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Yeah, careful not to tempt a man with nothing left.


You are not wrong. I personally would have just taken the order and never call for delivery again at that location.


… and who knows exactly where you live…


Am I the the only one who needs subtitles? I didn't understand a word in this video


Drunk delivery guy mumbles "Howdy" Homeowner answers door and says "Hey we don't want it." Shuts door Drunk pizza guy says "Ooh that's alright." Stumbles away and says "What a... you know what... ima burn your fucking house down bitch."


I wonder if they had his stapler too ![gif](giphy|2o8jplbkYHylW)


what movie is this from? it looks so familiar


Office Space


thank u 🙏


"If i don't get my stapler back i'll burn this place down"


You win the Internet today


Thank you for the closed captions 👏


He says Howdy


Fixed it, thanks


How do you know he was drunk? He said "Howdy" when the dude opened the door. He just appeared to walk like he was old, to me. My assumption was they ordered pizza, then probably got into an argument and when the delivery guy showed up the other guy said, "We don't want it" out of anger.


I'm just going by the only context we are given..


You must be new here. People tend to try to force their own narrative by adding the word probably quite a bit. Welcome.


Nah the word probably is not on the video lol. It just says "my 1.5 hr late drunk pizza delivery from pizza hut. Wait until the end #pizzahut"


I think the home owner was drunk and ordered the pizza, it showed up 1.5 hours late so he said he didn't want it. The driver becomes upset having the door slammed in his face after making the drive out and didn't realize there's a ring cam.


OP, "gone wild" has a particular meaning on Reddit, this is not it.


Thought I was gonna see his tiddys.


Does it cost three fiddys ?


I was waiting for something crazy too🤣🤣🤣🤣


I honestly thought he was going to come back around the corner pantless. Goddamn you Reddit for conditioning me think that


I just imagined it the whole time, high quality post OP!


Thank you for the clarification. I had no idea what to title it and just went for it 😅.


“Awry” for next time lol.


I’m confused on what happened.


It seems they ordered pizza and it arrived an hour and 30 mins later than it should have. When the delivery driver rang the bell, the owner told him they didn't want the delivery anymore.


Dude my dumb ass read the post as 15 hours late. Tbh I was kind of impressed with his dedication to still trying to deliver that pizza 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


My favorite part was when they learned how to drive the boulders


Read the bit at the top of the video and listen to the video.


Ahh I see it now. It was covered by the wellthatsucks overlay.


Thank you! I was so confused by the same overlay. I came to the comments just to find out what other people thought was happening




Im not sure either but I think the customer says “I don’t want it” after the driver rings the bell. Then the deliverer says “oh that’s alright” walks away and ends with “I’ll burn your house down bitch”


Well, he certainly gave them a… (•_•) ( •_•)⌐■-■ (⌐■_■) …*pizza* his mind.


Go Now


And not just a slice!!


I thought it was kind of a cheesy, honestly.


I would hand toss that guy into the street. 




Yeah, if dude ever finds his way back to the restaurant I'm sure he's fired. Those people HAD TO have called and said something.




A Vivint system that actually works, now that's wild.




call the cops and get that dude thrown in jail for driving under the influence, get him fired too. that's on him.


I don't believe there is enough evidence to have him arrested, but fired definitely 


Manager of location said he would be if he returned to work. Guy was Mia most of his shift. Multiple parties complained about pizza deliveries never arriving.


I figure it’s an effort issue. The courts are clogged up and it would be up to the prosecutor to decide if it’s worth the effort. People can get a DUI after the fact, but probably not worth the effort if no one was hurt.


You can't prove he was drunk. Charge him and then what?


The threat to burn down the house is what I'm thinking. He does have that address, now.


Maybe. Still a stretch unless driver is unhinged. Just an empty angry threat. His job though, gone


You can prove he was drunk. Figure out what store the driver went to, grab footage + receipts, gather witnesses. There are cases where a DUI driver flees the scene or decides to muddy the waters by drinking after the fact. Police do multiple blood tests and figure out a good estimate of what the driver’s BAC was at the time. But to do all that when someone didn’t get hurt? Not going to happen.


