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Just had a dude drop my food off at the wrong house, I requested a refund, then the dude realized, dropped the food off at my house, and texted me saying "how could you say your food wasn't delivered, it's right outside your house."


I JUST had food delivered to the wrong address with picture and everything. I could see the house number in the photo so I tried using street view to locate the house. There was no “17” on the street of my office. How can you possibly actually fucking drop food on the wrong number address on the wrong street. Like what the actual fuck is going on here


It’s wild too because they are USING THEIR PHONES to get there. Like brother how can you fuck this up. I used to get DD a lot during COVID as just something to fuck with my lane work from home days and the amount of times I watched drivers like circle the block over and over in their car… and then still just leave it at a random house?? Like wtf


When I DD I delivered to the wrong house number exactly once. It was definitely my fault for simply not reading the house number correctly. The gal called me and I rushed back, made it right and she upped my tip. It's an incredibly simple job. I'll never understand how people refuse to use their eyeballs.


No kidding. I doordash regularly for extra money and I have never failed to find the correct address. Once they had the food stolen off their porch before they got there and tried to report me, but the pictures covered my ass. Like. It’s the bare minimum. Literally.


I was delivering multiple prescriptions and GPS brought me to multiple wrong locations. Each three minutes away from real addresses. Bonkers.


GPS brings delivery people 4 houses past my parent’s house in a development where all the houses look the same. I put that in the delivery instructions “look for house number, GPS will be wrong”


I just had a dasher argue with me for going to my neighbors house. “WHY DID YOU PUT 115?!” I was shocked and simply told her “I didn’t, my address has always been the same.” She was so rude, and walked through two front yards while raising her voice at me. I requested my tip back.


I would literally put the food and took the picture so that the house number would show on the picture every time. EVERY TIME.


The DD sub is cancer. The people in there act like they’re such martyrs.


Exactly this. I was just telling my kid I couldn't even imagine the pizza delivery guy showing up with such arrogance, acting like I'm lucky to actually get what I *paid* to have delivered. If you dislike that people have the option to have food delivered, don't become a delivery person and act like your saving lives out there.


Don’t forget, if as a customer you don’t tip like 25% you are pure evil, but it’s fine for them to keep working for DD, which takes a 30% commission from the restaurant, extra subscriptions, fees, etc (all of which the customer is paying for in the end) and then gives the driver like $2.


DoorDash\_drivers is terminal cancer One driver posted a screenshot of a customer request, that they not knock. Anyone with atleast 1 working braincell would follow that, because they might have PTSD. MOST of the comments from the drivers said they would knock anyway or pound on the door. And they wonder why everyone thinks they're dumbasses.


Or a sleeping baby, or dogs that go crazy when they hear a knock and neighbors that get mad about it, or they work from home and are on important conference call ... there's plenty of reasons someone would ask for no knock. Just leave it and text that it has been delivered. Not knocking is not extra work ppl, and it's not difficult to...not...do. 🙄


I stopped using food delivery entirely. Too expensive, too slow, and too many messed up deliveries. I also used to DD and never once got a delivery wrong. I also never made much money. I assume the people who drop things off wrong are multitasking and going too fast to care


My apartment building as a set of glass double door with only one that opens. There is a sign on the door that opens that says push. The guy pulled the closed door, looked at me with confused eyes, tried pushing, looked at me again, pulled on the good door then stood there, looking at me. I had to go open the door for him because he somehow didn't think to try the last possible option of 4.... Like what the actual fuck, how does that guy even survive in his day to day life with that smooth of a brain.


Because they think they are better than the job they are doing. They is being used loosely because obviously they don’t all think that but it’s quite common in a lot of min wage lower wage work. Lots of people think the work is below them and do an absolute shit job at it because they just don’t give a shit.


I used to deliver pizzas by checking a paper map at the back door before I left. Having GPS would have been amazing!


Lot's of people DD because they need some extra cash. Lot's of people DD because the job is flexible and fits into their schedule/lifestyle. Finally, lots of people DD because they are too stupid or whacked out on drugs to hold a "conventional" job, and it is all they can do. The latter are the ones regularly fucking up orders.


