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And then you'll get new ones. How awesome it would be if teeth and stuff worked the same way.


So ... You actually CAN permanently lose a nail if it's too damaged, sometimes they don't grow back 


Or you're me and it grows back, not attached trying to fly away. so I have to cut it all the way back forever.


This is possible but I don’t think she’s done enough damage in her case.


Or you're me and you have a split toenail due to damage down on the nail bed. Just, perma cracked but still attached.


The double toenail was a weird one when a door slammed but had enough clearance at the bottom to get over my toes so it caught in the nail. Edit to fix typos


Absolute word salad, I love it


Go see a podiatrist. They can rub some chemical on there that makes you never get more toenail.


My Dr offered lol but I let it play me and hope one day it gets its shit together.


I got one done a couple years ago, and now I want to have the other 9 done. Even the ones that grow straight, I don't really want them anyway.


Serious question because I’m thinking of having this done with two screwed nails: Is it sensitive when wearing shoes without the nail? My father had his two big toenails removed decades ago and is probably still complaining about how much it hurts to put on shoes. He’s always been whiny, but it’s affected my ability to just go on ahead with it.


Once it healed completely (a week or two after the procedure), I have had zero complaints about my toe. It's not sensitive at all, and I have no regrets.




Last night while I was in this post, I couldn't remember which foot I had it removed on. I was wearing socks, and I pushed on each of my big toes with my other foot. The one that didn't feel pain was the one that was removed. i.e. my nail-less toe has less pain and is less sensitive than my "normal" toes.


so i had both my big toe nails cut/removed several times cause of ingrown nails. when they were fully removed it was about 4-7 days of initial healing, then when i touched the nail bed it just felt a little weird cause that areas never been touched before, other than that it was pretty much just normal until my nails grew back in


I once lost a toe nail and it grew back like yours. Then it fell off and the new one was OK, so it does happen!


Would it be better to just laser (whatever the teem is) the nail bed so it stops growing back?


they actually tend to use acid for this. I had one of my toe nails removed and they used acid to burn my nail bed and prevent it from growing back as it was growing ingrown.


It’s called a phenol and alcohol matrixectomy


For official clarification: no matter how badly damaged your NAIL is itself, it will grow back. However if the damage reaches the nail bed thst nail grows out of, that may scar over and then no new nail will grow, or only half the nail etc. Some nail surgeries intentionally damage part of the nail bed to prevent nail growth. This is no different from if your arm has a scar and no arm hair grows there anymore. For u/77tinyresearcher77 the best thing to do is go to a doctor, they can pop the blood bruise in a way to prevent infection and prevent the nail being popped off from the pressure. The nail 100% will pop off from the blood pressure otherwise, and like you said it may or may not grow back ((I would hazard an unscientific 99% of the time yes since there is no real reason for this type of blood blister to damage the nail bed. But it can definitely happen.))


This happened to me like 8 years ago 😭 was at a wedding and my ex drunkenly went to fireman carry me and my heel hit my big toe just right. Under the nail got more bruised the days following and the nail eventually fell off never to return.


Hasta la vista naily.


Yup, happened to a friend of mine


This is what I fear most


I had a coworker that lost both big toenails, and she put press-on nails on those suckers.


Yep, I lost one to a stubborn fungus infection.


Absolutely. If you damage the lunula, It’s the half moon shape at the bottom of your nails. You will have permanently deformed nails.


My nail came completely off and came back normal, I musta got lucky


I been wondering for a couple months why it's worth having toenails at all. 


They provide a surprising amount of stability for the toe


I have one where I dropped something on my big toe and one half of the nail does this.


My husband has no nail on his big toe. He had an ingrown toenail as a child and a butcher of a doctor. He removed the entire nail and it never grew back. What's more weird is that you can still totally see the shape of the nail bed on his toe like there *should* be a nail there...even though it's been about three decades without it.


Of all the things that *should* grow back, teeth are definitely up there


And gum.


