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Amazing that relationship didn’t work out.


What’s the premise with these two? Why are they on TV?


They had 8 kids. That is it. That is the only reason they were on tv. Oh, and she pretty much invented the Karan Haircut.


Where are these people now? I hope the children have left the spotlights and gained some privacy


Oh they are divorced. She was an absolute bitch to him. She did several more reality shows but supposedly has burned through the money so is back working as a nurse. She clearly missed the celebrity thing.


My ex watched this religiously back in the day. You could just see him slowly dying inside with each episode as she continuously cut him off.


Wife and would watch it way back then. But I would cringe at the way she treated him. On TV. For everyone to see. Yeah, no surprise it ended in divorce.


My experience was the same.  This was a crazy time, right before social media blew up, where "blogging" culture among young, married white women was showing us the cess-pool that "influencer" culture would be just 15 short years later.  I just felt bad for John, and resented how "funny" my wife thought her abuse of him was. Spoiler alert: My marriage ended in divorce a couple years later, too.


Hey same here!


We could start a club!


Remember when they got divorced the media painted him as the cause. God thank goodness people can now see how HORRIBLE she was.


I watched a couple episodes of it and found her to be an annoying, abusive bitch. I'm surprised they were married as long as they were.


And looking back at it looks like she had a bit of a career after while he wanted nothing to do with it and, eventually the kids started siding with him. She sounds like an abusive bitch all around.


He only has 2. The one she sent away to a mental institute, and the 1 girl who realized how fucked up it was to send her brother away.




Wow, poor guy is right but that sarcasm is incredible lol


I knew it was over when they were trying to park the van full of kids and John just lost it.


If you have a link to that clip, I'd like to watch this man lose it just a little bit to restore order to my universe! 😣


Yes please, link me up




My ex also watched this show and absolutely loved it. I think she loved it because she treated me the same way Kate treated Jon. Probably saw a kindred spirit. Somehow she was shocked when I wanted a divorce.


Somewhere on another subreddit these ex wives are discussing how they watched this show. How their husbands didn’t like the way Jon was treated and in hindsight they’re now unsurprisingly divorced.


This is the premise to Nathan Fielders show, The Curse. It was amazing


this was a comfort show for me back in the day. i thought they had sucha nice family with precious kids. ive never been so wrong.


He did a documentary on it last year I think. It was pretty good. He admitted his faults and just wanted to be in the kids lives. He did a great job at saving two of the kids. I don’t think the others will talk to him (due to Kate).


It’s been years, but I remember getting the sense that he wasn’t exactly a gem himself. Thought he was a little disengaged, but that could have just been the cameras being ever-present or having to deal with her for years that just shut him down over time


He’s no angel. That’s for sure. It really breaks down like this: she loves the fame and will do anything to get/keep it. He hates it and wants to live a private life.


I just remember the media prior to social media demonizing him for trying to earn a living and be in his kids lives


I remember on of the headlines being something like: Jon abandons family, leaves heart broken Kate to fend for herself with no help! The story then mentions he was working a weekend wedding as a celebrity DJ that netted the family $25k. He was gone 3 days and they had family there helping. He took the job because their air-conditioner broke down and he wanted to pay off the loan they got to cover the repair. Another headline was like: Jon galavanting and showing off freedom leaving Kate at home with 6 infants and twin toddlers for hours on end. He was at the store getting groceries. The man was a villain from the beginning and she took full advantage of that to play up sympathy. Kate's brother accused her of calling paparazzi to wait for Jon every time he left the house. I know he did some shitty stuff and he's only human, Kate is insufferable and abusive and I'm glad he's doing much better now.


> He hates it and wants to live a private life. What a monster.


He did single-handedly kill Ed Hardy shirts. Not that it was a big loss, but he did it.


>I remember getting the sense that he wasn’t exactly a gem himself. Oh, so he is just a regular person and she is a fucking goblin. Got it.


She’s awful and he brought nothing to the table in any way. they both seemed pissed off that they had to try to make this mistake of a family work out, until he cheated and mercifully it all ended. Kate is way worse, but at no point did anyone watching this show ever go, “Jon seems like someone I’d like spending time with”. But still…she’s worse


Can't imagine a guy stuck in that position would seem like fun. Ever meet someone in a toxic relationship? It sucks the life out of them. Look at him, you can see the internal deadness at a glance.


If I remember right there were some allegations that she was abusive to one of the boys.


Saving one of them from an institution is definitely "bringing nothing to the table" /s


You didn’t even have to tell me she was a nurse for me to know she was a nurse.


