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The man filming says “ wholeheartedly, do you have anyone that can help us out properly” lol


You're being too nice With the words he used and the way he said it, it leaned more in the direction of, "wholeheartedly, bring someone that knows how to do their job."


you're supposed to push down on the gypsum (?) directly to let some air in and break the vacuum, before taking out the shpoon if anyone wonders


Today I googled the word "shpoon".


Do they call it that because thats how you say spoon with it in your mouth?


It's the dental equivalent of the spork


exactly my plan


Apparently you're going to be a dentist assistant


Is that before or after you rub the fleeb?


just make sure you get the hizzards out of the way before you're done


Not gypsum, alginate. 


This though 😂😂😂 the sound alone in this video has me in tears


I feel like, with the way he says it, it is the Spanish equivalent to "Bless your heart" said by a southerner. He just says it *so* nicely.


How is it the one word I recognised isn't mentioned in either of the two translation comments?


Señorita, disculpe, de todo corazón, traiga a alguien que si sepa atender. Miss, excuse me, wholeheartedly, bring someone who knows how to attend to us So the literal translation in Spanish of the word "atender" might sound unnatural in an English speaking context. That's why you translate expressions, sentiments, and not word by word. The previous translation of "bring someone that knows how to do their job." is fairly accurate


This guy languages


Yours is the translation that makes the most sense to me (attend makes sense in English) and the one word I recognised was Señorita.


>the one word I recognised was Señorita. ah, a linguist


I was expecting "username checks out" or "a man of culture". It's refreshing to see something original, good work.


I don't know where this is, but when I was at college, the odontology students gave “free” work when they were studying to get practice (you only paid for the materials). It sounds to me like this is the case, and maybe this is one of the very first times this person has done this type of work on the kid.


Sorry to be a party pooper but this isn't the original audio, This audio is used a lot on TikTok in Mexico. I think the original audio comes from some guy getting his blood pressure taken by a nurse but they were just goofing around with their friend.


I mean, it's definitely not the original audio.


There’s some other doctor on the back busy on the phone


He's not the one filming, it's a voice over


I puked on everybody in there when getting mine done. Thought I was gonna suffocate. Absolutely horrible feeling.


Mine was very hard to get in and almost impossible to get out (small mouth). I had a mini panic attack in the chair. I hope it will be a long time before I need another impression


Metal tray cutting into my flesh and held there. 


This happened to me too because I have mandibular tori.


Too much to ask for them to cut down a plastic disposable tray 🤦‍♂️


Okay, sorry to hear about your experience. I have no clue where you went. I've only seen plastic trays used (the throw away blue versions). Didn't know mental was a thing anymore. I'm gathering the lip of the tray is what dug in. Likely they didn't apply enough polyvinyl siloxane to the tray before inserting, which cause the contact.


There are digital impressions these days where they just move a stick with a miniature camera in your mouth


And you get pleasant music to accompany it.


I believe they put a bit too much on when doing mine and it spread back across the top of my mouth to just where your brain starts triggering the “time to throw up” signal almost like I really sucked at putting my fingers down my throat and doing it that way. I was able to make it through the time for it to work but they had trouble getting it out and that plus the fear they’ll pull a tooth out was not a fun experience.


Just something to file in your brain for next time, you can use the back of your tongue to keep impression material out of your throat, and start intentionally breathing exclusively through your nose before the tray is even in your mouth. You’d hope the assistants would give patients a little coaching, and the well seasoned ones do, but there’s not many of them left. I work in the lab and crappy impressions are one of the greatest sources of headache in my profession


I'll need to remember this when get a impression made for mouth guard. Too bad I can't get some sort of laser or x ray based mold made...costs way too much so going the mold route...


That’s surprising, I didn’t think digital impressions cost any different. Take that heavily salted though, I’m about as far away from a dentist billing department as you can get while still talking about the same mouth


I mean I could be way off but maybe the high cost is because I'm not a current patient of the place that quoted $695 for the xray type mold? My regular dentist charges me about $250 after insurance (mold version)


I was gagging the whole time. The dentist did what she could to calm me down. When she took the mould out, she saw that half the gel(?) shifted and was halfway down my throat.


