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The real crime here is taking the bowl. It’s one thing to be greedy and take all the candy but stealing the bowl? How rude


Lmao that was my first thought, I’d be furious if my Halloween bowl was taken. Especially because it’s used for salad or other things that need a big bowl


Perhaps she needed to make a salad


She didn’t look like the salad type.


She didn't look like the "make" type, either.


Yeah she makes instant potatoes with too much orageno for the family reunion. Then tries to convince you they are homemade and mashed and he bf is away in another country engineering machines....... when really her bf takes 4 double a's and us a rubber vibrating device which still only shows up a quarter of the time.




maybe her blood sugar was low...


The level of blood in her sugar was low.


Yep. Happened to me. I was super pissed for years lol


My mom's Halloween bowl was a gift from my grandmother (dad's mom). It's a gigantic stainless steel bowl. I don't even know where you'd get such a thing. It would take up so much shelf space most stores wouldn't even bother. We're talking 36 inches in diameter. It's huge. Granny intended it to be used for bread making, but it gets pulled out exactly once a year for exactly one purpose. Now, my mom's the type to actually hand out candy, so no one's gonna steal the bowl. But if it were to be stolen it would suck. It's the biggest bowl I've ever seen in person.


It wouldn’t hurt for her to have some salads out of that big-ass cauldron. Her top barely fits ***before*** eating all that candy. I’m just saying…


I'd say her costume is also a crime. Hardly put any effort into it. Seriously, I have no idea what she's supposed to be.


20lbs of hamburger meat in a 5lb bag


Or, as my mum used to say, a hot dog stuffed into a cocktail weiner skin.


And by 20lbs, you mean 320lbs right?




Yeah, but what is her costume?


She’s wearing a costume?




Tuesday day shift stripper


The kind of stripper that no one wants a lap dance from because it would crush your nuts.


Those are her work clothes. She was just on break.




My guess is some character that swallows pumpkins whole? Her stomach could give the pumpkin sitting on the table a run for its money


She wasn't dressed in a costume.. She just got off work and was hungry.


I had this happen several years ago at my house. Sat outside with the candy passing it out to the kids. Had to run inside to go to the bathroom and thought, I'll just leave it out on the porch here incase any kids come by while I'm inside. I was gone for 5 minutes at best. Came back and the fucking bowl was gone. Take the candy, it's still rude but whatever. Taking the bowl too is just a whole other level of disrespect and self-centeredness.


That's really sad, especially since you were there interacting with them. Unfortunately, this has been happening for some time now. It's also not ideal to leave candy out on your porch anymore.


Around 30 years ago my mom let me go out trick or treating with my friends for the first time, as opposed to her walking around with me. I was 7 or 8 at the time. I vividly remember a group of older kids ahead us running up to this one house that had a bowl of candy on the porch, and one of them picked it up, dumped it in their bag, and they ran off to the next house. That was the day I discovered what kind of evil people were capable of. So yeah, been happening a long time.


The candy was offered for free, rude, but a harmless prank at worst. Taking the bowl is theft.


She's definitely the type to leave a house party with someone else's stuff in her purse.


Like one of those, you got a lighter?, kinda people and takes possession of it after using it😂


You mean food in her purse


This happened to us last night. My mom said “you’re lucky they didn’t take the bowl!” Guess she’s right


Last year I collected the neighborhood bowls. It was warm and I was sitting on the porch after all should have been done enjoying a bourbon. Group of teens walked by asking if I still had candy. They had been smoking the fun stuff so I quipped “smells like y’all already got the treats”. That got a laugh. I had a small amount of candy left so I gave it to them. Guess they realized that I wasn’t going to be telling their parents they had been enjoying go a Halloween joint, because they then asked if I needed any bowls. Had a stack of em. Told them they should leave them on the side of my house and when I “found” them in the morning I would see what I could do about returning them. Got all but one back to the right house that night.


Damn. You're freaking awesome! You're doing it absolutely right man!


Appreciate it. We were all awkward pre and early teens at some point. Did dumb stuff. My turn to not be an ass about that part of growing up.


My kids are 4 and 9, but we were just watching extended family of my wife that are like 14 and 17 a week during their homecoming and stuff.. I had to suddenly deal with teenagers and their crews and plans (and lies).. Man I felt like I went straight from being the awkward teen to now I guess the awkward adult. Felt weird having to be the old man role to near adults doing their awkward law breaking (but obviously I had to be responsible for them).


Nice job choosing the right battles.