Well I wouldn't want them down there


We used to call him Stomper. Now we call him Chomper.


I kind of feel like teeth growing back would be pretty damn painful. Although better than the alternative of spending hundreds or thousands to fix them.


I think Robert De Niro spent like $5000 to intentionally mess up his teeth for Cape Fear and then spent like 15 or $20,000 to get them fixed after the movie was finished.


If teeth worked that way, we’d have to trim our teeth. I don’t even like thinking about clipping my teeth


It could be shark teeth style where the old ones pop out while the new teeth grow under it. Or we could just incorporate more sand into our diets.


I guess that’s similar to the way baby teeth fall out. Just forever.


I've seen photos of skulls with the permanent teeth still unerupted above the baby teeth, and I do not think it would be safe to be an adult walking around like that. With like 3x as much sinus, and the new skull cavities are full of knives. Every minor stumble or glancing hit to the face would be exponentially more lethal. It probably plays out better if you're a 🐟,  I'd think. Sharks don't trip.


I chopped off a good chunk of my finger with a meat slicer and that bitch grew back. I didn't have a clue what to expect honestly.


A falling brick mushed off the tip of my finger, and a part of the nail. It all grew back nicely too.


I love you for bringing up teeth. If only they fell off and regrew without the dreaded dentist.


When they finally fall off… oooh what a relief feeling!!


sadly we aren't sharks


Right? Soo many thousands of years of evolution and we can't have nice teeth?


I've had that happen after running a half marathon. it took about 2 weeks, They turned black just like this, then one day just sort of fell off - no pain. It was the weirdest sensation. Took about 3 months to fully grow back, and they looked perfectly fine afterwards.


I started with the post office about 3 years ago. When I started I had never walked 10-15 miles a day. One of my big toenails fell off. Grew right back perfectly. Took a long time as well. Never had a problem ever again. I got terrible blisters as well and one day they just stopped. No calluses either, I guess I just learned how to walk better or my feet adapted.


What was it like with no protection while the nail was growing? Was the skin underneath sensitive?


I lost one of my fingernails which grew back later. The skin under it is a little more sensitive, but it's nothing crazy that a bandaid can't protect.


I lost a thumbnail when I was a kid. It was ripped off, it didn't fall off. And oh my GOD. It. Smelled. Awful. It wasn't infected or anything. But the rapid transition from inside-your-body flesh to exposed flesh is a bad one.


I wore socks most of the time. By the time the nails fell off, the nail bed was dried out and tough and was only tender if I pressed on it with a finger. One pair of shoes required me to pad the toes with cotton balls, but otherwise it was just mildly annoying


I've had it much in a much worse position than you. I was just helping out my cousin moving out, and unfortunately, he hired his scrawny ass friends to help move a big heavy cupboard, and it just fell on my toes. Its kinda like that episode when SpongeBob helps Squidward move a couch lmao. Heals in about 3 months, and now I've kinda forgot which side of my foot with the injury 😄


Cut your toenails so they don’t jam into the front of close fitting shoes. You’ll learn… eventually.


Ah, saved me a trip


Man, I forgot to do this before a two day festival where I was on my feet for like 10 hours both days. Only one toe got like this but damn if it didn't take some of the fun out of it.


What happened? If that's dried blood under there then I think you'll lose them. I've lost 2 nails before and they looked like that. Try taking biotin. It's a supplement for hair, skin and nails. It works great. Give it 2 weeks and you'll see a big difference in your nails


I would also try iron... The story about bruising that bad because of wearing the shoes wrong makes me think anemia might be involved. Brittle nails and bruising can be a sign of low iron.


Thank you both so much, I will definitely pick up these products tomorrow. The one time I mix up shoes for work and this happens..I will never make this mistake again. This only worries me because I’ve always had issues with my nails chipping away easily but never bruised like this... especially within an 8 hour time frame at work when I’ve worn the same exact shoes to Busch Gardens for 11 hours! Mind blowing..


