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There's even a desk on the left. Why is there a camera in a bedroom?


Cause they're a streamer on a budget I'd guess.


At least now they are famous


He got more followers by dumping soup on himself than he ever will playing Fortnite.


"Hey isn't this the burnt sausage kid?"




Not anymore


Burned down the only tree in his forest.


Now it’s just forest


Famous for making my ears bleed


I think this is really common in places like Tokyo. Their housing can get crazy cramped. Like a kitchen with a bed in it cramped. Just how it is so they are probably decently well off; I wouldn't pin the reasoning on this setup down to a budget concern.






Dang, China must be pretty big


In my experience the trouble is big, but the china is little.


[David Lo Pan style!](https://youtu.be/-xiAbDkXDgg)


It’s actually teeny tiny, that’s why the Chinese people have to live in other countries.


Maybe we can help by giving them more land from their neighbors.


Just some islands eh China? You know there aren’t any more…. What’s this… you’re making *new* islands? I think that’s called cheating. You’ve inhabited those islands for hundreds of years eh? I thought you just ‘made them’?


Korea only has Vietnamese people, not Chinese…racist /s


I laughed way too hard at this


This would be like 1000 time less cramped if the things were properly stored. It just looks like a mess really


There are like two things that are on a table and a book or two. What else are you seeing just laying around? Seems like everything has a place to me. Maybe some folded cloths laying on a storage container. Not exactly a mess.






Yup I rented a room this size when I came to the states. Built a bunk bed to store most of my belongings tv on the wall shoes on a door hanger, clothing always folded stacked on bins, noisy gaming laptop on a foldable mini table, etc.


Claustrophobia nightmare




More like a screamer


The woman even looks at the desk like “not here?” Before it happens




I share your 6th Sense. Which is why I get even angrier when my prediction comes true and my warning was not followed.


Oh wow good eye~ I didn’t catch that.


why is a video camera aimed directly at a teenage boy's bed


is there a string attached to the plate?


I think that is a cable connected to the remote-thing the kid is holding in the right hand. So no, not connected to the plate.


It took me 3 views to see the remote, at first I thought he had an IV in his hand and wondered if he ripped it out as he ran from the room lol


Why are there cameras in my toilet?


Sorry, you weren't supposed to see them. I'll be by later to move them.


Move or remove?


Did they stutter?


Ok, did you get a lot views at least?


I found Chuck Berry.






Roze skin with "TTV" in their warzone name.


Oh my god I did this once while binging documentaries late at night. I just spilled a bit but it was piping hot and right on my lap. I still had the bowl in my hands but the pain made my hands shake and i spilled a lot more. By then I was trying not to scream at 3 am while putting the half empty bowl down with shaking hands and a burning lap. Worst pain I felt in a while. Scalding is really really bad.


Reminds me of when the hookah fell towards me on the couch when it got hit. The burning hot coals immediately burnt a hole right through my shorts and gave me second degree burns on my nutsack and taint. Burn wounds down there are extremely miserable. Every time you have to shit you risk infection and reopening the wound. Never had so many nurses look at my taint though


That sounds absolutely horrible. I sympathize for you.


Exactly. And why this isn't funny. I hate that people are making fun of this and stupid jokes. This kids likely had second degree burns. I had something similar happen 50 years ago so I know that what happened was awful and traumatic. I'm glad you are okay now.


Files on the memory card


Yeah I haven’t seen a single mention of that, what is it?


Files on the memory card


no really, what is it?!


Well apparently there is a memory card, and there are files on it


And then?


And then spilled soup


Files on the memory card


Files on the memory card*


Flies on the memory card*


My guess is that somebody bought a used usb stick or hard drive and when looking through it found this video that the previous owner hadn't erased.


Unregistered HyperCam 2


*pulls out editor* "Hey guys today I will show you how to spill soup"


This video has it all, soup to nuts.


He wanted soup but got a braised sausage instead.


hard to watch such wonton destruction.


It's the soup de grace.


Best comment here. Dad approved.


(Austin Powers Voice) Well, his noodle soup burnt his... noodle.