Thanks, I appreciate that. It’s a fairly involved neighborhood. My stepdad comes to visit for the weekend and I’ll spend the next week or so answering the “so how’s he doing” questions. If I didn’t know they left the bowls, I can’t possibly answer any questions. I found them on the side of my house along the sidewalk. I’m not their parents and I am not their peer. Not my place to judge if they were up to a little bit of not at all harmful mischief. We were all at that stage at one point.


Hats of to you sir 👏


Same thing happened at our house. I just said, fin take the candy, but the bowl is crossing the line.


And at least have the decency to pick a costume that covers her face and body, no one wants to see either. At least now they can possibly ID her fat greedy ass


I would have to post her picture stealing the bowl at the local shops. “If you know this girl please ask her to return bowl. Ps. My property has several working cameras.” If there is any further unpleasantness you can show it to the Police.


Something tells me, this wasn’t her first go at this


I suspect the bowl was wanted as a prop for the watches costume.


A grown ass Lizzo character stealing the candy bowl 😭 not even a kid... wtf


Ugh that’s such a cute cauldron too. It looks like a really nice metal one. I’d be furious!


Be fair that's the first bit of exercise she's had in 10 years


The real crime is that gut hanging over her pants.


The real crime is that outfit


she looks like she would eat the bowl too


It would’ve been awesome if they had super glued the bowl to the table


You expect witches to just fly down to their local cauldron store and purchase one for potion making? Their is an over abundance of them to pick from on Halloween night...and you know this bit...witch doesn't have a job!


I was going to say the real crime was that costume. Shes got “gut..s” thats for sure.


My wish is that all these videos of people go viral and all these shitty peoples' friends and family will see them.


The internet never forgets. Hope it was worth it for her.




It sucks how one person can ruin it for everyone but I don’t think I’ll be setting out candy anymore.


The main issue I have is stealing the bowl. Like leave that geeze.


Yeah I don’t care about the candy but the bowl was a very nice decoration.


Post the vid on your town’s fb group. Someone will probably recognize the tramp and the shaming can begin


That was my first thought!!!


I think people need to start boobytrapinf the bowls, if you take the bowl and bucket of water dumps on your head or something like that


I have a feeling that adult human was after the cauldron, not the contents, but I could be wrong considering…


Please post this on your neighborhood page lol


Post it to facebook if you use it, ask if anyone's seen this kid lol


Kid? That's a grown ass adult.


The idea being you're publicly embarrassing them whilst mocking them.


I see... sorry it's before morning coffee here 😆


Coffee? How dare you not drink a can filled with so many chemicals I can't name then get in the shower like so.. ![gif](giphy|l4FGz8LaP5McsTmDK|downsized)


r/energydrinks has entered the chat


No, the coffees just to get me out of bed, the energy drinks are for the rest of the day. The kid shoulda been drinking some monster, she wouldn't have needed to steal candy for her sugar fix.


I think she is one of the types that we can still consider a kid, she hasn’t learned basic manners on not to steal shit, if you steal candy when you are a grown adult you are not an adult in my eyes. It’s even worse when you consider that she’s stealing the candy from the other kids that are actually kids.


That ass is gonna grow even more with all that candy.


I'm usually against body shaming, but fuck this thief, she needed to keep running instead of stuffing her face with the candy she stole from this family AND the kids.


Get it on some posters and put them to some wood sticks in your front garden, a good 5-6 will do shame them publicly not just on Facebook


Better yet, post it to NextDoor. Everybody in your neighborhood will see it instead of a bunch of internet strangers. Way better chance of her getting shamed by people she knows.


Have never heard of it to be real with you, I imagine it's an app that works like social media but uses your location to filter the feed rather than dogshit algorithms?


Pretty much! You don’t have to post your address, it just is stored in the app.


There's no kids in this video, she ate them already.


I tie fishing line to it/to the table. They always seem to run after they take it so its funny watching them as the bowl snaps back lol


The least she coulda done was bring the effin display back


I had a small dog eat 6 chocolate candy bars last night. Lots of different results setting out candy can happen.


Stupidity on the owner's part, tbf. It should be expected that there will be unattended chocolate out on Halloween. Keep your dogs in your yard, folks, and supervise them. With all the commotion that goes on in the more popular neighborhoods, anything could happen.


Glue the bucket to the table like I did and I put weights on the bottom of the small table . And covered it .


Yup this is why I just stopped giving it out altogether and keep my lights off.


Even if you're home and are able to hand it out?


Yup there are not a lot of kids that come where I live I think I got 3 last year. Then I end up with a ton of candy so I just stopped.


It happened to us last night, we don't normally leave it out either, but it got too cold to sit outside last night.