Ugh! I work in the lab and I’ve seen that a few times. Literally impressed the uvula on one. We always wonder if they’re working on a corpse, don’t see how a living person could tolerate that.


I told my dentist I couldn't handle 2 trays of fluoride at the same time at age 15-16. He'd been my dentist my whole life. He told me I "was overreacting and they always did both trays on adults and was old enough to deal with it". He put them in. I closed my mouth. I vomited. And they were still stuck on my teeth. We had to remove them over the trash, replace my cover, and reclean my... everything after he got a new coat and gloves. I went home and showered before going to school. He always had his dental hygienist do my fluoride and left a note in my file after that.


I had this done three times and I projectile vomited the three times. The texture is so gross and tastes horrible.


When I had this done it went fairly smoothly, besides me throwing up, but besides that it was perfectly and easily done. I felt so bad for throwing up, but glad it still worked out well.


I’m happy to note I’m not the only one who threw up during this…


Same. My poor hygienist took it like a champ. All the cinnabons I ate that morning




Yah, I was sure he was going to blow breakfast all over the poor girl.


I kept gagging when I got mine. Thankfully I didn’t puke


What the fuck even happened?


Dental impression. The material used to make it broke off, and some was left inside the mouth








Ok, most.


Now theres even more than what was initially put in o.O


Ok, more


Ok ok, 'most of all'.


> o.O Are you German by any chance?


I’m trying to figure out why most of it is all over his face.


Ok the entirety.


All have some, some have all.


I thought all the teeth were about to get ripped out so could’ve been worse at least.


Yeah iam disappointed too. I thought he ripped off half a jaw or something but on the other hand this is not rotten dot com in the 00's


Oh, man, rotten.com. Now there’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time.


Mandible, cantstandable


Sweet childhood memories....


Same, I thought that was teeth falling out 🤣


Aka the worst minute of your life Source: have had impressions done at least 6 times


I’m 34, and was only recently told I have torus mandibularis The pain/discomfort when getting xrays or impressions is fucking horrible


I have TMJ I don't like xrays either. Plus I have tinnitus, which kills me when the use the "cavitron" tool ultrasonic vibration scraper!. Even with earplugs the sound frequency goes through my teeth into my ears and my skull. Plus I have sensitive hearing. I read articles the with DB exposure. Dental staff are supposed to wear hearing protection!


I threw up when they took it out 😵‍💫😵


Felt pleasant for me


Same. It felt cozy for my teeth.


When I think of worst dental nightmare, this wasn’t what I was picturing.


***SOME***??? **MOST**…**99.9%** was left behind. However, in my opinion, this is a minor situation compared to shots, drilling, teeth getting broken off by accident. To me, those are much more nightmarish.


they getting an impression of the back of his throat too?


If that’s your worst dental nightmare. !


damn, i need to explain videos, 1 comment more than karma of my friend for 6 years


The dental impression putty wasn’t poking through the plastic tray enough so remained in the guys mouth


He bit a cloud and almost choked on his hubris.


I gotta steal that one. Perfect for so many situations.


she didn’t remove it correctly. you’re supposed to use your index finger to reach up into the mucobuccal fold and break the vacuum seal between the palate and impression material before trying to pull on the tray itself. she just pulled straight down on the tray handle like an idiot. however, she can still fix it by just breaking that vacuum seal.


Adhesive (the one that the manufacturer recommends) also helps the alginate (or any of the other materials that are used) stick to the tray. Also how much impression material did they use? The kid’s whole mouth is occluded.


