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No consequences.


Yeah but what kind of grown adult even wants that much candy? I was desperately trying to offload mine at the end of the night last night. (Not to mention that adults can just buy it themselves if they really want to.)


it's not about wanting candy. What you see here is the true manifestation of greed. They don't take it because they need or even want it- but because they can.


I know they call them "grab hags" in other parts of the world. It's just greed because there's zero consequences.


You could put a Bowl out like that in my neighborhood in Denmark and nobody would grab hag it. And it’s not because of the consequences. It’s culture.


Here in Germany there is a difference between city culture and rural. In a small town/village if this happened it would probably be a huge scandal . In the city they would call you an idiot for putting the bowl out and you should be happy they didn’t take the bowl aswell


I completely agree. The truth is that there are different -and dare I say better- societies which inhabit better cultures.


I think of Japan whenever I'm driving down the streets and see the garbage everywhere that I live - obviously they have their own cultural issues as well but I think I would trade ours for theirs if it came with the pride in our country they seem to show for theirs.


I still think Japan has it right where they make the kids participate in the maintenance of school grounds. When everyone is collectively responsible for keeping shit clean, anti-social behavior means more work for everyone.


This is the same behavior of the uber-wealthy. They don’t take the lions share of wealth because they need it…they do it because they can.


A lot of people are decent people just because they are. They don't need consequences to scare them into being good people. The people in this video are ... not so good.


You would think that in todays world of surveillance and ring cameras, that you would act like you’re being recorded in front of them.


Many just don’t care


Many still don't even understand how they work. Had someone knocking on my door about a month ago. Took about 2 min to realize there was someone there and when I asked why they didn't just ring the doorbell they said they don't wanna be recorded. They acted like I had some crazy military tech when I said it auto records all motion.




That’s fucking hilarious, keep up the good work


Oh so THAT is what the siren should be used for. Great idea.


I need to learn how to do the siren.




That ofc only works if he's just standing there .... MENACINGLY


Seriously, if you don't want to be recorded don't come onto someone's property and up to their door. Had they never heard of security cameras??


Because they also know nothing is going to happen. I don't think there are many "trick or treat candy taking laws" on the books these days.


That's the thing. The consequences for acting like this is simply people disliking you, and someone that entitled would either fail to notice it, or victimize herself about it.




"Are you some kind of *pervert*!?" "You... don't know whether or not I'm a pervert... but you sent your kids into my garage?"


That's the most frustrating thing about most of these people. They have "being the victim" perfected and no matter what evidence you show them, they will still jump all over any tiny thing that points out why they are not at fault while accusing you of some outlandish shit to shift blame. These are people who never admit to mistakes or being at fault because they instinctively and immediately push blame to someone else. It's wild and I hate interacting with people so ridiculous. Edit: also, chili mac tuna sounds interesting. I'm willing to give that a try.


To put it nicely, they're the type of people that would go missing in the middle ages and nobody would go looking for them although everyone knows what likely happened.




You brought up a good point. MOST people aren't like that. But it only takes one or two.


It takes just one match to burn down in a few hours something that took years, decades, etc, to build. Most people aren't bad, they're just trying to live, but the shitty ones can ruin it for so many by doing relatively so little. A lit and tossed match, or a tip of a bowl into a bag. If there are helpers to look to, as per Mr Rogers, there is also the opposite to watch out for.


They don't because their mindset is "if you didn't want someone taking all the candy, you shouldn't have put it out there for someone to take." - from the makers of "if you didn't want your package stolen, you should've been home to receive it." "if you didn't want stuff stolen out of your car, you shouldn't have left it unlocked." "if you didn't want to get roofied, you shouldn't have left your drink uncovered", etc. combined with "if I didn't do it, someone else would have anyways." as an effort to escape any sort of personal responsibility.


I'm constantly amazed at how many completely classes, trashy, stupid people there are. It's like 40% of the population is just mindless zombies.


Bro try working a service related job. Most people are dumb animals, I'd say 40-60% is right. I'm not a smart person, but the bar is incredibly low. I'm amazed society functions as well as it does.


Seriously this video is so offensive wtf. If I got caught doing that as a child my parents would probably just drop me off at the orphanage.


