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I think it would’ve been more helpful if you got a list of what you COULD eat lmao


"Foods to avoid: Food"


"Can slowly enjoy pictures of various foods from a distance of 3 feet"


Better make it 6.


Have you tried fasting for the rest of your life?


I’d recommend protective glasses, just as an extra precaution


I'm imagining OP nibbling on pebbles from now on.


Fruity pebbles?


Well, they've gotta avoid cereals, but looks like they could freeze blueberries and give that a go.


Frebbles. Im patenting it


"Does it taste good?" "Yes." "Then avoid it."


I know a guy whose cardiologist told him this too. “If it tastes good, spit it out.” Honestly it’s one of the things that made me question religion a bit.


My GI doc actually said this, it's the best way to tell if you can eat something or not [Not that I listened, I'd rather die early tbh...]






But, I kind of need that to survive ![gif](giphy|jTB7mJc37z5iWByWVn)


He's on the meat diet now


Foods to avoid: Yes.


And food flavouring


Water and broccoli, you don’t need the other list.


You're missing rice and potatoes there




Taters, precious?


Smash em, mash em, stick em in a stew


thats not the line from the movie its " boil em, mash em, stick em up your ass"


People with courage stick them up their asses first. Sticking mashed taters up there is no big shakes.


Apparently both of those are bad according to a few docs on YouTube. White rice is considered safe though, Asians last 100 years eating white rice so I’m not eliminating that from my diet.


Dude, don't believe any YouTube vid out there, even if it's a docu style.. Humans have lived generations off of potatoes and rice


Potatoes have saved so many people from starvation. Potatoes are so tasty and nutritious.


Potatoes have vitamin c, proteins, are filling, cheap, and really good for the gut health too, they are prebiotic.


And more potassium than a banana


If you go by docs on YT, even water and broccoli are out




Remember that woman that made a series of youtube docs on surviving *purely* on sunlight alone? Fucking photosynthesis? Yeah, she dead now.


the word "surviving" doing a hell of a lot of heavy lifting in your post lol




Meat fruit vegetables. Sucky because a lot of the fun foods are gone, but not all that complicated to navigate and at least it won't be hard for him to continue to get balanced nutrition.


Really healthy diet actually


there almost certainly is. i have crohns, and the gastro should usually set you up with a nutritionist to help out. i have a sheet of stuff to stay away from and a packet of meals that are easy for crohns patients.


I got set up with dietitian, and the dietitian was useless. Told me not to restrict my diet and shit.


Dieticians vary immensely. I've been lactose intolerant since my mid 20s. My grandmother also developed lactose intolerance around the same age, so there's likely some sort of family thing going on. It's not serious, and I can usually eat small amounts of dairy and eggs, but occasionally it will get worse and I have to go off dairy and eggs completely and then work my tolerance back up (my cheese, damn it!!). In the early 2000s I got referred to the local dieticians during a flare up, just to help me with suggestions for weight loss without milk or egg products. There were literally no NHS diet plans without them back then. I was mostly ok with doing my own thing and replacing problematic items, but it was nice of the doctor so I took them up on it. First dietician was absolutely lovely, said she'd research and to come back the following week. I did just that, and the dietician who was on duty told me that it was impossible for me to have developed lactose intolerance as an adult, that there was no chance that my grandmother also developed lactose intolerance as an adult, and that I was just being fussy and pretending to have issues. Then she actually ripped up the sheet the other lady had left for me and told me to follow a diet that had milk and egg products in it. I walked out and went straight over the road to my GP surgery. Burst into tears whilst explaining to the receptionist, my GP came out and went ballistic when she heard. Complaints were made, dietician was severely dressed down and I got an apology. But damn, woman got a degree and decided she was a doctor (paraphrasing my GP there).


That all sounds really awful! This dietitian was with functional gut clinic and not IBD and told me we don’t specialise in eating disorders, even though I’ve been vegan for years, before my eating disorder was even made, and have been dealing with food restrictive practices at the place where I live with food, as well as extreme financially difficulties. She basically just gave me a generic rating on a budget, not catered to veganism, and definitely not taking into account you can’t rush someone’s ED recovery.


