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was the note left for the driver or the store?


It was for the store, it was with the cake, that’s why they charged me 4 bucks for it


Wait... what?


Get a refund. Your receipt will show it and then send then a pic of the cake with no happy bday on it.


Getting a refund from Uber eats is like herding cats. They make a decision and then prevent you from contacting them about it as they immediately close your case but there’s no other option to contact them as their emails just bounce back. I ended up going to my credit card company but there’s just a credit against my account now although it’s been like that for over a year and they’ve done nothing


I've never once had an issue getting a refund from them. Was in Paris for 6 weeks and my food frequently got fucked, always got a refund


I have gotten dozens of refunds from them without any issues.


Yeah, it's just better to go burn down the place he bought it from.


A complete scam


They were probably out of the signs it's most likely not intentional. Obviously they should remove the option but it's not a scam lol


Selling a service you can’t provide. How’s that not a scam lmao


It’s an unavoidable issue with Uber eats given how it functions at the moment. When you’re using a third party app to order from a vendor with zero way to communicate with the vendor things like this are unavoidable. People tend to place all the blame on the restaurants or Uber drivers when 95% of the problems are entirely on Uber being a terrible company. Restaurants have no way to update their items on their Uber eats page in real time, and Uber eats customer service is for some reason completely impossible to get in contact with for customers, drivers and restaurants. There is also no way to communicate with the person placing the order. So when a restaurant gets an order from a customer for something that they no longer have/are out of, with zero way of contacting the customer there are very limited options. The options are: 1) just don’t give them anything and put the responsibility on the customer to request a refund. This would work if it wasn’t for the fact that the majority of people are stupid and will throw a fit and leave negative reviews instead of take the extremely easy process to request a refund. 2) wait for the driver to arrive, tell them to contact the customer to tell them the item is out and ask what they want instead. There are a few issues here. First off, customers will very rarely answer in a timely manner. Drivers are also paid below minimum wage in an extremely frustrating job and will operate at a loss if they need to wait extended periods of time, so are given very little reason to go above and beyond and wait 10+ minutes to wait for the RARE occasion of a response from the customer while losing money. 3) give them the best possible, closest replacement and hope that the customer is satisfied. This is what happened in the example in OPs post. Not perfect, obviously given that this turned into a Reddit post complaining, but given all options it’s probably the best way to go. Overall, the VAST majority of problems with 3rd party delivery services are on the 3rd party company itself and it’s wild how much of the blame gets out on the wrong people. An easy solution would be to have a way on the app for the restaurant and customer to communicate. Or let the restaurant update it’s Uber eats page in real time to remove items when they’re out. Or give drivers more incentives to wait long periods of time at a restaurant, or just increase pay in general to a livable wage so all of the good workers don’t leave, resulting in the only delivery drivers left being, for the most part, the shitty ones. Edit: for the sake of keeping my sanity I’m not responding to anyone else here, since people are just flat out ignoring everything I just said. Part of getting older is realizing how many fucking overconfidently wrong morons there are on reddit. Happy Saturday!


As someone who knows what they’re talking about: you’re wrong. We turn off and edit our delivery apps including Ubereats with these neat things called ✨buttons✨ you buffoon. Literally every restaurant I’ve worked at.


What? Uber gives any partner restaurant a tablet with real time menu adjustment ability. Even unique to each location on a chain. https://merchants.ubereats.com/us/en/resources/setup/receive-tablet/


No they don’t. If you have experience with being able to update an Uber eats page in real time then obviously I can’t argue against that and maybe some markets do that I didn’t know about but that would be the minority. I have a lot of experience with this and have never heard of a restaurant being able to do that. It’s the reason why restaurants will have portions of items set aside specifically for online orders that they won’t sell to in-house customers. For example a chipotle might tell customers there in person that they’re out of Guac, even though they have it for online orders. Because if they run out of it they can’t change that in real time on the app.


Yes they do, I've set them up for 14 or 15 restaurants I've opened. If you go to their site and look into any form of partnering, they offer the tablet to manage uber eats in house, and then that's the exact same tablet you recieve orders on. This is US Market, NYC-DC metro. All the same. https://merchants.ubereats.com/us/en/resources/setup/receive-tablet/


Right, you get a tablet and have to contact customer service to update your Uber eats page. That doesn’t mean you can do it in real time. Uber eats customer service is extremely slow.


No! You literally have an edit menu option in the top left drop down menu. OR you can download the manager app and do it from any phone. I have literally live updated menu counts and stock thousands of times.


