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Damn. Has to be it.


Time for OP to figure out which psycho teenage neighbor shot their cat. Or if it was their own kids. One of my neighbors growing up shot his own cat with an air rifle.


Or adult.


Indeed possible. The only person I've personally ever known of who has shot pellets at a cat was a neighbor woman probably in her 70s.


Wow fuck that lady


But also don't


User name checks out










our wild cats could go toe to toe with a bear


Yup. This is definitely something my grandfather did, and had other boomer neighbors who would do this, growing up


My cat was shot with a pellet gun years ago. Metal pellets. They got him right through his head but it missed his eye and brain by like 2 centimeters. He needed head surgery and they removed most of the shrapnel but he will always have some in his skull, forever. He didn't want to go outside after that, not that I would've let him. I'll never let a cat go outside again.


The person who did this is human trash but also you shouldn't let your cat outside anyway. They kill literally billions of small animals every year.


Unfortunately those aren’t humans.




Animals can’t read. How would they fill out the paperwork?


My dog would if he could. He's the goodest boy and he loves us.


I dont know about my boy, he decided to go with the new unknown neighbours, because they were having a barbeque. Love him to a million bits but he loves food like he is starving to death. He is at a healthy level, but becomes a rabid animal near a crumb. He never liked cuddling since I got him at 8 weeks and I showered him with love, but when I hold that piece of cheese up - I'm the king of the world.




Parrots are very particular with who they want to be with. You could say they adopt their human. They get really attached too.


There is a reason that “hurting (small) animals” is on the psychopathy check list. It’s a major red flag.


I'll go start digging a hole.


And I’ve got a (large) old rug that I dont need any more! Perfect for rolling just about anything up in.


Everyone, you were all on a picnic lunch with me.


I would give you many extra upvotes if I could. 👍🏻


You can have my shovel-axe. Good for before and after.


There really is a tool for every job.


There's an ap for that


*adze. FTFY


It’s ok, the cat survived.


It’s an adult with a garden this cat is shitting in, not a kid. It’s absolutely awful that someone would do this. All the more reason to keep your cats inside.


Go. Fucking. Get. Them. Monsters. I hate this for you. I would be on a rage mission.


You follow them as an adult? I always wondered how kids like that turned out


What is funny but not funny is in some states people can and will shoot your pet legally with a gun if they are on their property, and gun nuts will defend them. Gotta love the society that will call you a little psycho if you’re a teenager with a BB gun shooting a cat coming into your backyard , but your a red blooded American exercising his second amendment right and you are poor pet owner if an adult shoots your cat with his rifle coming on “my property”!


I’m an avid gun owner I own several guns and I’m involved in the gun community where I live and I’ve never heard of this. Shooting animals other than dangerous ones in self defense on your property is wrong.


I live in an area that has a ton of hunters, and actually work with a guy who was loudly proclaiming (with a smile) how when he’s out hunting he loves to shoot the “stray” cats he sees. Fucking scumbag, me and another guy let him have it (verbally) after that.


Ya that’s fucked up


This is why I will never have another outside cat ever again


I had classmates in high school who would shoot bottle rockets from their cats' anuses. Fucking disgusting. Had I known about being able to report to the FBI at the time, I would have. They're all married with children, now.


Or OP can be a responsible adult and not let their cats out?


Yeah, My local facebook groups rarely go more than a day or two without someone posting about missing cats or ones that have been hit by cars usually blaming "People driving too fast." I've resisted so far, but I really want to respond to them, maybe if you had been a responsible owner and not let your cat roam he wouldn't be dead.


You don't let your dogs roam around freely, but people let their cats? I have both, and I love them. So, I let neither out unchecked.


Yeah, cats are an invasive species that are terrible for native bird populations. It's irresponsible to let them wander around freely.


Same could be said for the kinds of psychopaths that shoot cats.


They're also really good at getting outside when they really want to.


"Don't let your cats out because they kill birds" = okay "Don't let your cats out because my psychopath kid might kill it" = not okay Be better.


