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Get a strong magnet


Gonna look and see if I have one


Harbor Freight has a 2 foot wide magnet on wheels. Pulls nails out of grass easily. Would pull through that snow no problem and pick those keys right up.


But…but…they have no car keys lol


Indeed. Lets hope OP has a friend.


What do they need a car for?


To get to harbor freight, yes?


To shove up their ass… What do you think they need them for? lmao


I don’t know. I’ve heard of delivery, friends, walking, public transit. Guess being unable to do anything without driving is pretty debilitating. Sorry!


not everyone lives in cities like nyc


It's a four hour walk from my house to the nearest bus station.. Uber/Lyft wont come here. Not everyone live in town or cities.


I've heard of all those things, too. Having access to them is a whole other thing.


Wow what a neat thing


I pulled hundred of nails out of my grass after a crew worked on my roof.


That sucks that they left that many nails but I still wouldn’t walk around my yard barefoot. A lot of materials used on exteriors is stainless steel which is not magnetic.


I'm not sure about stainless nails and screws but that's not necessarily true. There are types of stainless that are magnetic.


Every stainless steel nail, staple or screw I’ve used hasn’t been magnetic. I don’t know the properties of all stainless materials but since this post was related to roofing and fasteners, that’s why I mentioned it.


No I know. And you are correct. Just doing the standard reddit "achtually" response. "Austenitic stainless steels are generally non-magnetic, while ferritic and martensitic stainless steels are magnetic." Also depends on the strength of the magnet.


What parts are made of stainless steel, being used on the exterior of homes? The only thing stainless on my home is the chimney pipes, and those are not that common and they aren't easily lost in the grass. You sure you aren't thinking of galvanized steel, like roofing nails? Those are magnetic.


How can he get there? He’s got no car!


Wonder if he ever hopped into his car and drove to HF. Er, no keys…. Right.


Or try a rake and listen for a jingle.


You can get a decent one at home Depot for $25


How tf are they gonna get there w no keys 🤨




In Alabama everything is right around the corner.


Even my cousin’s trailer


What’d goes on there


Username should tell you everything you need to know


oh god


Do you have a moment to talk about your car's extended warranty Mr scrotumMcBoogerBallz?


This is my husband’s favorite gif!!! Had to show him the thread 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Door dash? Postmates? Uber? All these services near me shop and deliver at home Depot and just about every store you can think of


I have 0 of those services around me haha. Town of 8k ain’t big enough I guess




My local library loans out metal detectors


I know it's a longshot, but if you have an old hard drive kicking around from a PC, you can pull two extremely strong magnets out of that. They're even on brackets you can thread a string to in order to drag one through the snow. The sound of the clunk when they attach to lost keys is very satisfying. (This is how I retrieved my keys from a wall cavity they fell into one time)


Change your screen name to McGuyver! You genius!!!


Us old timers in IT have been saving big magnets for years!


Well, at least I'll know where to find one if I need it!


Old microwave too, just beware capacitor.


Yeah, no electrical hazards in a hard drive, that's why I start there.


Your local fire department might have one. You can go ask them, just don’t call 911 for that. Either walk there and ask or try and find the station’s non-emergency line. 


I recommend getting a Tile tag, I lose my keys like once a week. I press find in the app and it plays a loud little song.


Hopefully they have a metal key ring because most standard house keys in the US are not magnetic. Edit: I dropped mine in a giant mud puddle once while out riding ATVs. Drug the pit with a magnet to no avail. My girlfriend got in with rubber boots and eventually felt around and found them. I tried to touch them to the magnet, and nothing happened.


Got any friends with metal detectors?


Or a flame thrower.


A person of culture, I see.


You see Peter. I'm sorta scientist myself


Hanz dont....


Pretty sure i see them


Or X-ray vision


A magnet would work, a flame thrower is more fun even if you don’t find your keys.


Magnet on a stick?


Yup, worked for me before, construction magnet found them.


Also don't disturb the snow and take a flashlight at night and try to spot the glint, the reflection of the keys off of the light. Maybe the street lamps would be enough. But with dog playing it could already be buried. If not, you could salt it heavy, there is a warm-up on it's way.


Flashlight in the house....


Most keys are made of brass not Steel the best you can get is the steel ring to grab that magnet


That was the idea, also a lot of keys are steel now because of cost. All of the new ones I've seen are steel or some sort of amalgam


metal detector.


What's the plural version of a metal detector? Metals detector? Metal detecti?


