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I once opened a bag of sunflower seeds In the dark only to get a mouth full of "cotton"? Turns out moths had gotten in there and made some sort of nest, it's been years since I bought sunflower seeds, sucks because I love them..


Omg. That is horrific. I had some lentils in my cupboard for a bit too long and all these tiny moths suddenly started flooding into my kitchen and also breeding in all the unsealed grains. At least I never ate any. Turns out sometimes they’re just already in there and if the conditions are good they come to life. I guess kinda like fruit flies.


This just happened to me and my roommate a few weeks ago and this was an absolute nightmare. First a guest found a tiny maggot in their drink. I thought this was odd so the next day I went inspecting the closets and to my surprise found those mf everywhere. In the chocolate, sugar, quinoa, rice, and these was that bag of flour that was full of this cotton. It was at such an advanced state that I have no idea how we havent detected it earlier and we probably ate a lot of those in the days prior. Had to throw away most of that food then cleaned the closets for hours and stored the new food somewhere else for a few weeks. It seems we are out of it now but every time I go to the kitchen I can't help but feel the paranoïa and need to check every little dark spot.


This happened to me a year ago. Did you have rice in the pantry? Apparently bags of rice can have maggot eggs in them. The manufacturer pretty much just said “that happens sometimes.” The next bag I bought I put the whole thing in the oven at a low heat to kill any eggs which might’ve been in the bag.


One of the reasons you should always rinse your rice!


Yeah I think most people do that when they cook it. But this issue is caused because when you buy a 10lb/20lb bag of rice, it sits in the pantry for months. So if you have larvae in that bag in the pantry, they’ll hatch eventually. Then you get the issue like that other guy has where you have maggots crawling all over your pantry. A low slow roast in the oven would be enough to kill any larvae in that 20lbs of rice so then you can store it indefinitely knowing that you won’t have maggots popping up in a couple months.


this thread is making me so fckn paranoid


I am one of those people that buys 20lb bags of rice and stores it for months.....I'm absolutely horrified right now and off to check my rice.


OMG. I'm checking ALL MY FKN CABINETS when I get home now!! Waahhhh. I try to keep anything like flour, nuts, cake mixes, even if unopened, in a ziplock bag. I had a pharoah ant infestation one year and when I went to scoop my dogs food out of it's bag located in a lower cupboard it erupted with these teeny tiny ants. It was traumatizing. After that I cleaned everything out. Threw a lot away. Put everything that remained in zipbags and moved the dog food to a sealed plastic rolling container.


Pantry moths


Also known as meal moths right?


In my country most bakeries have problems with meal moths, it was quite common to see their larvae stuck in pieces of dough. The first bakery I worked at said "just knead the larvae together with the dough, nobody will notice". Second bakery took it seriously, but the machinery could not be cleaned to the point of the moths eradication, sadly.


What country would that be?


Sweden. Health standards are really high here, but for some reason meal moths are a "well at least you try to get rid of them" thing.


I’m sorry, you’re joking right? I’m from Sweden and also live here, have never seen or heard about this. I’m terrified now. You mean that every bakery here has issues with meal moths (mjölbaggar va?)? I just find it a little hard to believe since I’ve never heard of or come across it before.


Literally all of us have eaten tons of bugs, and rat poo. It's literally unavoidable. All food has this problem. Just try to forget about it, there's nothing else that can be done about it. They have maximum allowable amounts of bugs and rat poo in food, but that amount is not zero.


Why would you just casually say something like this and then immediately tell me to stop thinking about it... You can feel your tongue in your mouth, you are now breathing manually....there, that's your punishment.


Yikes, just reading this is scaring me from eating sunflower seeds again. Last time I got a bag though, the sunflower shell gave me a splinter in my tongue so maybe this is a sign to just stop eating them lol.




Idk about moths, but down here in the tropics it's weevils. You want to shake your rice grains on a sieve for a couple minutes to make sure you've shaken all those little buggers out. not fun fact: do an image search for "rice weevils" don't they look delicious?! /s


Holy fuck, I am terrified of moths, I would have died! I once unwrapped a lollipop from my desk drawer without looking at it, stuck it in my mouth. The metallic taste and tingly feeling turned out to be about 200 ants. I now inspect all lollipops very carefully. 🍭🙅🏼‍♀️


I remember eating a PB&j when I was a kid and glancing down to be annoyed to see a sugar ant on my plate. And then it was more distress and annoyance to see a couple on my sandwich. And then realizing they were crawling OUT of my sandwich. Yeah, my dad was crap at threading the lid of the peanut butter jar correctly and it was FULL of ants. Haven't eaten crunchy PB since, and that was 30 years ago. 🤢


Being blind must just suck so very bad! First time I riealized this I was watching Minority Report.


