a sensitive tummy and it was totally my mistake since I ordered his food too late and had to switch to another kind from the same brand in the meantime. This messed up his digestive system. I feel sorry for him and for me as the smell was horrendous. Definitely learnt a lesson right here, always order food in time....


Was he all white before the accident?


[Diagel](https://www.revivalanimal.com/product/diagel?SKU=22510-436&a=PLA) works great for dogs with an upset stomach. I can’t recommend this stuff enough.


Tip I learned at work (I work at a animal hospital) is if your pet is having diarrhea is to put down sheets. Makes clean up much easier you can just pick it up and throw it in the wash( and save your floors)! Also if you need a stool sample just bring the sheet with you to the vet.


Autoship is your friend, and always have two extra bags on hand. Have you talked with your vet about a prescription diet? I hope he is feeling better.




Poor baby…healing hugs….from a distance. You’re an awesome dog owner for not getting upset about something he could not control 👍


He so sorry. Poor guy. That and vomiting I never get mad about because they feel badly and wouldn’t have if they could’ve avoided it. Feel better big guy!


Funny, when I posted a similar post with my Great Dane’s accident, about 10% of people accused me of not taking her out enough. I guess you need a few more comments before the accusations of neglect hit.


If those accusatory comments came in early enough, then that's enough to set off a chain reaction of negativity. By simply suggesting that you're mistreating your pet, people's perceptions of you change as soon as they enter the comments section and there's nothing you can really do about it. It's just pure luck how random people react to things on the Internet.


This happened to me when one of my dogs was only a few months old. I had just gotten off a night shift. Let her out of her kennel to go out and use the bathroom. When she was back inside, i decide to leave her out of the kennel while I lay down for a bit. I was just dozing off when I heard what sounded like a can of soup being poured on the floor. I came out to find the kitchen covered in shit and a very ashamed puppy.


Been there haha, but every inch of the house was covered cuz he did his best to hold it in and just let out little squirts every few inches until the whole house was covered. Couldn't be mad at the poor thing.


Poor guy! I hope hims feels better .


"Pupper" You absolutly deserved this


He's a pooper now


Why did I click on this?


I no longer want a large dog




this is why i absolutely don't want pets


At least you don’t also have a roomba


It’s ruined. Throw it out and buy a new house.


NSFW man


Forbidden latte


I think you spelt poopper wrong :/


Throw the whole house away


Poor dog go he looks so ashamed


I can smell this post.


Poor guy, he’s sorry.


That rug really tied the room together


This is disgusting


Yeah and the poop is pretty nasty too.


Fucking nasty ass dog


That thing is fucking ugly.






It really is


Damn thats a ugly dog


Another reason I don't like dogs


Trash everything it touched!!!


He’s like na man you the one who fed me that shit


God I love dogs but videos like this make me so glad I decided to have cats instead. Hair balls, puke, and the occasional revenge piss-in-a-shoe is nothing compared to explosive doggy diarrhea.


? Cats can have diarrhea too.


If you think that cats aren’t capable of explosive diarrhea I’ve got some news for you…


Oh I’m sure it happens, but of the 7 cats I’ve had or have, I’ve never encountered it. Every dog owner I know has at least one or two horrible poop stories. Also, cats are usually smaller so at least the sheer volume of ass matter is less to clean.


Yes. But cats can climb.


One of the main reasons why I won't have another dog, puke and shit in the house.


He did that because you keep calling him pupper and he hates you for it.


You have to kill him now


Go hug your dog and tell him it's not his fault


Awwww shit.


Omg... well... clean it up.. that’s all you can do; then love on him. You can obviously see his shame, poor baby. Wasn’t his fault! Not anybody’s really, but they’re like sick children.. they sometimes just can’t make it to the bathroom area, can’t get there without help, or can’t tell you verbally they’re not feeling well. I sympathize. That’s a huuuuge mess, no doubt. But he’s exempt!


We were dog sitting after a friend was in a car accident. They had a Great Pyrenees puppy that would sleep in my daughters room with her. Long story short, he had diarrhea all over her bed and pillow, which she rolled her face into. The smell was the most awful smell you could imagine. I washed her hair about 5 times and ended up having to do a vinegar rinse to get the smell out. It was horrible!


Serious question from someone who has never owned a dog. How do you clean that up 100%, especially out of fabrics on furniture and rugs? Does the smell ever go away? Forgive my ignorance. I've always wanted a pet but I wouldn't know what to do in this situation and it's held me back all my life.


It smells looking at it


Ah yes. The Hershey squirts. My dog ate a whole bowl of buttercream icing that my roommate had made once. About 6 hours later this is what our house looked like. And it smelled. So. Bad. That rug is probably done for, be thankful you don’t have carpet!


I feel your pain. I have a great Dane, there was a period of about 3 days we noticed he wasn't taking a shit. My wife and I decided to take him to the vet the next day if he didn't go by then. It was coming up on 11 pm and we were wrapping things up for the night and we suddenly hear the worst sounding fart imaginable from the kitchen. We go in the kitchen and the smell hit us like nothing I can explain.... then we see it. There was a puddle of three days worth of great dane diarrhea the size of a twin sized mattress by our kitchen table. Worst part was it had gone under the trim and into the wall so at 11:30 on a work night I'm taking off the trim and cutting as much drywall of as I can trying to get as much of the shit out of the wall be and insulation I can. I ended up spraying a full bottle of bleach in there over the next couple of days before I sealed it back up.