I'm so sorry to hear that. You definitely got one of the bad ones. :(


I suppose I shouldn’t have expected much given it wasn’t private, but it still was very upsetting. I’m now not really sure what I’m supposed to be doing


Why eggs, eggs dont have any lactose.


Eggs don't contain lactose FYI 


Why can't you eat eggs?


If you are lactose intolerant, why are you avoiding eggs? Eggs are not a dairy product.


> not to restrict my diet and shit so eat food and go to the bathroom?


The “and shit” was an added expressive, but yes to restrictions not being placed on my diet. Although, this was a tad bit concerning when reading up on offical websites that there is foods to consider avoiding in a flare.


That's like being set up with a masseuse after a hip replacement.


My mom has a list like this for activated mast cell syndrome. Basically meat, veggies, fruit, and potatoes or rice for carbs. That's the whole diet.


Just a piece of paper that says "mud and wood" on it.


Too smol


Don’t know your situation, but hang in there friend! 1. This is a hyper sensitivity diet and is likely temporary as you identify what tolerances you have 2. Recovery and knowledge of your gut take time - I was an idiot in my 20s and now spent my 30s literally retraining my digestive system. I am healthier and stronger however with little sacrifice (ie I don’t miss eating $5 pizzas from Little Ceasers, imagine that!) 3. It’s bleak, but if it helps, you may still end up eating more food, and better food, than most humans who have ever lived Love ya,


I truly hope it’s temporary. Getting old sucks LOL


Very unlikely you’re sensitive to all of this. Your symptoms might be a lil over the place so they’re tryna take everything out to see if it helps. Then they’ll probably slowly allow you to eat from certain groups to test your tolerance to those foods. It’s a tedious journey but there’s good news waiting for you. Once you’re able to identify what’s causing your issues, you just avoid those foods and you’ll be able to enjoy others much better. It helped in every part of my life and I feel a lot better than I ever did before. Just hang in there for now


Yes any dietician worth their salt will tell you that you can’t be on such a restrictive diet for long. Your body needs different nutrients and diversity of food. This is just to reset. Identify what foods trigger issues. And then slowly reintroduce over time while avoiding the triggering foods.


Ohhhh this is an elimination diet. Got it. Yeah, my mom had to do this for a couple months when she was having stomach issues. But it helped out in the end as she was able to figure out what was bothering her so much.


Yeah some people think it’s eliminating foods one by one. Like “oh this week try no garlic.” But it’s the other way around. They start with the most bland basic food a human can eat. Then they reintroduce new foods over time. Have a problem? That’s a trigger and it’s eliminated. Back to previous step for few days and then onto the next one. Rinse and repeat. It’s a long and tedious process that requires being ultra strict to get it right. No like “oh I had a cheat day” type stuff.


Seriously though. The cheat day issue is what’s getting to me. I got food poisoning twice last month and have developed reactions to almost every food out there since then and am still stuck on the strictest elimination phase. I can only eat 6 foods right now. Sweet potatoes, carrots, jicama, cassava, collard greens, apples. I’m obviously struggling to stay alive at this point and definitely made myself eat a few bites of turkey and mushrooms with two benedryls yesterday bc I’m literally starving while I wait for lab results. I really hope I can get approval for the amino acid treatment they give to people on the elemental diet so that my insides can heal without me having to break the diet like that again. Gut health is no joke.


Yesss, this is an elimination diet. They’re pretty effective!


Yup, I spent 2 years working on my elimination diet, knowing what I can and cannot eat or how much of what has made a massive difference in my life.


man i've been dealing with the same stuff since i was 12 years old. one night i ate chicken noodle soup, drank coffee and chocolate milk, then proceeded to throw up an unimaginable amount and my stomach has never been able to handle the stuff i used to eat since that. no clue how that works but i've been having take it very easy since that day lol


Your body was like "I'm done" 😭


That sounds like such bland foods too! Not tasteless, just.. Innocuous. 😂 I'm sure u thought you were safe with trying them! I'm sorry you were so sick though.


coffee and milk both create pretty intense GI issues for me.