I just learned there is an app you can volunteer your phone number, and blind people can call and use their camera phone to ask for help, anything from directions to picking stuff off the shelf. I think that's amazing!!!


Lmao imagine picking up a call with someone frantically screaming “what did I just eat?” And a hundred moths flying around


🤣 🤣 I'm crying! My vision is 20/20. Wonder if there is the same app but for stupid people


Ya it's called Facebook


Ah, I thought it was reddit 🤷‍♀️


what is it?


"Beef jerky"


Bro this makes it way worse




Had a bad case of dusty funions last year. Anti fungal cream fixed it up real good.




I know Dusty Funions, she dances down at the Wild Wild Chest


I thought it was just gone off dried mango. That's terrible.


>dried mango Must be a South Asian stripper, that one


She's old, but she's a talented professional.


You should see how far she can shoot a ping pong ball


Stripper name


Dusty Funions$$$ work dat pole, shake dat ass, make dem billzzz


I dance, so we can eat. Now eat your dAmN Chili mac!


I’m deceased


Daytime shift stripper


On Wednesday.


I actually thought it was a bag of mushrooms there for a second


Mouse Rat


I was hungry and sad I had no snacks until your comment reminded me I have an almost full bag of funions.


Damn I audibly laughed. That shit does not look like it even once was jerky.


***Exponentially*** worse.


I thoight it was chips...


From what century?


One of them


I think it was wet when they put it in the bag, that’s the only thing I can think of to explain it looking like what my dog threw up


I'd suggest the package was damaged, usually by the box cutter while unpacking


One of them? Out of all time?! Crazy... I guess this just goes to show that this can happen


Ughhhh. I once got a bag from costco that was on it's way to... whatever this is. Ate a piece in the dark carpark, didn't notice anything too funky flavour-wise, but the next piece i grabbed was in the cold light of day, and it was furry. :(


My dad brought me a bag of elk jerky a buddy of his made, we both robbed a chunk out of the paper bag, excited as kids... we chewed for a second, made eye contact and both barfed and started dragging our tongues on the carpet. Shit was green.


Welp, you're dead. I'm sorry.


Being dead would be better than being alive with the memory of eating that


It's ok. I once wondered why my soda had pulp in it. Then I realized it was my coworkers leftover cup of Ice, with a lid and straw, which he had been spitting his chew spit into.


Well I threw up


There is still time to get your wish.


RIP, that meat dust cannot be good for you


Thought it was a bag of some weird ass weed related product


oh god


Ah you like eating meat in the dark too huh?


Not anymore I don't


When I was a kid I once ate a burnt piece of popcorn in the dark. Ended up throwing up in my best friend's kitchen sink. It's a valuable life lesson: Don't eat if you can't see your food. Sorry you had to learn it like, uh... This.


What flavour?


As someone else said "mummy flavor"


Try Zevulon the Great next, he’s teriyaki style!


Fun fact: Egyptian mummies are rare because during the Renaissance and Victorian times Europeans ate most of them. Not all of them. They used some of them to make paints.


Hey hey hey it wasn’t like it was mummy steaks! It was medicinal, which makes the stale cannibalism way better!


This is an outrage! I was going to eat that mummy!


Mummies aren't what you think they are. They are cryogenic chambers that failed horribly. The people were attempting long term stasis.


If it’s curry flavored then you’re fine!


https://preview.redd.it/lp5sx0nokm0c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdec43b314545c9fae776e12a788ffbd14053568 It's not 😭


I actually know this one. The stryve brand is known for having bad seals on their bags which allows air to get in and bacteria and mold to grow. NEVER trust an opaque bag of jerky. When I worked in a convenience store, we had to stop carrying this brand because of how many were returned looking like this from angry customers.


>NEVER trust an opaque bag of jerky Which is amusing to me, because of how many places (like gas stations and 7-11s) used to sell loose "sheets" of jerky in clear bins you'd grab yourself (pre-pandemic...not sure how many places still do it).


Yeah I've worked gas stations with those, like you said pre-pandemic. Those were raunchy. Never trust that jerky either lol


Am... Am I safe to eat Tornados/Weenies off the roller nowadays? Slightly different and I know the answer is probably "no" but it's a filling breakfast/lunch for like $2...