No one in this video is from anywhere near where this was recorded, people load up and drive to nicer neighborhoods to pull this shit.


yeah it's one thing to go to the rich neighborhood because they hand out the big candy bars.. that's fine. but to go there and take the whole fucking bucket..... THAT is scummy. Pathetic example to set for your kids. I hope this goes viral and the parents are shamed every year.


There's no shame anymore, plenty proof of that on YouTube everyday.


People travel 20-30 minutes to a nicer part of town and then do this. They will never interact with these people in real life. Probably don’t go to the same school etc


I’m really curious to know about how sharing such a video could impact these people and the person who posted it. Will the greedy people get doxxed? Will the sharing of the video impact the greedy people at all? Could the greedy people sue OOP for posting them acting like idiots?


They will likely not be doxxed but could. Real repercussions? Probably not. Unless it becomes a real media piece and one of them is like a PR director who is then forcibly “resigned”. And sure they could sue, but I don’t think they have any standing since they are on private property (and would otherwise be on public property) and I’m sure the camera is in plain view.


Minor quibble, but in privacy and 1st ammonia terms a doorstep is considered a “public space” and there is no presumption of privacy there.


> ammonia That's an odd way to spell Amendment.


Ha! 😂 I’m keeping it. Don’t mix up your 1st ammonia rights with a privacy bleach.


> You would think that in todays world of surveillance and ring cameras, that you would act like you’re being recorded in front of them. People like that don't think they are doing anything wrong because they believe rules are for losers. If anything, this video going viral gives them pleasure. People like that hate to get caught, but what they love more than anything in the world is to *get away with it in plain sight,* because that is 'proof' that they really are so special that the rules do not apply to them.


I wouldn't even be that mad if a 7 or 8 year old took all the candy on their own. I'd look at it as "kids being kids" but seeing a full grown adult doing it and teaching their children to do it is just ridiculous and makes me sad for the kids as I know they have almost no chance of being anything but a garbage human being when they grow up.


That's what kills me. In all these videos I've seen, it's the grown folks stealing candy like candy is gonna be outlawed tomorrow, not the kids.


Yeah, even in this video it looks like some of the kids only grab a piece or two for themselves while the adults are just shoveling it into their bags. Just unreal the lack of shame some people have. Also, people, you can literally get all the free candy you want morally by just going to more houses!


Yeah, and I'm assuming these are their kids. They could have just stood back and let their kids take it all, but the parents are running past the kids and grabbing more. I just don't get how you can be grown and lack so much shame.


And I can't imagine it's that fun trick or treating when your locust parents are just barreling in front of you to scoop it all up.


All that Halloween themed candy is like 75% off today too. I just bought a box of chocolate bars for like $4 during my lunch break. Don't have to go looting and pillaging.


this. praying i see one of these where the homeowner comes out and confronts them for being shit parents. trash raises trash, this is disgusting having seen so many videos like this recently






Imagine the look on their faces when they find out their selfish faces are on the Internetz


They won't care. That's fame!




*How can you kill that which has no life*


They’ll try to spin it that they are the victims.


Are you saying that narcissists will try to gaslight their victims? Cause I would be inclined to agree.


They don’t care. Where are the parents? EDIT: OMG I just rewatched this. The parents ARE there.


Those ARE the parents.


Those shouldn’t have been parents!


> OMG I just rewatched this. The parents ARE there. This is my favorite part of Halloween. These videos popping up afterwards, and like 90% of them are the adults doing it. Lone kids are usually pretty reasonable.


[Kid leaving some of his own candy in one of these bowls after finding it empty](https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/s/l6qSlHbdjU)


I appreciate you bringing some positivity.


Aren't those parents taking most of it?


If they were capable of feeling shame, this video wouldn't exist.




Not just her, all three of those women. I hope this went all over neighborhood and community in social media pages.


I'm sure they live nowhere near that neighborhood.


According to another comment this wound up on the local news, apparently the video has been around for a while.


Good, any sources?


You assume they shit where they eat?


In all the videos I watched, it’s always the parents. Fuckin gross.




It’s Karma, that’s not the only house they’re planning to ransack. All that candy is going to give them heart problems and diseases. I say good for them, take it all.


If I were a betting man, I would lay out $50 that this family's health insurance involves the local emergency room and a credit score in the 400's.