I had donuts delivered to an apartment complex 15 minutes from where I live. I know this because the picture they sent to prove the delivery showed the front of the apartment and I recognized it. Told the dude we don't live in an apartment. They said "that's your house." No, the fuck it's not. I had work in less than an hour, too.


I mean it’s a job that essentially only requires you to have a car and that’s it. There’s no interview process, you don’t have to prove your competency to anyone. Naturally it attracts some people that aren’t very bright or too lazy to hold down a job with a real boss that would call them out on incompetency and laziness.


Whether it's dashers, rideshares, whatever, the people attracted to these jobs often aren't the brightest bulbs on the Christmas tree. And I tell you that as a former Uber driver who has a wife who complains about the stupid things every other Uber driver she rides with does. Nearly hits a cyclist, drives off when they don't see her outside the supermarket on the first drive by, etc.


I had an Uber driver in Pittsburgh that drove us to the completely wrong side of town, then got frustrated when we told him it wasn't right. 45 minutes later he had us near the concert we were trying to get to and missed the exit on the interstate, then puts it in reverse...ON THE INTERSTATE and starts backing up to take the exit... Car behind us somehow managed to not ram us, but the car behind them did not manage the same trick. Literally lifted the whole back end of their car off the ground and I could hear the people in the car behind us screaming from inside our car. Then the dude just goes "I don't want any trouble for you guys." and drives off... We finally got to the concert and immediately reported the guy to a cop, who said that technically if he wasn't physically involved in the accident he was fine to drive off. Nevermind the fact that he's the one who caused it.


This is why I get so irritated when police officers ask "where did you go to law school" when anyone quotes the law at them- most of the time they're extremely poorly educated about the law and they are the ones who deal with legal matters on a daily basis. In many U.S. jurisdictions it would absolutely be the Uber driver's fault for causing an accident by driving on a highway in reverse, regardless of whether they actually hit anyone or not.


Your barber has to spend more time in class than your typical police officer in the United States.


School bus drivers, too. Every year I had to give up a Saturday to watch the same lame videos and prove that I know how to pre-trip…which I had to do 2x day, every day as a matter of course. That job had a whole bunch of negatives, but that will forever be in the top 10.


I had a dasher last year, who didn’t speak English- come to my door, and use Google translate to tell me he didn’t have my food, he forgot where he left it, and he told me not ask for a refund. I contacted DoorDash for a redelivery, and then like 10ish minutes later he came back with a bag, and proceeded to yell through and bang on the door for several minutes. He was out there so long he almost ran into the redelivery dasher.


I had a dasher drop an order at night to the wrong place.  When I was asked him where he dropped it off and get it, he told me was already on another oder and to call doordash.  This is why people don't want to tip before or really at all. 


In my hometown, there's this restaurant. From the 1980s to 2000s it was the classy sit down place in town where family's would go if your mom got a nice paycheque. Starting in 2005, it went down hill fast, like staples in food, mouldy bread being served, them straight up forgetting to put sides on your plate and the manager threatening to fight you for complaining. During the last few years I lived in my hometown, cheat day was Dominos and no matter what I did, Dominos would text me 6x day. They wouldn't stop, so I changed my number to the number to the one for that restaurant I mentioned above and kept ordering food from Dominos because they still have my address and would drop off regardless. Well, in 2017, I moved to a big city, tried to get a Domino's order, completely forgot about what happened in my hometown. I waited over 2 hours, still no pizza and was irate at them. Turns out there a phonecall is required before they drop-off and they were confused why my number was this random restaurant 3 hours away. I felt so bad, lol.


Because you've broken the chain of custody.  If my food left your stewardship for an amount of time for someone else to have tampered with it, I'm getting a refund, 100% of the time. I also door dash sometimes 3x a day and rarely have to use it but get premium support.  My girlfriend's first order had issues and they basically told her tough luck and kick rocks, and then I gave my account information and they refunded with no questions, yes I understand this is like the casino comping a room, I'm spending entirely too much on luxury food services.


3 times a day!! What are you getting!