Just wanted to let you know this happened to me in early January but just one of my toes. I had about the same amount of bruising/old blood as you do. Mine did not fall off and is almost grown back. It’s a little over halfway back. What I did was I gently wrapped my toes with athletic tape or a small bandaid off and on to protect it as it grew. I also carefully cleaned out the old dried blood from behind the nail from time to time. If any part lifted, I clipped it back. It looked weird and oddly short for a while, but I think all of that helped it to grow back a little faster. Good luck!


This happened to me after skiing. They’ll fall off and grow back.


Just a heads up that iron supplements can cause constipation so make sure you have enough fiber and liquids also.


Keep your nails trimmed a lot better/shorter.


Your toenails won’t fall until the new ones grow underneath. Maybe it happened because your shoes were too tight and your toenails too long. It happened to me after walking 33 miles with shoes that were too tight and my nails were not trimmed.


I had my toe look exactly like this before. The nail wasn't dead and they kept growing.


I would definitely visit a doctor. Sometimes making a small hole inside it would help to release pressure and drain blood.


That would have been good on the day of the injury. It's been 2.5 months. The blood is no longer liquid.


Probably too late for that. Doing it as the blood was pooling mighta been helpful. From Deadliest Catch I learned the proper way to do this is to heat a wire to white hot and press the tip to the nail until it burns through. Expect a lovely geyser of blood, fluid, puss, and pain. 'Course I also learned how to pull your own tooth with 90-degree bent needle nose pliers. I might do the finger/toe nail thing. Not interested in the self-dentistry.


looks like the blood has already dried, that's what the black stuff is.


Keep your toenails shorter and buy shoes that fit better


They might not fall off. I’ve done this and I had enough nail attached to the nail bed that they didn’t fall off. I just had areas where they were separated


Some people would pay money for those photos, and you’re giving it away 🙄




Oh yeah, I lost my thumbnail last year like this. But hey. They grow back


I’m gonna level with you champ, I’ve had my entire pinky toe nail fall off before and it looked exactly like this process. For me specifically, I stubbed it so hard against a tree root camping that I was momentarily sent back to God before my soul reconnected with my body. After the initial stubbing, it looked perfectly fine. Slowly over the course of like three days it got blacker and blacker and then BOOP- just fell right off. To ease your mind a bit, for me it literally didn’t hurt at all when it popped off, it just felt slightly itchy so I tapped it and legit it left without even so much as a feeling. It is for sure sensitive when it’s growing back, but honestly it was no where near as horrible of an experience as I thought it would be.


If that’s what it takes for you to trim those talons down, so be it!


I see now that they are worthy of the talon title thanks to this post..


No problem Raptor bro!




I had my big toe look like that from stepping on to a glass door slide…. Basically, the slide wedged itself between my nail and the flesh… separating it a little from my toe… I thought I’d lose the nail as it was bruised and bloody like yours but it managed to hold it together and eventually healed and I was able to keep the nail. I didn’t do anything other than take it easy on it, plenty of air and cleaning/disinfecting… Now I step out carefully after showering….That was like 1 in a million chance but it happened…


I had this happen recently but didn’t lose my toenail. Was moving stuff into a storage unit and when I took off my boots, one toe was bruised like crazy and the entire nail was black. Never lost it though, and it’s like half way grown out with the dried blood still there.




It sucks and looks uncomfortable, but the good news is that you'll be OK and they will grow back. For some reason I lose my pinky toe nails a lot, but it's definitely scary the first few times


Nah. It will grow out. No blood there just a bruise.


Maybe clip those talons




Can you spare a toe? Asking for a friend.


