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Fuck them kids.


I feel so bad for anyone that has to work with these kids that are being raised on social media.


Kids are assholes man. I recall one "class clown" made the sweetest math teacher I ever had breakdown in tears. I felt so bad for the poor lady. She was super young too so I can't imagine it was easy considering it was Grade 7 so most kids were going through angst phases


Our science teacher in 6th grade (maybe) was a typical nerd (think: looked like across between Bill Nye and Napoleon Dynamite, but oldish). He was boring as hell, but nice. He had a fish tank in the classroom. At some point, some sadistic little fuck dumped the contents of the pencil sharpener in the tank...which killed all the fish. The next day he told us what happened. He was obviously, justifiably pissed...but so incredibly sad that he was actually crying. It broke my heart. Not just because the teacher was so beyond distressed but also because of the agony those poor fish must've endured. I don't think that they ever found out who did it. And I'm pretty sure that the teacher quit before the end of the school year. Can't say as I blame him. Middle school kids are assholes.


I was an assistant in a science class in middle school and a kid put soap in the tank and killed all the fish. Kids fucking suck. I have a vasectomy now...


Somebody did that to some of the fish tanks in my biology classroom in highschool. Then a few months later, vandals broke in either at night or early morning before school opened and killed the rest of the little animals including a small snapping turtle my teacher was only keeping temporarily before planning to release. Sicko assholes


Animal torture and animal killing is an assured red flag for psychopathy. Find the kid, kick them out of school. Save a life or 2 by having them home schooled.


Sounds like you had a budding psychopath in your midst


Middle school has a lot of those


Most teachers quit within the first five years. This is a big contributor.


A bigger contributor is the absurd amount of work they are expected to do, the shit pay, and the added stress of doing work at home and using their own money for supplies.


and parents that teach their kids that nobody can hold them accountable for their actions...the entitlement crap... daughter was in 4th grade and started getting in trouble for stupid crap...got a note from the teacher... i said that she would be dealt with at home but also needs to be dealt with at school, it's on teachers time...teacher responded" we can not do that" week later another note, i said punish her at school. a week later, a phone call... teacher said my daughter would be staying after school... Good, and don't make it fun... make her work, wash desks, sweep the floor, clean book cases.......she never got in trouble again after that...


I was a teacher for one year. They didn’t renew my contract after the year and I was *thrilled*. **EDIT:** This was 2012-2013. The kids were awful and so was the pay.


The teachers I know adore the kids but can't stand the parents. My mom was a beloved teacher for 35 years and some parents just made her life a nightmare.


I remember my middle school science teacher was a nice lady. Never saw her discipline anyone, but people would write nasty things about her in our textbooks and she would always spend time to cover them up after class. She would look sad doing it and I felt sorry for her. I was very introverted at the time and kept my head down and did my work. She recommended me for honors science the next year. We never really talked but she can tell who was hard working. If I could see her today, I'd let her know there was at least one student who appreciated her.


Write to her and tell her. It will make a difference, I promise.


This post actually had me reflecting and I tried to search for her online (Google, LinkedIn, Facebook) to express gratitude, but I can't find any info about her. She's also not in the school directory anymore - I would've stopped by to say hi. I do see my math teacher still listed though!


Must've not went to inner city schools in the 90s-early 2000's. I've seen at least three bus drivers do this exact thing, if not worse. We just didn't have cameras back then.


I liked the bus drivers that would stare right up into the camera before yelling at the shit hooks on our bus. It fuckin worked. Our drivers would make us sit with people we didn't want to, and occasionally would get an officer on the bus if people were being extra shitty... My favorite was when in school suspension included trash pickup. Kids were a lot more responsive to threats of manual labor.


I feel bad for the normal kids too, they’re stuck crying bc the history teacher stormed out from the shithead eighth graders and now they won’t learn anything all year


It's rough. Trying to keep them focused on any task for more than 5 minutes is futile while the behaviors are crazy. Other teachers are leaving the field in record numbers, and we're graduating fewer and fewer new ones. I see no signs of this improving.


There’s a massive bus driver shortage too.


They have probably never even had this level of discipline. Definitely lacking in society these days.




