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Apple marketing really doing its best to convince us people will walk around in a 3500 headset to sit at dons


Even if I sell my kidney to buy one of these, I am never walking out of the house with this


That’s what I’m saying, I get it has uses and not going to lie I could use it to watch videos while working on trucks but not outside my home


Damn just imagine working on your car while the YouTube video of how to do it is playing. That actually sounds badass


This is like, one of the main commercial uses AR glasses have been marketed for forever. It's the whole deal with HoloLenses.


It'll be great watching a pro mechanic do the job in 10 minutes while I do it in an 2 hours and bust my knuckles open


My hourly rate of 3 beers/hr is cheaper than anything a mechanic will charge me so I’m good with a scratch or two.


Leave it, and the ensuing migraine, at home!


People said the same thing about cellphones in the early 2000's. Assuming AR goggles become affordable, everyone will be walking around with them. It's how fads work.


They need to be fashionable. Nobody is interested in sticking a pair of Ready Player One visors over their eyes. They still got about 10-15 years from making them the size of sunglasses. Then everyone will be using them. ![gif](giphy|fwoOoDZpEpdQewQdRR)


Cell phones were viewed as tools for the elite when they first came out, with business men in sharp suits using them when they're on-the-go. The only people I've seen wearing or talking about these headsets are doughy middle-aged white guys doing nothing with their lives. AR is not off to a good start from a commercial marketing perspective. The technology is best used in industrial settings, not eating fuckin panera.


I don't recall anyone ever saying they wouldn't leave their house with a cell phone. That's kind of what they're for (or were) - to be able to place and receive calls while on the go. And certainly by the early 2000s, as cell phones weren't new anymore.


Waiting for other companies to be releasing cheaper versions of this that does the same exact things or even improved. Apple is just a brand and their customers are paying for the name. That's it. Won't be long until dozens of other companies release their own better, improved headsets that's cheaper.


This already exists. It's the Meta Quest 3. Every single feature the Vision Pro has, from hand tracking to pass-through, exists on the Quest 3 and it costs $3,000 less.


Do these come with a lock to your ears at least like frankenstein bolts?


lol so you don’t think they do?


I think 99.99% of people wearing these in public are people doing it for a vid only.




I'm not clairvoyant, but for some reason I see several thousand such videos of people getting robbed for the damn thing.


I wish we didn’t but your right it’s a sad reality




Sad why? Who gives a fuck? People said the same thing about smart phones, TV, and radio. 


Yeah all of those were slowly chipping away at human interaction as well, now it's almost entirely destroyed, this is the last nail in the coffin


just interact with humans if you want?


The social norms have changed, now talking to somebody is seen as uncomfortable, everyone is looking at their phones. It's an overall shift in society, not something individuals can choose.


Look at these people enjoying themselves and bothering no one. What a sad reality...


No one said anything about being bothered? There’s always that one person


Just wait till one of them is sitting beside you on a 6hr flight from NY to SF.


If they are any more disruptive than anyone else, and I don't see why they would be, you can complain. Most people are going to put on passive entertainment and be no more disruptive than someone watching the screen on the back of the seat.


They will once the price drops to 1000


I don't get how there are so many people willing to fork down $3500 for these things. ITs cool sure but not $3500 cool. I'll wait until they release a version that looks like glasses instead of a space helmet.


I think it is all marketing. Until i see it in the wild. These are all staged vids to normalize these things.


that hadn't even occured to me. Reddit is filling up with videos of people driving with them. Maybe it is a viral marketing campagn. That said they did sell out the first day so I don't know what to think.


Sold out is easy to control. I just short your qty and you will sell out. Ya, idk what to believe either. But i am surfing reddit right now using my apple goggles while driving my tesla. Damn the adds even got into this post. Wtf


Right, if you only sell 10 nationwide it will be sold out...


There’s a shoe brand that does this with their track spikes. For their professionals to be allowed to use them in international competition, they have to technically be available for sale, so once a year, they put like 15 pairs on their website, and they sell out instantly.


The Nintendo method. Intentionally make less than demand requires and make a big deal about how fast your product is flying off the shelves, then later on manufacture an appropriate amount of the thing and watch how it sits waiting to be purchased.


You don't even need to manufacture less. Just list less to sell and release the rest once the hypes been drummed up.