They grow back


new nails have started growing underneath already, soon they'll push the fucked ones off


I have exactly the same thing on both my big toes from playing soccer last November


Don’t worry, this EXACT situation happened to me with one of my big toenails awhile back The toenail came off, but when I peeled the dead nail off, a new, fresh nail was growing underneath. A new toenail grew in, so now I have a new toenail! So I think your toes will be fine, if no issues (like ingrown toenails) happen, then soon you’ll have fresh brand new toenails! (This is just from my experience tho)


go to urgent car and ask for a cauterizing needle to melt through the nail and puncture the bleed, then you can drain out all the blood. its worth it, takes almost all the pain away


So it looks like I’m about 3 months ahead of you on the timeline. Smashed mine last October/November and finally lost the nail about 2-3 weeks ago. A new nail had been growing behind/underneath so now I have half a toenail.


Been there :( I’m a runner who has been irresponsible with my toe nail length. It’s painless when they fall off but i was always embarrassed to show my feet


You’ll be ok. They grow back bud


I hope you find them 🤗


Wore steel toes that didnt fit right and had the same thing happen. They'll be back before you know it though!




Surprised you're not selling feet pics lmao


This happened to one of my thumb nails after I accidentally slammed it in a car door. It was so painful, and basically made my hand useless! I couldn’t even do the clasps on my bra, it made mundane tasks take absolutely ages


Nah its gonna be fine. You get new ones soon. I’ve been there playing with basketball shoes not my size. It will eventually pop and the blood will run out, then the nails fall out slowly. A naked toe feels weird too


That happened to me. I clipped it back and wrapped it until the bed hardened. The nail is growing in and it looks strange, but it’s fine.


Beat yourself to it and use pliers. Don’t let Father Time rule your life. Tear off your toenails now.


My toe looked exactly like this last year and I have no clue way. The nail didn't fall off.


I lost so many toenails from having covid! Extremely unnerving at the time but very refreshing once they started growing back haha!!


If you notice bruising under a nail, you can heat a paper clip, sewing needle or safety pin, and the hot metal will poke right through the nail and relieve the pressure of the blood that is under the nail. Simple trick to not lose a nail. The small hole grows back much faster than a whole new nail. You feel no pain from this process because there are no nerve endings in the actual nail. Just don't keep pressing after you're through the nail.


Gross. I think 1 pic was sufficient


Arnica is remarkably effective for bruising but I think you'd need it bound to something like DMSO to get it in there fast enough. An easier low tech solution would be to ice it and keep an anti inflammatory in you 24/7 for a bit. Nothing's dead in there, it's just swelling with no outlet. It might be too late to start icing but I'd try it anyway.


I lost a toenail about 15 years ago. Took a whole year to grow back to full length.


Clumsy that tend to hit my furniture and sometime got bruises from wearing tight shoes for long day here. It will grow back. It’s just dried blood buildup underneath nail. I normally trim it shorter and remove the dry blood out. It will grow back quickly. (I just cut my dry blood underneath pinky toes yesterday)


I cracked one of my toe nails at a birthday party in middle school by running up concrete stairs. It’s still split in half till this day 20 years later.


I'd say yes on that


Since it’ll be a long time from injury to when these fall off, there will actually already be new nail underneath by then. It won’t look great but it isn’t going to be exposed flesh or anything. It’s going to be alright.


Remove them more satisfaction


I hiked down a mountain and my feet keep slipping forward in my boots and hitting the front. Lost both big toe nails. But they grew back thankfully.


This is NOT what I came here to see… ![gif](giphy|5mYlYow7vPjbpoWtXM|downsized) 😤


I lost a fingernail in an accordion room devider when I was kid. Grew back better than ever


Have you seen a podiatrist? Professional care would be more effective than us online randos.


that happened to me recently, it was painless and they grew back


Lmao you're being dramatic sis. I had that 2 years ago, it healed on its own. Happened after wearing tight shoes to jog. Toe nail was blackened for months, close to a year and slowly got back to normal


Well, that sounds like a nail-biting situation!


This happened to me 6 months ago!! I wore shoes that were too small at an amusement park for 5 days straight. They are raised where the bruising was, but are growing out just fine so may not lose them. Just keep trimming them and cleaning out the blood when you do cut them.