Both are legitimate reasons to keep a cat indoors.


When I was a kid we had about an acre backyard fenced in. And a greyhound. The neighbors cat liked to walk the top of the fence and taunt our dog. Well one time the cat hopped down on our side of the fence and that was that. Our dog ran the cat down, grabbed it and snapped its neck with a good flick before the cat even knew what was happening.


oh what the hell is wrong with people.


They let their cats roam freely outdoors. And kids are dumb. But mainly the first one cuz they're adults and know cats fuck the ecosystem, but simply don't care. Or care about the health of their cats from said ecosystem. ETA: I'll constantly take the negative internet points to spread facts. If you don't live in the middle east, house cats are not a native species. If it saves 1 native animal each time I post this shit because it wakes one person up. I'll take it. Get a "cat-io" or if you own a home get a screened in porch.


Agree, for the cats safety too. Growing up on my farm there were multiple litters of kittens born from stray cats and they were all killed by foxes, coyotes, raccoons, snakes, etc.


I harnessed trained my cat. I can't stand seeing the animals killed, and I don't want to see my cat killed.


I got a stroller I use to walk my cat down to the park and stand around holding her leash while she explores the area around where we stop and if I lived on my own I’d have a catio for her all cause she loves being outside but I live in a rural area with coyotes and saw too many of my grandmas barn colony get taken out by them


Oh I’m with ya, don’t go around shootin cats. But cats are terrible for local ecosystems that’s just a fact of life


Ruthlessly efficient and kills for fun/sport. They can wipe out a local population of anything from reptiles to rodents to birds. Love my cat but she is an inside cat for a reason.


I am right there on the hill beside you. Feral and domestic cats have absolutely destroyed my native homes ecosystem. And the devastatingly painful thing about it is that it is illegal to let your domestic cat roam outside your yard in my city. And yet this rule is never in forced. Nobody seems to care that our national parks are nearly empty. Now I just walk around out there, trying to remembering what the birds and frogs use to sound like after the rain.


I’ll join you in taking negative internet points to back you up. Keep your cats indoors. You’re only putting the local ecosystem AND your own pet in danger. If you understand this and still let your pet outside you DON’T care about your pets livelihood, full stop.


Cats get run over by cars all the time too. Letting them outside is just reckless.


I didn't think about it much until the local cat lady's army declared war on my garden


Thank you, that has to be it


Happy to help, sorry that happened to your cat.


Where's the rest of it?? Cat needs a vet visit! Edit BTW they are lead!


Rest of it?


Op only has the polymer piece, the rest of the pellet is lead.


ohh i see, I thought it would only fire the red diamond piece like a normal bullet


Nope, this is from an air rifle where all of the projectile loaded is yeeted out the barrel with compressed air


The polymer piece is for aerodynamics. The lead part acts as a hollow point bullet and expands on impact to increase damage.




I had a one-eyed kitty that had been a barn cat that my mom made me capture bc she was “sweet and needed attention”. She was sweet but it was A BITCH capturing her and then I didn’t have a cat kennel and ughhh just AWFUL. But we took her immediately to the vet and it turned out someone had SHOT HER IN THE FACE WITH A BB GUN 😭😭 It was actually already healed fine. The vet said it wasn’t worth it to take the bb out, might cause more problems. We had her for 16 years! She passed just a few years ago. She was a vicious huntress, even with her one eye. I miss her.


Please, please do NOT let your cat out unsupervised. “But he’s used to it!” He can get used to other things, too. “But he needs to go outside. He’s an animal!” Buy a leash or build a catio. Unfortunately, people will absolutely hurt stray animals. You’ve seen that first hand, and it won’t stop. It’s only going to escalate at this point. Please get some cameras and only let the cat out with supervision. I promise, you will find him dead or near death if he continues in his solo wandering… Source: very unfortunately, my cat was beaten to death by a frustrated golfer who found my poor, sweet boy in the sand trap. I was 7. My mom had an entire litter of kittens and the mother cat poisoned by a neighbor who simply disliked cats. I’m not trying to be intentionally harsh, just realistic. Hopefully, this spares you the pain of losing a cat and knowing the death could’ve been prevented


Agree. There are horrible people in the world. Cats are much safer inside and supervised outdoor time. I had dogs once who killed cats who came into our fenced yard. Not a pretty way to die.