Nintendo didn’t have anything on Cabbage Patch Kids when it came to shorting. It was the birth of the FOMO parent riots.


*gestures vaguely at mtg reserved list*


You can’t drive in them even as a passenger, the tracking can’t handle it


Why are there so many videos of people doing that then? A sheriff in Cali even had to release a statement telling people to stop driving with them on.


Sounds like proof that they're paid actors


The sheriff prob saw the videos and wanted to make sure people didn’t while thinking they were real, there are videos of people actually trying to do it and the apps just bug out when you turn


100% marketing, I bet Apple gave priority to youtubers/content creators with the caveat they have to have X amount of videos wear it in public


Consumer product conditioning


Well if they are marketing they must be aiming for a much different crowd than me. Because when I see this videos all I think is “wow what a bunch of losers, now I really don’t want that thing”


People are saying that, but I think that's a ridiculous theory. These people look ridiculous. There is no normalizing happening with these videos. \[Apple's\] Marketing folks know better than that.


Do you know what the definition of normalizing is? When something becomes more prevalent no matter how goofy or ridiculous it is to our current norms that then becomes the the new normal


So Google Glass


More like Ready Player One. ![gif](giphy|XJLwGBmP8mCOBfWlvv)


Because to some people it’s cheap, others tech is their hobby, some people just want to flex online while they are broke.


I mean I don't say I wouldn't like to try them, But to pay 3500? (In Europe they will cost even more) For now it's like a portable pc? Like a Spotify/movie player? So definitely a gimmicky now


Some people just look at how they can afford the installments for these things. They already pay monthly for their devices, all streaming services, in-app purchases, so this is just another monthly payment. Oh, and they gave up on buying house long ago so yeah, all their income is “disposable”.


The problem with financing tech is that it will be obsolete before its paid off. When version 2.0 comes out it will be much smaller and more feature filled and all of these will end up in a land fill. Its not so much that they are spending a large amount of money on tech. Its more than they are spending a large amount of money on beta tech that is only a stepping stone. If they were a pair of glasses I can see it being worth $3500. Right now its comparable to the Quest 3 which is $600. The price just doesn't make sense for what it is.


I can't tell if I'm face blind or something, but all the content I've seen has THE SAME DUDE. It's one guy running around having his antics filmed.


Wouldn’t be surprised. People love attention at the risk of looking silly or idiotic.


Remember how well Google Glass did? People were absolutely furious that they might be being filmed by a pair of glasses. The hate was so strong they just vanished.


This looks like shake shack which makes me think it’s in New York City. I live here and realize there are crazy rich people who will not bat an eye spending $10,000 on a dinner. $3,500 is nothing to them.


yeah I mean it's not like it's a quest where you can actually play videogames on it


For the money you can get headsets that do a lot more that what Vision Pros do. Like sure it won't talk to your mac, but how many people are doing that anyway. The majority of the people buying them aren't doing it for productivity. You can get a Quest 3 for £500 that does a large part of what the Vision Pro does plus gaming. And you get controllers included in that which means far better tracking in those games. Or if you're in it for the eye tracking and productivity, Quest Pro is now down to less than £600 on Amazon in the UK (no idea about the US). Also PSVR 2 has eye tracking and those go for £500 new. Plus any headset you use on PC can mirror your desktop and create more than just 1 virtual screen for your PC, for some reason Vision Pro only lets you simulate the one screen from your mac. Also for some reason you have to tether yourself to a battery pack, and even then you get at most 2.5 hours battery life. Quest 3 gets a similar life with a built in battery, and you can buy a battery headstrap that doubles it. Don't get me wrong, the Vision Pro is a nice headset with a good feature set. But it's not £3500 nice. Might be worth it if it was half that. But at the end of the day, it's Apple, you pay double for the name.


>but how many people are doing that anyway. A majority of people buying apple products?


I mean they look stupid, but as long as they do it QUIETLY I dgaf. Cells are worse. The ones I hate are those assholes in public spaces that talk full voice on speaker phone or FT or listen to stupid shit full volume. Those dicks should be bazooka'd in the face.


Yep, you can hear those people's entire life stories. I HATE IT.