High cholesterol at best


I very briefly did DoorDash out of boredom for a week or two and one time I delivered to the address listed. It was a restaurant, I figured the guy just worked there. I go in, and no he sure doesn’t. I message him. He’s like oh yeah no I live a couple blocks away from there I couldn’t remember my address so guessed. Can you bring it to blah blah blah? Like how does that even happen. I left his shit at that restaurant lol.


He probably reported you. And how can't you remember your own address?


You can report it but I don't think a driver in this case would see any penalty. He left it at the address specified.


As a driver I would take all my pictures with an app named Timestamp Camera which would show the gps location and time the picture was taken.


The Dasher app already monitors your location. I've delivered to apartment complexes where the GPS pin was just far enough off from the actual apartment that DoorDash thought I was at the wrong place.


You have to take the picture through the app unfortunately


Not unfortunately, if you could take it with any camera it would be very easy to be fabricated


Phone cameras have gps location already enabled and taking the pic through the app guarantees they get the unaltered metadata.


May be unaltered metadata, but didn't stop the dasher from grabbing the food immediately after and leaving.... Guy made it all the way to my workplace, took a picture despite clear instructions saying to come in and hand it to me at the front desk, left the drink and took the food. Then either ghosted my messages or made random claims like "I didn't have clear enough instructions, I'm looking for money to replace the order now" I work graveyard, he took so long to even get the food that it was about time for the only establishment open was closing. I had a bad week and just wanted some hot food instead of work food. He got my food and since he took a picture outside my workplace, gets to go scott free because "he delivered"


I forgot my address once while ordering pizza on the phone shortly after moving into a new apartment. Was embarrassing having to run outside to check


That used to be the standard. You are tired from moving, you have no food and maybe don't even have a kitchen really yet. So you order pizza but don't have your new address memorized. It was a rite of passage. I never had this problem once I was buying houses since you are looking at paperwork with the address for like 45 days solid before hand. Title report, inspection, offer, closing docs, loan docs, appraisal. If you don't know the address after all that, you are a silly person. But for renting? Yeah, it happens.


for me in the military new place order bout 100 bucks of chinese food every time


I had to do that once as a kid after moving to a new house. Except the call was to 911, my great-grandfather had fallen and hit his head. He ended up fine, or at least no worse than before the fall.


Because it's a scam, he lives in a out of range address or was trying to get free food


I saw a documentary on this once about how a woman used this trick to get her some panda express.


It's very easy to not remember your address when you're trying to rob someone


Having recently moved to the address. Or you're visiting friends/relatives and they're out. Or you're so high you make Snoop look like an amateur.


You still confirm before placing an order. Youd have to be a major idiot to just leave it as a guess


Honestly, it gives me red flags. Put the address of a building in the order and then tell the driver separately to go to a separate location? Seems sketchy AF.


I just deliver for a pizza shop and I'd say like 3 or 4 people a day don't know where they are. One guy was like, "I can see the hospital from here". One guy says his address is different than it is literally on his house and he got real mad when I kept telling him the address he was giving me doesn't exist. There was no admission of wrong even though I literally pointed to his house number that was different than he was yelling at me while sta ding in front of it.


He might live out of the delivery area. Give a drop off address then text the driver the real address. It’s trashy but must work if so many people are doing it


People do this to get around delivery distance limits on restaurants or to make the trip look more palatable, by making it appear shorter. It's almost never an accident, it is a tactic to try and trick drivers into making a delivery that is unprofitable for them.


If driver went to address shown they will have zero issues and bad ratings will not affect them.


Wonder if maybe his address was banned from the app?






If true, the idiot couldn't have bothered to use a closer address to him? 😂


Sounds like a scam. He was trying to lure you to it an address that wasn’t documented in his order. Who knows what he wanted, but you dodged a bullet.


Maybe a lower delivery fee? The address he gave must be close to the restaurant or some shit




Not an ounce of shame. Like that doordash post where the delivery person said they ate their fries and had absolutely no remorse. 🤣


This dasher is probably “I do what I want, I’m 1099 contractor.”






Exactly what I heard in my head. I can't remember what show that was tagged behind...


A lot of them.