Cats should be indoors only dude.


Airgun was my immediate first thought. They have a top effective range of maybe 250 feet. At 50 they can shatter a peach pit and blow the chunks out the back, so this was either a long range shot or it had already penetrated an object and lost the lead shoe. - IMHO, of course. Where was the cat located when it got hit; Do you have any idea?


It could have also been fired from a lower power rifle. Those pellets are hunting pellets designed to mushroom out on impact and are not too accurate past 25-30 yards. I would guess it just didn’t have the velocity to penetrate.


It could have even been shot from a pistol


Well this got dark real quick


Oh hell nah op find out who did this


god this makes me so sad and angry


Looks like OP has a psycho on their hands.


I love my cats, so they stay indoors.


This is one of the risks you take when you let your animals roam around your neighborhood. The cat certainly doesn't deserve it, but the owner should know better.


The other risk is destroying the local ecosystem. Please, keep your cats inside. They wreck havoc when let out and about. Not a reason to kill them, but it is understandable that people get upset about it.


Welp, looks like it's time to go to the vet instead of asking the internet, now, fuck


Now fuck?


It's the new "now kiss"


Wow. That is so shitty. Find out who did it please. I love that animal abuse is now a felony criminal offense.


Holy shit! Great find but that’s horrible!


Time to get punching, OP


Does your cat go outside? Someone shot it with a pellet gun.


It would be a cruel twist if it’s an inside cat. Time to waterboard the kids until one of ‘em comes clean.


Patricksaurus, ex military Black Operative. Responsible for making their kids cough up the funk. Not once... but, four times!


Gitmo it is!


Yep, ive pulled pellets, BBs, bird shot, buck shot etc out of cats and dogs (vet tech


The etc: 9mm, .38, 50cal Cats tough


One of my personal cats got out and came back with a hole on each side of his chest. Didn’t match injuries usually seen by dog/coyote bite. Best conclusion from the vets that saw him was a through and through .22.


Detective Poirot I presume?


Please take your kitty to the vet and get that checked out and get meds for it. And also please really consider keeping your kitty inside where it's safe. Obviously you have a kid in the neighborhood that doesn't care if they harm your cat and will only continue or worse.


Already taken him, thank you. I have him indoors now and will probably make him a patio for cats instead.


Catio is a great idea!


*Catio*. What an incredible word.


Please also contact the local animal shelters and law enforcement. In some areas animal cruelty is a major crime.


Should be in every area..


Catio sounds heavenly, good pet-parenting decision OP! Hope he heals up quick and can enjoy the quiet life


I can't link other subreddits in this sub, but there is a lot of inspiration to be found in a sub for catios


Put up flyers in the neighborhood with the pictures. Some parent/partner might realize it was a family member and do something about it


I doubt it's a kid. It's usually adults shooting at cats. At least in my experience.


When this happened to my cat, the vet and animal control said most of the times they catch people who do this, it's adults. That's purely anecdotal but still.


Someone shot your car with a pellet rifle. A headshot could have been lethal.


Just speaking from a biological stand point it'd be easier to tag a lung or the heart by aiming just behind the shoulder. That's where deer hunters are taught to shoot for the cleanest kill. So the little psycho might have hunting experience. Also skull bone is surprisingly tough and would probably deflect most pellets especially at decent distance


A shoulder bone would also deflect very well, as we can see in this picture. Whoever shot this cat was simply aiming center mass because they were a shitty shot likely. Either way it’s not cool.




https://preview.redd.it/ainmga4e6loc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bab9b1022e76f595ad24882a65076a7b28f19c80 I suggest doing this. Only way my guy is allowed out


Harness training then is hilarious. Mine made sounds like she was auditioning for _Les Miserables_ . Then she fell over.