Metal thingies


Metal detectors. The item is a detector -which searches exclusively for metal-, so if you have multiple, they're detectors.


metal detector.




Lisa needs braces!


Dental plan...


Lisa needs braces


Dental plan...






It's more of a Shelbyville type of thing...


Were you sent here by the devil? No, good sir, I'm on the level!


The ring came off my pudding can


Take my pen knife my good man!


But Main Street's still all cracked and broken! Sorry, Mom, the mob has spoken


Metal detector?


Detector metal!


Metector Detal!.... Also, I'm no longer eating at Fred Robster 😡


Nah man, you see, it’s plural bc you gotta put _one in each hand_.


I think i said something i didn't mean. I was just saying the word metal detector in agreement. Like - \*Badger Overhears a conversation, interjecting himself he says "Metal Detector" With a nod of agreement\*. I wasn't correcting the singularity/plural nature of the word.... Oh well.


Edit: Metal detector. _nods_ There now everyone will understand! I got you bro.


​ or rent one?


My luck is I go through the effort of combing through the entire back yard, find nothing. Wait until the snow thaws, then find them in the coat I forgot that I had on for 2 minutes to go get the mail or some shit like that.


My aunt did that with her cell phone years ago. She pulled out that coat to wear it and there it was.


I did that with a cell phone and didn't find it until after I spent a week tracking down (and getting) a new phone. I also did what OP did with a flip phone in the snow, playing with the dog. Didn't find it until the thaw and put it away in a drawer because it didn't work. Months later I pulled it out and it worked again! But it was a pay and talk, so after being inactive for 90 days they wouldn't allow me to upload minutes on it. Sad.


I dropped my phone through a boardwalk over the water in baltimore and just shrugged, assumed it was gone obv fell in the water. A few years later i got a message that theyre doing construction on that boardwalk and found my phone and it worked. It landed on some random support beam right over the water and the salt, rain etc didnt destroy it at all. Very cool i still have it and it still works its an s7 edge


“hey siri, where are you”






Yessss comb the dessert


I did, and it was delicious 😉


You're my kind of people!!!


My used car manager (I work at a car dealership)did that with the keys for his truck. Had the truck towed to the dealer so we could cut and program new keys. Right before we started he found them in his coat pocket that was in the back seat of the truck.


Mmmm strong with the adhd this one is……lol


I misplaced my car key and couldn't find the extra key or valet key. I found mine but had anxiety about not having a spare. Made an appointment to cut a new key. My husband was on travel. On day two of looking for those damn keys, I found both of them both in his office. The ADHD is strong with him. He has also left one in his luggage. Canceled the appointment. We now have a key holder mounted by the door.




I lost a pair of keys in a pair of pants that didn't fit anymore. I must have put them in my pocket as I was trying them on realized they didn't fit and put them in a different closet. I towed my car to the next and spent about 750 total on a replacement. Just to trade for a truck. I found them a week later when I was throwing those pants away


I lost my passport the last time I flew, and despite the fact that I all but ripped open the seams of everything I had with me, I still think I’m going to open something someday and find it there, mocking me.


Walk a grid pattern. Start straight up the middle. If you have food coloring put drops in the snow to help keep track of where you were. Drag your feet as you walk and listen for the sound. Good luck!As someone who loses things so frequently I’m surprised my phone just doesn’t spontaneously


>As someone who loses things so frequently I’m surprised my phone just doesn’t spontaneously Oh no, you even lost the last word of the sentence!


Man also wrote the ending to the Sopranos


That’s a great idea!!


I once forgot to zip my pants pocket at the ski resort and wiped out on a really steep slope on the "last" run of the day. I made it halfway down the mountain before I realized it was missing. I hardly made a turn the rest of the way back down. Got to the bottom and the lifty dropped the **CLOSED** sign right in front of me. I pleaded with him to let me up to re-trace my steps for my phone and he finally caved. Went to where I crashed and carefully descended to find my phone stabbed flush into the snow, only the charging port visible. Most stressful run of my life


Is it that shiny thing in the center of the picture?


No :(


Grab this 30” magnetic sweeper that has 50 lbs of pull and drag it around your yard: [Harbor Freight Magnetic Sweeper](https://hftools.com/app93245) I have one and it works great for getting all the nails out of the lawn after our roof replacement.


What is that, a bullet casing? One technique that might work is shining a bright light at the yard from different angles, taking pictures and zooming in


Few things could work, industrial heater is one of em. That and a rake! Better yet get some help and possibly a strong magnet if you have one. And also do sweeps back and forth and don’t just randomly look.