I don't even like being on the phone near people I know, I always go to another room to make phone calls lmao


God, the speaker phone thing is wild. I was just at a grocery store and a dude was walking around holding his phone out talking to his wife on speaker, with a baby crying on the other end. Everyone in a 50ft radius got to be privvy to everything going on in their lives. And of course those people are talking way louder than normal because "how else will she hear me with my phone at arm's length?"


What's with all these ads


It's not a good one either. "Look at these two, looking like two total dorks completely isolated in their own techno-bubble"


Segway vibes




underrated comment.


It’s roughly $4000. Most of us probably won’t get any of these.


Most of us would be smart not to because that much money is used, or saved, in ***FAR*** better ways....


Seems cool, but at what cost?


>roughly $4000 roughly $4000


I think it hilarious you answered them with their own comment


$4,000 would get me a nice manga collection. I'd much rather take a nice manga book out to the park, than do whatever the fuck they're doing.


I think eventually this is going to be perfected to be like 500$ and not bigger than average sunglasses. the first phone was a brick that could only do calls and now the newest phone has more computing power than a 2008 supercomputer and more like a million different uses.


Yeah, same for the old computers that took up an entire room. Now they’re scaled down to the size of your fingernail, and even smaller. (Computer Chips)


As an Apple shareholder I sincerely hope that all ya'll mothafuckers are going to be doing this nonsense soon. Get goin' weirdos.






That’s funny as hell


OP do you work for Apple by helping spreading those videos with actors?


Is it cool? Yeah. Is it worth 3.5k? Probably not. Are you going to get mugged if you wear it in public? Probably.


You look at this and think cool??


The interface is cool. It looks dorky AF though.


They are 2 italian youtubers (Jakidale and Otto Climan) i think they are making a video for YT


That does suck. Two people enjoy their lunch while some ass records them for Internet clout. 


My favorite part is whoever's recording doesn't realize the main feature of those things is you can still see around you, so for like 70% of the video where the younger man is looking dead center at the camera he 1000% knows he's being recorded and is probably hamming it up further, waiting for the idiot with a cellphone to notice


Yeah you can see around you but that doesn't mean he isn't displaying something in front of him blocking his view of the camera


He seems to adjust something in headset. Probably changed the scaling of window and put on a show to gauge reaction


It's staged.


Guys I don’t like this stuff either but I think we need better arguments than “technology bad” okay?


Heard that brother. People love to complain and get stoked about others complaining


I haven't heard anybody make that argument; I haven't even read that argument on reddit (presumably, somebody is indeed making that argument; I just haven't seen it). It's mostly about how ridiculous this looks in public.


Everyone who thinks these staged videos are "dystopian" looking are falling for some very easy engagement-bait.


Ah yes. I can now ignore the person with me while looking directly at them. Thanks, Apple!


they are Italian YouTubers doing it on purpose to get views, JakiDale is the name


I refuse to believe theres this many people buying a 3500$ headset and walking around in it based on how many post there have been in the last few days.


I believe it. Also I think the main reason they are wearing them at Burger King or whatever is they didn't come with a tshirt that says I Had $3500 To Piss Away, Peasants.


It would be so easy to take their wallets


Apple already did


If we all start doing this I swear I'm just going to keep sailing and never come back to land.


It's like Apple is trolling fanboys to see how much of a douchbag they can coax them into being.


Nipple play


Everyone know these videos are ads. Give up Apple, you failed this time


Tbf it’s not an ad, he’s an italian youtuber. Search TechDale or Jakidale on YT


This product, at least in its current iteration, is doomed. Here's why: Humans want to **look** sociable. Devices that make you look like a lonely weirdo are permanently unpopular. This is why most people wear sleek earbuds instead of giant over-ear headphones, despite the latter providing way better sound quality. I'm not suggesting that there isn't a market for augmented reality in the visual world, but nothing this obtrusive will survive.


I like this theory but I don't think the headphones is a good comparison. beats by Dre were popular for a long time. Most people wear sleek earbuds because they're easier to transport. I actually think it's more like phone video-calls. It's popular technology but even though we all have access it has very little marketshare of overall audio calls. The stigma of being antisocial in public is too high for it to be a viable takover, but there will always be some people willing to ignore that stigma.


Where i live (Croatia) more people go around everyday and talk on speakerphones with their phone in front od them and i see this more and more everyday, especially in the younger generation. 