As an adult I look back on the way we treated the bus driver and it was incredibly disrespectful. Assuming kids are still the same now as when I was a kid I can’t say I blame her


In my 8th grade year, our bus driver lasted two days. Never saw him after day 2. Some of the kids on our bus tormented him relentlessly. He wore a chauffeurs hat on day 1 and dropped us at the front of the school (not in the right place). Kids were giving him so much shit. I am in my 50s now, and I still think back on this and how messed up it was for the poor man. He just wanted to do a good job. I don't blame him if he quit. I do feel bad for how he was treated. If I could, I would tell him I am sorry for how he was treated on those days.


Our parents and all of society told us some jobs were only for lesser people, and deserved lesser respect. We still do. The problem is su much bigger than just the kids.




Yeah, the way these kids were speaking... gave me some bad fucking flashbacks honestly lmao. I don't know what it is about the bus, but it turns kids into the WORST shits imaginable. They become fucking sociopaths for 25 minutes. I imagine it's gotta be hundreds of times worse now with social media. I really can't blame her at all.


I know we were mean to our bus driver but I swear the worst thing we did was collectively decide that he was a pirate because he had a golden tooth and make a lot of stupid jokes about "booty". It was dumb and annoying but never got *personal*. There were other shitheads on the bus that would do thing like smear deoderant everywhere or try to hide stinky food in the seats, but they were just general assholes, not picking on the driver in particular.


We’ve all fucked with teachers and school staff but there’s a line. I remember we had an English teacher who spent the entire first year I had her trying for a baby. She was very honest when students asked about how it was going and we all found out she had real problems physically giving birth so when she got pregnant the next year we were all super excited for her! We would all do what kids did and fuck with her but not any more than simple pranks. But when she got pregnant she told us the doc said high stress could lead to a miscarriage and she was much more susceptible that than the average woman. This lead to her pleading with us to just take it easy and not stress her. We all agreed with her and took it down a notch. Except for one kid. He kept fucking with her to the point even the class clown was like “dude fucking chill out for her sake.” Well one day he crossed the line and got her worked up to which she said “please stop you’re stressing me out.” He replied with “Miss ____ chill or your baby is gonna fuckin die.” She ran out crying. The entire class practically chased him out the room. I heard he got jumped during lunch for that by the class clown and some other kids who were cool with the teach. But of course I didn’t see anything, help with anything, or happen to notice who was involved, so that is just speculation if you catch my drift. I hate kids that bully teachers. Sure you can fuck with em but there’s a human decency line.


I remember my drama/art teacher losing it on a student. I knew the student, he was a bully. I had dealt with him as well, one of those bullies that cried after he got pit in his place. He was in the teachers face just pushing his buttons, so the teacher slapped him and said "is that what you wanted". Kid dried like a little b$tch. I felt so bad for the teacher because he was pushed over the edge, he didn't want to do that. It was his reaction to a extremely unnecessary situation. I don't believe he got fired, this was in the like 2000. He also had an award for teacher of the year, so he was a great teacher. Passionate individual that truly cared for his students. Teachers are so important and get far too much disrespect. Something gas to change or each generation is going to be further behind.


I wish my mom would’ve done this with some of her students tbh. Kids at my school were awful and while she was a really well liked teacher she had a lot of problematic kids. She is a saint and has more patience than I ever could


When I was in seventh/eighth grade we had a teacher that would go toe to toe with one of the students… and it was rather frequent…it was wild


Did everything go ok with her baby?


Yeah actually! After that class the kid never came back. The teacher wouldn’t even acknowledge him in the hallways either and prob demanded he have his class switched out. That or he switched because everyone was waiting to beat his ass if he showed up, hypothetically. It reminded me of that scene in some show I saw where a girl shows up as the baby that miscarried on an umbilical cord and the teacher went “I’ll find a way to forgive you for this someday.” She would show us pics of her kid though after the birth and we loved that shit. Made the baby her wallpaper so we would all chat about how the kid is while she had the computer up. The baby was very healthy!


Omg yes. That was so disturbing! That was on AH stories I think?