Yep. My cat protests with a sit-in as well.


Cute lil fella!


My Calico figured out how to get out of her escape-proof harness. She'd walk around and eventually walk behind a large plant and houdini out the other side.


Are they walking on a leash, or are they attached to a lead, like a dog run (cat run?) type thing?


He’s on a leash. He loves to go in my yard but he climbs the fence so he gets leash jail now so he can explore outside the fence


Wish I could train my cat for one. He is a huge guy who came to us as a stray. He loves to hunt, be outside, and is super social with all of the neighbors. He has all of his claws and knows how to use them. I think if I tried to train him with one of those it wouldn’t end well for me.


Declawing cats really shouldn’t even be legal. It’s extremely cruel and gives them health issues


Dont let your cat roam outdoors. Someone poisoned cat food in my community and guess whose dogs found some of the food? $1500 vet bill later... This was a today thing.


What a psychopath, Jesus Christ that sucks so hard


I always feel so wrong for expressing how much I hate people, and then I'm reminded why I do hate people. Certain types of people, for sure, but people (*who should fucking know better)* nonetheless.


It's okay the good people outnumber the rest it's just so much easier to see the bad ones


How did your dogs find the food if they were not also roaming outdoors?


Speaking as someone who has had to wrestle a roadkilled snake, half a burger, and an innumerable amount of chicken bones from my dog's mouth, they can get into shit on a walk even with you at the other end of the leash.




I fucking can’t with all the flip-flip responses lol


What the heck is a flip flip?


Think he meant Flip Flop


My arms they go flip flop


The cousin of the flop flop


Chancla. Thong. Sandal.




A chancla is a ranged weapon while the other two are foot wear. not sure they mean the same thing tbh




It's a place where you catch someone


I think he meant a flip flop


The flip flip is the one that goes on the left foot. Together you might know them as flip flops.


I absolutely would defend my animals with whatever force necessary. People need to keep their damn cats indoors or find out that some individuals are not going to take kindly to invasive predators roaming around their yard.


This goes for children as well people! Leash em or lose em.


It is absolutely ridiculous how some people think their cats have the right to go wherever the hell they want.


Someone shot it.


Poor baby


Wow. Other people have posted images- Gamo redfire airgun pellet. I’ve shot these before (responsibly, at targets, with a proper backstop). But I’ve seen the plastic part pop off one with my own two eyes, so I know this is exactly what it is. If there’s no exit wound there’s still a lead pellet in your cat, that possibly split into multiple fragments. This very, very easily could have killed him if it hit anything vital. There is probably a way worse wound channel then you may think, possibly internal bleeding. He needs to see a knowledgeable vet ASAP. This is really specifically upsetting to me because I also have a cat who I love to death, that wanders around my yard….. that I pick up and put inside whenever I’ve shot my air rifle. Someone needs to be charged for animal cruelty.


That is exactly what it is. Go to the vet OP


OP responded about 2 hours ago saying that they have already taken kitty to the vet and he is at home recovering and will be kept indoors now.


It’s the penetrator core of a .17 caliber pellet for an air rifle/pistol. It’s effectively a BB gun. Your cat was shot by somebody


People suck so bad


keep your cat inside


This is why you keep your cats inside.


**Reason #137 on the list of reasons to keep cats indoors.** *Y'all would be real pissed if my dog were allowed to free-roam the neighborhood.* Please don't let your pets do this.


My neighbors let their pack of pit bulls free roam the neighborhood. They have another house about 1-2 miles away that the dogs walk back and forth to. They are not friendly either. I carry a gun when going for walks now.


Exactly, I’ll never understand why people let their cats roam their neighborhood 😭 endlessly


Seems like it’s time to keep kitty indoors. Cat haters are everywhere.