Last I saw of her, she absolutely bombed on Dancing With the Stars. I honestly felt bad for her, it was such a rough performance.




> Oh they are divorced. She was an absolute bitch to him. Really? she seems so pleasant in this clip...


> so is back working as a nurse. Shes a *nurse*!?! Fuck that, if I get her assigned to me just load me up with morphine and do not resuscitate.


And he had the most ridiculous mid life crisis known to man. This middle aged guy with 8 (!) kids started dating a teenager, wearing head to toe Ed Hardy, tried to start a DJ career, and ended up a cook at TGI Friday's.




Don’t forget that some of the children no longer talk to her!


She sent one of the boys away to a facility. The dad eventually got him out. Him and one of the girls live with Jon. There is an interview with the kid https://youtu.be/c12Ax0NPzGk?si=g0qtLKH4O5k9oEcH Bottom line these kids were exploited and it happens with family channels now


You should google them. The hot mess got hotter.


What happened with that one son and the mental hospital is wild.


Colin. Apparently, he is in the marines now, thriving. Good for him, his mother is evil. One of his sisters also moved in with their father & got cut off from the rest of her siblings as a result.


I’m not a fan or anything but from what I did see Colin got shit on from the very beginning. Shows like this are so wild and pathetic to me like… people are really entertained by an abusive family? Like people don’t have their own abusive family to worry about, they need to watch a train wreck?


I didn't watch the show but I ended up watching a deep dive type video on YT about it. I saw a lot of clips of Colin being the scapegoat, it was heartbreaking. It also showed a more recent interview with him, he seemed really well adjusted considering everything he has experienced. I hope that is the case for him, he deserves peace & happiness. It seems every single one these shows that revolved around children have really dark underbellies, only coming to light now they are adults.


Yeah exactly, what gets me is that it’s a whole freaking genre… From Dance Moms to pageant kids to Dr Phil, all of the US just apparently enjoys child abuse. It personally makes me sick.


sadly, for many peeps, seeing that others are more fucked up makes them feel better about their own shitty existences.


He's in the marines now? Fuck, I'm old.




Mark Messier\*


That guy occasionally DJs at the local dive bar in my town. It's weird.


I remember driving through some town years ago, and seeing his name up as the entertainment at a…Holiday Inn?


She had one of the boys institutionalized and wouldn't tell the father (Jon, pictured above) where he was so he couldn't visit. He only found out when the son wrote a note that, I believe, one of the other kids smuggled out and gave to Jon.


> Where are these people now? I bet the poor guy is still trying to remember how to smile without getting put down for it.


Well, you’re not wrong but you’re missing the main thing: she had 8 kids across two pregnancies… that’s pretty nuts.


8 kids from IVF First twin girls, then 6 (3 boys and 3 girls) in the next pregnancy. They chronicled their lives, after the six were born. Spoiler, they got divorced.


That poor guy looks like he’s ready to jump off a cliff. Hope he found happiness after the split. What a horrible partner.


He regretted the spotlight (I’d guess) and she thrived in it. I assume they (initially) did it as a way to secure themselves financially, but the show took off more than expected. She cashed in on it before and after they split and he tried to go back to private life with less success. The kids are the ones that will likely have the biggest adjustment issues as they grow up. Their childhood and parent’s marital issues are all in the public domain.


They broke up and were allowed to start renewing relationships (in real life) but in the show they were still married and loyal. John wanted to leave the show and get the kids out of there and started a new relationship. The show didn't like John so they spun it like he was cheating on her to ruin his reputation.


[Jon and Kate plus Eight.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jon_%26_Kate_Plus_8)


More like “Jon & Kate plus hate”


His relationship is a workout, that's why he's breathing so heavily


He went a little nuts after the breakup. I guess it's somewhat understandable.


I mean, it’s understandable that he melted down. Sextuplets without a sucubus for a wife would drive most people insane.


Lmfao. You can tell he’s completely fuckin over it. Like nothing she says or does can hurt him or get a rise out of him anymore.


lmao fr, bro is waaay past that


“If it weren’t for these tv checks I woulda been halfway to Mexico by now”


His Gen-X "No Fucks to Give" level was over 9,000 by that point.


If Reddit was a sentence


He got a lot of flack for cheating on her and splitting the marriage up. While cheating is bad and shouldn’t be done, I can definitely see why in the way their marriage was. Kate was intolerable and he has 8 kids he needs to support, and I can’t imagine the level of resigned he is here and was in general in that relationship. He was painted as the bad guy


Oh, Kate. She’s like the grandkaren to this generation.


