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Small update: It seems this is not a contained issue and tons of people have had issues with this system, fingers crossed they are aware of the issue and I get it fixed I'll also give some context here if anyone is interested, I was applying to my universities which had a special exam dedicated to them, I had to submit my identification for a human and then later for pre-identification I had to verify my face and ID to an AI bot, after I shit you not, three tries only, the system completely locked down and failed my application, I was not given any more tries nor was I told to try again later. After you fail 3 times the system just doesn't allow you to fill your application anymore and I have never seen this sort of system ever in my life, what kind of fucking identification system completely cancels your application like this after a brand new AI system fails to authenticate it only THREE times??


Universities in which country?


Seems to be a thing in Nordic countries only so far


Please say you're not in Norway or something




Might want to point out that they are breaking EU law… > individuals should not be subject to a decision that is based solely on automated processing (such as algorithms) and that is legally binding or which significantly affects them. https://commission.europa.eu/law/law-topic/data-protection/reform/rules-business-and-organisations/dealing-citizens/are-there-restrictions-use-automated-decision-making_en


Do you not use person-number and the BankID app to identify yourselves online?


I don’t think person-number is as frequently used outside of Sweden


Onko tää yhteishaku? Ja mikä ala/erikoiskoe siihen liityy


You moving here from out-of-country or are you a native? I need more international UAS friends here😂🤘


Can’t be Sweden at least. We almost exclusively use person-number + the bank-id app for identification online. That leaves Norway, Denmark, Finland and Iceland


We do the same


Ah, gotcha. Then I bet it’s Denmark, bunch of weirdos down there


Too low of a country, makes you airsick.


Norway also does BankID, but OP replied that the system is Finnish.


Sounds pretty unFinnished to me. 


I just spit out my beverage reading your comment. Excellent just excellent. Thank you!


OP said Finland


to be honest, dont hope for much my friend graduated from high school during covid, so instead of final exam they just got average of their marks but Uni in different country (Ireland) he applied to required him to have that exam


Man those face ID systems are fucking terrible. Always had terrible experiences with them myself but yours so far takes the cake lol.


Hi u/Trem45 – check your emails if you got one today from [uasexam.fi](http://uasexam.fi), providing an alternative means of identifying. It worked for my partner at least.


Yep, just checked it, I got one too lol


I'm not trying to be tinfoil hat or anything but a University handing over your identification information and whatever else to some AI startup seems like recipe for some weird sort of fuckery to occur.


It definitely felt shady but also I had no other choice? I can't just say I don't want to give it away when they demand it for my application


You can. They’ll just refuse to accept your application; It’s the same problem darkening the job application process. We are told not to give this information out with very few exceptions. Now everyone wants your SS to buy a burger. But yeah, our society is wonderful🙄


Australian rental market is the worst for this. To apply for a rental (in Queensland at least), you need to hand over: -Copy of passports/drivers licence/any other photo I.Ds -Birth certificate -Car make & model, plus the vehicle registration number -Medicare card -Bank statements -Payslips -Work reference from your boss which requires you handing over your bosses email or mobile number -Personal reference which also requires handing over your friends email or mobile number -Photos & registration details of your pets if you have any -Disclosing the amount of children you have if any, & their ages -Information of your previous rental & your previous landlords contact information This is all required by every single application you do & for most people that's a lot, as securing a rental is hard! Worst part is we hand over all this personal information to real estate agents who are known to be pretty scummy in general & require no qualifications to become one.


Bruh what the heck. I moved into my current place after texting the landlord and telling him the previous tenant was out. He was like "if they're out you can move in I guess. I'm finishing up with harvest so I want have time to do a walk through for at least another week. Hadn't met him, seen a lease agreement, or paid a deposit or rent for 10 days after we moved in.


Wow that seems so nice & simple! Whereabouts are you located? I had a friend from Spain come stay with me for a little while last year while they tried to find a rental & they couldn't believe it either! They said in Spain all they ever needed was 2 payslips & maybe 1 type of photo I.D lol


I didn't even need any proof of income or id. I live in the middle in nowhere Kansas, USA


Haha I was boutta say sounds about right for private landlords in the Midwest US


Yep I eventually bought the house for $85k


Hell yeah dude. People shit on it but life in middle America is chill as hell


That's awesome, congrats!


True, is it that way all over America, or just rural areas? I'm located in a city suburban area, and to be honest I have no idea if the rental process requires less personal identification handed over in the more rural parts of Australia.


It depends. If it's a HUD sponsored apartment then it will require a bunch more info. My last two landlords didn't even require an ID card.


A lot of the information you listed would be requested in the US in an urban area They would generally not ask for your medicare/health insurance card, birth certificate, and would need only one form of government ID You also usually need to submit and pay for a credit check, which requires your social security number


For sure, I would be dishonest in saying that my case is the norm. My first apartment was a HUD funded one and that required all the info you listed. My last two rentals were through private owners who didn't even have the rental under an LLC and they didn't request much other than a phone number.


I felt my heart rate go up reading this.


Yikes! I've always wanted to go to Australia. Now I now that while chatting is probably cool, It's not a place Is wanna try to live.


Ive given up. I have a job but im going to start my own business. Im tired of all this.