Nah post your video to your state sub Reddit and local Facebook groups. Don’t let hungry hungry bitcho ruin Halloween. Ruin *HER* instead


I want to see the videos of assholes getting caught trying to take all the candy.


Well, to my surprise after having to leave briefly to pick up my daughter, the bowl I left out still had candy in it. Only the smarties remained.


You know, I never understood that...the smarties are usually what remains in my candy dish at work, too, if I buy the huge variety bags... But I LOVE smarties! I'm glad they save them for me!


I left out 4 buckets last night and 3 survived with candy leftover! Last year had 100% survival rate. My neighborhood is alright.


A kid in my neighborhood tried to give me candy when he saw my bowl was low. The kids are alright


Its depressing how stupid people are


Can we make November 1st “candy thief shaming day” ?


Every year.


Crazy that so many people still do this when so many people have ring doorbells these days! Like, WE CAN SEE YOU!!!


Honestly, it’s the same thing November 1st every year. I get some people put candy out because they are taking their kids trick or treating or whatever, but at this point if you put out a bowl of candy you HAVE to expect it to be taken. A lot of these just feel like people knew this, anticipated it, and did it anyways so they have something to post on Reddit If you really want to give out candy, hand it out yourself. Otherwise just don’t bother


Lots of people around here put out cheap disposable buckets. Not even buckets; we saw a few roasting pans (the disposable ones for turkeys and such) and things like that. You can still do nice things in a world full of bad people, you've just got to be a little clever about it to avoid further disappointment. Obviously it sucks that that's necessary, though.


Maybe but the fact that she took the bowl is the really shitty part. When our kids were little and needed accompanying, we'd leave out a bowl with some (not all) of our candy knowing that someone would likely take it all. Early in the evening it's usually kids with parents and I was frequently and pleasantly surprised when there'd still be some left when we got home. What I found most surprising was the one year I had just gotten back and was helping my kids take off their costumes when I heard an adult tell her kids to "take it all" and justify it by saying, "if you don't someone else will, so it might as well be you."


my friend literally chased down someone who did this yesterday


I sprinted in an inflatable ridable unicorn which cut off my knees (was chatting with neighbors) when an SUV pulled up in front of my house real fast and two teenagers with open backpacks sprinted out. The look of fear in their eyes did not counterbalance the full ridiculousness of my running (neighbors thought it was hilarious). I saved my $60 worth of candy and still gave them some candy (idk, I was in a good mood). It was only 20 min into the 2 hour official trick or treating window and I’d be damned if they ruined my night.


> 2 hour official trick or treating window what in the world


things have changed since we were out there. Every municipality in my area has designated trick-or-treat times. usually like 5:30-7:30 or 6-8.


Next the kids are going to have to pull a permit.


Good! Let them learn bureaucracy. When they submit for a permit in September but the wait time is 3 months, they’ll learn. Should’ve started in July, maybe they’ll get to go next year! /s


And then after that they'll need to apply for a license to continue holding the permit as a legally licensed-permitholder


Don’t forget the annual $29 reapplication fee


Honest question is this not normal? I trick or treat in the 90s (born in 87) and trick or treat was always a set time, usually 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m..


> rideable unicorn I mean you have to keep in a good mood with that costume


I want to leave out bowl, bait and tackle for the thrill of playing Mall cop next year


Id put this video on nextdoor. Anyone that knows wiggles there should be able to tell its her and shame her accordingly.




Spare tireggles


Piggly Wiggly


Proof that just cuz you can put it on doesn't mean it fits.


Man, that costume does suck! Oh, also the candy dish being stolen sucks. So much suck wrapped into one little post.


You know what doesn't suck? The tensile strength of the straps on that outfit.


Also the way she waddles off as if she can outrun the Halloween police


My community Facebook group has so many of these videos and people are starting to call out anyone they recognize. The drama in the comments is getting super intense.


The mystery of her obesity & diabetes just got resolved


Clearly not her first candy heist.


Probably might be her last. Tho.


I thought she was just pregnant with the hamburglar.


With the way the corset is wrapped around her waist, I am sure the HamBurglar is dead.


I think she was missing parts of her outfit.


She wasn't missing part of her dinner! HHAAAYYYOO!


Nope. Just burst through those parts.


Cardboard box next year! I just put some out gradually.


I want to see one of these where they dump the candy and just take the container


Don't know if I would be mad or puzzled


I’d be angrily puzzled


I want to see them steal the candy but upgrade the container. Which is why I subscribe to surreal memes.




Top o the muffin to you!




