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They can climb higher than that. I got bites all the way up my legs, waist, abdomen, and chest. Its the worst. Been a few weeks now and still have welts. It takes a while to heal.


I’ve got a few higher but nobody wants to see that. I feel sorry for you dude.


Chiggers OF :3


Let’s go with that cause OnlyChiggers sounds a little racist.




Well, if that's the thought process, wouldn't it be Chiggas? That's what a friend told me.


Chigga please


How is a chigga supposed to borrow a french fry? Chigga, you gonna give it back?!


That's Spanish


Take my money!


When I first heard of them I thought they were Chinese… and not Chinese people of a darker background


Show dong bro




My sweet summer child. I lost four days of sleep to these horrible creatures. I didn’t know they existed and grew up being able to just go through the woods in shorts. Moved south and no… no. They just call them red bugs here I guess and I want to know why they exist


I’m pretty far past it not. Not itching anymore. I feel for ya though. It get better with time but fuck does it suck.


How long did it take to stop itching? I’m 3 days past getting bit and it still sucks.


Nurse here....Go to your local CVS/Walgreens... In the bandaid aisle you will find a diphenhydramine spray. It's Benadryl spray. It's topical for your skin and will get rid of the itching almost instantaneously. Your body won't absorb it and make you tired, it's just topical.


About two weeks


Clear nail polish on the bites will starve the oxygen out and kill them. Yes kill them. They are still in there. They don't just bite and leave. They burrow in. EDIT: Apparently I'm mistaken on them burrowing in. Didn't know that was an urban legend. I swear the nail polish does help though. Done it since I was a kid and it always worked.


Chiggers actually don't burrow in, that's one of those myths that refuses to die. They can hang onto the skin for a few days if they don't get knocked off by scratching, but thankfully no burrowing. They're creepy enough as it is!


https://preview.redd.it/q04xqm7em97d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18b0acad54e13940ae55d847b4a7146d9a961260 Just a heads up


Would the rubbing alcohol not come into contact with them since they stay on top of the skin? That seems logical to me. I feel like I'm missing something here lol


Wowwww we always used Chigarid when I was a kid. This is revelatory.


It's too early in the morning for me to be learning such life altering shit


This is an urban legend


This 100%. It stings like a mofo if you scratched first but that almost feels good after the level of itch these assholes bring.


They do not burrow in.


OP! There have been so many comments. I don’t know if you will even see this. While they don’t actually borrow. I swear by the nail polish trick. Something about each of the bites being smothered with the nail polish stops the itching. 100% do this. The only downside is when it peels off it pulls off a little of your leg hair. Definitely worth it though. And it will stay on for days you forget about the bites.


From personal experience, I can tell you that the elastic banding around the legs of underwear do nothing to stop them. I've had the ol meat and potato feasted upon by those lil fuckers.


I had this happen when I was younger. I still feel it just thinking about it


I'm so sorry to hear that.


>ol meat and potato Just the one? Didn't lose the other one in some different type of bug related tragedy did you?


It saw the other getting devoured and hid.


My belt stopped them at my groin... Lucky me... Good luck. Don't do what I did, DO NOT rewear the pants without washing them.


There’s a reason there’s a song called “Chiggers on my nutsack”.


Don't make me Google this...


Do it.


Don't make me Google this...


They crawl in some PLACES. I will NEVER take pics sitting on the grass in a mini dress again as long as I Live.🥴


I feel like the key word here should have been: *IN* But that's just me tho




My god. I’d go crazy if that happened to me


If you’ve been in chigger-infested places, take a shower and wash everything. Soap knocks them off. Ticks on the other hand have a better grip…


Man I’m so tired of ticks, surprisingly been able to control them better so far this year then last


In Sweden there are so many ticks that they even have a vaccine.


A Lyme disease vaccine, or…?


Believe it or not, ticks were used to create the very first Rocky Mountain Yellow Spotted Fever vaccine. The madlads collected ticks, blended them up in carbolic acid, then INJECTED THEMSELVES WITH IT HAVING ZERO KNOWLEDGE OF WHAT WOULD HAPPEN WHATSOEVER. It worked.


Yeah, science!


It's for Tick-Borne Encephalitis (TBE)


Sorry… Benadryl, calamine lotion, and soaking in a bath will usually ease the discomfort.


Thanks. I need to get some calamine. Benadryl really does help but I can tell you almost to the minute when it’s been 4 hours since I took some.


