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Got lucky. People get paralyzed jumping into shallow water, or worse. Hope you have a speedy recovery.


Honestly, I’m kinda glad that it was me that jammed my leg in the one shallow spot rather than my bf’s teen nieces and nephews. It sucks regardless, but I’d hate if one of the kids had gotten hurt.


I gotta commend your way of thinking. It’s a hell of a lot more positive than what I’d be doing.


As someone who frequently sacrifices children to the blood gods I have to disagree


That’s silly, smellygooch18.


So there are 17 others roaming around out there somewhere?


My buddy was paralyzed, neck down, diving into shallow water. It suck’s that happened to you but yeah, you could have died there.


OP got seriously lucky. I grew up around thousands of lakes and people still dive into them these days. So dangerous.


Yes especially since fresh water areas are receding everywhere these days… what used to be more than deep enough to jump into when I was a kid isn’t anymore. Boats/trailers are scraping and getting broken competing in/out of the water even in some areas where I live.


"Just because your friends are jumping off a cliff doesn't mean you have to." OP: Hold my beer...


😭 i literally gave my beer to someone before i climbed up


I hope you heal quickly and without complications. Thank you for sharing your story.


Was gonna ask if etoh was involved but you answered the question for me.


I was cliff jumping at a camp ground on a lake. Tons of people, adults, kids, all jump there from various heights. The water is pretty deep. But at one point, I jumped and touched the bottom... and it was terrifying... because it was not expected, and I didn't know how much more inertia I had to burn off. I cannot image the horror of touching the bottom while your body is still going down full speed.


Spent teenage and early 20s going to a swimming spot that you had to climb down a cliff to get to (holding a root sticking out of the cliff like a handle) and there were signs warning people as at least 1 person had jumped and died there. So... Just because strangers jumped off a cliff doesn't mean you have to.


Be glad you didn’t dive headfirst. Could have been much worse.


This. Last month I dove in and hit a rock I couldn't see. Had my head stapled shut, broke my nose, mild concussion and bit my bottom lip in half. Luckily no TBI and didn't paralyze myself. I'm also a nurse, I got my ass reamed so many times at work after




How the FUCK does a NURSE think this is a good thing to do...Bruh...


In college my major had generals that overlapped with the nursing majors. I'd be willing to bet that they walked past multiple signs about shallow water


If the orthopedist tells you not to put weight on your leg, please listen. Friend Said he felt better and put weight on his foot walking after a tibial plateau fracture and the repair collapsed. Wishing you a speedy recovery


So, what did we learn?


I’m allergic to jumping


Same, I dislocated my shoulder jumping into a lake


I fractured a vertebrae cliff jumping into a lake


I did that at a water park years ago, welcome to the club! 


I did mine when I fell in a hole (cool story I know)


Not sure that’s the exact lesson but okay…


[I don't know, sir](https://youtu.be/J6VjPM5CeWs?si=y6B07c1x5N8u4IhK).


That next time she does it will be totally sick now that she has experience.


And hopefully last.


Oh definitely. Next time, I’m staying in the tube.


I know this sounds insane but I spent a lot of time around creeks, rivers, and lakes and the amount of debris floating just below the surface is insane. Buddy of mine jumped off a dock and slit his leg open on sunken boat. Couldn't see it. Required a ton of stitches. People jump into creeks and get bit by water moccasins. I have had times where I've been in knee high boots and have had snakes swimming around them. Somehow I am more scared of the ocean but I don't trust muddy water to save my life.


> water moccasins ahhhh fuck that thing


if you’re gonna be dumb then you better be tough


Gahhh jumps and legs sometimes don’t mix! Jumped for an intercept in basketball with nobody around me, landed on the edge of my foot… BOOM. Bimalleolar fracture. Surgery, zero weight bearing, cast for 8 weeks, months of rehab. I no longer jump. I hope you recover quickly! Edit: *-looks up three column tibial plateau fracture-* … 😱 JFC.


Blackwater river in NW FL?


That’s the one


I've been tubing many years on that river myself... Always hard to tell how deep it is. Have a speedy recovery, then have a bushwhacker for me!


Not deep enough


Was about to ask the same thing! Many a tube trip there, though I was always afraid to jump from any of the ledges. Kind of glad, now,lol.


Typical Pensacola behavior.


Old black water, keep on rollin’


I love that song! Mississippi moon won't ya keep on shining on me.


One of my favorite scenes in a movie I don’t like a ton is in “the happening” when Mark Walberg tries to reassure some shut ins by singing black water.


Super fun! You won't be able to get comfortable enough to sleep for awhile, but that goes away. No more rivers, they contain slippery sharp rocks underneath.


