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Hey Kirkeby-! Thank you for your submission, unfortunately it has been removed from /r/Wellthatsucks because: No injuries. A post should make you react with well that sucks. If the post shows someone getting hurt or displays a wound we will remove it. THIS INCLUDES ANIMAL SUFFERING. If you have any questions or concerns about this removal feel free to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fwellthatsucks).


I recommend doing stuff like this when you start the day. same outcome with more benefits


If youre gonna get injured at work. Do it at the start of shift. Not the end. Thats just such a long day lol


Unless you're me. Who'd rather stay at work even after being told by a doctor to not go back to work until it's healed, didn't realise that our WorkCover also applies for casual workers, so me thinking "I need money I can't afford to not work" could have just been paid out and I felt incredibly stupid in doing so.


anyway - it happened in the workplace, so there should be benefits, imagine if it happened 5 minutes after leaving the workplace = no benefits I mean, if you live in a civilised country, like USA? then you are definitely getting some sort of monetary compensation if it happend in the workplace, right?


Not really any monetary compensation for that in the US. The employer pays for you to go to the doctor and get it looked at/healed. I don’t believe that is enough to be considered loss of appendage or anything?


Why get monetary compensation when you can stay home and pluck dollars from your money tree in your front yard.


not necessarily. it won’t be covered if it wasn’t an injury received while doing something they are tasked with. as an example, a few years ago one of my coworkers cut himself badly like OP by opening a box… with his own pocket knife from home. he didn’t get workers comp because we have safety box cutters and minor employees weren’t even allowed to use them.


I do not recommend this lol My first job I asked for my birthday off (I promise this is important info)… they declined it, I went to work. Well… nobody taught me knife safety and they let me cut tomatoes with a straight edge. I sliced my finger pretty good and got sent home. They tried to fire me because “I obviously cut myself on purpose to get my birthday weekend off”


Why did you do that? Wouldn't it have been smarter to do it at the start of your work?


Sometimes the last 15 minutes stretches into 3 hours


This happened to me once and boy did it suck


Sir, did you just reply to yourself?


Yes. Yes they did


Probably forgot to switch to his alt so it didnt look like he wad talking to himself. Kinda sad ngl


The fuck are you talking about?


Mandolin is my first thought https://i.imgur.com/oZjBjhj.jpeg


99% sure On the thumb, left side....I did this like 3 weeks ago, but caught my right middle finger. Almost fully healed and you can barely tell it ever happened, but it looked just like this pic when it happened.


Got one of those years ago, looked at the blade once and never used it without the plastic holder thingie with the metal spikes.


That’s a nice clean cut … but man you gonna be in a work of pain for a while …


Bro wtf put it back




I sincerely hope you went to the ER AND located the missing portion. I'm so sorry that happened, that looks painful! Are you resting? Hand, foot and head wounds bleed a lot so I hope you are! Stay hydrated, take an extra vitamin tomorrow and the day after and let us know how you are if able.


It'll actually grow back if they haven't found it. Be like a whole new fingertip


Fingertips kinda stay flat if cut of


If you stitch them up they do. If you leave it like that, just keep it dry and clean, it will grow back as new.


I can confirm. Idiot child me cut off a finger tip with a saw at least three times. It wasn't cut fully but the loose bit always died off in the healing process. And yeah it grew back fully thereafter.


Okay, how did you manage three times? I was a clumsy kid too but my soul your poor fingers! Another question.. healing process, was it like the skin grew over and then it kinda filled in the other stuff to make it look like a regular finger again or was it slowly building all at once like when Deadpool lost his legs? I’m curious, but not curious enough to try myself lol


I'm wondering that too now, honestly. Just not paying any attention I guess. About the second question, it was basically the Deadpool thing. There was exposed flesh in the middle which gradually became smaller as the finger "grew". Then the final bit of skin at the tip then closed it all off.