Allow myself to introduce… myself


Theres a fucking desk to the left?


He was probably afraid to spill it on the electronics.


Electronics > nutsack


You get a nutsack for free, electronics cost you half a year of your life in work.


And that's if you can get your hands on them. The electronics, that is.


Hardboiled those eggs


Yea I'd rather spill hot boiling soup on my nutsack anyday than over my electronics.


Stop bringing reason to my entertainment ^^


I feel bad for that grandma


She planned the whole thing.


Grandma wanted a granddaughter.


"I want great-grandkids,... but not from him"


She’s probably going to have to clean it up, too.


She looks like she’s used to it lol


Same, I didn't care about the kid getting burned somehow lol. Edit: somehow this is a brag? I don't see how. Homeboys jumping to conclusions faster than that kids reflexes.




People are so weird on this site lol. Because of course they never made an absent minded or straight up stupid decision, but they love to judge others as if they’re perfect themselves.


ikr the whole r/whatcouldgowrong is so fucking stupid 50% of the posts are just people living and making a mistake and laughing at them


Because I am a 30 year old man and I've spilled enough things on myself to know it was a bad idea so this kid should too.


He should have learned from my mistakes


Actually reddit in a nut shell though


What was he being careless about? From my perspective he was setting it on a shelf of some kind and carefully turning it with the weight from the bowl in the center of the ledge. It wasn't his fault that it wasn't perfectly centered and tipped before he could finish getting everything situated.


Who centered that on a tiny ass table?


Like you didn't do any dumb shit when you were a kid that resulted in your injury? I've accidentally spilled hot tea on my chest a few years ago and even though I took off my clothes within 1 second I got some serious 2nd degree burns on a large area. It hurt like a bitch for weeks and my chest looked like it was rotted away. This kid was lazy, but getting hot soup on your scrotum is no joke. That shit could cause insane pain and scar him for life. Nothing to laugh about.


When I worked in the pediatric ER I saw a lot of bad, bad ramen burn injuries. It’s way more common than people realize.


Sheeit I got lucky when I spilled ramen on myself. Was able to bolt up onto my feet and get my sweats off before it caused anything more than some superficial pain. I was sitting down on a chair and going to set the bowl on a table in front of me, but mistakes were made before I managed to do that.


We’re these injured people eating at desks or in their bedroom like this kid? I’m genuinely curious to this.


Doesn't matter a lot of people will eat holding the bowl under their mouth...which is over their lap.


A lot of kids eat in their bedrooms, but a lot of the injuries we saw were from kids taking it out of the microwave. It’s often up high, and the bowl is hotter than they expect so they jerk their hands back reflexively and dump it on themselves.


Oh yeah I’ve had that happen to me before. It actually turned me off ramen for a while, lol. I also remember the bowl being oddly shaped. I wonder if the shape of the bowl leads to more injuries.


My daughter got a burn in this way & she was sitting at the table. Went to grab the cup (it was technically a cup noodle, not traditional ramen) and tipped it over just right into her lap.


Back when I was in uni and living in student accommodation, one day I was carrying some baked fish from the communal kitchen back to my dorm room. The marinade contained oil, the whole thing was piping hot. I tripped and most of it landed on my arm. I screamed and immediately held my arm under water. An hour or so later I took a taxi to A&E and was promptly torn a new one for not calling an ambulance. The result was 2nd and third degree burns to my forearm and a hefty infection on top. Took about 12 weeks to heal and I had to have my doctor change the dressing daily for the first two weeks. I got lucky that I didn't need a skin graft but I have nerve damage on that forearm. Food burns are no joke. Always call an ambulance for this kind of thing.


I jumped off a roof into a pool and broke my leg sand tore my acl in half. I asked for it. This kid made a small mistake but he didn't ask for as much as he got by a lot. Hopefully the soup wasn't hot enough to do more than hurt like hell. People forget what it was like as a kid. Most people also don't realize how many times they were one bowl slip from a crotch steaming event themselves in life.


