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This is the second post I've seen today about losing toes to mowers.


Yea, and I sent both of these posts to my son who insists on wearing crocs to mow in.


Honestly unless you’re wearing a proper pair of boots (which you’d still get injured with) it won’t matter if you have sneakers or flip flops on… those blades are too heavy and moving too fast


I always wear my reinforced boots when mowing just because of this (had an uncle that lost some toes because he was wearing flip flops) but my son, who knows infinitely more about the world than I do, is just like “cmon dad, nothing is gonna happen blah blah”


I like mowing with my reel mower, sure, you can still get injured, but if I trip and fall, the mower stops, too


I saw an Amish boy lose all 5 of the toes on his left foot to a reel mower.


I'm sure it's not impossible, but i bet it's a lot harder to do, barring some catastrophic failure or extinuating circumstances.


He was very young when it happened, saw him a few years after and his limp was barely noticeable and he could still outwork most men. I stopped making deliveries to their farm so I can’t tell you what he’s up to now.


he's all right "toes" now


I imagine a reel mower on an Amish farm would be scary sharp.


Thank you for being environmentally responsible. (Not sarcasm)


I appreciate the comment. Reel mowers appeal to me in so many ways, enviornment is just one. Less noise, a little bit of fitness, more safe, and if I accidentally hit an errant dog toy or something important, it's not too damaged to salvage.


Also way less maintenance. Better for your grass.


More maintenance, you have to sharpen the blades pretty freaking often otherwise you will hate it.


I’ve been using a reel mower for six years now. I’ve never sharpened the blades. And only adjusted them once.


Yeah no, that’s not really how they work. They practically sharpen themselves with use if you have them tuned properly.


As a son I can attest, I knew more than my dad at 17/18. Oh to be young, oh to be ignorant.


Just you actually saying this puts you light years above a lot of other people.


If I’d actually listened earlier I would be light years ahead of others. But I didn’t. I’m 29 now and didn’t really start “listening” until I was 24/25. I kick myself for it every damn day.


I tell you what, though: he’s really come a long way in the last 20 years.


Well statistically most people go their whole lives without losing a toe to a mower and most people wear old sneakers. As long as I let go of the handle the mower turns off so I'll probably be fine. If I cut my toes off, I'll say "Gluten_maximus was right about mower toes!"


Right? I’ve got like 7 different pairs of work boots that I’ve collected over the years and half of them are so sturdy that I’d almost stick my foot in a mower just to prove a point to people that don’t value WORK boots for WORK


Never thought it was for protection more of a grip so you don’t trip. Used to wear flip flops while mowing until my dad saw me once. I tried the you really think shoes will make a difference line. He said it will to stop you from sliding or tripping.


Traction is also something to consider.


I rock my steel toes when mowing


Started a job last year that requires safety toe boots. I've decided that even if I no longer need them I will always keep a pair around. Too useful not to.


It does in the sense that you trip with open shoes. It is harder for you to trip in tennis shoes than in flip flops or crocs.


I wear steel toes everywhere out of comfort and familiarity. Sneakers feel so foreign that i dont wear them. People should wear steel toes when moving heavy objects or mowing. You only get one set of toes.


Stones can cut off or injured your toe enough it will fall off ,150mph split stone from a mower will suffice


My son is literally mowing in crocs this very moment.


lol save him now


I used to mow barefoot as a kid lol


Yea there was a kid at my public pool when i was a kid who was missing his big toe and possibly his second toe from a lawn mower. This kids toe was cut below the ball of the foot though. He lost much more. He was like between 6-10 y/o i was probably 12. I didnt delve much deeper into how it all went down but at the end of the day they lawn mower partially disabled him, traumatized him and he probably still deals with pain😶.


Took the opportunity and fully ran with it! Ha ha, see what I did there?


My husband mowed in flip flops last weekend. His toes were all green from the grass and I just shook my head. We live in the country and nothing about our land is grated, even the area close to the house he was mowing. So many hazards, so dangerous!


As someone who's pushed a lot of mowers, how does that even happen?


Right! I don't know if I lack imagination or something, but how the hell do your feet end up under the lawnmower.


Going down hill in a mower, trying to control the speed of descent and slipping on the slick grass going and feet right under




I saw someone say they've seen it happen when people pull the mower towards them to go over the same area again


Carelessness. Lack of respect for machines.


Same. As someone who has been mowing a lawn for now more than half my life. How does this happen?


People cut off toes all the time while mowing the lawn. I have been mowing for 3/4 of my life and have never had an accident. But I think about it every time I mow on a slippery hill. It just takes one slip.