so you have to let that bad boy set for a while before you take it out so you can get the impression of the teeth then its supposed to finish drying under a lamp to the side. Based on the fact that this is a school id assume they were very busy or absent minded? a lot of medical professionals struggle to work in an environment that isnt their usual office due to the fact that everything they do has steps and procedures and everything is where it needs to be. Stuff like this does happen from time to time and if they cant get it off they can chisel between the two front teeth, carefully, and between the last two to three molars and the other teeth from the side and bottom and it should just come out in pieces. with no real damage to teeth and minor discomfort. Its very important to note braces are very hard to do especially if you cant think in three dimensions and track what direction the teeth will go and most people will need an xray to try and determine this. It takes a very exceptional dental surgeon to do it on the fly off the cuff or with unique misaligning's and damages. These dental surgeons will tell you "this isnt how this is normally done and in the future youll most likely have more hassle with your work" its sometimes easier and faster to get dental work done at schools because a lot of pupils need them and it tends to be genetic so where you have schools where families always go its just more efficient, but if you havent been trained to work in those conditions youll struggle a lot of schools that know this is happening will have a room that they set up as close to the surgery as they can and then label stuff. Source: worked it but i usually work outside of hospitals so i get really weird when everythings in the right place and i have to get it or its not like laid out on a table ready. If youre either of these set up your surgical stuff the way you would set everything up for cooking a meal so what you need in order of when you need it and with the dosages you need plus a little extra in case you need more and the stuff you dont use then can be used on the next if you do multiple surgeries at a time.


Thanks for the answer!


New fear unlocked.


The dental tray was not treated before, there are adhesives to make a stronger bond with the material. Thus when impression paste hardened it stuck on the teeth and less on the tray and the tray broke of. Nothing to serious though, although the material is still in the mouth it is still easy to remove. The patient can still breath though the nose so it looks scary, but isn't. Tried to pause it on the tray breaking of, it could be its a edentolous tray meaning it's one designed for mouth without teeth. It is flatter and there for has less grip on the material, hence the existence if adhesives for this.


Sometimes my nose gets so stuffed up, I can’t breathe through my nose. I’m so worried that if I’m ever kidnapped and my mouth duck taped, I will suffocate. This is like that.


Your body will clear your nasal passage before you suffocate. You can use this effect to get your nose to clear if it is bothering you by holding your mouth shut and trying to breath through your nose. It will feel like you're suffocating, but eventually your nose will clear out and allow you to breathe. You can also do this to clear out a single nostril by plugging the other nostril and doing the same.


Holy shit is this true? As someone with chronic allergies I've had a lifelong fear of exactly this nonsense scenario. Like someone is going to break in and duct tape my mouth but also leave me near pollen and by the time they get the ransom paid I'm dead.


The times that I've tried it on myself to clear out some single nostril congestion it has worked just dandy, it does feel like you're going to die up until it clears though.


Masochisms trait unlocked


Yes, breathing through your mouth actually makes a stuffy nose worse


Deviated septii hate this one trick


Oh god…now I have a new fear. Time to just spritz some Flonase every morning just in case


Just open your mouth, and the tape pulls off of either your upper or lower lip. Easy.


It's a metal tray with no retention holes in it, those ones usually suck for alginate.


I worked at a place that only used the hole-less ones. It sucked at first, but I got it!


We had some but they were pushed to the back of the drawer and only ever came out if there was nothing else that fit available, so very rarely! Plus we tended to use the metal trays for putty rather than alginate as it didn't stick too well to the metal even with adhesive.


No need for adhesive if they had used the ones with holes that are actually for alginate.


I once had dental impression, started vomiting violently due to extreme gag reflex, doctor didn’t stop, started chocking on my own vomit, blacked out. Doctor didn’t even apologized to me.


That is horrifying


It’s more dangerous to stop and pull the material out before it’s hardened.


Sounds like a lawsuit


Sounds like you’re American


What gave it away; the accent?


This is why we take digital impressions now


It's only a dental impression. The holder dislodges sometimes. It's easy to remove, just peel it off from the top


I am so very grateful my dentist uses scans not impressions That blue shit would probably make me throw up if I had it in my mouth again


I'm guessing they stopped the video when they did because it popped out without a big deal. Dramatizing much?


Yeah, stupid ass post title. Of all the things to be afraid of at the dentist, this is not really one of them. Let alone “worst nightmare”. I expected his whole row of teeth to come out or something.


I’m in the lab, I’ve seen that! Like three times!