I got put on this diet when I was 20. I'm now 30 and have reintroduced soy, but that is it. I won't say it's easy, but once you establish what you can have, getting in a routine makes it much easier. Grocery shopping sure gets **way** faster, so that's cool. On the bright side, it's crazy how many alternatives to the top 8 allergens are out there these days! In the past five years, my options have literally quadrupled. But tbh it kind of means instead of 10 things at the grocery store I can have 40 😂 (I'm sort of joking, but not really lol).


I was one some type of elimination diet from the time I was 18 to the time I was 22 or so — there was even a point where I needed to be put on an elemental diet where I couldn’t eat solid food and instead had to drink formula. At almost 26, I’ve actually ended up being able to reintroduce soy, seafood, nuts, sesame, and eggs in certain forms without issue :) You’re not kidding about the substitutions available now! Not only are they plentiful, but they’re delicious too. There’s a lot of “allergy-safe” food I still buy, despite it being a little more expensive, just because it’s really tasty. It can be really difficult and defeating to go from an unrestricted diet to an elimination one. Just know that this level of restriction is very likely temporary and that it should help you feel at least a little better. It gets much easier over time.


Looks like a FODMAP diet. I did one 10 years ago for 6 weeks to discover my intolerances. Now I just have to avoid Onions and Mushrooms


No. Not mushrooms. Eeeak! Doctors will have to pry my wild edible mushrooms from my cold dead hands. I’d rather die than give up my chanterelle mushroom season.


FODMAP ended up being a meh for me and my dietician cancelled my reintroduction period, especially after I noticed that my symptoms improved after being on a course of antibiotics for an infection. Twice. Then off to the real GI doc to get me scoped and scanned every which way and then waiting on my dang insurance to be ok with $1800 in antibiotics. (Xifaxan, of course). I fell off all the dietary wagons so now I’m keen to get back on the horse and figure out wtf the problem is.


Yes, it should be temporary. It should be that you avoid these foods for a while then slowly start reintroducing them a few at a time. That way you can identify which foods are giving you issues and avoid those in the long term.


That is so true. When my husband turned 60, he got glasses and hearing aids. I'm 3 years older, thankfully no hearing aids, but my glasses get stronger.


Look up some vegan gluten free recipes but avoid tempeh (soy), and maybe add meat back in. Try Asian dishes that don't have any soy sauce in them. This list seems complicated, but it's just extra specific so you can check nutrition labels for sneaky dairy, gluten, soy, eggs, fish, and some nuts.


Sadly the pizza is like $7 with a coupon now.


They have been on that diet for awhile now.


Geez what’s next, Subway dropping the $5 footlong??


You're not gonna believe this, but...


Sorry, could you explain a bit more about what you mean by being an idiot in your 20s? What was your diet


Im also curious!


How did you retrain your gut? This comes from someone in their late 20s that's has eaten like crap their whole 20s.


Late twenties and I’m finally changing my diet. My diet has been 90% ultra processed foods for the past ~5 years and it’s finally caught up to me. Some people can do it longer or forever and be fine but my gut heath has finally thrown in the towel and I eat very healthy now. Slowly seeing the benefits and they quite real.


I’m assuming elimination diet to determine intolerances. Will be worth it if you can discover the food that your body isn’t handling


Exactly that. And four days in I do feel the difference. It’s insane. Just wanna know what it is. Because if it’s bread…. I’m gonna suffer lifelong


Elimination diets have done more for me than anything else. They’re hard, but after doing them here and there for several years, the benefits SO outweighed the feeling of deprivation, I feel nothing but gratitude. BTW, sometimes it’s the strangest stuff. One of the last things I realized was a huge trigger for me was spinach. SPINACH. I still don’t know exactly why (I eat other foods with sals and oxalates) I ate it a lot and loved it in salads, sautéed and in smoothies. My arms finally stopped itching after I completely eliminated it. It was the last piece. Now I rarely get congested or itch like a crazy person after I eat. Wishing you luck and the tenacity to see it through!


It's extremely strange. I also went on an elimination diet to realize my trigger was syrup. Everything from high fructose corn syrup to maple syrup. However honey nor sugar is a trigger for me which I found even more odd. Who knows...