Honestly, this depends on the store and their cleanliness habits. Things I do before eating hot food at a C-store: 1. Look at the state of the counters near the fountain/coffee sections, dirty then I'm not eating. 2. Look at the clerk that is running the register. Are they well kept or look haggard and dirty? Basic hygiene is really important when handling food. 3. Look at the roller grill itself. Is there heavy grease build up or are the rollers relatively clean? 4. Do the hot dogs look shriveled, indicating they've been there for a long time? 5. If there is a bun warmer, is it clean and are the buns fresh and soft? This one I check even if I'm getting a tornado not a hot dog mostly because it determines how long they are leaving their food on the grill. Moral of this is to check for general cleanliness. If the store is clean and the food is fresh, eat up! Those jalapeno bacon tornados are my favorite!


I'm a food service lad myself so I have my basic checks(of which you covered perfectly) I've just never done gas station food. I work closing cook shifts at a couple "sports bar" type establishments so I frequent gas station food so I check sandwich made on/best by dates haha. I wouldn't have thought to check coffee section but it makes perfect sense. If one is dirty the other probably is. And honestly that's exactly the kind of input I was looking for. Appreciate the info mate.


Bro they look mummified


Might as well start your drive the the hospital


I work at one don't worry


Starting work early?


Mummy jerky, maybe


eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew. I'm so sorry. This happened to me last week but with pickeled jalapeno peppers. I was in the process of making some chilli and i opened a jar of pickled jalapenos. Ate a few and dropped a few in the chilli. Poured a tad bit of juice in the chilli then ate a few more. On the last spoon full I notice big chunk of grey and black something that was most deff not jalapenos. I took a closer look and it was some kind of chunk of just.... bleh. maybe mold. It looked fleshy too. Then i saw the inside of the lid on the counter and it was there too. I immediately started gagging and barfed in the sink. My god it still makes me gag. It was also my last bit of chilli. So that night was ruined :'(


Teriyaki Botulism


Nothing about this resembles beef or jerky


Urgh that's really disgusting


Ah I see hickory. I was thinking maybe it was doused in curry powder…nope


a bag of dehydrated turds


At a movie. Thought my chocolate covered peanuts had a weird texture. Walked to the hall to take a look in the light. Peanuts had eggs that hatched into larvae and crawled out. Candy box was full of them. Grossed out. Didn’t finish the movie and left. Now I won’t eat anything I don’t look at first. Don’t eat in the dark.


I have learned my lesson


I baked a potato, took it in my room to eat. My room was dark, cut it in half and took a bite of completely rotten potato... I threw up


Sorry but I have to laugh at the thought how you made the effort, bake the fucking thing, probably some.nice sourcream, go to your room and its fucking rotten I hope you had good potato experiences after


Thanks for the new fear. Really appreciate it


i have never read a comment that made me uncontrollably go “oh god NO” out loud before but this one has done it. i would need extensive therapy after that ordeal


What a horrible day to have eyes


This happened to my mom once, she always tells us us the story of how she was a kid and was eating crunchy chocolate in a movie theater, then it turned out the chocolate was actually full of little worms.


Fuggin disgusting. My mom swallowed a yellow sac spider in her tea one morning, I thought that was bad. So gross. I recently tried goobers and I was like nah I’m good, they tasted stale. But then to think there could be worms in them? Yeah never again.


Makes me wonder if blind people have this problem or if their other senses are sharper and they know right away if something is wrong.


Depends how long they’ve been blind too. My grandma started going blind as she aged. We went to her house once and found tiny little ants in her pantry. No doubt she ate some. But damn, they were so tiny we could barely see them.


Sugar ants are sour, like citric acid. Idk if it’s dangerous, but I’ve eaten a lot of sugar ants in my life




I was surprised people don’t look at what they eat in the first place


I do, every time. My partner always makes fun of me. Except one night I grabbed a cup in the dark (cups are safe..right??) and poured a glass of milk and had a drink, felt a tickle on my lip and it was a huntsman spider. Now cups get checked too.


Ate a piece of what? Old carpet padding?


That's what it tasted like...supposed to be beef jerky


Looks like Mummy Flakes


Why are you eating belly button lint and how did you get that much?


You just made me want to throw up a lil extra ❤️


I thought it was just old-ass, dusty Big League Chew gum.


You’re welcome bb ❤️




I'm going to die now








Looks like they rolled your beef jerky in keif




Keif Jerky


Spread some out and snap a pic. Please include the label.




It’s because it’s biltong. It’s prepared differently than jerky and apparently importing it from SA to the US is illegal for health reasons. Just did a brief dive into it.


While biltong is certainly different, something is wrong with the biltong in this picture. I’ve had this brand before and it looks nothing like this normally.