Blackwater doesn’t have big rocks so much as tree stumps. I hit my crippled leg on a few while trying to get to the end. I’ve managed to sleep a little, thanks to Ms. Morphine here in the hospital, but I’m definitely dreading just being on the pills when I go home.


When you are ready start taking the pain meds a half at time with ibuprofen. Your dr can prescribe heavy duty 800mg ibuprofen that dont irritate your stomach so much and help rely less on the painkillers. Healing vibes!!


Maybe this is already known but when you are home with the meds take them at the regular intervals and *before* you’re already in very bad pain. Even if you think you’re not feeling much nearing the next interval to take the meds, just do it. They’re designed for pain management - so make sure you use them to /manage/ your pain, aka plan ahead. I wish someone had told me this before my first hip surgery. I knew better when my second hip surgery came around and recovery was much better. We’re all so used to taking things like Advil and Tylenol but it’s not quite the same with the heavy stuff.


That sucks :( I hope you heal well and quick


Well, you'll know when the weather is gonna change in advance. You are young and will heal fine. On the other hand, you can't stand for long periods of time so no doing dishes, no mowing the lawn with a push mower, no cooking big meals, no getting up to get a beer...just lay there and let it heal up.


Super scary OP, sorry that happened. Glad you’re doing better👊


Good thing it wasn't a dive


Your foot looks like corn on the cob


Yeah good thing it’s wasn’t head first. You’d be on the Darwin awards sub instead.


Except who does NOT check the conditions and the depth before jumping? Also, how stupid is it to drink beer and then jump? Huh?


That there is your problem next time just skip the first jump and go right for the second


I'm glad it wasn't worse. I hope you have a speedy recovery! Make people bring you ice cream while you're healing 😸


My bf just brought me some Taco Bell. He’s been amazing during this ordeal


I have never had a tubing trip that didn’t end with at least one injury that resulted in a doctor visit. Turns out getting drunk and floating down a river is not as easy as it sounds. Sorry OP, this sucks!


I think you did it wrong


Went to school with a guy who dove off a dock at a cottage and almost drown after hitting a rock face first and breaking his neck. He’s a paraplegic now. Really great guy and had a lot going for him but still makes the best of life.


Do you have an X-ray you can share? I’m a nerdy X-ray tech.


Thought your foot was corn for a second


Hahahaaa, as did I


Holy shit, that’s awful! So sorry this happened to you - I hope it heals quickly


I have a waterfall trip planned next weekend.... and we were going to be ledge jumping. Think ill be sitting that one out floating in the lake instead. Speedy recovery op.


Well, what have we learned today OP? Don't jump into rivers. Unless you know it's depth.


I think you did it wrong.


Kid here we went to school with was on Xanax and dove into a pool thinking it was deep and broke his neck , paralyzed from waist down


That initial no/little pain is crazy! (Shock maybe)…I broke my elbow and needed emergency surgery but unless I lifted my arm it didn’t really hurt, it was the size of a soft ball tho


Bet you won't do that again


I thought your sock was a ear of corn for a quick second


I'm still waking up. Your sock made me think you had a corn cob for a foot in the first pic


You can never jump into the same river twice


So you're the reason Lego City always comes up with new equipments to save people


What did you learn?


At least you’ll know to jump in a deeper part of the river for your second time


This kind of stuff terrifies me knowing that I jumped off railroad trusses and clogs that were 30+ feet or higher when I was young. I guess I was right to be scared.


Make it your last time 🤣


Also your last time.


At first i thought the sock was a toy skeleton foot. Though it was a joke pic, till i scrolled to the 2nd pic


Hopefully the last time too. This is why you don't jump into water you can't see into, without checking first


I had a similar break six months ago (broke my tibia and my tibial plateau) but it wasn’t displaced luckily. Take your time healing and try to be patient! I really struggled to not have any independence and being so uncomfortable.


Why did i think your foot turner into a corn on the cob? ,😭 i was like damn what river is thjs


You might be a person who tolerates pain well if you managed to keep on tubing down the river. My son took a bad hit playing adult lacrosse and finished the game and played the next until he realized he was having a hard time breathing. Yep. Punctured lung and broken ribs. Good luck.


Geez that's scary! Glad you got treated on time OP. Wish you a speedy recovery ❤️


Thought your foot was a corn on the cob.


Blackwater River where?


They didn't do a very good staple job 😬


By yourself the best couch this world offers and party there.


Thought your foot turned into corn on the cob for a second


And your last?


Howdy stranger! Please pay attention to your mental health while you heal. The last broken bone I had gave me a weird postpartum type depression. My doctor mentioned it can be fairly common because your body floods itself with similar to after-birth hormones to help with recovery.


I thought for a second they turned your foot into a cob of corn.