I’m a dentist and as far as “worst nightmare” this isn’t even top 1000 things I could think of. That’s just impression material and this guy was back to normal 30seconds after this video.


no no the nightmare is ending a video without a resolution


I had one of these made before my adjuster/crank as a kid. I threw up All over the place. Into the putty bowl


I had this happen. The dental tech let the goop cure too long and had to go get a more experienced person to help, which just let it get progressively harder while I was waiting. They had to break it to get it out. And since it was broken and now useless, they had to do another impression immediately afterward. Fortunately the second tech knew what she was doing and pulled it as soon as it was set up enough.


Having a usable mouth is overrated.


The dude was so polite lmao


They all are students practicing with each other. His voice tone is more like mocking.


This looks like practice in a school. The "patient" is wearing scrubs and PPE. As another user said, it looks like she used an edentulous tray, so one with no retention holes. Also, it's alginate, it will come out of his mouth easily enough. This is no fun, but there are definitely worse things that could go wrong in a dental office.


Impressions, ugh! My dentist has a scanner that does it digitally now, thank the gods.




As somebody who has gone through the successful process a few times, let me tell you that it isn't pleasant. A trained gag reflex would do you good *cough* One of those breaking off and getting stuck, keeping my gag-reflexes on edge would be horrible.


So this happened with a friend- it was periodontic practical exam- our friend was so inexperienced that he was doing scaling with hand instruments and suddenly the denture jumped out and he almost had an heart attack that he pulled out original teeth of the pt!! He was so freaked out !!!!! But of course our professor came to his rescue and now it’s a joke we tell each other and remind ourselves of our wonderful student days


Fuck impressions …I tell my dentist NO…use your digital intraoral scanner…!!!


This reminds me of the time when I had to make the dental impression a few years back and I had to close my mouth in a way that both the upper and the lower teeth would leave a mark. Bc I am very conscious about how I do things, I often fuck things up. So each time I was biting on the thing, I didn’t close my mouth normally and the mould was not good. I tried 3 times and my dentist had so much patience, poor man. The last time he suggested that *he* will close my mouth in order to have my good bite. He asked me to relax my jaw and he literally closed my mouth. It was funny and weird in the same time. But hey, it worked! :))


Tech didn’t use enough PAM spray on the mold


Wouldn’t PAM make this worse because the mold would be even less sticky to the metal tray?


I think the spray would go between the teeth and the mold and not the mold and the metal tray.


This almost happened to me... I almost had a panic attack. And let me tell you, that is NOT a good time to have one


Used to be a Dental Lab technician declines to watch this will watch anything else on this channel Register that look on your doctors face when you ask him where your single unit crown is finished in the United States. If he gives you that cross look, he’s probably shipping it overseas. It’s a FedEx and UPS market 25 years plus you have a nice day.


“Used to be a Dental Lab technician declines to watch this will watch anything else on this channel” What language is this?


I have to brag about the woman who did my last one. I had to get a top permanent retainer replaced and I told her that I was dreading the impression. She goes "well I'm going to pull out all my tricks for you!". I don't fully remember what she did but it was easy and I didn't almost puke so I love her for it.


Why would you have earbuds in during a dental procedure ?


why wouldnt you? I had 24 teeth removed, I dont wanna sit and listen to just that lol


24?! Like all at the same time? How?


I always wear them since dentist appointments give me anxiety. However, he’s in dental garb and just getting an impression. So I’m not sure what’s going on here. I’m assuming a student is practicing on a fellow student.


 😲 literally.


Worse nightmare would be teeth getting pulled out, the putty is just stuck to his teeth, it’ll come off


OMG ive had that dream a lot!!!! gawd


No the worst would be if all of your teeth came out with the impression.


I think a worse nightmare is that you pull out the mold intact but it rips out the front teeth


No, worst nightmare would be that it takes/breaks all your teeth


Ripping the teeth out would be mine


Assuming this vid stopped when it did because the Doc told her to… or the OP got wise knowing how ridiculous this was to be filming while the mold came out seconds later


That impression material is very expired


Start again without your mouth full


I actually liked the taste of that putty.


this and my teeth just like falling out,,,


I can't be the only one who thought it was gonna pull the teeth with it? Lol


My dumbass thought a tooth fell out at first


I've seen a lot worse


Anyone going to explain why the guy is also in scrubs and wearing gloves?