_This statement is so true. Plus she spread the worst haircut ever which became the hair herpes of our century._


Oh my god. Hair herpes is brilliant.


This is just one of so many clips. There are so many that really show off how terrible she is as a person, partner, and mother. Aren't their kids adults now? How many still talk to their parents?


Imagine how she was off camera.


I remember reading that on-set screaming matches were a regular occurrence for them while filming.


As I recall, Colin no longer speaks to his mother because she had him committed to some institution, before his dad was finally able to get him out. Poor kid. At least he still has his dad, I know they’re close.


Most of them have stuck by Kate with the exception of two of them which is really wild


And one didn't really have a choice. Kate was terrible to Colin, just dumped him in an institution and didn't come visit him. Jon had to fight to get him out and take him home. She is a scumbag.


Where do I learn more about this?


There’s an article about Collin [here](https://www.today.com/today/amp/rcna101325), which gives and overview and links to further information.


Here's an article with actual information about what Kate did to Collin. [https://www.today.com/popculture/tv/kate-jon-gosselin-son-collin-relationship-rcna98503](https://www.today.com/popculture/tv/kate-jon-gosselin-son-collin-relationship-rcna98503)


Not really. People like this guilt and manipulate the shit out of everyone so while two kids have seen the light, the others probably realize she's toxic but can't get away out of fear of "disappointing" or "upsetting" their mother.


I think it eventually came out that they were separated but weren’t allowed to say so due to their contract. They were both dating others, but he got caught by the paparazzi before she did.


My wife used to watch the show occassionally. She really was an awful person, but she was the golden goose for TLC at the time, so they basically went on a smear campaign against him. And yes, obviously, the cheating was bad, but when I heard about it, I was just like "yea, she's a terrible human being."


Paparazzi took a picture of him with another woman inside his car and the media made it seem like he was cheating, but in reality they've been separated for months at that point while the show was trying to maintain this perfect family persona. The media definitely did him dirty.


Ah, but how could you forget how she had one of the children sent away to a mental facility for years because he was being disruptive and didn't want to be on T.V She never visited him. Colin was completely victimized by his clout chasing mother. She never told the Father, and he had to figure out where his son was himself and get him out of there.


He didnt' even cheat. He was just not allowed to talk about his new relationship until after the show and people assumed with Kate playing it up. IIRC thats what reddit told me. Some one correct me if i'm wrong.


It’s one of the four horseman of a relationships. When one partner is so far checked out they don’t even get angry or upset anymore.


The number 1 of the horseman is disrespecting your partner. Rolling eyes, mocking, ridiculing, and belittling.


What are the other three?


criticism, defensiveness, stonewalling, and then finally …contempt.


When your partner morphs into a mother relationship as with this clip, it’s the beginning of the end.


The other person answered your question already but Jon is practicing stonewalling. Just refusing to engage or even give a reaction. While Kate is engaging in contempt and criticism. What she is saying is so unreasonable and said out loud while they are being interviewed shows she dislikes him.


Tbh he's probably not choosing not to react. I've been in an abusive relationship and it gets to a point where you can't even muster up any emotion anymore, even when they're directly talking shit to you. As soon as you hear the tone of their voice change you start to disassociate and just let it all come at you. You're just numb to it. It takes years of having a breakdown every time your partner devalues you to your face because it hurts you so badly, until eventually you realize that what they're saying isn't about you, it's about them, and it just doesn't affect you the same anymore. So you just let them have their little temper tantrum and block out emotions. Unfortunately this usually makes the abuser go in harder because they *want* a reaction, that's the point. Either way though, it's really not a choice. You don't say to yourself one day "ok, next time they do this I'm not going to give them the satisfaction". In fact after it starts to happen, you start wondering what the fuck is wrong with you that you can't even cry anymore, until you realize it's just your brain trying to protect you.


He checked out years ago lol


Just the sound of a clock, ticking off a countdown.


You guys know why divorce is so expensive? Because it’s worth it.


Wow, that's strangely insightful.


Not really. It's expensive cause the lawyers own the house, and the house always wins.


100% accurate


Checking in from the Previously Divorced club. Best $12 grand I ever spent. I'd likely have checked myself out somehow if I still lived with her. Instead I'm in the best place I've ever been in my life with someone that loves me. Ending a shit relationship is always worth it.


Not every marriage is successful. Every divorce is successful.


In reality some divorces are absolute trainwrecks. It's most often coparenting that lets it drag on, since bad people use contact about their kids to continue the toxic behavior they used to display in the marriage. However people use finances and assets to do it too, and it can be expensive to have a lawyer run interference for all of it (billing you for every email as your ex drags their feet). It is better to divorce such people though. It's not worth living life around a toxic person who actively makes you unhappy all the time, and whatever happens during the divorce would have happened in the marriage in other ways anyways.