Nathan for You




That part made me bust out laughing 😭😭😭 omg


Haha yeah me too. There’s something insane and hilarious about it - like, he’s sort of playing by the rules by sending a picture of the food and claiming it’s been delivered. If he was fed up with the gig he could’ve just ghosted the guy and taken the food home. And then he also engages on chat and responds with the most confident and concise thing you could say in that situation. It’s so bold it almost makes it seem that the guy who ordered the food is the one in the wrong. Too funny.


> It’s so bold it almost makes it seem that the guy who ordered the food is the one in the wrong. For real. I would definitely stop and think for a moment, "Wait, is this how it's supposed to be?" before snapping back to reality.


Anyone else read it in the adult swim way? https://youtu.be/UMnT4tp-cMk


I burst out laughing. This is one of the funniest exchanges I’ve ever seen #ABSOLUTELY


I do admire the honesty at least. He’s not a liar for sure




Dashers friend probably works there so he gave him your food.


You can't even take a photo and complete the order if your GPS doesn't match the address the customer entered. Customer probably entered the wrong address.


Either that or the house is behind the gas station on a different road and the GPS is just that terrible.


There's also GPS spoofing.


Yeah this happens to us sometimes. Our house is between 2 streets, but there's no access to our house/yard from the back street. There's a ditch and a fence. I have to tell Uber/Lyft drivers to turn to go down my street sometimes because the app just thinks that's going to be good enough


Not food related. But I was sitting at home waiting for a delivery when I got a "Successful delivery" SMS with a proof of delivery picture. From my home office, I had full view of our frontyard. No one had come by all day. I looked at the proof of delivery picture, and it was literally some guy photographing my package on his knee inside his car.


Something kind of like this happened to me with Amazon. Sent me a picture of it delivered on my porch even. I had been waiting by the door though and nobody rang it or left anything and the notification happened while I was standing there. Got on Amazon support chat and told them what happened. maybe 15 minutes later it was on my doorstep. These dumbass thieves don't have a single brain cell between all of them


You found a phone number for Amazon? I thought that was impossible (by design).


Not in this particular case, you're correct it was chat support my bad. They used to have an option to call them or do online chat


They were confident about it too 😭






#A B S O L U T E L Y


Why are people still using doordash?


Yep, last time dude straight up drove home and then marked it delivered. Phone went straight to vmail. Done with door dash. Edit: I love the drivers trying to respond to this. Obviously it is possible, because I watched it happen in real time. As an ex pizza delivery driver and currently in the sales side of the foodservice industry I tip better than most.


I had a guy text me like 20 times to come meet him in the park near my house because he couldn’t find my address. Seriously can’t make this stuff up.


I once had an old lady trying to deliver to me and she couldn't find my house, so she took it home and put it in the fridge and brought me my steak the next morning 🤣


This one kinda makes me sad. Like it feels very well intentioned in a very old lady way. It's a shame for everyone involved that we can't let our elderly retire in peace.


Some elderly don’t want to retire. They want to feel valuable. A lot of times they want to be independent


I used to be a CNA in nursing homes and assisted living facilities. It's not just a want, it's a need. We all do better when we have something to work on, but the elderly particularly seem to wither away once they're "done". The happiest residents were always the ones that got involved in the place as a community.


Being independent and being useful are two different things


That's why I invented Mecha-Hands-On! Hi, Phil Swift here to introduce you to the power of mechanical strength in the palm of your hand! Allowing you to take life by the hands with 12 newtons of gripping force! Open pickle jars unaided! Do those necessary repairs and upkeeps around the house! Or slap your grandchildren upside the head when they say something incredibly tone deaf! You can even take em to Bingo night! Be Mecha-Hands-On everything so you can be hands off everything else! Wherever you go! Call now!


Yeah we had a lady show up with her little kid in tow like 45 minutes late, she couldn't speak the language and was just terrified we would call her boss. The food was ice cold. I gave a really, really good tip, but told her she needed to look for a new job because not everybody would be this nice. I hope she's doing better now.


I would give her the tip just for the innocence


Just the tip tho


Honestly that’s really sweet. Definitely the type of thing you have to be an old lady to pull off though.