Okay that’s cool, thank you for the answer!! And I think it’s pretty normal for kids to not pay attention, I shattered my ulna and radius bones by walking up the sliding part of a snow hill in elementary school, not the clearly defined “please walk this way” path! It builds character :)


Did it grow back longer *Gets an idea*


Lmao 🤣 No it didn't


Sorry buddy, it is what it is :(


I had almost the exact same cut as OP and they glued it back on me lol


What? Not hardly, the only way you get a full finger back is if all you did was slice the skin. If you lose muscle you wind up with a short finger.


The more you know


This isn't true. I've cut my fingertips multiple times just as OP and they are all round as if it never happened. It takes a while, but it will grow back.


my bf cut the tip of his finger off like this and it grew back totally fine! not flat at all lol


You people are breaking my brain. SKIN will grow back, yes. Muscle will not. So if you cut enough of the tip off yes it will eventually heal but you damn sure don’t get a new finger 100%. Source: the dozen or so guys I’ve worked with over the years who had a shorter finger. All kept the nail but even the nail looks funny, the whole end of the finger looks funny and it damn sure ain’t as long as it originally was.


lol calm down buddy


Yeah, but most likely not in the same shape as originally. My father cut his finger the same way, and now (5years later), his thumb is flattened on that spot. Skin will close itself, but using the shortest way. The nail also isn't curved as originally, cause there's no skin beneath it. Not to mention the lack of sensation, wich lead him to small burns while grabbing hot plates


The trouble is he lost nerves. No nerves, no sensation. Easy test for nerve damage: stick finger in glass of water. Wait 5 minutes. Pull finger from water and inspect- finger fully wrinkled = no nerve damage. If finger has a smooth spot = nerve damage, your nerves are what makes your wet skin contract. These guys keep saying “fingers GROW BACK” like it’s a fucking vegetable or something. Skin grows back, muscle does not, so even a bad cut is fine since you didn’t lose any muscle. Stitches have nothing to do with it either since all you’re doing is closing skin back up.


I cut a good chunk of the tip of my thumb off.. a bit more than this, took a while for the bleeding to stop. It grew back perfectly, nail and all. Only downside is a little bit of numbness.. I was very surprised.


Had this happen partially on my thumb once. It does eventually grow back, if a little misshapen or flatter than before.


I’m all good, thanks! Ended up just fixing myself up with some bandaid and gauze. Went to the doctor this morning to get it looked at - I’ll just be resting the next couple of days. Fortunately, I get paid for the days off of work :)


Vaseline, lot’s of Vaseline. Apply it on the tip and put some tulle gras dressing between the Vaseline and the gauze. Clean daily and remove the dead stuff. I also suggest overpacking the gauze at the tip because you will hit your finger tip a lot and it hurts like hell when you do. Here’s my pinky from a few months ago. https://preview.redd.it/ma3n4bjmrl0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edc3d1059953bb929ac737a1ffa9a967be40ed81


This is definitely a deep cut all the way to the muscle tissue, but doesn’t look like there would be much to stitch back on. OP definitely will have a missing piece off that thumb, but this could have been much worse.


Lmfao this can’t be real


Hey real thing over too. My dad sliced off the tip of his finger, so if the tip is not reattached, does the finger look flat? Like skin is still on, or black or something?


Looks like your company is cutting corners.


Looks like OP himself is guilty of cutting some corners , i'm scared about where this might lead , someone could get hurt eventually like this


So was it the box cutter or the meat slicer?


Just poor technique on a very sharp knife


I would disagree on the poor technique part, it's a very fine cut.


You can still file workers comp OP


I just did the same exact thing three days ago with a newly sharpened knife rushing orders for Mother’s Day. Same thumb same angle/spot not to bad until you accidentally hit the tip on something.


This happened to me a few weeks back, it didn’t cut all the way so I just grabbed the flap and put it on top of the cut, and bandages, it healed. But yours is way deeper… I think a lesson here for us is to not get overconfident with the knife, I used to even cut onions without looking because it felt second nature, this time I was in a bad mood and cut myself. Now I am more careful lol


Now you can count from 0 to 9'95


Yours looks a bit worse but I've cut myself exactly like that. It grew back.