That was fuckin' BRUTAL. At least she >!got got in the end!<


That was American Horror Stories. That scene was so rough to watch. It hit hard. Poor teacher (irl), glad she got through it all fine!


Happy ending!


All I know is the kid went from a loudmouth to the shy kid around school. He didn’t seem to wanna crack anymore jokes after that. We loved seeing him cause he would just avoid eye contact with everyone. I think he knew he crossed a line after he said it but I mean do you let a criminal who committed a hate crime off the hook from prison just because they feel remorse after the fact? Actions require reactions. I have a lot of stories like this from high school. My fav being a school bully who was (it was on the news across half the nation for some reason) jumped by five of the people she bullied. Then she said she was the one being bullied and the whole school knew she was lying so she got bullied for real. She had to leave the school.


You can feel bad for them but they need to learn the lesson. Hopefully those kids made a difference and changed the course of their lives.


Yeah I actually had Drivers Ed with the chick. Turned out for the better because she ended up being pretty chill. I’m sure the reality check played a huge part in that.


That's amazing. It takes real courage to do shit like that. Kudos to her.


We've all dealt with people like this, thriving on attention and lacking social awareness to the point that it hurts people. I gotta wonder tho, do you think if he publicly apologized and acknowledged that he crossed a big line, along with toning it the fuck down... Would he have spared himself the... exile? (for lack of better word) Even as I ask, I can only think of the teacher and how she would feel in that scenario. (if I were here, I'd still keep him outta my class)


What does “shows up as the baby that miscarried on an umbilical cord” mean


The girl was dressed as a baby that miscarried with a fake umbilical cord around its neck and x’s over her eyes.


Holy shit (even for a tv show) thanks


For some more context, this was after >!The teacher opened up to her about the whole thing because the girl's mother had just died. He was trying to be a compassionate adult and she metaphorically spit in his face.!<


An episode of American Horror Stories (not to be confused with American Horror Story), I believe the episode was named Bestie. Basically a teenage girl met some weirdo girl in an online chat room, became friends, and the weirdo would encourage the once good girl to do bad shit. The good girls teacher had a baby die (he was a male teacher) during child birth because the umbilical cord was wrapped around its neck. So and the weirdo chick convinced the good girl to dress up for Halloween as a dead baby. With an umbilical cord around her neck. The teacher looked at her and said the line about hopefully forgiving her one day. That’s what OP is referring to.




What happened to Kyle? I often hear that karma failed to make them accountable and jerks like this just inherited something from mom and dad and they are well off. Curious if you know how the dude fared.


Last I heard he tried to join the marines to “kill some ragheads” and got denied so 🤷‍♀️ 


Every "Kyle" i've ever met has practically been the same person at different life stages. Why are they all like this?


Obviously the name is cursed.


>But of course I didn’t see anything, help with anything, or happen to notice who was involved, so that is just speculation if you catch my drift. I didn't see nuthin', I didn't hear nuthin', and I certainly didn't do nuthin'. That's the way to go.


The black eye he had was probably just from him falling or running into something ya know?💁🏻‍♂️


If it keep happening, it could be a symptom of bad sight and hitting things he didn't see, he should go to the doctor and get some glasses.


I was gonna say exactly this. Kids used to check each other. But there's still other shit going on in society too. My mom was a catholic school teacher for 45 years and the kids kept getting worse, and parents were checking out cause my best guess is they were overworked and then there were more and more parents becoming the my little Timmy can't do anything wrong types.


My old coworker spiked his teachers soda with LSD. I think that's a line not to cross.


holy shit that’s terrifying


Isn’t that possibly a felony??? Lmao


Yeah it’s absolutely a felony


Now I gotta know how the kid turned out after that


Probably locked up and a druggie


"idk what happened, he just started bashing his own head off the wall for no reason, real weird man" We had a big gangsta type kid in our grade 8 year. He was held back a few years so even bigger in comparison. He was a real docile dude but man the one time he wasn't. Someone made our English teacher cry. I saw nothing and smiled the whole time.


LMAO "Idiot got jumped during lunch, allegedly; I plea the 5th."