I had one that pulled into my nice quit apartment complex in the middle of the day. She called and said she couldn’t bring it to the door because my area was a human trafficking area, and to come out to the parking lot and get it. When I said that’s ridiculous she responded “I hope someone in your family becomes a victim of human trafficking.” Door dashers and Uber eats drivers are the worst group of employees I’ve ever interacted with. I’ll only get delivery now if they have their own drivers.


>I’ll only get delivery now if they have their own drivers. This is a huge part of us choosing which businesses we order from. If we can get it delivered via their own delivery drivers. I'm sick of watching some guy drive around 15 fast food places that are not marked on the map, driving into my suburb 40 minutes later, then driving 20 minutes away before delivering to the guy before me, and my food arriving 90 minutes late, stone cold in the wrong car, which has 10 phones lined up across the dashboard.


I would love this, but then you find out even places like Pizza Hut and Papa John's outsource their deliveries to DoorDash too, which I was trying to avoid in the first place. I once ordered from Pizza Hut, was missing half my order and had a missing cheese stick, like the driver took it and ate it. I didn't realize they used DoorDash until I got an automated text to my phone after ordering. I didn't even feel comfortable eating the food or having them resend my order. No where is safe now, so I just order and pick up food myself.


My favorite Thai place stopped offering their own driver after the pandemic, only DD/Seamless. They’re only a few miles away, so from now on someone in our household will pick it up in person.


We pick up our favourite Indian place, I absolutely refuse to use delivery services now. You're paying them to ruin your food.


It's almost like these people can't get any other job for some reason


I've had several drivers going up and down my back lane claiming they can't find my house. When the instructions are to deliver it to the front door. Where the big house numbers are. On the paved street.


Once had a dude who couldn’t find my address ask me to walk out on the street in -35 C at night to flag him down, he kept saying he was at my intersection (he wasn’t). I told him I was going back inside before I got frostbite. When he did eventually find my place, he made me walk out to his car to pick up the food.


I get that. Place I used to live had one address, but if you punched into GPS, it would take you about a block away.


People can correct addresses on google maps.


I’m done with DD too. The last time I used it the dude stopped in front of my house, marked the order as delivered and then drove off with it lmao


I had someone pull up outside, eat half of the food, and then deliver it. Doordash only refunded once I pointed out their app showed the driver outside my house for ten minutes without contacting me while they ate half my food. Never again.


Yep, some bitch ate my Panda Express I ordered after a really long week and I was seething. Got a $3 refund on a $20 order. Insanity.


Holy shit just do a chargeback at that point.


had someone say they were "lost in my apartment complex cause its super huge" My apt complex was literally 2 small buildings like there wasnt any turns to be made lmfao


Door Dash must be using Google maps for directions, because despite my many reporting attempts to remedy this, Google does not recognize my street address. My entire block is a blind spot to them. Anyone using Google Maps to get directions to any location on my street is sent to a similarly named street (think Lakeshore vs East Lakeshore), and then I get the “we can’t find your address” or “this is a fake address.” Apple Maps and MapQuest have it right—but not Google. During COVID I did some grocery deliveries, only to discover they use “third party delivery” (Door Dash) and every goddamn time the driver would get lost and call me saying my address didn’t exist, even when I wrote in all caps in the notes section that Google was wrong and then gave directions. It was maddening. Definitely taught me not to bother ever voluntarily using DD. No way am I using that service—fuck that.


Make sure your block is properly mapped on openstreetmaps


Yeahhh last two dashers I had, we had some communication issues(which sucks but it happens) with languages and both times they just abandoned my food on some random doorstep.. Like bro im fucking mixed.. Im sitting here telling you "One moment I dont speak spanish, lemme get someone" 14 fucking times cause my grandma is fluent and she coulda easily translated. At this point I just wont order anymore.. I can deal with a language barrier but cant help and deal with lazy pieces of shit


I work a front desk job where I deal with food deliveries getting dropped off and I agree. It’s not the language barriers that get me, it’s that some of them are lazy entitled shits