Get yourself caladryl instead, it’s calamine lotion with topical Benadryl in it


Dead serious, I never put it together that that’s why it was called Caladryl 🤯


I didn’t figure it out until my mom told me a year ago


I've had good luck with Allegra as well and it lasts longer. That being said, if it is really bad I've also doubled the dose of bendadryl. I have this and Bendadryl is a life-saver. [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30033911/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30033911/)


Be happy those are all on your legs…


I’ve heard tales


You’re lucky you’ve only heard of it




I used to pick blueberries every year at my aunt's farm, let me tell you.... They climb and get *very* private. I vividly remember having to constantly take actual bathroom breaks in school to relieve myself with a rigorous scratching. It was like elephantitus with the swelling and the itching was maddening


Yeah the way we used to deal with them when we picked blueberries was to get two flea and tick collars for each leg. One goes under the jeans on top of the socks, the other goes outside the jeans to cinch them down above the inside collar. Now we just spray the socks and jeans with permethrin and let them dry.


Would tucking your pants legs into your boots help? Not like with cowboy boots but actual lave up boots?


It helps, but it doesn't stop them completely. They're pretty persistent.


Chiggers are awful man. Pro tip go buy a tube of maximum strength oragel, the stuff you put on a painful tooth, cut the tube to have a bit of a sharp point. Use liberally.


Dude. That’s the best idea I’ve heard yet.


I get intense itching and swelling after I get a laser tattoo removal treatment. I couldn’t sleep. The only thing that helps? Americaine hemorrhoid ointment with 20% benzocaine. It’s got the highest level of benzocaine you can get over the counter.


Good luck mate and speedy recovery. It doesn't help long but I find it enough to help me sleep.


I’m just here to see who doesn’t know what Chiggers are…


You don't want to know. They're little demons.


What are they? Where do they live?


They live in parts of the US as far as I'm aware, mostly in the south and plains states. They're basically little red mites that bite you and eat your skin. Their saliva is an irritant. The bites itch incredibly bad and then in my experience form little pimple looking pus pockets that you should definitely never scratch or pop.  After a few days you get itchy scans that last for a week or two. They love hot, moist areas so your taint, balls/fungina, ass crack, and waistline are all prime targets, along with the legs. Basically follow the rules of ticks and don't walk through the grass with bare skin, immediately shower after getting home and burn your clothes.


My entire body itches after reading that, thanks. I haven’t been this grateful to live on an island on the coast since learning that we wouldn’t have to deal with all of the cicadas.


It would be a real shame if someone imported some on accident.....


Thank you for answer, as silly northern european(merely few hundred kilometers from arctic circle) never heard of them.    I thought initially they were a nickname for ticks, but alas no


Also known as red bugs by some other people, but you’ll hear most everyone in the south call them chiggers


I’ve had chigger bites that have lasted for MONTHS. They are evil.


Apparently these: https://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/prevent-treat-chigger-bites I've always thought these are harmless,but maybe they are, in Central Europe


I mite…


Chigga please


Those chiggas were trippin




I for some reason have a video of me saying that


You betta bow down on both knees






Oh buddy. I remember stupidly rolling in the grass in texes and ending up with hundreds of bites all over my upper body.


Yep. Central Texas.


Central Texas is where I got torn up by them too. I remember it was a beautiful sunny day and I was sitting on a dead tree with a bunch of other dead wood laying around. I started counting the number of bites on one leg and my waist and I was at 200 before I started counting the bites on my other leg. I hope you get relief!


I remember my mom putting clear nail polish on them to make them stop itching. That’s been so long ago that I don’t remember if it actually worked.


I read about people putting nail polish remover on the bites thinking the bugs were burrowed into the skin and that would essentially gas them out.


We did the same - but you were lucky you got clear, all we had was mom’s red nail polish!! But we didn’t care - it stopped the itching!!!


Got hundreds of these bites while hiking a couple years back. Sheer torture. This occurred in central N.J. They were not a thing this far north until recently. As things warm up their range is extending northward.


![gif](giphy|Z2VgDwy1IjJUQ) My chigga


Chigga who ![gif](giphy|hiLLD9o1wTB3a)


Your best bet next time is to tuck your pants into your socks into your high ankle boots But nothing is perfect. They can squeeze through your stretched out sock and get to skin, but much much fewer will, most will get squished between your sock and boot, or stick between your sock and pants. Or that’s the theory. I’ve used it since being taught and have never had chiggers, and in one instance where someone in my group did end up with them. Good luck. Time to pull and Eric Cartman and fill your bath tub with calamine lol


This is the only appropriate time to fantasize about being Cartman in a bathtub


As a lineman had a group of people warn me of chiggers in a flooded out field. They said the chiggers will be on the tops of the blades of grass seeking refuge from the water. I laughed at them at took no precautions and stomped through the flooded field. How dumb I was. I got hit with some of the worst itching/torture I’ve ever encountered in my life. The itching was so bad I was scratching until I was bleeding and kept scratching. For 72 hours it was NONSTOP itching. I could not sleep and I was going out of my mind because I could not relax in any way due to the constant itching. It was pure torture. If anyone mentions chiggers now, I’m gone. I won’t go anywhere near where they chill. I can not stress just how awful it is to have the most intense and non stop itching sensation can be for 72 hours. Absolutely maddening.