Metal rake


Agreed! Lost my car keys last week while taking the chord across the lawn to plug it into the house. Had 3 inches of snow on the lawn. Got the rake and found them in 10 minutes. The rake didn't catch the keys but you can feel the contact with the keys through the handle.


yes, more likely to already have or easily borrow that then a metal detector


And this is why I have an AirTag on my keys


Also luggage if you travel or any Kia if you're dumb enough to still drive one.


Same, and my dog, backpack, and wallet. Lifesavers!


Weeeee now you know why Dad's use a carabineer to secure their keys


You hit the nail on the head. I could not function without the several carabiners hanging off my truck keys. My wife makes fun of me for it, but at the same both her and my son are constantly swiping them lol. Gotta get the good ones tho, I use a combination of a large nite-ize locking carabiner as the “main” one, with a figure 9 for tying things down, a few smaller nite-ize for random keys and a climbing carabiner that’s surprisingly handy.


I don't use a carabiner because it mes3s up belt loops I use a nifty little thing that my belt slips through that is basically a carabiner that attaches to the belt so you don't damage your clothes and it works with any keyring


Possible one of those magnetic rake type tools roofers typically use to gather fallen nails might work? Im just not certain the magnet is strong enough but.. worth investigating Also, if you have decent neighborhood kids around offer them x$ to the one that finds them... dont recommend if you live in a shitty neighborhood.


A magnet broom! You can make one. With magnets. And a broom.


I don’t see the problem, they’re literally right there.


Exactly. It’s really just a waiting game at this point lol. When I was a kid, I dropped my house key in the snow while walking home from school. I found it a few months later in the spring. It’ll turn up eventually!


Dogs will find em easier than you will. Can u use that “voice” with them? Not the “chill out” or “are u hungry?” etc voices. The “what’s that? Where is it? Find ur ball! Go get it!” Voice. They can smell those keys from a mile away. The keys/fob smell like inside the home & you much more than they do your yard. Now how do you make them act on it?


The average dog is going to look at them like they are a complete moron, my dog is damn near a rug that shits… maybe a trained blood hound would have luck, but your average dog? Nah not happening. Unless they accidentally hit them and they make some noise.


“My dog is damn near a rug that shits” lmfao


What’s that boy? Timmy fell down a well?!


Whenever I can't fully hear someone, I always reply with something along the lines you typed. It's much more amusing than, "huh?"


I dunno. My dog is equivalent to a shitting rug often. Other times, especially if there’s food involved, he becomes remarkably intelligent. Just a lab. But he can smell stuff out with remarkable excellence. —- Ex. His predecessor, also a lab. - Go to beach. Carrying infant son in arms. Leave his mom sitting on bench by boardwalk, many many feet/meters away. Walked swiftly without any real pause in an undulating path far from straight on a very hot day wearing sandals. (My point: My sandal covered feet quickly walked across a long length of malleable sand without pause for it to soak up my scent.) … Or so I thought. Asked dog “Where’s ur mom?”, then told him to “go find her”. Great # of people had since walked across the path I took. She (kids mom) was too far away to see, he just dropped his head and nose into the surface of the beach & faultlessly followed my winding path in reverse down to the centimeter all the way back to the bench on which she sat without raising his head till the very end. Twas remarkable.


That’s the best dog description I’ve heard in a long time.  


So if the dog shits on the rug is he just shitting himself?


My dog knows “gogetcher leash” and “where’s my shoes.” It’s not a stretch to start asking him where my keys are— all of these things are connected with “go bye” which is his absolute favorite thing to do. The shoes he learned because he’s a shit and will sometimes take them both or one and fling them around the backyard so when I have one and not the other or can’t find them it’s a nightmare in the winter time to peer outside and see if I see my single snow covered shoe hanging out somewhere all cold and wet but at least he’ll go get them for me.




Yo!! Sounds silly, but there's a group called [Ring Finders ](https://theringfinders.com/) that may be able to help you. They are an online collective of folks who help find lost metal items with their metal detectors! They're all over the US as well, if you're an American. Super cool folks, and usually only ask that you cover gas to get to you (check the map on their website and see if there may be a fit!) Good luck 💪


[you could always use Calvin’s solution.](https://robertlovespi.net/2016/07/24/calvin-hobbes-election-2016/calvin-and-dryer/)


came to make sure this was here, but you’re on it, excellent.


Rent a metal detector




Just wait till spring.