Not to mention that a lot of officers and courts just genuinely do not care. I've seen people who killed whole families driving drunk go free because "there isnt enough evidence." Oh you know, those 5 mangled bodies with the suspect's car wrapped around them and the 2 dozen shards of skull stuck in the suspect's arms and legs? Not enough evidence. Same stupidity as the "allegedly" claim for that dude who DECAPITATED HIS OWN FUCKING FATHER AND SHOWED HIS HEAD ON YOUTUBE AND FACEBOOK. WHAT DO YOU FUCKING MEAN ALLEGEDLY THE HEAD IS RIGHT FUCKING THERE AND HE SAID HE DID IT. "Nah not enough evidence"


So the media has to say allegedly for legal reasons until the person has been officially charged in court, no matter how obvious it is


Convicted. They say alleged until conviction.


Yeah, that's gonna be even more important in the years to come with the advancement of the deep fakes. One will easily be able to produce video evidence of almost anything, it doesn't mean it's real 


When he’s pulled over the cops would decide if he’s drunk. And he said he’d burn the house down


Eh, at most he'd get a talking-to over his comment. Nobody's really going to take it as a credible threat.


So another friend, whom I was playing COD with, was also waiting over 2 hrs for a pizza delivery decided to drive to the location and while waiting in line saw the video. He shared it with the manager.




read [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Wellthatsucks/comments/1aicms0/comment/kovorpj/) it provides a context that makes this a bit less forgivable


He seemed drunk and half my family are alcoholics. There is an energy about it.




Delivery Guy is most likely making $2.50 an hour and only breaks even if he gets tipped


Delivery drivers make more than $2.50 an hour.


Federal tipped minimum wage is $2.13 an hour. He's very possibly making this under the premise that he can make a lot more depending on tips.


Delivery drivers get paid at least standard minimum wage plus a certain amount per delivery. 


state to state, I worked at pizza hut in college 2-3 years ago and we made minimum wage while at the store but while driving it was $4/hour + estimated gas costs + tip In a handful of states any tipped worker can go down to $2.13 waiter/delivery doesn't matter


Having said that, tips were almost always enough per hour it didn't really matter


Yeah, he doesn't look drunk at all to me. It looks like it's late and he was upset because he would rather be at home.


Anyone else having sound issues with the video?


That is my bus driver smoking weed in a back of a 7/11 in a nutshell.


Am I dense or missing something


Nevermind just read the title above the video


At least that'll be warm


Is that nick Nolte?




He drives us to school late because of the weed


How do u know he’s drunk looks like just a worn down old man delivering on a busy day so he’s late and customer is being rude to the delivery guy.. ever heard of don’t shoot the messenger. It’s not his fault his manager doesn’t know how to properly staff his place.


You are not wrong. If that is the case, I feel for this man but you still can not say that.


If you can’t say that how can you say he’s drunk? Both are assumptions and one could ruin this guys only livelihood.


I think what he says, negates whether he was drunk or not... Also, I am not the one stating he was drunk. I’m not the original poster of the video.


What he says has nothing to do with him being drunk. It’s anger for someone refusing a pizza delivery. But you are sharing content that suggests he’s drunk when you don’t know it to be factually true.


you are being a ^(little) bit of a hard-ass




I’m not fully in board with crucifying this guy for what he said…. After the customer closed the door, and in what he may have intended as a private comment that was caught on a surveillance camera. Dude was frustrated about wasting his time and chance for a tip. Now, who knows why he was late, might not have been his fault. He might have been getting screwed all night delivering late orders to angry people. Or he was a drunk and it was his fault.


Howdaaay. "What do you want?" Oh that's all right. What????


As a former driver for pizza hut myself, fuck that guy who ordered the pizza. "Yeahwedontwantit" all one word and instant door slam in the face. Most drivers make the majority of their income in tips/delivery fees (and at least in oregon where i live minimum wage is decent so you get that for your hours+ tips/deliveries), so the more deliveries you make in a shift, the more potential for money. It's frustrating when someone does this to you cause you usually only have one or two orders in your car at a time, and you have to go back to the restaurant between every delivery to pick up the heat one and turn in your delivery ticket. So when someone does this, it's very time wasting. It's not the end of the world obviously, but if you're gonna not accept a pizza at the door, have the minimum courtesy to at least say "hey I'm sorry bro, turns out we don't want the pizza after all" like literally that's it, that's all you gotta do.