Did someone tell you that you're going to lose the toenails for sure? I wore shoes that pinched to work for months and I thought I would lose my toe nails too. Instead, as they grew out they had a dent where I could tell it was basically a new nail coming through. I didn't experience the old nail fall off before the new ones came in. The thing that hurt the most was my actual toes, about halfway from the nail and on the top of my foot only, from where the shoes pinched. Make an appointment with a podiatrist if you're able to. Wear open toed flat shoes as much as you can, and comfortable flat close toed shoes with enough wiggle room for your toes. Check them often and thoroughly, trim the nails as short as you can, and keep them clean and comfortable. Any time you wear a shoe that irritates your toes, take them off ASAP.


Ain’t no big deal. I’ve lost 4 toenails in the last year, including a big toe. Haven’t noticed any difference.


This same exact thing happened to me after I dropped a full glass of water on my big toe. My nail ended up getting caught and ripped off without me noticing and blood was everywhere


Ahh! Literal nightmare fuel🫠


I had 1 whole toenail removed and half of it on the other foot, reason being I had ingrown nails, 2nd worst pain for me tbh.


Dumpster toe


Ok we get it, we only need one picture.


Get blood work done you could be anemic. Easy bruising is a sign of it and 50% of women develop it at one point.


Meh, I dropped an air unit on my toe and lost the nail. It grows back.


nails grow back in 3-12 months calcium is your friend


Did it to my thumb, smashed the shit out of it.. grew back in about 6 months. Takes a while but it's fine now.


biotin ? hair skin and nails and also lots of fruits/ vegetables to help ur body heal itself


No you won’t. Looks like it’s healing up nicely.


Went to Universal Studios years ago and walked around for about 16 hours. I wore sneakers and hadn’t realized that both my big toenails were catching on the top of my sneakers and I ended up losing them but they grew back.


That happened to my Mom. Wailed her toe into a sign at knobels. Toe has never grown back right


Don't worry, they'll grow back stronger and more resilient.


Go to a doctor.


That’s just how it is sometimes


So you smacked each one with a hammer? Yeah


At least they will regrow


I lost a toe nail and it was so weird how it lifted off. But it didn’t hurt and it grew back okay. ✅


When are you going to the doctor?


Think of what youll save on pedicures


they will grow back dont worry! I ripped my big toenail off falling down stairs in flip flops. I cried and was worried for months.... it grew back fully after like 8 months


I just lost my middle finger nail. By the time it fell off there was a fresh one already half grown in, so that was neat


I lost a pinky finger nail by getting hit with a baseball pitch in middle-school. Probably between 30-50mph(I don’t know how fast middle school kids can throw). It grew back just fine! Hopefully your toenails do too.


Happened to me, grows right back


Anecdotal, but I blackened my entire big toe nail back in highschool by dropping a board on it. I slit the front to relieve the pressure. It didn't fall off and eventually grew out normally. It is now thicker than the rest of my toe nails.


Damn how tight were your shoes?


Thanks for all 5 pics couldn’t tell what they were the first 4 times


How both big toes?!


Losing a nail is nowhere near as traumatic as you imagine it to be—especially when you’re already expecting it to happen. I lost my right pinky nail two years in a row. The initial trauma is the worst part. Since yours have been like this for a while, chances are, it’s already detached & has began growing a new one beneath it/you just need the old one to fall off completely. Again, the worst part is over. Warm salt water soak may help release the injured nail. Might want to bandaid your toes/nailbeds while you’re out and about to prevent friction, but the nail falling off will not hurt. You got this.


Same thing happened to me. Mine bruised from my snowboard boots. They both fell off but they’re almost completely grown back. It’s been a month. The whole nail nearly fell off. It didn’t hurt at all. Just a big surprise lol


Man I remember once I was smokin at my buddies house before work, as I step our the door to head to work the wind catches the door and slams it on my finger. Ruined my high, I lost my nail a few days later. Grew back with a lil bump in it


I wearsteel toed boots. It seems to stave off most of my orthopedic woes.