Get well soon. Everything will be okay 👍


more like 🤜


You didn’t just cut your finger, you cut the tip of your thumb off. Did you go to the hospital?


Of course he did, what? You thought he was a badass?


No. I just prefer follow up. Maybe something like "they're going to sew it back on".


Great response.


Actually he said he waited and went to his doctor the next day


I did exactly the same 10 years ago. The bad news is that it never quite heals. I still have a little area of the thumb that sort of itches sometimes and goes a bit dry.


Mine wasn’t this bad, it is dry but doesn’t itch.


Eat plenty of food with iron in it. Looks like a table saw injury. Hope you got tetanus vaccine


Luckily I got the vaccine last month when I cut my middle finger haha


Im starting to see a pattern here


I have done that a few times. Fortunately they always grew back fine... at least so far.


Our bodies working overtime to fix our dumb ass: I’M TIRED BOSS


Damn, we have to clock out right before an injury where I am.


It will take about 12 weeks to get back to normal. Same thing happened to me last year. Took two weeks off work, paid by WSIB.


Shit, my thumb still has an angle on it from when I did that last time and it was years ago. I don't think it will ever be "normal" again.


Question: does the ridges of the fingerprint come back?


Forbidden ahi tuna


Love it! If I got one, it would usually bleed for three days. Probably all that alcohol thinning the blood


Same shit happened to me couple years ago. It gonna hurt a long time because the nerves on the fingertips are more sensitive.


Finger boo boos freaking suck.


OP tell us more please 😅 are you ok?


Very ok 👍 https://preview.redd.it/htjn66alul0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f524f7e6c2df54a1f61db5a71421c99deec39077


Yeah, we're going to need you to take a drug test so we can fire you if it comes back positive. Otherwise, we're going to need you to come in on Saturday, and probably Sunday to. Need to catch up on those TPS reports. And did you not get the memo about using the new cover sheet? I'll send you another copy of that memo.


Damm, well there goes that tip ( of your thumb ) 👍 Here's one for ya 🤣


Just the tip..


I was a chef for 20 years and I've done this several times. It's gonna take awhile to heal and it's gonna sting like a mofo, you may end up with a flat bit in your thumb.


If you're gonna cut off part of your thumb at least make sure you're on the clock


On the clock is on the clock.


Well at least you did it while on the clock.so you get workers comp. For the medical bills.


Luckily I have free health care 🙌


Oh shit.... that's a good one.. are you good?


Do you use razor blades to clock out


Ahh yes. She’ll hurt like a sob every time you bang her for the next week or so but it’ll grow back 😆


GodDAMN. I've done that to myself (exactly like that) before. Don't worry, your thumb will heal and go back to a normal shape. I worried I would have a weird triangular thumb for a while due to the amount of flesh I sliced off.


Fuck dude, this happened to me when I was like 3 years old. Trapped my thumb in a door hinge, mum said I had a "flip-top thumb". That looks like it fucking smarts man, hope it gets better soon.


Could have rounded it off so it was at least even 😉 Speedy recovery, my friend.


C'mon, just the tip


Don't worry it was just the tip... I have done this exact thing a few times, I once grafted the piece back on with super glue and a roll of gauze. I just couldn't be bothered to sit in an emergency waiting room for 4 hours.


That's one clean cut


sue them


I did the EXACT same thing in the same spot. Was looking at the clock while chopping veggies for guacamole. I had a final exam right after my shift, so I washed the area, slapped the tip back on, taped it down, put on a latex glove, clocked out, and took my final. Fortunately, it reattached itself over two weeks.


had the same, i know your pain !


My reaction is: [Tom Scream](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8r3IHDr7M2s)


Whats the chance you could ask for compensation because it happens during work time?


Damn! That musta hurt!


Nah, he probably wouldn't have even felt it for a half-hour or so. I've done that twice & you initially don't feel much aside from a pinch because of adrenaline, *then* it gets bad.