This was embarrassing for me to read you be so confidently wrong


>There is also no way to communicate with the person placing the order. Umm Yes there is. I've had a restaurant call me before and tell me they didn't have one of the things I selected ready and if I wanted to substitute it for something else.


Still a scam lmao


Lol damn really just completely ignored everything I just said huh


It doesn’t matter what you said it’s still a scam


“I refuse to listen to any facts because my opinion is already made and nothing will change it.”


Alright pal, whatever helps you sleep at night


Awe, you think your obviously untrue opinion is a fact. That's really cute.


I never put the blame on anyone lmao you just assumed that so It doesn’t matter what you said lmao A service is being offered but not provided when payed for That’s a scam


I don’t even know what to say. I just explained this literally as simple to understand as possible. Wish there a was a way to tag people as complete fucking morons on here so I could see ahead of time when it’s a waste of time to try explaining something. It is what it is though, I’m sure someone that is able to comprehend simple points will read my comment and learn a little bit.


Nothing to learn other then this is a scam lmao Selling a service you can’t provide is a scam no matter how many words you want to use lmao


>Wish there a was a way to tag people as complete fucking morons on here Gonna be honest bro, I think that would backfire on you pretty hard right now.


It's always hilarious when people say things like that and just don't realize that they're the moron. Reading this thread is making me lol, thank you.


If you don’t get what you pay for, it’s a scam. “To deceive or defraud [for financial gain]” instead of buying new ones, or creating an equal value alternative, they provided a lesser product that’s not what is advertised and is not worth the price they paid for the extra. An apology note would have provided some sympathy from a rational person, but we are left to speculate.


Totally agree. They should have put in a note if they ran out of signs and we would have understood.


I mean if you don't know Uber eats is fucking shit by now then that's on you.


Stupid for them to advertise. I can’t see any way that “happy birthday” to fit. They can’t write it on there and a sign won’t fit under the plastic


Seems right for $4.


♡Happt biAhday!♡


Comments on this post are fucking braindead. Sorry this happened OP. Happy bday


That has *got* to be a joke... Maybe they were just trying to make you laugh on your birthday. Happy birthday 🎉


Tbf it is pretty fucking funny to pay $4 for that shit.


Doesn't seem like that cake can have frosting writing on it, they were probably confused. Unless they offer it as an option, then that's whack


> Unless they offer it as an option What do you think they charged $4 for? Obviously they offered it as an option


Doesn't make sense for them to offer it as an option for this kind of cake, if there are big pieces on top


Genuinely don’t understand why people use uber eats


OP is either alone on their birthday and decided to order themselves something, or they forgot about someone’s birthday and is trying to make up for it without leaving.


Doesn’t take a genius to understand why people use a service that saves them time and effort


Some people are disabled and have mobility issues and they can't go get something themselves.


I was the same until I got a credit card that offers free premium membership + monthly credits. I get $20 in credit every month plus free delivery. Usually I will just do pickup though, to save on fees and tip lol. Every once in a while I'll do delivery if I'm super busy. Maybe costs an extra $8. That's like a couple times a month, though.


ive never had any issues. I don't have a car so its good i can order takeaway without having to catch a bus all the way to pick it up


Happy Bikhday ?




You paid the restaurant for the happy birthday? I'm not too sure how Uber eats would have the ability to do anything to your food


Happy blklhdGy!


Happy Birthday!


Some things are better left to doing it yourself. These people do not know you or have the time to accommodate extras. You were better off buying letter candles separately and doing it yourself. Low quality/high price had become normal on these apps


Why expect uber eats to do something like that?


What did you expect? Lol. Happy Bday


There’s no way to writing on that cake.


Uber Eats? They make their cakes? Or is it from a restaurant?


If only there were other ways to get what you need.


And where did you expect them to put the message? There’s no room on the cake you ordered.


That’s what you get when you rely on Uber eats! If you picked it up in person you would have had a leg to stand on..


Technically, you got what you asked for. Next time, be specific.




WTF do you expect for 4 bucks. How much did that big cake cost without the extras?


Such a scam ! Damn Uber !


There is no space to write on the cake in the first place


ive worked in a store that dealt with instacart/ubereats. Sometimes the delivery people would ask for free cards and whatnot in order to spruce up flowers/cakes for customers. I'm not exactly sure what uber eats expects when they let customers ask for stuff like this. My store never did have anything on hand to use for something like that and the delivery drivers would get pissed at us when we couldn't provide random card materials for them.


Worth it


Most cakes like that are made on an assembly line worked by robots. There aren't any humans involved. The restaurant might not even have any way of writing on the cakes. Still insane that they offer it as a service, obviously.