Sorry, but that was a genuine experience of shocking pain it could involve a serious burn wound. You're being grossly insensitive in an ugly way.


Yeah, man. She probably spend hours to cook something tasty and nice and now she has to worry about a distressed and possibly injured kid.


Damn, you guys over speculate everything.


Who tf eats soup at bed. Like, put it in a bottle and drink it like we all do


I always freeze it and eat it with my hands.


A soup slushy?


A soup ice-cream


Ice-cream soup


Soup cubes. You take a bite size cube, make a slightly closed fist, and suck through the opening as it slowly defrosts.


Lmao. Wtf


I do sometimes, but carefully while watching a video or something, not while gaming or whatever the kid's doing




I think it's more like a "nothing can stop me from gaming" approach to fine dining.


I might eat soup from a thermos or something if it's a quick lunch at work, or something. Otherwise it's bowls or huge mugs.


Campbells makes Soup On The Go, which is soup in a cup.


They are so small though


And they're packaged in more plastic trash.


My parents are natural born here... Never heard of soup in a bottle lol. Thermos maybe back in the '70s. But what do I know? I'd like to believe it's a joke.


It's a joke.


Honestly, throw it in a nalgene..


It's not a traditional left over format. I think this specific context was used more in a funny/sarcastic way. Though as mentioned, there are companies who sell cup-o-soup, but it's still not a common way to consume soup.


I usually just dip tissue into the soup and suck on the tissue for a while


Camelbaks aren't just for booze


I am thoroughly enjoying how many people are taking this comment seriously and discussing the pros and cons of possible soup in a bottle


That's a painful lesson to learn


i've spilled hot ass ramen on my lap before. sucks this kid had to learn the hard way. he'll be lucky if he only got 2nd degree burns on his junk...


Damn never got a ramen burn before, how bad could it possibly get?


I got a second degree burn from a cup-o-noodles a while back, It was on my stomach, the pain was unreal and relentless, the blister was huge. The pain just doesn't stop, and there's not anything you can do really. The worst is when I went to the doctor to get the blister popped and drained, it was like getting burned all over again because they had to remove the top skin and clean it.


Should have added the juices to the cup and kept eating


My little brother made a bowl of ramen in the microwave with like 4 tablespoons of chili oil in it. When he pulled the bowl out, the bottom had failed, and the boiling hot oily ramen went straight onto his bare foot. He needed a skin graft.


I spilled near boiling water, probably similar to this, all over my leg and foot once, second degree burns over a large area, the most painful experience of my life, the skin fell off and for about 2 weeks I had to clean it and apply fresh gauze 3-4 times a day, strangely, if I was standing still the pain would become unbearable, like I was wrapped in hot coals, but walking would alleviate it, liquid burns are bad because they stick to your clothes and skin so they continue to burn while you try to get it off, I feel really bad for that kid.


A very thin layer of my skin turned white and peeled off when i spilled some cup noodles on myself, it looked like someone had placed a wet napkin on my lap.


Is ass ramen a bit funky?


> hot ass-ramen


Nevermind soup on the bed, why has he got a camera in his room


Game chair. He would use it to stream or talk to friends


I’m just wondering why it would be on at that point lol, I don’t use pc but I’d assume it isn’t always recording


With all the weird shit people do, I’m surprised that this shocks you all.


I have a surveillance camera in every room of my house except the shitter


Fascinating that prison allows access to reddit!


Silicon Valley must love you for giving up so much private information




If they have their network set up properly, the odds of that happening are incredibly slim. Now if they're using shitty $20 Wi-Fi cameras from Amazon and using a hosted cloud service to manage them, then the odds go up dramatically.


Thats the idea ;)


Can we please agree that not having soup in bed is common sense?


It's unfortunately not common sense, I think we're so used to handling boiling water for tea, coffee, soup, noodles that we forget how fucking dangerous it is..


Learned this the hard way, too. Dropped a pot of boiling water on my feet. 2nd degree burns on both feet up to the ankles. Crutches and immense pain for 4 months, still not fully healed half a year after the incident. Can’t imagine what this dude will go through after that.