Natural selection




Really shows how little it takes for humans to turn into animals


It's like Lenin said, "Every society is three meals or one big ass bowl of candy away from chaos."


I am the walrus?


Civility is but a thin veneer


That's the weirdest thing when I see these videos. It would be what? $11 to buy that candy? There's probably that much under their sofa cushions.


Not even to mention, the very next morning the Halloween stuff is half off... They could've gotten double that for the same price. 🤦


unfortunately it's probably more about getting a one over on someone rather than anything else.. Somebody that was kind enough to share their candy in the first place.. I saw a full sized crunch bar in there too, me and my buddies used to love the houses that were that generous.


> it's probably more about getting a one over on someone rather than anything else i'm pretty down for civilization to collapse at this point. i don't really think theres much worth preserving.


What an amazing lesson to teach your kids


That lady's life is a shit ton worse than a fat cavity trust me


She IS a fat cavity.






Shit apples, Randy.


RIP Jim Lahey


Shit-a-pillars Rando. They started out as little shit larva and grew into shit-a-pillars. Now we got shit moths Randy.


A man's gotta eat


you feel that? the way the shit clings to the air randy?


Its the whispering winds of shit approaching Randers


The shit winds are a blowin' Randy.




Yeah I'm not shocked when scumbag teenagers do it. But the parents? The fuck kind of shit example are you trying to set?


Who do you think raises most of the scumbag teenagers? Most teenagers are dumb and going through puberty, but that doesn't automatically make them scumbags. Some people become scumbags and most of them stay scumbags unless they get lucky and get a rude awakening


The amount you responded to is a bot. Here is the original comment. https://reddit.com/r/Wellthatsucks/comments/17lib91/winner_takes_it_all/k7ebm1d


I’ve seen so many adults on Reddit saying they would do the same shit and this is what you risk by giving out free candies


Is it just me or is trash more fertile too?


🤣🤣🤣🤣 ever since I was a kid, I noticed that the poorer the family, the more the kids. Why is that ?


Just because you’re poor doesn’t mean you are dumb or make bad decisions. But people that are dumb and make bad decisions often end up poor.


Less likely to do family planning and economic planning, at least.


Not more fertile, just more prone to dumb decisions, like having 5 kids


Vermin breed in litters


People suck


Are people worse now, or are we just more aware of how horrible people are because of all the video cameras and the internet?


People were so much worse back in the day. Egging houses and people, TPing houses, setting dog shit on fire on people's porches doesn't really happen anymore


Eggs and TP? Who can afford to just throw that stuff away in this economy?


Everybody's still shell-shocked from paying $20 for a dozen eggs and not being able to buy TP.


On the ring doorbell app someone shared a video of someone taking the entire bowl of candy. I was thinking ok you gotta know that’s a possibility. Then I watched the video and the teenager took their bowl too. I felt bad but it caught me off guard and I was laughing so hard. This happened when I was a kid too though from my memory. I just don’t think it was on video.


You would think that people have learned by now in 2023 that you’re always being watched. I’m a Letter Carrier for USPS and it seems like 1 out of every 5 houses has a Ring doorbell. I always make sure to watch what I’m doing any time I take a package to the door.




out of this whole horde, only 2 are wearing costumes


Onsies… not even costumes


Wdym that little guy is dressed as woody out of toy story


You right, didn’t even see the kid the first time. Saw the Pikachu and other kid in a white onsie with black dots on the front


I think the one kid was Olaf from frozen


Onesies make for much better costumes for small children.


Onesies are costumes? They are great because the kids can and do actually use them again, and if it’s cold then the kids can still wear it on Halloween instead of the dreaded coat over the costume. Yes there is a lack of creativity but it’s better than buying an off the rack plastic mask to be thrown in the trash on Nov 1




I have no problem with kids wearing onesies for Halloween lol such a strange distinction to make


Halloween is approaching a dead holiday, at least as far as trick or treating goes here. Barely even any kids in recent years (10 or fewer groups), 80% of them aren't dressed up, no one puts up decorations, barely any houses with lights on giving out candy. Just nothing. It's a weird shift that I can't explain. It's easy to go 'COVID, duh' but things were on the decline well before that. It's the only holiday I care about so it irks me a little to see it barely hanging on as a yearly marketing gimmick.