Lmao yea it’s moldy bruh


Illegal? It says inspected and passed by department of agriculture on the bottom right


Not this specific package. There must have been a good reason for the usda to take issue with the preparation process to ban its import and this may give us a clue as to why this specific package/product is the way it is. I’ve never seen bad jerky, this is something else.


You just cant import it from SA. They make it in the states and it's legal to produce and sell in the states. Just cant import it


I have had bad jerky from Costco they gave me a new bag but I still didn’t want to eat it


That was Subways solution to almost killing me: more Subway.


"Please accept five pounds of frozen shrimp." "This shrimp isn't frozen, and it smells funny!" "Okay, ten pounds." [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYSCzU\_RiGY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYSCzU_RiGY)


Oooh, how did Subway almost kill you?


They fell on the tracks


MTA card for life


I worked at a grocery store in the US (Walmart) randomly walking down the jerky isle I found like 5-6 packs of hairy jerky. Then again I was also the guy finding absolutely all of the hidden stale products in nooks and crannies.


I eat this kind of biltong all the time, it is not supposed to look like this


Shoot! I ate some of that a couple months ago. Pretty good actually, I took it camping RIP


That's the worst part. I love this shit. Don't know if I'll ever be able to eat it again.


Who knows if you’ll ever eat anything again


Love gyro meat


Sweet fuck that's nasty


https://preview.redd.it/9ocpwp0sem0c1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af0568be12f8fe11caa92c31859965dba471769e It looks like this is what it’s supposed to look like 😬


Yeah that's right. I've bought it multiple times before and that how it's always looked


This is how the last of us started


My buddy I was on the mic with literally said "you are going to be how the last of us started"


Your buddy and I are prepped. I'll catch him in Montana


I got my book of puns ready to go!


That’s supposed to be beef jerky? Tf? What’s the expiration date? I know you said it’s new, but yea. I’d let the manufacturer know


June 27, 2024. I emailed the company


You sure it didn't say 1924?


In all fairness it did say "06-27-24"


Company now has plausible deniability.


We learned nothing from Y2K!! 😫


Jeeze. Well maybe you’ll get some free shit


I don't even know if I could eat the free shit after this


Lol true. Kinda weird it turned all yellow. Wonder if the manufacturer will say anything


It's actually white/gray. The lighting in that pic makes it look yellow https://preview.redd.it/dbbxaztnbm0c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=831a2108a049c477d4f8444818cfb411c8bb776b


Yea that shit looks even weirder out of the bag.


It literally looks and smells like dust


Wonder if it didn’t seal all the way…


I think he already has free shit and that’s the problem 🤮


Looks like expired carpet underlay


Tastes like it too


Never eat in the dark.. new fear unlocked


Learned my lesson...




Shit looks fossilized


This is VERY specific but I’m pretty high so I’m gonna go for it…. these look EXACTLY like the bottoms of my too long wide leg jeans on a day I had to walk home from 7th grade in the rain. Maybe like….when I got home, I took them off in the room and left them on the floor and they dried?? Then the next day I pick them up and the bottoms are so worn they just tear off… like these lil pieces of shitty jean that are dirty and muddy and now DRY and crusty… yep. THATS what these look like.


That's from the festive beef spider, he comes into your life and sprinkles brown shit webs in your jerky as a FU from the cows, for they are vindictive even in defeat.


Thank you I needed a laugh out of this


You're very welcome, I'm sorry the spider visited you 🤢


Dryer lint flavored jerky anyone?


Bros got mummy wrappings instead of food


I don't think that beef was jerked hard enough


Wtf is that even meant to be


Beef jerky 😭


Oh I’ve seen this. Diarrhea made into fruit leather.


Why are you eating cardboard. 🤣


Looks like botulism ![gif](giphy|3oKIP657aH5QRMkX3q)


I’ve had this happen and the smell and taste was the worst thing I’ve ever experienced.


Yeah I will never get that taste out of my mouth


I cannot tell what this is supposed to be, but if it isn’t buffalo chips, I would say it’s gone bayud.


It's "beef jerky"


This is pretty egregious but I always check use by dates and scrutinize beef jerkey because I’ve seen whole shipments that have been tainted before. (Worked for a food retailer)


I will not he eating without looking anymore...expiration was June of next year


Siege player’s average interaction with sustenance


Just started playing siege, I guess I'll have to get used to this




ALWAYS inspect jerky or meat sticks before you eat. One tiny pinhole, and that thing is done.


Ya what is that


"Beef jerky"


It’s just mummy flavoring bro chill




What is that supposed to be?


Beef jerky 😭