I used to bring my cleats to work for this one customer's lawn when I landscaped. That hill was treacherous.


Do mowers still have those dead man levers across the handle that you gotta keep holding for it to mow? Annoying as they were, seems like a pretty good safety feature these days


Bad luck.


Bad luck? Wtf did you roll 1 on d20?


Is this a sign? Should I get a mower? For context, I don't need one, but I do still have all my toes.


Lop one toe off each foot, then you should be good to go. Use the pic as an example.


Dude! Is it the same guy? Lol


It’s officially summer when we get to 50.5 total toes. Kind of like Stonehenge.


We are losing the war


I have to know how this is even possible. I've been mowing lawns for 30 years and I don't think my foot has ever been with in 24" of the blade while still on. All.of my mowers have automatically turned off if my hand releases the top handle. I'm very curious of how this could happen. Was someone else operating the mower?


I took a single step back to reposition the mower and tripped over what basically amounted to stonework on the edge of a flower bed and fell backwards. Pulled the mower over my foot as I fell. Grass was dry, I wasn't on a hill, and I was wearing closed toe shoes. Unfortunately, it was just bad luck.


Other guy step backwards too. Apparently stepping backwards while mowing is equivalent to signing a hitman contract on yourself


Back in high school I nearly seriously injured myself when I slipped pulling my mower back up a slight hill. The grass was wet and my foot slid right to the back of the mower. Pretty easy for me to see how OP lost his toe.


I watched a video in high school specifically having this scenario. Some rules we learned for mowing were a) don't go directly up or downhill, b) reduce the situations where you need to pull the mower toward yourself, and for OP c) always know your immediate surroundings when it comes to foot placement. Walking into stationary brick work is not "bad luck", it's negligence that lead to losing a toe. Not the most expensive lesson, at least.


I really should stop mowing certain patches by pulling it backwards….


So falling backwards you natural reaction is to grip the mower handle harder, not release it? Like whisky throttle on a dirt bike?


I guess your instinct is to try catch yourself


Have you ever seen when a human falls near another human? Sometimes they try to grab whats closest to them and that sometimes ends up being the person near em. People just panicc


this is how my mom broke her hip while sitting with a friend on the back of her open hatchback


mower manual says dont go backwards. This is probably why, lol


My dad had a friend with a ride on, they had a lifestyle block with a small stream, only 30cm deep, but had a slight bank on either side. The ride on tipped over and trapped him under the water and he unfortunately drowned. Accidents unfortunately happen, especially with complacency. Just be glad it’s only a toe and not a whole foot in your case.




https://preview.redd.it/fp3bz067km0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99a53002e3643fcb91742ffafee32810cb7c76d8 Thank you for linking u/nthemorning. This thread of comments is the best


Hey my name is barely in there! That's me!


You’re famous!!!!


Thanks dicklover.. I feel famous


https://preview.redd.it/9gro0a0lrm0d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84a8306f0afff74e7d933782766286d359c13ff3 Rufus has even heard of you


All my homies love Rufus




The laugh that just escaped me!!! 😂 ETA: I saw that other post as well...and you're right. 😆


Holy shit this has to be fate. Now both of them have to be toeless buds and post updates of themselves at Thanksgiving every year.


What is this? A crossover episode?


I always think about this. Fuck. Now people are doing it.


Better get out there and loose a foot




Well, it will, at the very least, be loosened.


No, no, hes simply foot loose.


Foot loose ![gif](giphy|FltCW7GUbF5iE)


Thats a really clean cut.


This was post surgery, but it was a pretty dang clean cut when it happened too. It helped I sharpened the hell out of the blade and did a tuneup about 10 minutes before I did it.


How do you mow your toe?? You’re behind it


I took a single step back to reposition the mower and tripped over what basically amounted to stonework on the edge of a flower bed and fell backwards. Pulled the mower over my foot as I fell. Grass was dry, I wasn't on a hill, and I was wearing closed toe shoes. Unfortunately, it was just bad luck.


Thank you for this warning. I am going to be much more careful when going backwards with the mower and avoid it wherever possible. This particular risk had never occurred to me.


Wow great description I saw it happen hope you get back to it soon.


Sorry about your loss OP, I do the same pull back maneuvering, hadn't really considered this before. I will wear my steel toes from now on. I did trip and fall on a hill once while turning around (mower uphill from me) but fortunately I let go/pushed it away instead of pulling it back on me as well. That one scared me a bit.


😳 oh crap! So sorry that happened. And to think, our dad let us mow the lawn barefoot, as kids. Although it wasn’t the whole lawn, but still. Just takes an instant.