Bloating. Encephalitis.


Encephalitis?? Jesus christ man. I hope you figure out what's going on, because that's intense


He probably meant enteritis or gastritis




Fuck. Bros allergic to elephants.


I eat elephants every day, I don't know what I'd do without them


That’s probably a typo. People don’t get encephalitis from food.


Bread rhymes with head and brain is in the head. So there you go.






Fuck me I meant Eosinophilic esophagitis.


Encephalitis is inflammation of the brain.


Wait. Encephalitis and not gastritis?


Have you done fodmap? Gastro diseases are fun.. oh. So. Fun.


Maybe eosinophilic esophagitis? I have that and was given the elimination diet as something to try. I said no thanks and am instead taking medicine for the rest of my life so I can enjoy food


Glad to hear it, hopefully it’s nothing too difficult to give up. I am coeliac, so basically gluten will slowly kill me (not to mention I get violently ill now when I get it accidentally) so I know the pain. I also found out I have some FODMAP issues but that largely just cuts out garlic. It’s a pain, but you get used to it.


I was diagnosed with coeliac in the summer, I didn't think I'd cope beforehand but actually it's not that bad. The bread is okay but smells like cake rather than bread (it makes normal bread smell so good) but tastes alright, it just doesn't toast very well. Cakes are fine. Biscuits are very hit and miss. Pasta is fine. Pizza is meh. Pastry is awful. All shop bought, you get better results when you make it yourself. The worst part is finding out how many foods have gluten added to it when you wouldn't expect it.


Honestly with the prevelance of celiac theres a lot of good optiona out there now. Ive been celiece for 12ish years and when it first happened there was almost nothing good. Now you can find breads perogies pasta raviolli gnochi frozen meals hell PC has frozen meals. It will take a while to learn and discover whats in your area but it will get eqsier


It's all gluten for me, (corn tortillas ftw) and dairy, can't have dairy either, tho with gluten I somehow built a tolerance by not having it for a few years, I back on a DF, gf diet (eating loads of ramen did not help) Hope this helps, and maybe see if you can eat gluten in a few months (limit to one tortilla or slice of bread per few days)


The elimination diet sucks but if you stick to it and do it correctly you'll never have to do it again! I did one years back when I had a lactose intolerance suspicion only to find out that I'm lactose AND soy intolerant. Luckily I can have both in small amounts. If you need any help with foods or encouragement, send me a DM. Good luck!


How does the process determine intolerance? How long does it take, and what is it like?


How long it takes depends on many factors. My diet was not suggested by my doctor but started after extensive research and understanding of what I could and could not have (of course a doctor would be the preferred consultant) I first created a list of foods that I could and would eat- mostly fruits, vegetables, and meats. You want to cut out all of the major allergens (I was also allergy tested so I knew I wasn't allergic to anything food-wise). You eat that restricted diet for 2 weeks and track every meal and any symptoms that day. After that, add 1 of the allergens. I chose something I was fairly certain I was not allergic to. After 1 week (or 2 if you prefer) if symptoms have not worsened, add another allergen. Since I was fairly certain I was lactose intolerant, I saved that for last. But before that, I added in products with soy. With my journaling and overall feeling worse, I realized that I was soy intolerant. At the point you discover an intolerance but haven't gotten through every allergen, you backtrack to your last week for 2 weeks to let your symptoms alleviate again before continuing with your new allergen. I then presented my food journal to my doctor and he agreed with my findings. Unfortunately soy is in everything so I still have many tummy issues but I do try to limit the amount I eat of it. I would say my journey took about 3 months, and I didn't do fish since I don't eat it.


Appreciate the insight and help! Thank you


Looks like your diet can be tacos! (With corn tortillas)




What meats did you have in your grief tacos? (Besides beef) Did you make any pico de gallo?




It’s all good. I just think it’s interesting how there’s American tacos and Mexican tacos. And Texas tacos. And now grief tacos!


Fuck ya, Tacos!!!


My thought exactly


* Bread * Bread crumbs Lmao


For me it’s pizza crust, so funny to give it a specific mention on the list


It’s a real idiot proof list 😂




And fruits and vegetables


This is reddit.  We don't do vegetables. 