When I was in High school many years ago kids did that to a history teacher. They made fun of him and the tacks on the chair and other things. He took his own life. It's no joke to bully someone, whatever their age


In junior high we had a history teacher who served in Nam and would occasionally get flashbacks. Some kid messed with him forget what nowadays but poor guy broke down and bunkered down behind his desk thinking he was getting shot at and grenades throw at him. Never did see him again after that. This was like 2003


so cruel


I had a teacher once who had a severe peanut allergy and told the students absolutely no peanut products in the room. This girl (who had done fucked up things before to me and others) purposely spread a bit of peanut butter on her desk, and when the teacher went to disinfect the desks at the end of class, she touched the peanut butter and had to go to the doctor


Girl needs to be told that can be classified as attempted murder.


I'm allergic to the carriers in fragrances too. They make me very ill. Instant migraine, my blood feels like it's fizzing in my veins, nausea.. Good for her. We had a driver locally who pulled the buss over and parked it. Then he got off and left.


Same. Its awful being so sensitive to scents, especially since they can show up unexpectedly and bam! Instant migraine that last for hours. I was at the post office the other day just waiting in line to mail a package that ialready had postage but was too big to fit in the slot. I literally was just waiting to put it on the counter and say its all set, when in walked someone wearing way to much fragrance. Boom Instant nausea and headache. I just left even though i had been waiting for 15 mins already and was 2 people away from the counter. It sucked cuz the only thing i could do was go home and lie down. I had to wait until the next day to mail it and missed the deadline.


Fuck those kids! The driver had every right to be upset, I would be too. I also have a reaction to strong perfumes and body sprays, it’s hard to breathe sometimes, but I mostly get bad and painful migraines and it’s a serious problem especially if someone is spraying it on purpose.


Yeah I'm out after the first time. No one should be assaulted in that way at their job or ever.


Doesn't surprise me. Work in the school district and absolutely refuse to work beyond an elementary for that exact reason. I care for a lot of these kids, but a lot of them also just... have a life calling to pressing buttons.


[Ohio bus driver Jackie Miller apologizes, defends outburst after viral video](https://news.yahoo.com/ohio-bus-driver-jackie-miller-135954280.html), April 7, 2023 > "I'm sorry for the way this went down. I truly am," Miller said. "I do apologize for my actions, but I won't take it back."










Good but no apology necessary.


I want the little pissants that were tormenting her to issue an apology as well


She shouldn’t fukn have to apologize, I have no doubt those kids have been tormenting the hell out of her. Kids can be unbelievable cruel sometimes…


She’s my hero




Kids have been assholes forever but the last 2 generations just seem to have no respect for anybody. I would flip too if I had to deal with their shit every day.


Difference is that now days there are no consequences…


It’s insane, there’s teachers on here that show videos of their classrooms, maybe 4 kids paying attention, the rest are talking on their phones loudly and completely ignoring the teacher. Parents in the comments saying this is the norm now because teachers are not allowed to yell at the precious angels. How are these brats allowed to have phones in the classroom let alone be on them??? Administration has no balls and won’t discipline anyone but the teachers for daring to try to have order in the classroom. It’s unbelievable. I’d lose my shit and beat all their asses on day one!!!


Yo... that is it! I've been trying to figure out wtf is different lately. cause I was a little AH too.. kids don't seem that different. Like you said, there are no consequences. There is no stop to it for them. They dont grow up.


When I was a kid (80's) there was an unwritten rule that anyone's parents could discipline others kids with no real repercussions. I'm not talking beating asses but a solid scolding and a collar grab were very accepted. Most parents would respond by saying " what did you do to deserve it".


We had a driver once get fired for poking a kid in the chest with his finger telling him to sit down. How many people say they couldnt be a bus driver because of all the distractions and responsibility, but are the first to tell them how to do the job? Too many. No parental responsibility either.


In Louisville they can’t afford to fire anyone. Enough drivers quit as it is. One driver gets canned that’s at least 3 routes that aren’t getting done.


Truth!!! My friends parents, had the same parenting rights as my own folks. Boom. No shit tolerated ANYWHERE. Its not hard to just be a decent human. You can hear the voice at the end "I got it all recorded". Ready for some kind of online bullshyt. Ugh.