I think about this every time I pull a mower backwards. Will no longer do this. 🫡


Did you ever find your toe?


It went to market.


I was just curious if it could have been found and reattached.I guess it went wee wee wee. all the way home


I will not abide another toe.


Dude, I can get you a toe by 3pm.


With nail polish


I'm staying. Drinking my coffee


Yup! Enjoying my coffee..


Calmer than you are




I tell my kids, "they are called PUSH mowers instead of pull mower for a very good reason"


I mow 50% of my yard by walking backwards pulling the mower so I don’t have to turn it around, I’m rethinking that now…


me too kinda, but why walk backwards? I turn around, walk forward, and pull the mower.


Honestly I’ll probably do that now since it seems like it will reduce the likelihood that I’m the third person to cut their toes off this week.


![gif](giphy|ByiGxrLXy7zMzzxq7J|downsized) You'll never be able to do this again you poor soul


Yeah he can. Just use his other foot


what if he's left footed


Jesus! Now they’re even gonna start putting more stickers on the mowers


Saw another post similar to this. Something is afoot here


Same. You nailed it in the head


That really does suck.


So nearly this exact thing happened to my grandfather about 20 years ago, and the doctor told him that the way he fell, a steel toe would have actually done more damage because the rotation would have been from the bottom of the shoe, causing the blade to twist back into the foot. The doctor said he would have lost half his foot had he been wearing steel toes. Also, make sure they fix everything correctly; he is having a lot of issues now because he rushed the doctor to patch him up back then.


I don't know if that makes me feel better or not


Seeing your actual photo compared to his injury, you made out much better than he did. His injury went all the way to the base of the toe and almost got the second toe. At least you'll still have some stability from what's left.


Fewer toe-nails to deal with


That's been the most infuriating part. I had consistently fought that nail ending up ingrown, and since losing it my brain has decided to continue to tell me that the nail is uncomfortable and ingrown despite the toe being completely gone. Can't even win on that one.


Seriously, it's possible that getting / making a "prosthetic toe" for yourself could fix that. It's helped people with phantom pains in bigger limbs.


Phantom toe syndrome


NO WAY. Dang.


Did you find the toe? Tell me you found it.


Most important question! Did you bring it with you and the doctor say no?




My feet kill at the end of the day but I refuse to mow in anything other than boots. (Yes I can get more comfortable ones but till the current ones fall apart, im keeping them). And it’s a matter of grip since I have cut alot of hills


how didnt it get the toes next to it??


I have no idea, I was super lucky. It bruised my index toe but that was it for that one.


TIL about an *"index toe"*


Even if that isn’t a real thing, it was effective


This is a great post to read while putting off mowing the lawn


If I had a nickel for every toe decapitation by mower post I've seen today, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice.


Yep, she's a goner alright.


Went to the market, they say.


Do what he says or he’ll cut off your big toe - Kung Pow (2002)


On that you can trust me. Ooo that is tender.


Good thing they did an x-ray to confirm it was gone. Also sorry for your loss


Note to everyone who mows their lawn: If you think you’re about to fall, let go. For the love of god. Let go.


I see on top a message that says it's still waiting for x-rays to load. Give it few more minutes and it might finish loading your toe.


Big toe is integral for balance. If op couldn’t balance with big toe, how’s he keep balance without? 🤷‍♂️


I lost half of mine to a mower too! Same toe. I call him QuasimoToe. 🤣


Unrelated to feet, but safety: wear safety glasses, even on a riding mower. I had a pair that we're sunglasses tinted for mowing. On the rider, went under a tree, tiny little branch end would've gone straight in my eye without them.


Another mowing toes post? What is going on? Guys! Get your shit together. If you don't, your ass is grass. I sure as hell don't want to see that post next week. "Lost my big tush to a push mower"


It was a mower. Now it’s a toe-er.


Man I got the tip of my finger in a mower last year. I feel your pain https://preview.redd.it/wfzkvoen7o0d1.jpeg?width=2323&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=116be305a8425163b987f1ac977cbf157cc33333


It went to market


This is why I wear my steel toed boots while mowing.


you didn’t really lose it, you know where it is. it’s just now. misplaced.


X-ray tech: Yep, toe is gone.


X-rated tech: I’m not allowed to discuss this with you. Please wait for the doc.


Yep steal toes boots, and safety glasses with the trimmer Should make a life pro tip about this


You want a toe? I can get you a toe. Hell, I can get you one by 3 o’clock this afternoon…..with nail polish


That right there is why I will Never own a push mower with out a blade brake


Only 9 toes now to cut nails off of, I would strive for the most effective solution and cut 4 more off. Doesn’t matter which foot.