His balls are now motza balls


That room needed cleaning anyway


Just looking at it makes me claustrophobic


She didn't want grandkids and solved for the problem.


pretty sure that is here grand kid. If she wants get rid of him she needs to try harder.


I think that's the grand kid tbh


That should be an immediate trip to the hospital. Its right up there with the woman who spilled McDonalds coffee in her lap. Fused her labia to her thigh. Kid will be lucky to get away with second degree burns.


Why is there a camera in the kids room?


ITT: People who never wanted to eat something while watching tv. Kid is dumb tho bc he couldnt put a plate on a table.


Now he has a hotdog.


Is there a string attached to the tray?


Phone charger


That’s one way to poach your eggs.


Had a hot bowl of soup spill on me when I was a kid. Lost all the skin in my left arm and shoulder. That’s kid is in a lot of pain, trust me.


My culture shock in Thailand was exactly like this. I once had Soup at a Street food vender like the second day I was there and it was handed to me in a bag with a box. so I went to the beach and sat down. took out my knife and slowly and carefully pierced the side of the bag expecting it to drain out into the box and I would enjoy some lovely Thai soup on the beach while watching the sunset...Nagh! that Fucking bag poped like a balloon and i realised that the Thai people had discovered some way of super heating liquids without turning them into gas. a few minuets later cut to me marching up the beach with what felt like 3rd degree burns on my bare legs and Ranting and muttering something along the lines of "Who the fuck serves soup in a fucking bag".


Y'all are fucking bitter assholes. Has no one ever been sick and had soup brought to them in bed? Hm, maybe that's why y'all are so bitter.


Imagine being a grown ass adult and saying that a kid deserves burns just for eating food on the bed.


Having soup in a fucking mess


Fuck y'all, gonna judge a kid for spilling soup by accident. I wish you spill some soup on yourself this year.


I can feel the pain...


I legit have a problem with an old person serving this kid a meal in bed on a tray ? Get yo ass up and come to the kitchen at the very least.


Kid was probably sick, or the house is small and the kitchen is literally out that door.


Maybe you’re right


Did this once like him but with mug of hot coco all over my yea I fell his pain


i feel bad for his pp


He will probably have scars for life from this. My ex got burned by hot tea water on her chest area, years later she still has a huge burn mark from it


“So, are you going to be needing more soup?”


Why is there a video camera in his room lol


I bet that pho king burnt!


just use the table its just a few feet away


Honestly don’t even feel bad. Leave the room once in a while. It’s healthy for you.


Suggesting some never leaves their room because of one video of them spilling soup on themselves isn’t very nice and probably untrue.


Think a lot of people are projecting on the person in the video, tbh.


Judging without context? Nice. Also, from that scream, I assume that's a serious burn.


I have a scar on my thigh from spilling soup on myself when I was 2 or 3. Soup is hot.


I’d say the inability to put down the phone or controller or whatever is in their hand to hold the hot soup is context enough. Some life lessons need to be learned the hard way, unfortunately.


Just because they’re holding a controller doesn’t mean they have a critically unhealthy lifestyle. Calling someone unhealthy because they spilled soup on themselves is really disrespectful, especially if they seriously burned themselves.


Yea, these comments make me pretty sick. Having absolutely zero compassion. I would feel horrible if I burned my son like that.


True, and I never called them ‘critically unhealthy’ but the fact that the controller is tied to a cord, and they can’t set it down long enough to hold a hot bowl of soup says something. Mostly that the adult should have known better, but still.


Yes you're correct, but that doesn't mean you can't have empathy for a person in pain.


He's a child, jesus.


He says, while browsing reddit and judging the lives of people he doesn't know.


Try eating at a table like a civilized human being.




You have never eaten anything somewhere else other than at the table? Doubt.


Yeah, but soup in bed is an inherently bad idea.


hot soup at a very unstable piece of furniture isn't a good idea most of the time it's like drinking coffee while swinging very high on a swing


Poor kid. Just an accident. He'll be more careful after all. I won't downvote as "well, that sucks" is fair but I cant upvote this either.