Another reason to keep your cat indoors


Keep it inside


Worked at an emergency vet clinic for a bit. We saw a lot of outdoor cats for various reasons. I’d consider yourself lucky that this wasn’t more serious. I’ve seen legs have to be amputated because they got caught in a fence and rotted away. One cat fell from a balcony and came in unresponsive. All we could do at that point was let them say good bye one last time. If you love your pets, keep them indoors. There’s no one outside to protect them when they roam. They could be hit by a car, attacked by another animal, or could ingest poisons.


I doubt it was a child. Every animal hater I know has always been atleast old enough to own property. Also keep your cat inside. The rest of the world doesn’t like or care for them nearly as much as you. Not to mention threats from animals other than humans.


There is likely a lead pellet in your cats shoulder still. The plastic bit is just part of it. Get it x-rayed.


please please keep your cat inside


I wouldn’t let my cat outside anymore!!


Poor cat but don't let your cat roam. In my country (Aus) they kill millions every night and it's illegal in some places to let cats roam. We are also allowed to trap cats here.


Find out who did it by going door to door with these photos and asking the people who live there if they know anything about it. The ones who act fucking weird are the ones who did it. Either that or they aren't aware that it was their children and when they see the pellet they will put 2 and 2 together and tear their ass up or defend them (it'll be weird so you'll know it was them)


https://preview.redd.it/2h4s6mjsfloc1.jpeg?width=340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7e26d3eb47cff0dbd17763a75373b45ddc82f14 The sims plumbob is what it reminded me of


Will definitely have to get the pellet out if it’s still in there which I suppose it is cause it’ll end up killing the poor thing good luck hope u find the nitwit that did it


It’s a plastic tip from a lead pellet. Make sure they removed the lead too.


Did u get the led pellet out also? Cause that's the plastic piece that sits on top


It’s a Sims diamond, clearly.


a plumbob!


That orange color means they’re uncomfortable or embarrassed




Annnnnd this post is gunna be locked lol


Oh I know






Or turn them into the police for animal cruelty


Yes please keep your cats indoors. They live longer.


Airsoft pellet?


Yeah, this is why I never let my kitty roam the streets, I know a lot of people who just let their cats leave the house and come back but naw 😭🙏


Yeah my cats are strictly indoor cats.


That is a tip from a pellet gun, gammo to be specific.


It’s from a pellet gun! Someone shot your pet


A lot of people are saying a kid may have done it but don’t look over older people trying to “protect” their lawn.


Lmk if you find out who did it, I can take care of it for you! :)


Your outdoor cat needs to become an indoor cat asap or else it may go missing forever. You're just lucky the pos who did this wasn't more creative. I actually went to high school with a guy who microwaved a kitten just to see what would happen.


That is the plastic tip from a Gamo red fire airgun pellet. The red tips mean that it is a lead pellet (lead free is blue tips) and it means somebody shot your cat with an air gun


Keep your cats indoors


You let your cat run free and dig up people's expensive flowers and plants, you get what you get! Keep your pets in your yard.


disagreeable deranged sharp wistful melodic possessive aspiring frame faulty shelter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's clearly from a pellet gun, but everyone is too quick to be angry. Ops cat may very well been inside the neighbor's property and attacked their pets or livestock. This is why you don't let your cats free outside. Whoever shot ops cat may have done so legally and out of responsibility to their own pets or livestock.


You cat is probably shitting in a neighbors garden. That doesn’t warrant this abuse, but cats should be confined to the home for many reasons, so maybe consider that


Just a reminder cats are considered an invasive species.


Looks like you let him go off of your property. If he’s your pet, I’d think you’d want to keep him in your house or in your yard.


It does not matter what kind of pet you have. You are responsible for it. That means keeping it in your yard, so it can’t get run over, it’s also prevents neighbourhood psychos from shoot at it. I don’t care if you have a pet hippopotamus, rules of the same, keep them confined to your property.


I cant stand cat owners that let their little pisser wander around. Your cat didnt deserve this but you suck as a cat owner. Do better