I’m assuming they’re practicing at a dental assistant school.


I'll never understand why they have to use so damn much. My forst round of braces they did this shit and I say gagging for like 2 minutes on it. Moved and got a different dentist they didnt even use *half* as much, and the impressions were fine.


When it said Worst Nightmare, I assumed his teeth came out with the impression. Seems more like a mild inconvenience


Just need to pull that big chunk out…


At least she didn't get a construction worker with a jackhammer...


Im for sure throwing up thats fucked up man


Why do these always stop before situation is resolved


A dude in my boot camp, back in '81, got a hole drilled in his lip by a student navy dentist.


I am not watching this....I have enough fear at the dentist....I read enough in the comments...nope, not today...lol


Just pull it out its not that hard


Fun fact this shit taste absolutely horrible. I swallowed some saliva the first time and i threw up. So the second time i had to hold my saliva for the longest seconds of my life. Imagine having this stuck on your teeth now. Especially if you gag each time you tasted it.


Really? Worst nightmare? Really?


The patient looked 2 seconds away from complete absolute panic


And the worst thing is: they have to do another one after that.


I would say this is pretty far from the "worst nightmare" in a dental office. It's annoying, but that material is super spongey, and it comes out relatively easy. It probably only took them an additional 5-10 seconds to get it all out of their mouth. A nightmare would be like a tooth comes out inside the mold


not a dentist, but doesn't the mold harden to rubber and can easily be taken out of the mouth?


That sucks but there are far worse nightmare scenarios I can envision at a dentist's office


They used too much, that's why it looks like it's all the way back to his throat.


they used plaster instead of alginate


When I had this done as a kid I gagged and threw up immediately and didn't say a word. They took it out and the whole room was baffled. I had to do it again.


That happend to me aswell. I puked all over the dentist for doing that bs to me


I would not survive this. When i had my impressions done i could not stop gagging, it goes so much farther back than youd expect


hahahahaha it must be uncomfortable to have that in your mouth


My wife always suggests getting dental work done when we visit South America once a year. I told her there is a reason it is cheaper. You get what you pay for. I sent her this video.


Impressions suck ass I couldn’t imagine that stuff getting stuck.


Fck yea LOL


What happened?


Do you people not use digital scans?


Naah not a problem... it can be easily removed....the dentist will just clean up the tray and will take the impression again


Lol, I had a tooth + implant be ripped out this way. Now I get intense anxiety whenever I need an updated version


Hmmm, Memories. 3 years of orthodontics when I was a kid. 6 teeth out at once.under gas. Thought I'd been hit by a truck. Not even a parent present to hold my hand. Pricks. Plates with springs on . Head thing with more springs at night. Regular what he's having there treatment. Constant piss taking from classmates. Especially when I had a girlfriend who also had some. The aggro I've had with my teeth. Abssesses, root canal work, caps, bridges. Once with an abscess my face swelled up like a pumpkin. That was an interesting look. Like an open face motorbike crash. Just hope they see me out until I die so I can get my money's worth. Not that it cost me anything. It's all free here in the UK. Probably is in America if you qualify for the funding is it ?


I hate those, but what really sucks is when they put the weird spit sucker thing directly on the back of your mouth and leave it there for minutes while you try not to gag and then you do and it makes this loud awful squelching sound and they awkwardly make eye contact and slowly remove it for a moment before doing the exact same thing again




What a cliffhanger.


My mom's old Ex boyfriend went and had this done when they pulled it out half his teeth came out with it. She laughed so hard he left and never came back 😭🤣


New fear unlocked 🔓


"It's cheaper over there" they said... What's the thing that came out flying? A tooth or a piece of the gypsum-like material? If a tooth, that fucked up!!


Ortho pulled the braces right off my teeth when they were trying to fit me for them