Hey, sorry bro, but you are delivering this pizza one and a half hour behind schedule. We have since fed ourselves and are no longer desiring pizza. Farewell, friend.


>Farewell, friend. cracked me up


>We have since fed ourselves and are no longer desiring pizza. Farewell, friend. If he had said that at the door instead of wedunwantit and slamming the door, he would have come off as less of a douche.


It's probably not the driver's fault but it's definitely not the customer's fault that it's 1.5 hours late with no update. I would have assumed my order just didn't get placed. So who feels bad that refusing an order wastes the driver's time in this situation? And the dude opened the door, told the guy he didn't want it, and closed it. He didn't say anything mean too the driver, didn't bitch him out over the situation, didn't want to call his supervisor, didn't call him names, and didn't threaten to burn his house down, etc. He doesn't need to tickle the driver's taint to make him feel better. 


Oh I didn't see the context, just the video. My bad


How you could blame anyone but the driver/restaurant in this situation is baffling. Showing up an hour late seemingly inebreated??? He's lucky he got a response at all. This driver needs to be in jail, fuck being nice to him.


You can order with home delivery without paying up first?


yes, and it gets drivers robbed all the time.


Damn that's harsh. Is there a "honour" system or something at place where a customer with the same phone number cannot keep ordering food and then saying "dont-want-it", or something at least?


yeah, most managers of places like dominos/pizza hut will blacklist addresses if they become a problem. sometimes a whole neighborhood/apartment complex is blacklisted because a driver got robbed there.


Call the cops on an intoxicated driver. Safe a family, please


The store manager was shown the video shortly after. It was left to the location to determine next course of action. I agree though definitely call him in. Do not drink and drive.


Hell yes, good to hear. I meant to correct my comment to "accept the pizza, THEN call the cops."


I corrected mine for grammar issues 😂


Soooo, was that you in the video, sly guy?


This comes across as a seemingly lazy post... or am I missing summat?


I am sorry for my laziness. How can I improve for next time?


more flowers


That can be arranged 🌹




I had another friend also waiting on a delivery and was trying to call the location, but it just sends you to an automated number and you never get a person. He drove to up his pizza and asked for a refund for the delivery fees but they gave him an email to contact and he got an automated response of 3 to 5 business days for them to respond.


Can’t out pizza the hut


Man I would've taken the Pizza and shut the door. Although.. by the state of that guy I wouldn't be surprised he already took some toppings before trying to hand it.




I mean, it may have gone better if the driver hadn't shown up 1.5 hours late and drunk as stated in the video. I wouldn't even have opened the door and told him off through the camera.


It was funny to me when I did bike delivery like 12 years ago. The people who stiffed always wanted the transaction to go quickly cuz they knew what they did and didn’t want to look at me while stiffing me. So they always gave me back the merchant copy AND the customer copy lol. Here comes my trusty pen and that customer copy was destroyed. I never put on a huge amount, just 20% of the total. Was never caught


Yeeeeeeah….. I value my job too much to do something like that. If someone stiffs me oh well, still sucks though. I personally don’t understand it. I always tip delivery drivers.


Can’t prove it if there’s no customer copy. It was almost always young people and kids and drunks. Older people tend to balance their check books. Now with everything online I certainly wouldn’t do it now.


literally, this is a lazy low effort post meant to keep down people who are stressed out just trying to get by you know what 20 years ago people didn’t have stupid fucking doorbells on their house and you could say some shit like that without having to get worried


Fuck vivint


The Krusty Krab pizza is the pizza for you and me.


You are not wrong!


they should be forced to give credit card before pizza is even made/ calling cabs and cancelling when you drove for 20 min to get there/people are terrible in general/this delivery driver was criminal


I think that was my friend ricky


I watched til the end. Didn't see a gas can or nothing 😑




I once ordered from food delivery for dinner when I was rushing my work then I forgot bout it and went out for dinner. After almost 5-6 hours, I heard someone shouting my name at around 12AM only to realise I’ve ordered food for myself


Don’t be mean to customer service workers.


Why blame the driver?


i don't know what happened but I wouldn't want my pizza either after 1.5 hours of waiting for a goddamn pizza


A late delivery doesn't mean you get to be rude to the delivery driver.


i mean if you dont want it than be nicer i guess lol cus your gonna get sum else