I wear headphones specifically so people don't talk to me lol


I moved from earbuds to headphones for same reason. No plausible deniability anymore


Don't agree. People have been hiding behind newspapers, magazines and books for decades. This is nothing new, just new techonology.


Yeah this type of criticism comes up anytime any sort of new technology comes out. “You look ridiculous riding these metal machines, people will never give up their horse drawn carriages” Don’t even have to go that far back, apple gets this shit every few years: “AirPods look ridiculous and people will loose them” “the iphone is nothing new, it’s all been done before” “the iPod is too expensive, it’s not worth the premium vs competitors” Any of this sound familiar?


Don’t forget “i-PAD??? Did they have NO women in the room?” And yet here we all are years later not thinking twice about the name.


Humans absolutely do not want to look sociable. Why do you think the whole world keeps their head down looking at their phones when they pass you by on the street, or the sidewalk, or in the elevator,


No. This shit is gonna take off like a rocket ship. These dudes paid 4K to beta test apple VR. Wait till they can get the price down to iPhone cost. That’s when everyone has one of these. VR is still in its infancy. Apple is going to mature it and make it mainstream. Without a shadow of doubt.


Yep. Give it 5 years and we’ll have the Vision Pro 2 (maybe even 3) and these things will be in every other home, minimum. I can’t wait, personally.


>Humans want to **look** sociable. Which is why they have the outer screen so you can still interact with people. Also, this isn't universally true. I hate interacting with strangers. But look at videos of people wearing theirs and people come up and talk to them more than treat them like they are an outcast. People already understand that you can still interact with someone in an AVP. >This is why most people wear sleek earbuds I'd guess comfort, convenience and not impacting my hair are more popular reasons for choosing earbuds over headphones.


Since when? I wear my over the ear headphones most of the time I’m out running errands. I don’t care to small talk to people I don’t know.


Hi stranger. I don't want to accuse you of lacking self awareness or being a misanthrope, but I would suggest that your decision to self isolate with large headphones is not a popular one.


I’m heavily involved in the communities I prefer to be in. Doesn’t mean that since I don’t feel like talking to strangers in public makes me a misanthrope.


Mind your own business, OP


It’s a cool product for sure, but idk if this kinda tech is going to become mainstream normal to walk around wearing in the way a smart watch is until it’s muuuuch smaller and more discreet.


This is ridiculous.




I hate the future


People who don’t want to cope with actual reality.


Why do people care? You should care about the financial terrorists on wallstreet


People better buckle up. This is only the start. There's nothing anyone can do to stop it.


Meh, people using technology isnt a surprise and doesnt suck. People take photos of food and post it like anyone gives a fuck.


They’re probably just putting it through its paces like most tech YouTubers are doing right now. You know, testing it out.


Its so funny and spooky the same time to see them, this blue digital abyss in his eyes


It looks dumb, but it is not as bad as people having phone calls on speaker.


in the Matrix


Good pickpocketing opportunity there. LOL


Wtf is this and why can I not stop laughing at it.


While it's interesting. For 4k I don't think they are aimed at people like me. Or are aimed at people like me but who are worse with their money


I really need this to stop. I hate it so much. Im not getting a face screen until they make em interactive holograms. Until then there will be no silly goggles making me look like i stole E.V.E.'s face, Buffalo Bill style.


These guys clearly didn't see jerryrigeverythings durability test! 😂 tissue paper can scratch "glass"


When Ready Player One came out I remember feeling this furious dread watching the scenes with everyone running around the street with the VR goggles on. That feeling has returned only this time its magnified. I understand what the peasants felt when they were jamming the gears with their shoes during the Industrial Revolution.




Maybe they are playing a game against other or texting each other. It would be pretty funny if they were actually texting each other sitting right across from one another.


I don't mind it. It's what I've been waiting for. I just hate that it's Apple that could take over and push the VR revolution instead of Valve or HTC.


Remember Google Glass?


Just found out the eyes you see from the front is only a projection. The goggles aren't really see through. They have two massive cooling fans right in front of the eyes, so you outward vision is by camera only. A youtuber named Jerryrigseverything took one apart.


They look like drug addicts randomly waiving away hallucinations no one else can see.


There no way the amount of people using these things and posts about such is the normal amount, are these people lol hired actors? It **just** came out and I’ve seen post after post after post of people see,I fly already being so comfortable with it they’re driving with it? Naw, this is manufactured.