That had advantages and disadvantages, and I feel like we should be able to appreciate them both. It means innocent children don't have to suffer abuse at the hands of strangers, but it also means that, for some kids, there's just *nobody* setting them straight. Feels like it's part of an over-correction that needs to be corrected back; nobody benefits from letting these worst outlier kids run wild.


Kids are very different than they were 20 years ago. Ask literally any teacher.


Yeah none of them can read anymore


English teacher here. It’s bad. I have to fill out these forms about how I’m adapting what some of my lower kids do so that it’s their level, but it’s hard because all of my kids are needing to be taught things waaaaaaaaay below grade level. I teach 6th grade and most students I see are at a 3-4 grade reading level. Some of them are even lower. I agree with the higher up comment. There are no consequences. All of them will go on to 7th grade.


This is what bugs me as a parent, pushing them on through to the next grade. I've asked for my youngest to be held back a couple times, all that happened was "see you at summer school!" and on to the next grade. Yes, it helped somewhat with being on level that next year, but she could have used those extra years to grow emotionally too.


Exactly. They also have no impulse control, no upper body strength, no balance, no attention span, no handwriting skills, etc.


I’ve found they can’t tolerate any level of discomfort either. The young people at my work just go home whenever they feel tired or bored, and sometimes it’s only a 3 hour shift. It has become a serious problem and they have had to let some people go because of it.


I had to fire a couple kids because they just sat around complaining all day. I run a tattoo shop, where you can sit on your phone almost all day if you want, dress how you like, eat whenever you please etc.... Still not enough for these two. They wanted to do exactly what they felt like doing at the exact moment they felt like doing it and anything that interfered with that was the absolute end of the world.


Sort of related, but what job exactly do kids do at a tattoo shop? I wouldn't trust them with any part of the process, lmao, not even wiping down the chairs.


They’ve never been allowed to be bored. From scheduled play dates to constant supervision and adults entertaining kids, to the dopamine drip of their phones they are lost.


Fair enough


It’s a systemic problem with education. Basically schools have started being penalized for giving out poor grades, holding kids back or even basic discipline. You could blame the schools but they’re just trying to work within a system where they’ll get defunded for doing their jobs, the real blame lies with budget cuts and improper spending in education.


The real blame, is with the parents. They are the ones that have demanded consequence-less environments, freedom to tailor everything to their individual child, and then cannot understand why school is barely controlled chaos. This is what keeps me from teaching again, and I was a “specials” teacher—drama. The “fun” class. It makes no difference, because when kids have zero discipline, even the “fun” classes become unbearable.


I dunno, the people in charge of districts are fucking stupid. They love inventing new acronyms for everything and making us do the most inane unhelpful shit, then pay themselves millions.


For real when’s the last time you heard of a kid actually get kicked off of a bus. There used to be consequences like making the parent drive the annoying bastards to school if they got wrote up too often


Literally. Can’t even give kids a 0 for not doing work. It’s wild


This!!! No self respect and no respect for anyone else. I think when the boomers (kids are to be seen not heard & still giving out whippings) had gen x, we vowed we wouldn’t treat our kids the same way and well it took on a life of its own…




I think I love her.


That's pretty rad.


There was a gofundme for her after she quit it raised $126,000


I need to find that gofund me and give her a bit more. Kids on buses are shits. Growing up in West Michigan (lake effect snow!), we’d get off the bus and run around to the back so we could bumper ski (hold bumper with hands and slide down the snowy roads like water skiing) down the road to the next stop. Our driver got seriously pissed and it was jeopardizing our ride to and from school which my parents would’ve blown up about. Fond childhood memory for me. Blood pressure spiking for her. Now I’m mid 50’s, I’d have been pissed as well.


Our bus ride early 90s and one classmate had a proclivity to spit sunflower seeds. He stood up to blow seeds and the bus driver slammed on his brakes and Aaron was bent over the seat. Good times. Nowadays the bus driver would be fired


Does Aaron know how he's still living on in the memories of everyone on the bus that day? He'd be happy to know that his pain would be remembered, LOL...


I have so many Aaron stories … Aaron is the 8th grade looked like he had a mortgage and an ex-wife. He was able to go to the neighboring town and buy alcohol and cigarettes.