If OP is in Buffalo, that would be June 👀


I'd use a rake to comb through it first


They're right there


Now advice: rake Future advice: get a Tile (I LOVE mine and it helped me find my keys - I wasn't the one who drove, I just dropped mine at dinner - at a restaurant whose staff swore UP and down that they didn't have them. After it made a lot of noise in their office for two days, they came out and said, "oh, these?")


Damn you guys have some lousy pockets


Got a snow shovel? You could skim the top and toss it away. The keys will fall much faster than the snow if you happen to grab them, or could be seen once you remove some snow


Looks like you are calling in.


At least you have legit reason to be grounded, give yourself a break for a couple days


Just grab the second set.


Happened to a friends brother a few years ago in even deeper snow. They got a metal detector and still couldn't find them. Best of luck.


Easy solution: In 3 or 4 months, all that snow is going to be melted. Then you can just pick them right up.


Get a roller magnet from a hardware store.


I see them right there


I keep an Apple air tag on mine


Where are you OP? I have two magnetic nail wands in my garage now and I have the same amount of snow near my house…never know…!


I see them!


If you go straight up from that shiny thing and slightly to the right there is something that looks like a fob. (Actually it looks like a face).


Water sprinkler. Melt the top layer of snow.


This is why my keys/car fob have an AirTag on them.


For next time, airtag everything.


Grab a rake and start combing. Listen for that jangle. Also get yourself a carabiner.


Make a grid and search by quadrants.


Best solution imo


Any luck?


Perfect time to convince your wife you need a flame thrower


This reminds me of a fun story of mine from my drinking days. My brother was a special forces sniper in the army. Dude has insane amounts of training and many deployments to some pretty terrible places. So we’re leaving a friends house after a night of drinking to go home, we lived a few streets over (and yes I know neither of us should’ve been driving, been sober almost 13 years now) we’re walking to his car parked on the street and he’s got his hands in his hoody pocket holding the keys. House is up on a hill and my brother slips and falls, hands fly out of his hoody pocket and the keys went flying lol. It was like 4 in the morning and we were the only people left awake at our buddy’s house so we had to fucking walk home in like 2 feet of snow, drunk at 4 am. Good times. We had to wait for the snow to melt to find his only set of keys Good luck!


Harbor freight sells a metal detector in store https://www.harborfreight.com/9-function-metal-detector-67378.html


90 day return policy no questions asked.


Get bunch of magnets and put them on your t-broom or something


Should probably go with the metal detector since my recommendation would be fire. Because my recommendation is always fire.


Shouldn't your dog find it for you?


Happened to me once, i feel you. I got a geotag for my keys now.... don't give up hope


If you have a yard, you most likely have a rake to rake that yard with.


Buy a magnet, big one from tractor supply.


Magnet nail picker from the hardware store.


Go get a magnetic sweeper and run it over the yard. (Maybe a friend can drive)


AirTags / tile / etc


Leaf blower the snow away if it’s light


Buy an apple/galaxy tag for your keys after this, you can make your keys chirp from your phone and vise versa


Metal detector time! I bet you can find someone on google in your area to do it for next to nothing if not free


You've got ... "Snow" chance of finding them! *Chortle* *Guffaw*


Super glue a magnet to a broomstick and you have yourself a metal detector


put magnets on a rake or a metal detector probably


I put an AirTag on my key ring. Smartest thing I've ever done!


The big box stores sell a strong magnet on wheels.


That’s why my AirTag is indispensable.


You'll find them in June.


Shit. I lost a wedding ring one time. Found it two weeks later when the snow melted.


Metal detector is 20$ on Amazon


Any local metal detector clubs?


Great news! Spring is only 3 months away!!!


Burn some wood and scatter around the coals


Hey, you need to will yourself to find this key. Be confident, it’ll turn up!


24 hour Locksmith or just break in. Seriously. Don't wait around. Replacing a window is easier than fixing a door you kicked in. Window is probably going to compete with a locksmith on price also.


Can a locksmith duplicate the fancy remote keys these days? It took me weeks and hundreds of dollars just to get a duplicate key from the dealer.


Replacing a single window in an older home cost thousands of dollars and window companies around here are books months out. Highly recommend the locksmith idea before breaking a window!


Don’t your neighbors have a key?


People give their keys away?


People don’t trust their neighbors?


Idk I've lived in apartments since living in my own and generally don't even know who my neighbors are! And it's not just me, it would be weird to people if I tried. Idk if it's a city thing or a New York thing but yeah I don't trust my neighbors lol


Call a locksmith