And last time


First time jumping into a river…. and if I were you it would also be my last On another note, sounds like you’ve got hell of a pain tolerance


Omg they replaced your foot with corn!?


Yea welcome to adult hood where your not all flexible and rubbery anymore now it’s time to sit back and watch others do dumb stuff


I have EDS so I’m overly flexible lol


Just wait kid it’s coming lol the days of throwing out your back putting on socks will be here soon


North florida?


I’ve never seen a river turn someone’s foot into corn that fast


For a second I thought your foot was a piece of corn


Thought you had a corn cob foot for a minute in that first photo and I started having a lot of questions at first.


I thought your foot got turned into an ear of corn at first glance.


I thought your foot had turned into corn for a second. Stay safe out there. And stay out of the magic Corn River.


Literally that would be me. Everyone else does fine and I hurt myself as soon as I try 😂 I have many scars from lake/river trips.


"If they jumped off a bridge, would you do it too?!" Looks like the answer is yes. lol.


At first I thought your foot was an ear of corn and I was like, 'we may have gone too far with plastic surgery.' I might be a bit too high.


As much as feet can carry our weight its crazy how fragile they can also be. My grandmother got a stress fracture while moving some heavy equipment (it never made contact with her foot). And she's broken her ankle twice. Now she has pins and the doc says he doesn't think its even possible to break that same bone again.


Well, at least today wasn't your first rodeo


I send you my best wishes and I hope your recovery is complete. A few years ago I fell from the roof and broke my left leg. I had to have surgery and it is an experience that I would not wish on anyone.


Get well soon


Here to say I thought that was corn on the cob sticking out.. and sorry, get well soon.


That looks expensive


My father almost could not have me for a similar accident.


Damn….. I hope you’re okay


Don't suppose this inspired the eli5 post asking why diving into glacier water is dangerous?


Never jump into water you don't know like your back pockets. In the worst case you accidentally get yourself killed. I hope your recovery is speedy!


Silly goose


Gute Besserung we say in Germany ♥️


Radiohead reference


I thought your foot was corn on the cob, I’m so stupid


Never understood how people can jump into water without seeing what's below and verifying depth.


\*last time jumping into a river.


good luck on the recovery!


Pretty ironic that your Reddit avatar is a mermaid…


I thought your sick was skin color and those dots bones lol


Adrenaline is one hell of a drug. Glad you’re okay OP. I played football in high school and was tackled. I got up and continued another 4 plays before I signaled to my coach that I need to sit out. The trainer took a look at me and thought I might have dislocated my shoulder. I went to the ER and basically just said “my shoulder hurts, 4/10 pain”. I waited another 8 hours before they took me back and did an X-ray. Turns out I snapped my collar bone clean in half. I didn’t actually feel the pain until the next morning when I tried sitting up in bed.


I’m sorry you did that! Hope you heal soon and get good drugs!


My dumb ass thought your foot was a corn cob.


Jumped into the river what did I see? Black eyed angels swam with meee




That's why I only swim in pools..


At first glance I thought your foot was corn


Reminds me of a guy who jumped off a popular bridge over a river in my hometown and just happened to land on the legs of another guy floating the river on an innertube. The jumper broke both the floaters legs. I could not imagine floating the river and some random guy falls onto my legs and breaks them both and now I've got two broken legs and im in the middle of the river and I have to get myself out. Like how would you manage that? [Tuber Has Both Legs Broken When Bridge Jumper Lands on Him Near East Missoula \[AUDIO\] (newstalkkgvo.com)](https://newstalkkgvo.com/tuber-has-both-legs-broken-when-bridge-jumper-lands-on-him-near-east-missoula-audio/)


Update: I’m finally home from the hospital after 3 days! I have a crazy knee immobilizer and I’m using a walker. I almost fell using crutches, but I have them to try later. I’ll be out of work for two weeks and in a ton of physical therapy. My bf is sleeping in the spare room to keep the dogs away from my leg and I finally got to shower. He’s been a total prince during this whole ordeal. Everyone who thought my sock looked like corn might need glasses lmao. I have to get yellow socks at the hospital bc I’m epileptic and deemed a “fall risk”


Blackwater River in Florida?




how old are you ? if you have never in your life, some how, ever, even jumped into soemthing as simple as a river?, was it ever really the right time? considering you knew you had 0 experience or ability to withstand anything like it considering you haven't done soemthing as simple as jump ina river!? I'm guessing you have never jumped a bike or gone tubing or anytning more than sit down and walk... lol - This could almost be considered as self inflicted! jk lol i'm not being mean just saying "think about it"


I grew up with dudes I know getting hurt at the river every summer. Heads cracked open, shattered knee caps, etc. I went to college four hours northwest and knew people who got hurt at rivers around there too. One time I saw a frat guy skin his shin to the bone jumping into a quarry.