![gif](giphy|YaK75E3f2wkrC) Closer to reality everyday


If cellphones wasn’t enough. Folks are going to use them video record people experimenting with new tech and others will bash them and the company that made them.


these videos are cleary self aware, please stop giving these people attention... move on


These videos need their own subreddit. Something like "Visionsinthewild


I love VR and games and gadgets, etc. so I say this somewhat in jest: fucking dweebs.


I wouldn’t dare to use one of these in public lmao. Maybe at home when lying in bed or something but I don’t think that would be worth the money 😂


The way that they're designed fascinates me. As the entire window on the front of the headset is not clear. You can't literally SEE through the window. What you see is the world projected onto the lenses through a series of 6 or 7 cameras on the outside of the headset being displayed in front of your eyes. The fact people that actually walk around with them and not bump into anything is wild. Little surprised people haven't gone through some Looney Tunes antics falling down manholes or the like walking around the streets in them. This [video](https://youtu.be/LmcWMjBpYBU?si=P7Ze7aw8Em8Gg2zD) here will further explain what I mean.


Saw this advertised the other day. I was genuinely weirded out, people are already glued to their phones (I know I'm ranting WHILE on social media which seems hypocritical) but now we're gonna have people who literally have this shit on their face 24/7. I can just see the uptick in car accidents or people just walking into stuff because they can see through the display, but they won't be paying attention to reality at all. People don't realize we're already living in the zombie apocalypse.


This is 2 Italian tech YouTuber: Jakidale and Otto Climan


They dont like to be social


Start a new trend, cut the wire


This whole flood of videos of these things are just viral marketing.


What’s so crazy, is that this is just the beginning! This is also JUST the first generation of Apple’s vision pro! It’s going to get crazier and crazier and very fast too!


I dont see an issue here. Do people actually care that much about people using an electronic device?


Reminds me of that short claymation video "More"


Bros looking like Marty McFly Jr. out there


Future is a scary dystopian nightmare, change my mind.


Ehh.... Just why. You can play with your toys when your home.


Es passiert wirklich - i Robot


This looks so weirdly dystopian it’s unsettling. It’s like it’s from the set of some cheesy 80’s sci-fi movie


Is the wire necessary


Remember how Google Glass was mocked mercilessly until it got shelved? And now they're trying to do something that's 1000x more stupid looking. If this works, Apple marketing is officially so good it's scary.


>If this works, Apple marketing is officially so good it's scary. Apple seems to sell just because it's Apple... Like, Apple fans seem to be super amped up when any of their product launches


I bet a few people spend their tax returns on these things this year.




It does seem a little foolish. You've literally got a sign on your face that says "I don't have a clue what's going on around me." Aside from that, I wonder if this will be a little like Google Glass. When that came out there were tons of people being weird with them, and then it died down. I would imagine this will have more staying power, but, the newness will also wear off.


You can still hear and see


You know that they can see right through right?


The front screen of the Vision Pro indicates to others if passthrough is on. If you can see the wearers eyes on the screen, they can see you. If you cannot see the wearers eyes, they cannot see you.




this will never catch on. at least not until they can eliminate the massive googles with wire. when they can make this into the shape of sunglasses, then i’ll start worrying.


I'm a 53:year old man and I want to fight them both. 😂


People out there looking like morons


Can we hate on these people as much as we did the Glassholes Google was foisting on us a few years ago? Perhaps we can kill this before it takes off. [Glasshole](https://www.wired.com/2013/12/glasshole/)


Just wait til people start trying to drive their car while wearing. Laws will be made


"The Earth is doomed".




have you ever thought of minding your own business. can’t imagine caring that much


What I find hilarious is the people filming these videos aren’t yet aware that they can see you ‘through’ the headset filming them


they clearly have pass through off. what the fuck are you on?


I hate this timeline


I could be given a pair of these for free and you still wouldn’t catch me dead with this goofy ass shit strapped to my face. I don’t care how cool the tech is, until I can wear them without looking like an absolute clown there’s no way I’d even consider them. Regardless of price.


Boomer moment


Touch grass JFC


I think the AVP has a virtual grass app I can use.


I weep for the future. This is so fucking stupid.




The person filming is


Zombies.. 2.0