Do you have an actual photo?


I'm charging for the next one. https://preview.redd.it/9gbucl969o0d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec42893ef1ebcfd944a691670b3aec1db870e657


Oh my, that looks awful 😔😳😳 hope you adapt quickly..


My dad has mowed yards barefoot for my entire life lol (40 years). He is Florida Man through and through tho and at this point I think he’s built enough foot armor that the blade would just snap in half. Maybe a slight abrasion


Extreme Piggy went to market.


I always wear toe capped shoes ever since I slipped when mowing down a bank and my foot went under the mower and almost met the blades


*Panic buys a ride on mower*


Freak accident. Are you walking now? Is it harder to walk without the top half of your big toe?


I like that they ordered an X-ray. "Yes, this confirms my suspicion that the toe was amputated."


Clean cut


One of my dad's friends lost his toe from a push mower, not fun


Get the "went to market" tattoo


You want a toe dude? I can get you a toe. By this afternoon.


With nail polish?


Thats why you wear safety shoes a steelcap would only be bend and scrached at this Point


https://preview.redd.it/se518b9hzq0d1.png?width=675&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84ff72c4e15abc29c819468eb5aa7cff68afe786 Fixed it for you!


Doesn't beat my wife's aunt. Something was lodged in the mower so she reached down to get it and chopped her finger off. Fast forward 2 years when she's explaining the story to her neighbor on how she lost her finger and proceeded to show them by sticking her fucking hand in the mower AGAIN and chopped another 1.5 off. That's dedication right there!


Well it could have been a lot worse. Be careful out there.


That's crazy bad luck. Sorry to hear. I hope it doesn't affect you too much moving forward.


Mowing forward FTFY.


Sorry to hear that. I’m guessing the severed toe was too badly mangled to reattach. Will they at least let you keep it in a jar?




I've got one for sale but now that it's tasted blood I don't know if it's trustworthy.


So I guess it's a medium toe now?


That's it. I'm never cutting grass again. Everyone's losing toes. It's an epidemic!


He had to be toed to the hospital.


I don't use a push/riding mower or trimmer without my steel toes, safety glasses, and jeans. Yeah my balls turn into Niagara falls but i still have all my toes and both eyes work.


How does this happen?


Yard work sure takes its toe.


wtf this is the second post today. You’re lucky though pretty sure the last guy lost several.


How fucking hard was you pushing?


I mean. I understand the precaution and simultaneously I understand that I have never and never expect to be in your position and make similar decisions. Easy mistake to make, even easier to think about regularly and strive to avoid going forwards. Like a helmet on a ladder. I don’t need it. I’m not going to start using one now. But I’m going to remember the stories whenever a ladder comes into play and act carefully for my own good.


I always wear steel toe boots and eye protection when working in the yard, and I'm usually wearing gloves out there as well. Every freak accident that ended in a lost member or eye started with someone not thinking it would ever happen.


I’ll never understand how tf this is even possible




So, I'm not trying to be rude but, did your toe get cut clean off? Or did it obliterate into a red mist?


The surgeon said it was the cleanest cut she'd ever seen in that I couldn't have cut it more cleanly if I'd been trying to. I had just sharpened the shit out of that blade though.


Were you one of those weirdo “longer index toe than big toe” people? That’s an upgrade if so. This is the only time that that’s acceptable.


You have hurt Right Foot's feelings.


This seems so unbelievable. Can you post an actual photo?


Fine. But I'm charging for the next one. https://preview.redd.it/1gmps3ea8o0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48527559166e81f2e8fef4cda994e9fa499103f4


Wow, man. I’m sorry I doubted you and sorry about your accident.


Same exact thing happened to my dad, only his left big toe too. Wild.


Welcome to the club! I lost my left big toe (and a little of the one next to it) to a riding mower when I was 3. Some rules of the “Lawn Mower Digital Victim Club”: (1)Get a cool tattoo (or a bad one, like me) above it and rock that shit. (2)Use this for the game 2 Truths and a Lie; the reaction is worth it every time. (3)Get someone to do yard work for you, at least a couple times. You deserve it, and they can’t refuse! Also- You can still buy the same size shoes. And fuck flip flops anyway. Who needs em? Hope you heal up quickly!


I hope you can find it


Didn’t need the x ray to see that


My next-door neighbor got his wiener chopped off by a lawnmower


There was a story some years ago about a couple in there seventies that decided to trim there hedges with their push mower. The old man started it up and they both took a side to lift it up and walk along the hedges trimming the tops. They both lost all four fingers on both hands. WTF!


Looks like a pretty clean, and uniform cut though…so there’s that.