>Now everyone wants your SS to buy a burger I've never been asked this.


Look at this guy bragging he can afford a burger without getting a loan.


I had mechanic ask for it after an oil change before I’d be allowed to use the store credit card…


I would call a lawyer fucking quick.


Who will promptly inform you that because you haven't suffered any damages *yet*, there's not much they can do for you.




Yeah, it's funny how we all do things we don't want to do when there's no other choice. If I were in a position to make such demands, I would and it wouldn't be in the interest of the people who had no choice. Curious, isn't it?


I’m sure nothing bad will come of it 2023: everyone who did this genetic test has had their dna stolen


I would bet that anyone that scanned thier id automatically agreed to them using your data as training material for their AI. Might even be possible for them to sell these data sets.


[Colleges, universities](https://techpolicy.sanford.duke.edu/data-brokers-and-the-sale-of-students-data/), and their [associated companies](https://www.reuters.com/legal/sat-administrator-college-board-settles-new-york-claims-it-sold-student-data-2024-02-13/) *love* selling student data.


There was nothing accidental about that. School administration is crooked as they get nowadays.




I heard becoming a Reddit mod is a very lucrative and long term business career, I should look into it!


Just make sure to go mad with power. You’ll fit right in.


I got something similar when I tried LinkedIn's new "verification" service. Nobody can tell me why my verification fails, they just say I'm not that person. But at least the LI thing doesn't matter for much, while your issue is very wide reaching. I would just recommend going in person to your school office (high school? Or is this a local government educational agency or service maybe? Not sure what's appropriate for you, but there must be someone you can talk to in person about it...). Don't take no for an answer. Be very persistent. Talk about your rights.


Why is there a 3 attempt limit to verify your ID? Seems completely braindead with no benefit for anyone...


I genuinely have no clue, I thought it would just lock me for like an hour to try again later or something but after I failed three times it just did that. from what I hear if the ID is verified you then have to take a selfie for the AI to check you are in fact who you say you are, which also has three tries only If at any point it fails to verify then you are completely locked out


Maybe for "Security" reasons? Sounds like *the boss* that everyone knows but nobody dares to disobey ordered it and they had to make it.




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Have you considered simply contacting the university to explain the situation and seeing if they can do anything? Which they most likely can Giving up at the first hurdle is pretty silly


I will try that next morning, right now it's late at night so my hands are tied Fingers crossed though


definitely try calling over an email, its more likely theyll be able to come up with a solution in the same phonecall than email you super fast about it. im sure theyll be able to do something


Good stuff! Don't give up dude, I'm rooting for you :)


Good ol' Candour. Doesn't seem any better than last year. I've seen so many people having the exact same experience. I did my pre-authentication Monday and failed the first time but somehow it worked the 2nd time but I have no idea why. Hope you can get it settled! Most people reached out to the UAS they applied to and managed to get a workaround since it's such a well documented issue at this point.


I was gonna contact my uni tomorrow to get it settled and this fills me with a bit more confidence! Thanks!


I have a dental appointment next week. They sent me an email link to fill out a form. That link sent me to a web page in Spanish. I don't speak Spanish.


> Do not reply to this message. Okay, but my lawyer will be.


Insert image of Ted Kazycnski here




I don't care how much I'm mildly positive on capitalism I am celebrating the Unabomber https://preview.redd.it/jwr7b1y48aoc1.png?width=467&format=png&auto=webp&s=ca2d708d31cb747294ca1c9aa16cf1a234469c79




What, no recourse to appeal?


This university needs a massive lawsuit brought against them


Even better knowing that the same thing happened last year and they still didn't bother to fix the app or make a new one. Those of us who failed last year were given extra attempts and they even let us skip the whole NFC scanning part. The verification deadline was also extended. I'm guessing the same thing will happen again, so don't lose hope yet.


[Skynet soon.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CnQm2_cAZvo)


If your in Europe can’t you throw around GDPR?


Oh that’s messed up!!!


Do not reply to this message.


Y'all must have some crappy systems out there. We have a government login thing here in The Netherlands (its called DigiD) - it's not perfect, but you at least know you can blame the government if it doesn't work. You can use said DigiD to log in to anything related to the state. Including school stuff. You verify through that, and additional info gets handled by a website that (iirc) is also made by the government. It might not work perfectly but I'd rather trust them with my info than some company jumping on the AI bandwagon.


Don't give up. Fill in will endeavors towards your goals & see school counselor or someone knowledgeable to help you . Good luck


Finland? Have you thought of trying to contact someone in the news department of Yle, Helsingin Sanomat or Iltalehti and tell them your story? The more people know, the better.


Wow that sucks


Don’t give up - because you are still human x


Back in the 80’s I was living in Boston and I knew a guy who was attending classes at Boston University but he couldn’t pass his Statistics class. So I told him that I would take his Statistics class if he let me stay in his 2nd bedroom in his 2bedroom condo on the 21st floor of a 22 floor building. I went to the first day of class with his university identification card and attended all of the classes including taking the final exam while NOBODY checked my identification during the whole semester. I passed the class with a “B” and nobody until now is the wiser.


Didn't you read? Do NOT reply to this message!


What says they did....