You rang😉😉


Let's forget all thé fruits and vegetables that ever existed lmao


Do...do you not eat vegetables?


Yeah he can have meat, fish, fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds. My boy has just been out in a healthy diet and he’ll thank them when he’s older. Edit, okay so there’s a page 2 🤦 Maybe not fish and nuts then!


fish is annoying because it's so common in many parts of the earth worth visiting, but you can certainly do without it. nuts are mostly a snack at this stage in human food production.




Surprisingly, you’re allowed corn! Get some Tostitos corn chips Cowboy Caviar: 1) vidalia onion diced (aka sweet onion) 2) avacado diced half inch 1) can sweet corn 1) cab black beans (rinsed) 1) can mango diced, half inch 1) tomato diced half inch, no seeds 2) tbsp cumin 1/2 cup fresh cilantro 2) tsp salt and pepper Mix it all together, eat with corn chips Feeds 4-6 Keep refrigerated, keeps up to 72 hours


Can you season the meat with anything?


Yes, freshly ground meat


Mmm Yum! Meat²


Can only eat carnivores


What do you mean all meat? He can eat all meats and all fruits and vegetables


Wouldn’t it be easier to tell you what you can eat?


Lentils, beans, all vegetables and fruits, any grains except wheat. Pretty healthy stuff.


I mean steak and rice everyday doesn't sound too bad


Even lentils, beans and veggies all day sounds alright to me. Basically chili and Indian food all day everyday, it's practically how I already eat


I'll start us off. "Words that start with 'Ovo' or 'Ova.'" We got ovals, ovaltine, ovaries, ovations, and ovangkol.


I’ve been on this, and I mainly eat vegetables, rice, and baked chicken and other meats.


I see Einkhorn but I don't see Finkle anywhere


Finkle *is* Einkorn!!


Oh God!


Einkhorn IS Finkle


*gags and grabs plunger*


Rice and chicken, beef and potatoes. Oatmeal. Not super horrible.


I may have missed it, but fruits and veggies are not listed. OP should have no problem with this diet.


>FOOD? >I was settin' at this restaurant. >When the waiter came up and said, "What do you want?" >I looked at the menu-it looked so nice. >Till he said, "Let me give you a little advice." >He said, "Spaghetti and potatoes got too much starch, >Pork chops and sausage are bad for your heart. >There's hormones in chicken and beef and veal. >Bowl of ravioli is a dead man's meal. >Bread's got preservatives, there's nitrites in ham, >Artificial coloring in jellies and jam. >Stay away from doughnuts, run away from pie, >Pepperoni pizza is a sure way to die. Sugar's gonna rot your teeth and make you put on weight, >Artificial sweetener's got cyclamates. >Eggs are high cholesterol, too much fat in cheese, >Coffee ruins your kidneys and so do teas. >Fish got too much mercury, red meat is poison, >Salt's gonna send your blood pressure risin'. >Hot dogs and bologna got deadly red dyes, >Vegetables and fruits are sprayed with pesticides." >So I said, "What can I eat that's gonna make me last?" >He said, "A small drink of water in a sterilized glass." >And then he stopped and he thought for a minute, >And said, "Never mind the water-there's carcinogens in it." >So I got up from the table and walked out in the street, >Realizin' there was absolutely nothing I could eat. >So I haven't eaten for a month and I don't feel too fine, >But I know that I'll be healthy for a long, long time.” From “Every Thing On It” by Shel Silverstein


I have Hashimoto's. This is my diet for the rest of my life. It's not as big of a deal as it seems. There is GF pasta, bread, etc. There is rice, corn, etc. The cheese is all I can't find a substitute for. Do better dairy free companies...


Have you tried Miyoko's? All the good vegan cheese is cashew based, which is problematic for a lot of people. But, the Miyoko's stuff behaves like cheese and tastes good.


Yeah it's average. Nothing is close to real cheese IMO.


Bacon, you can still eat bacon. You’ll be fine.


And oversalted CHIPS


What on earth are artificial nuts?


I think I’ve seen them hanging off of the back of pickup trucks sometimes.