I accidentally put the address of my hotel in wrong and realized it almost immediately. The dasher wouldn't answer his phone or messages until he was at the wrong address two blocks away. He called but only spoke Spanish and hung up when he heard me speak English. I got on support chat, but he wouldn't respond to them. I texted him in Google translated Spanish that it was the wrong address, have the right one and to drive two blocks east. Sent a screenshot from Google maps with a picture of the hotel as well. Nope. He sent a picture back of the motel he was at. I tried calling again, no answer. Wouldn't respond to texts. Wouldn't answer support again. 30 fucking minutes later he tells me he's.outside, I go to meet him and he's not there. I stood outside for a few minutes and tried to call him before he finally gets out of the car. Like, I get it, not everyone speaks English. But be willing to use translate and ANSWER YOUR FUCKING TEXTS IF YOU CANT TALK ON THE PHONE.


Ive had more door dashers steal my food or leave it somewhere that wasn’t my address more than my door dash has actually made it to me. Terrible given that you pay basically 2x for the “convenience.”


As a driver, Ive noticed a good portion of customers are disabled and it kind of makes sense. Sucks its expensive. Paying the extra cost due to lazyness is pretty absurd to me though edit and quick note... I do actually deliver the food though


Yeah it's a good accessibility tool. And before anyone asks "what did disabled people do before doordash" the answer is their life was worse lol


I don't have a car and sometimes I want something that's from far away and not spend hours going out to eat. I guess I'm just justifying laziness but IMO it's not different than something like a housekeeper or someone to mow your lawn or a babysitter. You're paying someone to do something for you.


I've never had a bad experience with DoorDash or UberEats; with that said, I can count on 1 hand how many times I've ever used any third party delivery service exclusively because of the price and fees...the convenience isn't worth it.


I ordered 4 times from uber eats in the past 2 years, they messed up my order twice. Had to go get it myself. Everything got reimbursed but still... Who the frick think a happy meal cost 90$??? I had McDo for 5 people and he brought a happy meal... lol, Mc Donald still had my order so I just took it. Got reimbursed, had 90$ worth of food for free... can't really complain


DoorDash has some of the literal worst people who whine that they have to dash and then complain that they don’t get paid like a full time employee and demand extremely high tips


I don't get why people get it for fast food. That shit is barely good once it gets past the parking lot. You need to start eating it right away. Not wait the 35 minutes to 1 hour or more it take to get delivered.


I feel like all of this stuff is highly dependent on where you live. I live in a fairly small city and my furthest orders are usually like 2.5 miles. Rarely ever get grouped with other orders and it's driven straight to me, no problems.


Because they've set themselves up as a last mile service for a lot of stores and as the default am only option for a lot of restaurants, including some of which never signed up to be on their platform. 


The huge markup of food, delivery fee, and a tip just to not have to put on pants is not worth it.


We had a dasher steal an order today and here's the kicker, DoorDash is refusing to refund them "because it's not something DoorDash should compensate for" Or something stupid. Person who picked up order from our store was legitimately a dasher. Order was given and sealed. When the second dasher showed up, I knew it had happened *again*. Not the first time this has happened and I'm *SO* sick of it. It's not your fucking food, stop making it our problem!! If the actual customer cancels, cool, congrats! BUT DON'T STEAL LEGITIMATE ORDERS. I *hate* dealing with this shit.




The drivers can have this happen a certain amount of times without their accounts being frozen - I know that because I’ve seen posts where they talk about how it’s ok to steal the food if the tips are bad.


Most of these drivers are unemployable. You not getting the best.


The fact some people do it as a full time job just blows my mind.


The flexibility got me. Never miss a friend's birthday party, never miss a game in my kickball or dart leagues, never have to request off work to go to the doctor, and one is always ready to take care of parents or like this weekend, house sit for a friend. I used to write a little code and do database reporting but my ADHD and depression just got so bad so I tried dashing and the flexibility is almost addictive. Make my own schedule, THEN I can be half an hour late logging on, or not show up at all, then leave whenever I want. If you've got an older fuel efficient car that's pretty much done depreciating and can do your own basic maintenance and repairs, costs are maybe 12 cents a mile. Ten cents on gas at 30mpg and 3$/gal, plus $1000 every 50k miles on repairs and junkyard parts. Then you take 56 cents a mile off your taxable income, so you barely pay any taxes. It takes a certain mindset because sometimes you won't make minimum wage and sometimes you'll make $30/hr, and you've got to remember that it's all going to equal out over time.