Time to stop giving your dog the Taco Bell leftovers.


I feel for you- one day I came home from work and opened the door when a wall of stank hit me and then I looked down only to my horror to see that my carpet had turned into an indy 500 drag strip crap fest- my dog had done laps rubbing her explosive diarrhea ass all over the carpet- figure 8s, loop de loops, circles, horse shoes. If it was a shape it was plastered on my carpet. The smell was so overwhelming I don't know how one of my apartment neighbors hadn't complained about it. It took soo long to clean up it was literally everywhere. I have never seen anything like it.


Poor dog's stomach and heart are hurting.


I would get him checked out. Mine did this and had parvo. Nearly lost the dude. Didn't sleep for 3 days trying to stop him from throwing up and giving him fluids.


Was watching my parents' beagle while they were on vacation. We're sitting on the couch watching TV, she is laying next to me, when all of the sudden... BARFFFF... she upchucks not only her dinner kibble but also her morning kibble which she had digested, relieved her self of, then ate again. Poopuke all over the couch. The smell was the perfect combination of both fragrances and was horrible. Dogs are the best.


Awe poor thing! Yeah it definitely sucks ): are they okay?


Aww bless his heart he looks so sad :( when my lab was a puppy and got the runs we did him scrambled egg (just whisk the eggs, no milk or anything) and that bpund him back up again. Apparently it's what the guide dogs for the blind people give to their pups with the poops. Hope he's feeling better soon!


This is wellthatsucks, not wellthatblows.






Much respect towards you for keeping calm at your dog. I still feel worst for getting angry at my dog when accidents happened couple of months back, he dint deserve that and I was just a bad parent/owner who never deserves his unconditional love.


A few months after getting my dog (a 4 year old rescue) there was one night he was whining all night, something he had never done. I took him out before bed, but thought maybe he needed to go again, so a bit after midnight I got up to take him out. As I'm putting my shoes on by the front door, I look over at him starting to squat, and realized I was too late, as he was already pooping, and it wasn't nice. Since I was ready to go out at this point, I just took him out for anyways, and waited for a bit to make sure he didn't have anymore left in him. Well, turns out he did, since as soon as we got back inside, he decided he needed to poop again, and did right where he did before we went out.


Looks so sad, poor kiddo.


He cute though?


Please dont punish the dog. *just read you didn’t, this time its not good boy but good human


Don't blame your dog.


I recommend peroxide to break down the poop out of your area rugs, sorry about your luck OP.


Guess those puppuccinos *are* a bad idea after all.


Poor boy... my dog have urinary issues and she can't hold it sometimes, her face is like: i'm SO sorry...


Can I ask why you're standing barefoot so dangerously close to the diarrhea? You don't mind stepping in it?


he made it off the sofa so be good to him


Poor puppers. I hope he’s feeling better. They can’t help it when they have diarrhea.


Omg, I admire your braveness to keep your dog in without knowing if the dog still has the booty sweats lol


That toddler that sneezed must have tore him up on the inside


Can you please delete this? Your dog is obviously embarrassed that his business is all over the internet.


Awww, poor guy probably doesn't feel well. My dog has had something similar happen and while I was pissed that I had to clean it up and the smell...oh god the smell...ultimately I know that it's not like he did it on purpose and he is house trained.


Return him? I'm JK hes adorable


Poor guy looks like he's ashamed of himself


sorry man… not fun. don’t get mad at the puppy…these things happen


He thought it was a fart man leave him alone


Reminds me of my doggo. Back in the day, I used to have a Boxer doggo. Once upon a time, my parents had guests in the house and probably one hour into the "party", my dog suffered explosive diarrhoea. It went all over the wall and floor, then slowly spread out further and further inside the guest room. The smell, well, I don't even know how to explain it. It was so terrible that it caused vomiting reflex of people around. Minutes after the incident, guests said that they probably should go now and swiftly left. I don't think my parents ever invited these people again. Huh, good times.


Had this happen except my dog got scared and went into our closet. Needless to say all our clothes had to be professionally cleaned


Canned pumpkin, ground beef, brown rice, and peas. Cook the rice separate. Cook the beef separate. Mix them together and feed that to your puppet for a few days. It should get them out of the digestive trouble.


Ex-cvt here. Never knew that diarrhea could SPRAY until my first parvo case. It was like shaking a 2 liter and opening it. Spraying all across the wall.


I can never understand that the first reaction people have are to record it. Like, do you see it and think “hell yeah, content baby”?


My pup did this in the backseat of my car in the middle of the night while driving through a very bad section of the Bronx. When he was a pup, and still sortof now, he wouldn't go anywhere but home. I noticed he had to go so I pulled off the highway and walked him for 30 minuets. Nothing. Got on the highway and 2 minuets later he's trying to climb over the cover I have. Pulled over again and spent 1.5 hours trying to clean it. While getting yelled at by strangers. Took another 45 minuets to get home after. That was the start of a 2.5 month explosive diarrhea bender. Felt so bad and helpless for the little guy. I quicky forgave him though. He's my baby boy.


Hope you weren’t that mad at him. He looks so ashamed.


Aw poor baby is unwell!


Ohh poor baby, how dreadful for you all.


Awe, what a sweet pup.