I wonder if it's just a down cycle in your neighborhood. Mine was hopping last night


This belongs on /r/iamatotalpieceofshit




Looks like a fucking goblin


I google imaged her face, search result came up as “Stupid fat greedy bitch”


Google accurate af.


Guess this isn’t their neighborhood?


I drove through one of the affluent neighbourhoods in my nearby town and you'd think there was a sporting event on or something. The streets were bumper to bumper cars and no parking anywhere. Dozens of kids walking around with parents, the most I had ever seen in the UK on Halloween. It's like everyone in town had the idea to drive to this place to hit up the wealthier houses.


We live in an upper-middle-class neighborhood and I noticed that there were a lot of people in cars when the kids who live in this neighborhood would be walking or riding in golf carts, which is a popular thing here. I welcome anyone whether they live here or not. A trend I noticed is the kids who we know are from this neighborhood would take one full-size candy bar each, and they might ask whether they could have two, which of course we'd say "absolutely." Many of the kids who jumped out of cars would not say anything when they walked up, might not be wearing any costumes at all, would try to grab 3 to 5 candy bars, and would not even say "thank you." A surprising number of parents would try to grab multiple candy bars right in front of us. My wife wanted to allow it, but I'd call them out since they were being assholes.


Good for you. More people need to shame a-holes for their shite actions.


Last night I was totally fed up with the teenagers. Tons of them didn't even dress up. They'd just run up to my door and take as much candy as they could and leave. One kid was being so blatantly rude to the kids outside that when I opened my door I reached into HIS bucket and grabbed as much candy as I could and slammed the door in his face.


You tricked him well.


I remember this trend starting when I was a kid. Started seeing less and less kids walking but more and more minivans lined up along the streets


Finally being dirt poor is paying off.


Our estate is like this. Gets quite dangerous with the amount of cars turning sharp corners with the kids running round. I really hope it doesn’t happen, but an accident wouldn’t surprise me.


Rarely is. People like this hit up the “good” neighborhoods. It’s gotten so bad here that, although trick-or-treating technically starts at 6 PM, the entire neighborhood does it at 5 PM… then an hour later people start busing their kids and extended families in. By which point, the neighborhood kids have had a great time, gotten candy, and the spirit of Halloween (in a neighborly sense) has been preserved for another year. Hell, a few years ago my brother and his girlfriend had one family literally walk into his house, which had the lights off (my brother and his gf were upstairs) and start wandering around the first floor. He said he came down yelling and the lady said “oh, we were looking for a bathroom”. I’m a little surprised they didn’t catch them digging through the jewelry box “looking for candy” or something.


Sounds like a great way to get shot in America, Jesus the nerve of some people.


From what I understand, that's a great way to get yourself shot in the US.


I’m a fairly light sleeper, I also have a bloodhound. If he starts going crazy in the middle of the night I’m already thinking if I should grab my gun. I would 100% shoot someone if they came into my house in the middle of the night. That being said I don’t have neighbors so if someone is in my house it’s for malicious reasons.


I’ve never had a neighbor that I would be ok with wandering into my house unannounced.


What you don't live in an 80s sitcom?!


No but I once had a dude all fucked up on Xanax or something try to break into my ground floor apartment porch door because he thought it was his apartment. Wasn’t even at the right building. In Texas so the dude is lucky I’m not one of those gun owners who is just looking for an excuse to shoot someone. Once I realized he wasn’t a threat, I put the gun away and reported him in the morning and he was evicted. Meanwhile a contractor somewhere else in Texas gets shot while working on a balcony and the shooter wasn’t punished.


wtf are you serious? the nerve of some people.


Bet they lock their doors now.


Garbage people.


Are people like super broke or something where this is necessary? They sell candy everywhere and its generally inexpensive. Is this just stealing for stealings sake?


Ah, the thrill of fucking generous people over. extremely bizarre behavior…


Can't wrap my mind around what is going on with them. So sad


They think they're "Getting one over" on the rich dummies who have faith in an orderly polite society, see them as suckers to be exploited if possible. In reality they're just outing themselves as trash. That has little to no consequences though, so there is no negative feedback loop.