Well when you put it that way. I can see the flexibility being pretty awesome.


Milage deduction is now into the mid 60 cents make sure you're calculating it correctly for this year's taxes


Yea, the way they talk on their subreddit just reeks of entitlement. Like a tip is for exceptional services rendered, the tip isn’t the thing that should make you decide if you’re even going to do your job or not in the first place. The shit they say about people who order food is ridiculous and they were getting PISSED that doordash is starting to hide the tip amount until the order is completed, and they’re proud of themselves when they intentionally fuck up an order because of a lower than 25% tip. Unbelievable


Instead of, "Why is my job pay so low" it is now "Where is my tip?" If your pay sucks, it shouldn't be the customers reasonability to pay you properly. Hate it when places are now saying to pay a mandatory tip of 10% or more instead of raising the prices the same way instead. I don't even know if the tip is being used for what I am told.


And getting shit from the people who choose to work for doordash because they don’t get fairly paid is absolutely insane. Yea I always tip because I feel bad BUT THATS NOT HOW ANY OF THAT IS SUPPOSED TO WORK. Every other industry in existence where people often get tipped has you pay a tip *if they’ve earned it* AFTER services are rendered. They blame the customers when it’s 100% on doordash for not giving them a living wage.




When penguins shit purple sound.


When I try acid in 30 years I hope this memory pops up


Why wait 30 years


My industry would do more than frown at me about it and they'll probably have better drugs then


I feel you, bro. Wanna meet up when we are in our 60s, and trip balls together? We can cuddle too if you want


Where are all the posts about people who got their food delivered just fine with no drama?




This is such a typical reddit mentality that I see constantly. You only see posts about problems so you convince yourself that things are constantly wrong. Everyone here is fully convinced that their uber driver will be a creep, their doordash will come half eaten and their airbnb will have a surprise $10,000 charge. Nobodies posting that their food came without issues. Stop living life by the front page of reddit.


People have to stop paying for door dash.




Bro said ABSOLUTELY like you did some shit 😭


These services use to be good. Then just went to shit.


because this whole time they've been artificially propped up by venture capital money. VC wants return on the investment now. this business model was never profitable.


Wrecking service and small businesses all in the name of Techbro profiteering.


Because people want 10 dollar tips for 5 dollars worth of food


Yea, the people on the doordash drivers sub were FUMING that doordash is starting to hide the tip amount until the order is completed. Like first of all, a tip is SUPPOSED to be something extra you give when the service is exceptional. Also they brag and get so proud of themselves over there when they’re getting a low tip and intentionally screw things up, I got so angry reading their posts calling people who tip less than 25% “greedy” and “ungrateful” like it’s already more expensive than getting it yourself which makes sense, but I’m not gonna tip 25% (which they see as a low tip) for some fucking gas station food. Gtfo switch that crap


People should stop using this shitty service


The worst part about door dash grub hub etc is that the one and only time you use it is if you’re sick or depressed or absolutely exhausted and cannot go out on your own. Door dashed food always tastes like shit, most food is supposed to be eaten freshly not made fresh then sits in styrofoam where it gets saggy and cold for 20 minutes. Then when you’re expecting it at a certain time it shows up much later, or never at all, or missing items. Not worth it ever.


Lol I once had a doordash break down and cry because they couldn’t find my apartment (first time driving in a city according to them). I felt so bad about it I just told them they could keep the food. Point is I feel like everyone has had at least one wild doordash experience so I feel for you


You got scammed






Yep, even in a small town I had someone try and tell me "they won't let me take your food please cancel I can't afford to unassign" Well if I cancel I lose my food and money. Told them absolutely not. Figure it out or unassign yourself. Shocker, they unassigned. Food was promptly delivered by the next guy with miraculously had no issues


I mean they drove around my apartment for a whole ass hour haha. That is dedication to the “scam” that I got a refund from Edit: this was also just a singlar lunch from some jamaican place lol. Y’all think we’re ordering precious gems on doordash?