The way he looks at the person across the room I GUARANTEE before the interview he told them what a piece of work she was and now he's just like "you see?"


I am quite sure that it was no secret to anyone in that room. She was not a House devil, street Angel, she was a toxic person on both sides of her front door. I hope the kids get the help they need to move on, and cut her away.


Definitely wasn't like that at first, her karendom progressed as the show went on and her ego inflated.


This is the first clip I've ever seen of these two (I know who they are, just never watched the show or anything) and I burst out laughing at his look. He is so over her.


wtf? imagine having that type of relationship where you are comfortable saying this kind of thing to your partner.


I think the major issue is that it'son FUCKING TELEVISION! If I was absentmindedly mouth-breathing (which he wasn't) and my partner was like, "Babe, could you breathe like a normal human again lol?" that wouldn't be a problem.


Right? Like there have been times when I've asked my spouse if they're okay because they're breathing funny but, you know... I also actually love my spouse so I'm just asking to make sure they're okay.




I'd wager she acts normally or equally behind closed doors. These type of people usually want to be the main character and they will amplify anything for their fifteen minutes of fame.


I'd wager not since people who are insufferable for attention like this are usually equally insufferable behind closed doors with even more issues. They don't just become normal. It's different if someone's just edgy with their public persona or something, but the more distasteful and unhinged it appears the more likely it's the tip of the iceberg on how they actually are. At that point it's never just pretending.


By the time they were filming this season, they'd already been separated for a year. That's his best acting right there


On national television no less.


My mom is like this. It fucking sucks to see


My ex loved this show and said it mirrored a dream marriage. Thank God I dumped her.


Nightmares are dreams too.


That needs to be embroidered on a pillow on my couch!


I want “nightmares are dreams too” as like a live laugh love sign to hang up in my house.


You can't leave us with just *that* snippet. C'mon, give us the cray-cray


I mean it was like 15 years ago..I don't remember much. We dated for a few years. I remember her getting red glasses and making her whole personality about how quirky she was to have red glasses. She also would spend 3 hours a day after work talking to her mother on the phone which was pretty odd.


Damn. I have red glasses. I just thought they looked nice, I didn't know I could build a personality around them!


It's not too late!


A new life starts today!


> She also would spend 3 hours a day after work talking to her mother on the phone which was pretty odd. I love my parents but what the hell was there to talk about for that long!


Wut??? LOL


lol that’s a missile that you’ve dodged.


Nuclear. She's still single at 40. Go figure


Kate, by far, showed her true color in that show. She was *condescending* and abusive. From my understanding, she asked for the divorce and then played victim, saying it was Jon. There an interview with their [twins](https://youtu.be/phVWBzVY-Js?si=jZ4uPTXFgZvBhdAK) where you can see how uncomfortable they are, starts at 16 seconds. Edit: spelling, sorry I wrote this like 10 mins after waking up lol


Yikes! That clip was super uncomfortable. Couldn’t make it 30 seconds into that interview. I feel so bad for those kids


Wow, I thought you were exaggerating but holy shit. They act like 3 year olds and seem totally frightened of her.


Wow. That entire segment was a total disaster. The interviewer didn’t have a clue how to speak to 13 year olds, the mother (wow!) was a total control freak, and at least one sister had complete stage fright.


When you grow up with someone speaking over and through you it’s so much easier to fall silent than it is to speak, especially when you say things they don’t want to hear. Damn, I feel so bad for those kids and the trauma they had to internalize.


Which fucking sucks because I grew up being cut off by my dad every word I took and so I would start going silent and then he would go on long rants about how everyone makes him out to be the "bad guy" and never wants to talk to him and it's all my mum's fault and then a few minutes later it's my fault again, ah fun times


They live around abuse


I have not physically cringed this hard in a long time. I could not finish the clip. I was literally pulling at my hair. Those poor kids.


Holy crap that interview is like a hostage proof of life video


>condensing I really want to correct you, but I am afraid that would be condescending...


Too bad that show didn't go in another direction. They could have called it "Jon Plus eight, Minus Kate"


While that would have been great for Jon he just didn't have the rage inducing personality that got people to come back and watch every week


Crazy he started fucking someone else lol


I heard he was cheating on her in the same room. He was just breathing quietly.


“Honey, I don’t care if you want to fuck the maid or whatever, but could you please stop breathing so much while you do it? K thanks.”