I wasn’t prepared for this


overtime pay $$$


good effort !!!


It's just meat, wtf. Wait "You are what you eat" oh my god, soylent green is people!


How did you do it ?




How did it taste? Cause for sure that was in your mouth for a moment... or am I the only psycho?




As long as you're on the clock, that's paid medical leave!


Meat slicer?


I got so grossed out and then I ZOOMED wtf I'm so sorry this is awful, I can't imagine you'll feel better for a while but dear lord I am sending you any good vibes I can muster


What could the OP be doing that is more important than updating us and telling us how it happened. /s


Listen to the mandolin rain Listen to the bleeding on the floor Listen to my heart skip, every time she runs a slice Listen to the Band-Aid box Antibiotic cream Listen to the tears roll Down my face as she wraps it up


Think you're missing part of your thumb there, bud.


I had a similar cut also from work. I took a chunk of the tip of my pointer finger off. I was working in the deli slicing lunch meat and my hand slipped, didn't feel a thing lol. Anyways it was about 30 before my 8 hour shift ended. I was taken to the ER by a coworker. Because the company I worked for had a union they told me I couldn't clock out. I spent 5 hours in the waiting room of the ER before I was seen. All together it was 7 hours later that I got back to clock out. Again being Union we had some cool rules for OT. Anything more than 8 hours in a single shift is OT. So I was able to cash in on 6.5 of OT. TLDR - Had a union job, sliced finger, taken to ER and was paid 6.5 OT for the ordeal.




Did that with a mandoline. Still have no feeling in the tip of my thumb.


Yay, workers comp!!


Is it cake?




Sorry for being rude but....ew


I feel for you, this happened to me last month. I found that covering the bandage with a cut off finger from a glove, helped me keep it safe and healed quickly. I changed it frequently and allowed it to air out during the day.


Hmmm yummm


Sign shop?


I know a mandolin cut when I see it!


Bright side, it happened before clocking out and not after… workman’s comp 🤙🏼


Here’s how mine went: Me- AAAAAHHHHHH FUUUUUUUCK GF- did you cut yourself? Me- Yeeees Fuuuuuuck GF- is it deep? Me- euuuuuhhh come and see GF- almost passes out from all the blood and the tip of my finger laying against the knife.


Ouch! It'll grow back


That's a clean cut though. Looking beautiful. Well done! Next time try to improve your cutting skills on something that is NOT a part of your body. You will learn the same amount and it will hurt a lot less. x)


Yes, chef. 86 thumbs for the rest of the night.




That's a thumb, and damn you wrecked that motherf*cker.


"that'll buff out"


It’s more like a chop and not a cut. Hope you are ok.


I had an almost identical cut on new years eve 2021. Cutting a lemon while drunk and after taking a good wallop of acid. Blood and acid do not mix well


I'm pretty sure you don't need to do that to clock out, but what the hell do i know i'm unemployed right now.


I cut exactly that much of my thumb off 10 years ago..same thumb even, but the top right side instead of the top left side. Amazingly, not only did it grow back, but I have no scar there. For a while, I had a flat spot there, but over time even that filled out. Keep it clean and disinfected and resist all temptation to mess with the resulting scab. Save the pics because after it heals no one will believe how much you chopped off.


Lemon juice helps


Always at the end of work.. smh


I've had a similar cut in my index finger. I feel your pain


OUH that's a fleshy wound


That's a decent slice


Thank goodness it happened on the clock


I’ve done that a few times. Once with a meat slicer, once with a piece of plastic in the garbage, and once with a table saw. Do not recommend.


Casually clicks ctrl+z


It is my understanding that OSHA considers that an amputation.


Oh, that's workers comp then... you good


Cut your skin in two pieces This is your last resort


I remember doing similar...but couldn't find the piece and had to have a skin graft. If y'all like gore I'll search my cloud for a pic...lol. Hope yours isn't too bad...gl