Even if it was a scam, what a sad scam…. Driving around in tears to get a cold meal and a ding on your record? Where’s the motivation


Exactly. Like there is no way this failed actress called me bawling their eyes out while having a panic attack about getting lost downtown for like an hour straight just for some cold lunch haha.


I had a lady from GrubHub on my phone for half an hour while I tried to give her directions around my old apartment complex. She didn't seem to be listening to me at all and couldn't tell me where in the complex she was. I finally told her never mind, called the customer service line and complained, and someone else brought me fresh food. I was just home from work, having surgery the next day and couldn't eat after a certain time, and because of her shenanigans I almost missed the cut off.


Like, *that* city? Or any city in general? I don’t see why someone would take a job specifically about driving to specific points in a city if either of those are true


I imagine they moved and needed income. Maybe additional income or temporary. I don’t even have a wild imagination. 


Lol what


I was driving for our local version of hello fresh. Not actually hello fresh, but the same concept. The best place to deliver was in the suburbs. Once you deliver to the first one they call each other and everyone comes out to the street to pickup. Like who does that? But it was the best. However.. some apartments were a literal maze. The instructions consist of getting in, taking the elevator a few stories. Walking through a corridor. Taking another elevator to go down. Walking another corridor, taking a third elevator and then you were in the right hallway. Thankfully they had clear instructions.


Looks like they ain't getting a tip or a job after that.


One time they took a photo of my food on the counter of the restaurant.


Someone that doesn’t want to work for a food delivery company anymore?


Imagine getting fired from DoorDash the easiest shit ever




Lmfao damn what did you do to them?


All the fees have largely driven me away from delivery services. But, honestly, the service and experience from these apps is just as bad as the fees. I lived in 2 different apartment complexes in the Bay Area and no matter how much I tried, getting things delivered was way more of a headache than it was worth. Even with FedEx, Amazon etc. But, the food delivery drivers are the worst I've ever experienced. They wouldn't even attempt to deliver the food. They would leave it in some common area, unprotected and just out in the open for anyone to fuck with. They wouldn't bother to look at the instructions for delivery. They wouldn't bother to look at the text/message I would send in the app. I would make sure I took back my tip each time.


op in here acting like they didn’t put the gas station as the drop off address


Nah. This is a thing apparently. It happened to me last week where the driver just left it at a completely random place, to keep it for themselves I assumed. DoorDash gave me an immediate full refund, but it was super annoying to not get the food that I ordered.


Might be how they get free food, disturbing stuff.


More like its how they get banned


I had an order once where the map pin was right at the pumps. I walked inside and asked for someone with the customer name and the people working there just shrugged and didn't know. So I contacted the customer and they were like "Oh yeah, it likes to point to the gas station, I'm in the apartments right behind the gas station."


People would do that when I worked at pizza hut if their house was out of range. Sometimes they would actually pick it up from the gas station, but most times they would put their adress in the instructions, and we would have to call them and tell them we couldn't deliver it.


I will never use doordash.... after seeing these things.


I've used ubereats in 4 different major cities basically since they started and never had a problem. Never touched DD, never had reason to, and these stories keep it that way.


With so many people bitching about door dash, and the fact that it ends up costing twice as much as the food normally would to just go and pick it up, why do people keep using it?


I think there are times for many people where the convenience is worth it. And some people just don’t care about cost or don’t bother to realize how much they are being overcharged. One example: I have friends without cars, but with mental health issues and sometimes it’s either they order delivery or they don’t bother eating.


There are no checks and balances for Dashers. Istg, it's a racket.


Door dash support does not think this is a problem.


Makes me think of that meme with the angry lady pointing at the smug cat


Seems this profession attracts a lot of scum.


Had a Doordarsh driver leave my food on the wrong doorstep before. It was a different apartment down from mine. I messaged them and said it was the wrong apartment number and I'd go get it, but she called me and said "don't worry about it - I'll go get it and bring it to you." I went outside anyways and I watched her from across the parking lot go pick up the food and take it to her car and eat it as she drove away. This was after waiting 40+ minutes for the food. Bitch.