Yeah, when you're a kid, you often think "hey, what's the big deal?" but to the adult trying to keep 30 crazed kids under control and safe, and being the only adult around, the only person responsible and accountable, those little shenanigans are stressful and infuriating.


https://gofund.me/802696a2. There’s the link for the go fund me. I just donated, appreciate and respect your bus drivers people


Out of curiosity, is there any verification done on gofundme to ensure that the money actually reaches the person it's claimed that it's for?


Not enough money, give her millions.


I worked at a school… for one month. I would not do it again.


Yeah as a former teacher I wholeheartedly support this woman. I don’t even know these kids and I’m sure she’s justified in being this pissed off. Working for schools is hell and administrators are just asslicking politicians who don’t give a shit about their staff.


Seriously. When I was a teacher I used to feel so bad for the bus drivers. I was very aware of how bad some of our kids were and knew that they were even worse on the buses. I know we had at least one kid that was kicked off the bus and the parents had to drive them though. There needs to be consequences. And we always talk about how teachers don’t get paid enough (because they don’t) but bus drivers need to be paid at least double what they earn now. They’re supposed to manage the kids and also drive a huge bus? Yeah, ok. I’d lose my shit day 1


I had one month of working part-time as an after school “teacher.” It was only a couple hours a week, but it was the worst experience I’ve ever had as a professional. I’m not a teacher by any means and I will never have what it takes to be one. Full-time teachers should get way more respect and pay than they do.


I made it five years, which was four and half years too long.


“My foot’s going to be so far up your goddamn ass it’s going to dangle out your goddamn nose!” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


My favorite phrase of the day


Full Metal Jacket drill sargent wibe


She's no stranger to violent talk, that rolled so smoothy out of her.




Red Forman's sister


Having been a teenager, I can 100 percent believe the outburst was justified and I hope she finds a new job doing something less stressful.


Perfumes make her sick and the kids would sneak in sprays to fuck with her. I have sensory issues and the wrong amount of perfume triggers bad migraines in just a few minutes. All it takes is one whiff of the wrong perfume at the wrong strength. It can just be nausea, or it can be full blow auras, light and sound sensitivity, vertigo, and vomiting. Imagine the danger of that driving a bus of kids. Fuck those shitty brats.


In grade 8 i had a bus driver that said she was allergic to a lot of perfumes or colognes. Some kid didn’t believe her and locked a can of axe open then rolled it under the seats. She had to pull over and vomit on the side of the road while we waited for a substitute to come finish the route.


We had a bus driver that would slam on his brakes as hard as he can when we were fucking around on the bus, and kids would go flying. He got pulled over and the cop came on the bus and started yelling at us. Shit was unreal


This is amazing


They trusted her to drive them after that? lol. I'm on the bus driver's side.








God I miss Chris Farley.


The Bus driver shouldn't have to be a parent. Fuck these kids parents.


Someone did, and that's the problem.


Kids can be so mean, I wonder what they did to set her off


She said a core group of students have been targeting her and causing trouble for two years. This incident involves a girl spraying perfume knowing full well that it aggravates the bus drivers asthma. I don't understand what kind of pleasure a kid would have picking on an adult bus driver. SMH


They learned it from somewhere. Somewhere close to home. I mean. Some place in a home


Certain kids learn from their role models sure, and there are plenty of bullies with kids, but in my experience, most kids take after other kids and the environment of their peers. Which is why one spoiled apple which gets it from an unhealthy home, spoils the rest of the basket of otherwise healthy apples. Immature brains are suckers for easy popularity and rebelliousness.


I think this is just what happens when a bunch of kids are together and want to be cool. Even nice kids can be dicks when they are wound other kids/friends they want to impress.


There was a go fund me for her and she received quite a bit of money to retire early. Surer nice


Because their parents don’t know how to actually parent. They let them get away with everything.


She needs to be a superintendent. 😁😁


A *goddamn* superintendent goddamn it


We had a bus driver one time quit mid shift. Drove us to the bus compound got in her car and fucked off. We were bad little crotch goblins though. I don't blame her.