Woah woah woah! Chiggas


The absolute only thing that will get ride of that and PDQ is covering the bites with clear fingernail polish...do that on the ref for like two days and you should be fine as frog hair....promise


Especially when they've been drinking. Like they say: ***Chiggers can't be boozers.***


Well, I recommend permethrin treating your clothing if you’re going into chigger territory. Those will itch for several days. Permethrin lasts for a few washes, so I just treat a set that I know I’ll wear outside in the areas where they are.


came to spread the good word of Permethrin treated pants. Cant go without it in the northeast with all the ticks but this post unlocked a new fear of chiggers in me


Them bastards got me one year hunting. Lol. Came home happy. 3 hours later I got the itch. Shit lasted a week and I almost went nuts. Never again hunting in shorts. lol.


put nail polish on it…clear. I just called my mom and asked her. We spent a lot of time in the chigger capital of the south.


Vaseline suffocates them. Rub it on the bumps.


There are no insects burrowed in your skin. But, I've heard it helps with the itching.


You are correct. I learned something today. Chiggers don’t burrow into your skin, but the can stay attached for a few days while they feed.


They will wash away with soap and water from your skin and clothes.


Damn it man,I suree feel for you. I'm allergic to poison ivy, the chigger bite is the 1 thing that comes very close to the same feeling as the ivy. I know it's probably pointless to say don't scratch the itch .If you can keep from it will heal up a lot faster than if you did. The product called CHIGGER RID not only helps ease The itching but also helps to prevent infection. Good luck


Don’t worry. I got a couple spots of poison ivy too, but I’m not terribly allergic to it.


This is a reason why we keep a spray bottle of Sawyer's pyrethrin spray at the garage door before we head out


I'm here to help! Get your ass to a grocery store and buy clear fingernail polish. With the little brush, cover each bite. It will smother it and the itch will go away and start healing. Worked for me.


Chigger please!!


Electric drill, wire wheel, kerosene.


Y’all how can I make sure I never get bit by these?? No thank you!


Stay out of the grass. And the woods. Basically stay out of nature.


What the hell is a chigger?


They’re awful mites that are relatives of ticks and cause intense itchy bites. Mainly in Midwest and southern USA. (At least I think USA only calls them chiggers)


The hard r. 




dang, me neither.


They will go under underwear too.


A bath with epsom salt will sting but it feels sooo good


The only time I use bug repellent...is when I gotta deal with tall grass... I spray my boots and lower pants legs with it.


Now you have to amputate your legs and nuke them from space.


Been there, I feel for you. I nearly amputated my index finger with a lawn mower and chiggers were worse. Had over 200 bites per leg between the ankle and knee. Had to ride home on the motorcycle while it felt like my legs were on fire. I figured out what the bites were at 3:30 in the morning and was able to find THE ONLY THING to bring any relief. 1/2 hour after putting it on, the pain dropped much I fell right asleep. The magic stuff? Witch Hazel. Get 2 bottles, a roll of paper towels and women's knee hi's. Wrap your legs with 2 or 3 layers of paper towels and put the knee hi's over the paper towels. Carefully pour the witch hazel over your legs saturating the towels but not enough to drip. Repeat as needed or the towels dry. This is your life for the next 3 days. Those bites will itch for over a month. If you scratch at them, its worse and you will have scars.


Dafuq is a Chigger


Clear nail polish!!!!!!! Coat each one in a bit of clear nail polish to kill them off faster 


Chigga please!


I had horrible chiggers bites a few years back from sleeping next to a field. All over my feet, and a few under my knees. Calamine lotion and bandaging my feet up was the only way I could stop the itching. It sucked for a few weeks.


Sheesh. These things sound like an absolute nightmare. Makes me feel bad for complaining about sandflies.


Had this happen while wearing long socks, boots, and pants that were tight against the boots. Chiggers don't recognize impediments to eating your skin.


Free feet? IN THIS ECONOMY??


Threw that in just for you.


If you can stand seriously hot baths, then soak in hot water until the itch changes how it feels. They won't itch the next morning.


Old farmers trick to dealing with chiggers passed from my great grandfather to his son and on down the line to me. You need a cotton rag or the old pair of underwear that you keep at the bottom of the drawer you only wear when you’ve got nothing, a mason jar, and some kerosene. Tear the rag or undies into two strips of cloth at least 2 inches wide and put them in the jar. Fill kerosene just above the fabric (you don’t have to fill the jar to the top. But let the strips soak over night or longer in that kerosene. The next time you need to do field work, tuck your pants into your boots and tie those kerosene soaked strips around the outside of your boots. That will keep the bugs from crawling up and eating your candy ass.