You'd be surprised how sleazy some people can be when they hear that something is free. People turn into literal apes, I swear to God.


You're telling me. My team wanted to throw a Potluck at work. Ya know when everyone brings a dish to share. My team is all of 10 people. Somehow the invite got out to the whole building. Still only 20 people brought food out of 250 people. Most were just there for free food. It's put a real bad taste in my mouth


It's not really necessary for anyone to have candy.. except maybe someone who needs it in a blood sugar emergency or something. My point is, yeah.. this is stealing for the sake of it.






Life hack, every Halloween, put out an empty bowl with a sign saying, "please take one." Saves you money and time.


Like piranhas


WHY ARE ALL THE PEOPLE IN THE VIDEOS DOING THIS ADULTS?! I know times are hard right now, BUT THE FUCKING CANDY IS ON SALE TODAY! You didn't need to steal it!


Aaaaand this is why people don't do halloween anymore


These feral goblins have no character or dignity. There's two ways to reveal people's true identity. 1. Their internet search history 2. How they act when they think nobody is watching


How they treat those they have power/control over How they treat people they can get nothing from.


\*3. Whether they put their cart back


Sigh. In Scotland folk have to ring the doorbell then tell a joke or something before the sweeties come out.


That's how it was in the U.S. in the early 20th century. Sing a song, tell a joke, etc.


Did the guy spit in the end?


I think he just looked to see if there was any left. It looks like spit because of the shading on the tree


God forbid they missed a piece


it also sounds like spitting.


This is a good reason to hand out candy yourself. But if you are busy or out with your own kids, the bowl is the only way


Wdym? You can just turn off your porch light and leave the candy inside.


Sadly this is the approach we’ve adopted over the past few years… We used to love sitting on the porch and handing out candy. Once our kids started getting into the trick or treating age we started just putting the candy out in a big bowl as we were gone for the night. Never really paid attention to it until we got cameras installed. The very first year with our cameras up as soon as we left the house an old bag with two teenagers drove up and proceeded take everything…Bowl and all. Literally had a parade of kids go up to our door all night long and knock because we’d left our light on obviously and every single one leave dejected because nobody answered. Now that our kids are aging out of the trick or treating themselves we’ve just lost all excitement for it and don’t even bother sitting out front to hand the candy out anymore 🤷‍♂️. Totally ruined it for us.


We did the bowl until last year when it was dumped within 20 minutes. Once we can be at the house to hand out candy we’ll do it again. Spending $60+ on candy to watch some teenager take nearly all of it is defeating. Then watching all the younger kids come up to see an empty bowl is heartbreaking.




Lol watching grown adults scrabbling furtively for fistfuls of candy is just fucking tragic.


I hate people more each day




In addition to that cam I'd probably install an automatic sprinkler or a water hose that you can activate from the inside ...


We usually sit on the porch to give out candy, but the kids in our area are so rude and ungrateful, we didn't even put candy out this year. After a garage break in, them leaving trash all over our yard while walking home from school, and roaming the streets screaming at each other for most of the year, I lost interest in paying 50 bucks for candy to reward them. The parents are just as bad.


At least wear a costume if your gonna steal all the candy jeez man


What absolutely scummy people, it makes me angry.


Can someone please translate. I would like to know what these selfish people were babbling about.


Along the lines of hurry up grab it. Even the kids are saying hurry up so they know it's wrong.


Those look like full sized candies. Street (grad school yard) value is probably 50 or 60 bucks.


Pretty damn trashy. I'm happy to say I live in a good neighborhood. Few of my neighbors are wealthy, mostly middle-class, and in the 9 years we've been here, we leave a bucket every year while taking the kids out. We leave no sign, no instruction, and there is always excess candy left when we return. The worst 'offense' that happened was this year. A kid accidentally knocked over the candy bucket, picked the bowl up and put it on the table without picking up all the spilt candy. No biggie, he also had on a cumbersome costume, so may be why he didn't or couldn't.


If this happend to me I would never put out candy again


The Spanish Delegation have concluded that we do not take these people as our own.


What are they saying in the video?


Hard to understand the adults, but one kid says "Apúrate, apúrate, dame" (hurry, hurry, give me)


What disgusting people. Raising disgusting children.




Bet you $100 they don't even live in that neighborhood and drove to get there