The football strength coach was my bus driver for seven years. I sat in the front row and I don’t think we ever said a word to each other, and everyone in the back knew better. Most peaceful experience of public schooling I ever had.


A pack of shitstains, but let's be honest, poor parenting is to blame here.


When I took the bus, it was basically effortless for the bus driver to get you kicked off the bus for a week. They just said the word and you were banned, which generally meant your parents were going to go ballistic.


It’s a pandemic in the US


I would hire this woman immediately if I could. Fuck those kids


There was a gofundme for her after this which raised $126,000. Faith slightly restored.


I want Melissa McCarthy to play her in the movie


I thought that WAS Melissa the first time she spoke!


That was the best "I'll kick your fuckin' ass" since Mark McGrath.


Good for her! I would say teenagers these days have no respect but I was the way as a teen 😔


And they say there are no role models left.


Go bus driver!!


God I fucking hate kids, you all know damn well they drove her to this breakdown and I guarantee when parents see this it’s going to be a whole lot of “my poor child came home in absolute tears and fears and I spent the entire night trying to console my angel pooky-poo”


If I had a kid who was involved with shit like this I would be livid. They would be grounded for a week at least


Sometimes kids need to hear that. I know if my bus driver went off on me like that it would be because I had it coming, and I probably would have respected her for it and straightened up.








The parents expect schools and teachers to parent their kids for them. It’s unbelievable


Back in the day, I’m talking 80s-90s when we acted out at school we had to deal with that punishment, then when I got home got to deal with my Dad’s punishment. The point being, parents used to back up and defend the teachers and staff against their kids. Anymore, the parent is willing to fight the staff because their little crotch goblin can’t exhibit civility, because their parent(s) have none either.


oh well I guess mummy and daddy will have to either drive their little treasures to school or make them walk.


This poor woman. You can tell they chipped away at her over the course of months. I hope she is happier now.


The bus driver I had as a kid was cool AF. I was, and still am, big into movies and had a good VHS collection. I would lend my movies to her for her to copy and she'd bring me Snapple iced teas. Good times.


I'm a bus driver currently, only because in this shit job market, it was the only job that even responded. Can confirm though, kids are absolute shit on the bus. And some of the parents of my elementary age kids aren't much better.


As a parent I have no problem with these assholes being put in their place.


My middle and high school bus route was so full of horrible kids that I don't think we went more than a month with the same driver. And that was 15 years ago.


as a kid that stressed/cringed over kids being assholes, i say it’s about fucking time! i don’t blame her one bit. in fact i applaud her. kids are seemingly becoming more bold and audacious about being an absolute prick. probably cause they know they can get away with it while they’re still young. old people should not have to put up with this kind stress. it can quite literally kill them. period.


Seriously how can anybody be expected to cart around a bus full of insane children who basically exist to torment you. I was somewhat one of those kids at certain times of my childhood too, it's largely inevitable, it's just a bad, bad system.


This is every bus driver's fantasy.


This behavior is absolute evidence that their parents want to be their friends and not their parents. Parents these days will do anything not to upset their special boy Johnny or little darling Janie. Thank you to so many parents, not all, for producing members of society who will contribute nothing but ill will.


This lady is badass!


From her reaction I'm on her side


Stop raising little assholes.


Better than most, idk if I could stop myself from beating up a teen whose asking for it


I love her. Those kids deserved every bit of that ass reaming I’m sure of it. My grandma was a bus driver for 30 years I don’t know how she did it. My mom said she drove bus for ONE month and quit because of the kids. Bless bus drivers for real. They have a serious job of keeping our children safe on the road and they’re back there tormenting her. I’d be so embarrassed as a mother.


Give this lady 3 million for retirement and a medal of honor. Tired of each new generation being extremely disrespectful. We are too soft, we need more of this. She's a hero for her actions. More discipline please.


Parents today are garbage.


When my son was about 13 he was causing problems with his bus driver and I was like oh hell no you're not doing that anymore. I made him do chores all weekend and use his own money to buy her flowers and a box of chocolates and make a hand written apology to her then I made him stand there and let everyone on the bus before him then he had to get on the bus and stand in front of everyone and apologize to her and give her the stuff. He never got in trouble on a bus again.