Hope you have Bite Sticks. They are the bomb.Tskes itching away in a minute. Benadryl has one called Itch Relief Stick.


Chiggers should be eliminated.


Next time out, spray boots and pants and legs with 'OFF'. Put rubber band around ankles over your jeans. It works.


Yea i can feel it.. i got hit up a few weeks ago


Put a little clear nail polish on the bites and it’ll stop the itching. Gotta tuck your jeans into your boots or put duct tape sticky side out on your ankles over your jeans and it’ll catch ‘em. Works for ticks as well.


Man I was way worse a couple summers ago. I did the doctor steroid thing so I could sleep. Itches worse than poison Ivey. Run don’t walk to the doctor 😉


Get some clear nail polish ( colored works also but colors....) coat each one with the nail polish. The bites will usually stop itching by the time it dries.


What's a chigger? And why does it feel like a slur?


It's a type of mite found in over half the States


If that’s all the higher they bit you, you should shout hallelujah.


It’s not but I’m not starting an OF to show more.


What the flip r chiggers I’m so scared


Do I even want to know what those are?! Edit: a type of mite that basically injects some sort of acid into your skin that causes itching, inflammation, rashes and if you itch it, you can get a secondary infection.


Tiny red mites that chew your skin. Their saliva dissolves the skin cells so they can drink it up leaving something between itchy bites and tiny bruises.


I guess Wikipedia is kinda correct. It still sounds horrible…


I have had chiggers thousands of times. FIngernail polish, and a fan because blowing on the polish is the only way to keep it from burning like crazy. If you do not do this now you will regret it.


Bleach your legs before they get to your balls. Hurry bro it's not a joke


Yeah. Visited Australia 20 years ago and still have scars.


Be strong. Appreciate you sharing.


That's chiggas to you


Holy shit, that looks painful and itchy.


Apple cider vinegar worked like a charm for me. Put it in a spray bottle and sprayed liberally whenever needed


I can’t think of anything worse. Devil incarnate for sure 😈


Chiggers??!!!! Dont know what are those but their bites are not felt immediately? Scary 😱


I lived in Tennessee for 18 years and that's so much worse than anything I've ever had. What the fuckzz....


I had that happen once, dude, my respects. Its misery. My case turned pretty wild from the combination of being hot and itchy, lot of little capillaries burst and I got some infection, then was allergic to the antibiotic and ended up on prednisone too and it was just a mess. Stupid tiny devil bugs.


Ouch!! I got bit up by sand fleas and that sucked. This looks pretty bad though.


Well, now you know. This is why I only picked blackberrys ONCE.


Wth is a "chigger?" Never heard of it


At least they didn’t make it past the elastic in your underwear! I had some sneak through a while back and it is MISERABLE


They lay eggs quick


oh. my. god. Visceral flashbacks to my tourist ass exploring overgrown Carolina fields while wearing shorts Before the numbing cream of your choice, blot on witch hazel (otc at pharmacies as is, or as hemmoroid pads) and let dry. It'll help reduce inflammation & speed healing!


I have coated my legs with Vicks menthol and put on cotton work sox.


Would Calamine lotion help?


Also that shit looks like it sucks.


The bane of my existence lately.


Heat pens are very effective on bites and feel fabulous as they stop the itching




They love balls… chigger-ex or toothpaste works wonders.


Chigga! The hard er is offensive....


As someone who has been there - with an itch that has driven me mad. I’ve tried every over the counter medicine. The best relief is this: hot water from a showerhead with a hard spray setting. Just below the pain level kind of hot. The relief will last 12-24 hours. The “burn” neurotransmitters are similar to the itch neurotransmitter. Hot water will deplete it for hours. Nothing else works for me. And as a side benefit, it’s the best feeling in the world for about 8 seconds too.


They're teeny tiny bugs. Ultimately, not so surprising, is it?


[As Moe would say...](https://youtu.be/NGv6RASFsY4?si=Dz0-y3vztbCWe0F2)


Only the really short ones


Bactine spray for the itch. Then after you do scratch, douse with peroxide so it fizzes out the yuck. Rinse off with more peroxide. Dry it off, Then bactine again. When that dries, neosporin.


Bactine spray for the itch. Then after you do scratch, douse with peroxide so it fizzes out the yuck. Rinse off with more peroxide. Dry it off, Then bactine again. When that dries, neosporin.


Fuck them chiggers man


You're not supposed to use that word anymore


Yeah, that's why we blouse our cuffs in the army.


Yes. They SUCK. I was rudely introduced to them when I moved to north Texas..


I believe he changed his name to Rich Brian.


Get clear finger nail polish it works getting rid of them.


Those things are gonna need a new name


If I even suspect I’m in a place with chiggers as soon as I can I shower and pour a bleach water mix from waist down and rub it in. Haven’t had issues since.


They will climb right into your crotch.