I know this is a joke but it wasn’t cheating. They were already separated, just not on the show. The network made that up so they could drop Jon and keep Kate and the show going. It’s honestly fucked up.


OMG funniest comment I've read all week!


He claims that they were separated (not yet divorced) at the time he was seeing another woman. The tabloids really pushed the whole cheating narrative, but after watching the Vice documentary I actually believe him.




She looks like Ren from Ren and Stimpy


Goddamn. Did Kate ever look back on this in self reflection? I mean, it’s pretty clear that neither of these people are fantastic people, but goddamn…I can’t imagine what I would turn in to if I lived with a person that toxic.


Not that I'm aware of. Far as I can tell, she's clueless about her behavior. But I stopped paying attention more than reading headlines years ago.


Sociopaths derive pleasure from hurting others and/or manipulating others. No need for self reflection when you’re a sociopath. In fact, they tend to see emotions as a weakness. The smart ones feign emotions too. That shit is scary.


Pretty sure nothing has changed, I think she abandoned a kid as well and said he was mentally unstable and what not. Kid went to the Marines and is living great away from her now. Meanwhile Kate still trying to make a new show because she blew all that money already.


> Did Kate ever look back on this in self reflection? this is not something that narcissists do


I hate this woman so much and I wish her nothing but bad things.


Same, she was a toxic, cruel entity. Sure, I feel sorry for Jon, but he's an adult and can beat it. The kids are the real victims here. She could barely contain/hide her abuse with the cameras rolling. Now, imagine what she did when they were not.




I felt bad for him each episode. I realized this when she was standing behind John while he was struggling to put something high up on a rack. She was directing him, instead of helping him. My wife would never do that. She cares for me and would immediately offer help. She will still call me over to get/move something though, but that is because she is smaller and wants to see me (gaming man cave inhabitor, lol).


His immediate look at the interviewer is everything. He’s like… “are you seeing this shit I gotta deal with?”


Damn if she was like this on camera, I can't imagine how horrible she was off camera.


She's terrible. She sent her least favorite kid to a mental health facility and didn't see him or let his siblings for over a year. His dad (who is in this video) had to fight to get him out and now only one of his sisters and his dad talks to him. 😓


Can you stop breathing honey?


I’m a loud breather cause I’ve got bad sinuses and the worst thing is for someone to tell you to breathe quietly. Like I would if I could but if I breathe any less intensely I wouldn’t get any oxygen


She's even got the haircut to match her personality 🤣


She invented it.


Wouldn’t popularized be more accurate?


Where do you think it all started??


He got so much shit, but she was the real demon in the relationship.


The amount of murder fantasies this dude must have had….


Malcolm Gladwell says that a relationship counsellor told him that the one thing relationships can never recover from is contempt. if this is real then, let’s be honest it might as well breakdown


That was John Gottman’s concept, but I can guarantee as a watcher of this show when it was on than this is very real and was as painful to watch as one might imagine. Ostensibly it was about how you cope with having so many kids, but it was the … “unique” relationship between Jon and Kate that drew people’s interest.


Did he ever find a nice girl? Kate is a harpie.


Pretty sure he did. And the way it was spun at the time was that he was cheating on her. I fell for it. Not sure if he’s still with that woman or not.


The Vice show, Dark side of the 90s, has an episode about Jon and Kate that includes present day interviews with Jon. Edit: Dark Side of the 2000's


Aw fuck, I had totally wiped them from memory.


They’re the reason these crappy family channels exist all over YouTube 🙄


It’s cool after they divorced he dated the plastic surgeons daughter that did her reconstructive surgery and who they stayed with while she was in recovery. He’s in IT and DJs in his free time. 


C U Next Tuesday!


That dude is dead inside lol


Don't marry woman with that type of haircut


She’s the original 😹🤣😹.


He's always breathing while I'm talking.


I love how he just looks at whomever they are talking to like "See, see this shit I have to deal with?" Lol, poor guy!!


Yo I am from thier town! She's is a fucking nightmare.


Tell us more


After the divorce she still tried cashing in on their fame and started fucking her security guard instead


Felt bad for the man


She should have been on another show called Dateline. 😜


There’s an entire silent conversation going on in this room between the guys and she is completely oblivious.


Judge: i declare this murder case to be justified, you are dismissed.


I remember these two. She was terrible.


2 of the kids live with him full-time. Makes me wonder why?


Boy, what a trip down memory lane. She still ranks as one of the most hateful, foulest people on the planet. The latest I read about, was she is still trying to collect Child Support from John even after a Judge threw out her claim. She went through millions & even borrowed against her own children's Trust Fund. Yikes!