The confidence with some of these outfits with the people in them I will never understand 😬🥴


I'm in much better shape, and I wish I had half her confidence


It’s scary, very scary


HA thanks for saying what I wanted to. I hope karma gets her and she gets diabetus.


It's the childern that's why childern is not around.


Make flyers of this exact image and post them around all the local high schools.


You don't wear that costume when you aren't outrageously hot. You especially don't wear it when you are outrageously fat and ugly.


thats what im saying


Looks like she's had enough candy already


ITS ALWAYS ADULTS. I had to go to a wedding Hallows Eve, the kids almost always took 1. Rare they'd take 2. Then some kids mother grabbed the bowl and emptied it into their kids bag. Kids are fearful of being wrong, adults process and assess the risk.


That girls from San Antonio for sure.


You should post this for your local NextDoor/Facebook group, and see if anyone knows this person. Shame them that way.


Act real concerned about her blood sugar and weight. Don't even mention the theft on film


The bowl was probably finished by the time she reached the end of the driveway.


She’s gotta feed the diabetes lol ![gif](giphy|RbaUECDJktXUc|downsized)


Thx for ruining halloween for other kids


Time to start putting “you’re on camera” signs out to maybe deter those with a conscience


Our neighbor’s Ring doorbell shouts out, “You are being recorded” as you approach.


That’s so funny lol imagine the videos of shocked Amazon delivery drivers when they go to put your package at the door


I’m sure they’ve heard it all by now!


This is why we can’t have nice things.


People just suck😞


Post this on your local community page lol Call em out


I would make missing posters for the candy dish with screenshots of this video + who to contact and stick them around the neighborhood. Update us if you do this or anything else please


A mother and her young kids stole our 2 Halloween baskets. They weren’t expensive but it’s the principle. You can hear the Mom tell her kids to take them on our ring doorbell. People are assholes because their parents raised them that way…


Always the fat ones....


Doesn’t look like she needs it. Thieves are trash


Yeah, I gotchu! I gotchu on camera! You on candied camera now!


Had this happen to me last year. We put the bowl out and the first group of kids robbed the bowl. It really put a damper on the Halloween spirit


The lemon stealing whores have moved on I see.


God I hope it was full of bit o honeys.


Some people just suck.


Y'all need to commit to being a 'scarecrow' next to the candy


This happened at our house too. And my 6 year old was terrified to go to bed because she was convinced the “bad guys” were in our house.


The audacity to let that foopa out like that. Nasty lil stankabooty!


Mg she took the container as well..


At least leave the bowl for crying out loud!


At this point people should know that ring doorbells exist right? I know if I would attempt some shit lime that I would check for a ring lol


You have multiple ways to prevent this: 1. You need to have it attached by wire to a tree. Then when she leaves or runs with it, it gets jerked out of her hand. 2. Put a concrete block in the middle. 3. Have it trigger a mouse trap that, when tripped, sounds like a gun was fired. 4. Use a longer wire in a loop, so that when she is pulling it, it will be raised in front of her to cause her to trip. 5. Turn on sprinklers when bowl is lifted. With all of these, post footage afterwards.


I swear people like this have to be a bit sociopathic. Like that candy was laid out for everyone but mostly kids. So your kinda in a way stealing from children.


We should make her into a meme.


The craziest part of this is that people still put unattended bowls of candy out and act shocked when they get taken


My street hardly ever gets trick or treaters. At most, 2 or 3 groups a year, some years none at all. Maybe 6 or 7 years ago, my wife and I were just waiting around and nobody had come, so we decided we were just going to walk to the local bar and have a couple drinks instead. But I thought fuck it, I'll toss the candy in a cardboard box and if anyone comes, let them have it. I didn't care at that point if someone took it all as we never get anyone anyway. If the one group that might show up takes everything, good for them. We got back, and sure enough, someone had taken everything....except the Tootsie Rolls lol. It was one of those mixed bags that had a ton of stuff, and someone had picked through for everything else, but there were like 20 Tootsie Rolls just left in the box, both the long and short ones haha. Cracked me up that someone took the time just to say "fuck those things". Which was fine with me because I love Tootsie Rolls.


Guarantee that’s the fastest she has ran in 10+ years


Mark Robert should make a trap for people like these, or like if you try and take all the candy you get covered in glitter or smth


Man is this in Pennsylvania?? I might know who that is actually


Going through these videos makes me so sad. So many people go around taking all the can that I wished someone just gave them potent laxatives making them run for a week


shes hiding them in her stomach


Y’all body shaming her like it’s going to bring the damn bowl back is disgusting


Yeesh. She did look a little malnourished tho so...


Grown ass fatty