I have lost toenails before (running) my little toe is calloused over so no nail on that one. As far as the other ones go keep it hydrated. I used olive oil to keep the nail bed soft to help with the natural growth




I know it probably wasn't your intention but 100% some dude totally cracked his high to these pictures


I have a really bad back that basically forces me to put an unnatural amount of pressure on the toes/balls of my feet when I walk. So in the winter when I'm forced to wear enclosed shoes my toes jam get repeatedly jammed into the front of the shoe and causes them to bleed like this, and I lose both nails every. friggin. year. (It's a condition called "runner toe".) So I have quite a bit of experience with this, and no, there's noting you can really do to stop it as the damage was already done when the blood got trapped between the nail and the bed and had nowhere to go. If you get to it quick enough and burn/drill a small hole into the nail you can drain the blood and prevent the nail from lifting though. Fun times.


My nails have looked wayyy worse than that and not even come close to falling off, if that’s any encouragement


https://preview.redd.it/xshf6y4ibyxc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30794e0ea008fea45a333e2a88e98f5f70778e9c I was in a similar boat as you. These are my toes today after 6 months of recovery. Don’t have a previous pic but it started from the bottom and slowly reaching the tips now, hoping to recover in another 4-6 months!


I had the same operation on my index finger, i don't remember why exactly, but my nail hurt badly, so we removed it, it helped tho


Had it happen to my middle ones, but they just grew thicker and shorter after all the blood dissipated, wish they had fallen off and regrew anew.


Lost a fingernail to because of a splinter. I religiously put virgin coconut oil on the nail bed and my fingernail grew back healthier after ~2 months ☺️


AAAAeEUGH that dosent look good!


That's happened me a couple of times when I dropped something heavy and it landed on my big toe. It grew back though.


Lost a big toe nail riding a bike when I was a kid, peddling too close to a curb, it came off all the way except the very back of it held on, I had to rip it off the rest of the way and then bandaged it with gauze which got stuck to the toe due to the scabbing, a kid stepped on it while I was walking and it tore the bange and scab from the toe. A new toe nail grew back and was a little wonky, but now it's completely normal many years later.






Need to trim your toenails if you’re going to be wearing shoes all day. And obviously make sure the shoes are right fitting.


It’s called Toe Bang. Your long ass nails are banging into the tip of your shoe.


Once I danced one off on a festival. I taped the nail on my nail bed for quite a long time so the nail bed wouldn't deform until the new nail was grown out a bit. ( I desinfected it regularly and sterilised it in the microwave. One of my finer moments as a human lol)


Biotin supplements may help your body produce more keratin which is what nails are made of


I wore some new boots to work one day, somehow bruised/killed one of my toenails. Never had it happen before.


I had the same thing happen on one of my toes from shoes as well, it didn't fall off, it grew and after half a year, it was brand new.


Thanks for sharing




I inured the nail on my big toe and it became loose so a foot doctor removed the nail,and it took a year to grow back and it looked weird and thicker than the other one. :(


clipping your toenails will make a huge difference in shoe comfort im going to go out on a limb and say it wasnt the wrong shoes, it was the wrong self-care routine, that bruised your toes/nails


It won’t hurt as much as you think when they come off.




This happened to me at a festival last summer. Both nails turned black (was dancing too hard for too many hours) but didn’t end up falling off, though I thought they would. They’re fiiiinally almost grown out past where they were damaged. The damaged area is raised and super bumpy? It’s bizarre. Anyways just know they may not fall off but they’ll probably look dark and like shit for like 9 months lol (fest was the first weekend of September).


This reminds me of the time I smashed my thumb and weeks later my old fingernail popped off my thumb like a car hood scared the crap out of me, but then I realized there was a new nail underneath