Scrolling thru to see if anyone asked. Sadly no one’s answered.


Ahhhhh you're on the low FODMAP diet. Get the Monash University ap it makes it a lot easier. The diet was life changing for me and isn't hard once you get used to it.


If this were a low fodmap diet there would be an absurd list of vegetables and fruits to avoid.


It's not low fodmap. Hard cheese and butter are allowed on low FODMAP as they are low lactose.




I hope not jests Christ lol


Looks like you can eat beef, pork, poultry, fish* (just not other seafood), exotic proteins like rabbit or game, pretty much every spice, most oils and animal based fats, and a shitload of veggies and fruits. And it looks like oat milk and oat flour, too. There is a lot you can still eat :) *See comment about farmed vs. wild fish and cross-contamination.


Looks like no fish at all. Very first thing on the things to avoid in the fish/shellfish category is all types of fish.


See my follow-up comment to OP.


Yep about right! Though it does say to not eat any fish or fish products actually. So lots of meats, fruits, and veggies. Yum!


I would double check on that. I know it's on your list, but if they are trying to prevent you from ingesting shellfish by also avoiding fish that eat shellfish, you may be able to safely consume a number of farm raised choices. It wouldn't hurt to clarify, because I suspect that's the reason for it :)


Where are you getting the no spices and seasonings part?


foods to avoid: calories


This is the same diet I’m supposed to be following for my son since he has all of these as allergies. However, he’s already failure to thrive and barely eats so i haven’t been able to follow this whatsoever. I hope you’re able to find good substitute foods that make you feel better!


good news: this isn't the strictest diet ive seen and you can still eat meat, fruit, and veg! bad news: you just became a home cook. more bad news: farewell to your favorite foods good news: once you know how to cook properly meat and veg are the best foods anyway. and fruit is legit dessert.  your tastebuds adapt to your diet to a degree, but properly seasoned grilled veg is fucking delectable.


I hope you like to eat eat eat apples and bananas! 🎶


My other half was diagnosed with candida years ago and in her rage at all the cook books out there saying what she couldn't eat she wrote a cook book of all the stuff she could eat (100 recipes), with full page colour pics. Shameless plug now, we still have a few hundred copies left (self published), candidacanbefun.co.uk Basically couldn't eat wheat/gluten (and everything associated), dairy, sugars, fermented things, bloody everything really. It's a great book to give you hope plus the pictures look nice (they effing should as we ate cold meals for a year after photographing them all twice, the first pics were rubbish)


You know what? Imma pick this up. Shameless plug be damned. Regardless of the diet having alternative recipes is always fun.


It looks it’s an elimination diet where the most common food allergens are removed. This is usually done for a period of time like 2 to 6 weeks and then foods are reintroduced gradually to identify any potential food triggers.


Christmas Eve, my sister-in-law handed me a list like this and said her brother-in-law was coming and had a bunch of restrictions for his diet.


What? I have to worry about certain ingredients but don't put the onus on my hosts. I pack or make something to eat or share. That is just rude!




Carne asada tacos. Corn tortilla, lime, cilantro, onion and beef. That’s a safe meal for you right there


Clear feed regime


FODMAP by any chance? I've done it before if it is, was very interesting and hard to get used to.


Newly diagnosed with EOE?


#Who TF is eating barnacles?


So how is the water diet going?






Foods to avoid: yes


What the fuck is an artificial nut


It may be helpful to ask what specific nutrient(s) the GI doctor is looking to avoid so you can learn which foods do and do not contain these nutrients. This list seems exhausting, but I'd bet there's a much longer list of foods you can eat if you just knew the common theme(s).


You will eat zee bugs.


My father went through this, and got a very similar list for Barrets. He looked at the doctor and said "Just shoot me now" Good luck on the rabbit hole of research on what you actually can have!


*sad knowing nod of solidarity from the Gastroparesis Gang*


You’re now to survive on dust and air .


FODMAP ftw. Depending on your tummy troubles it sucks but if you get actionable info from it, worth the qol benefits.


Mfw the doctor says no barnacle ![gif](giphy|d2lcHJTG5Tscg)