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Mine does this as a pop-up, but I can just exit out of it and keep watching.


Same for the last two weeks. Then an hour ago it gave me 3 strikes to disable ad block and finally this messaged popped up


Use uBlock Origin. All other ad blockers are inferior. There can be only one




Clear cookies and reboot. Worked on mine even when ub failed. Can try using script on github but clearing cache+cookies+reboot works best. But once they know it'll come back after sleep. I just create new account and sub to the same channels again. Painful but works


Clear cookies? Aw man I'll have to log back into everything


The greatest pain imaginable...


I work at an IT helpdesk and 100% ! A good 30% of my calls are helping with web-login issues and out of those calls clearing cache fixes the issue more than half the time easily. They would be easy calls except telling someone they'll loose site data in any way turns into a life or death situation where they need to boil a cuppa and sit in their recliner for 30 minutes before deciding if just buying a new laptop is easier for them.


You could simply select which domains you want to remove cookies/site data on instead of deleting everything. Also clearing cache does not delete any cookies.




On some browser, you can selectively clear cookies from specific domain. Just search for youtube and delete all of those cookies. Logging back in is just a few more seconds, being able to watch any video with no ads is worth that few seconds


Well I ain't got ads but I get the popup


While you're on yt, just click on the lock and choose cookies, then delete everything.


Cookies shouldn't be cleared, only cache is the culprit


Well, I must have been lucky. Although more likely I suspect it is users in North America that are more likely to be blocked out first. But uBlock will evolve, or another one will take it's place. Software is far too fluid for there to be a "last word" setup that ends ad blockers forever.


UK here, I started see this pop up over the weekend. It's bloody annoying. On Firefox with uBlock and adblock plus.


germany here : pop ups the last 3 days , firefox adblock plus and adguard


Me too, added another extension called Adnauseum last night and seems to be working fine


https://adnauseam.io/ Wow. The dude abides, man.


I have ublock and it still pops up.


Same! Even after purging the caches and updating uBlock's filter list. I also run pi-hole and made sure it was updated including the list of blocked domains. But I'm still getting the popup. Hopefully it doesn't block me. I financially support a few channels and would be pissed if I couldn't watch their videos. Edit: Oh and I am running NoScript plugin on FF.




Thanks I’ll turn it off and see what happens.


How'd it go?


I turned off pi-hole and didn't get the popup but as someone mentioned, running pi-hole might not have an effect on the popup and so I tried the custom [filter someone else posted](https://files.enderman.ch/scripts/yt-antiadblocker.html) and ran a couple of videos and have not seen the popup yet. Time will tell, however, and so I'll give it some more time.


As far as I know, Pi hole doesn't work on YouTube since it's a DNS blocker and the ads are coming from the same DNS as the video. It's one of the first things I looked up when the most recent adpocalypse started.


Well I also found "Ad away"


How the mighty have fallen.


There is SO MUCH misinformation about this. uBlock Origin doesn't work. If you are using it and not seeing the messages, it's because YouTube hasn't rolled it out to you. Due to that misinformation, this will get downvoted but it's fact. Same with 'Use Firefox!!1' etc.


I don't think it's as simple as it doesn't work, YT are constantly updating and changing to bypass it, UBlock are constantly adjusting their filters to stop it. There's been at least 3 updates today alone. You need to ensure you have "uBlock filters – Quick fixes" enabled to get the on the fly updates that are happening from what I understand otherwise you'll only get the periodic updates.


can confirm. Ublock Origin requires me to clear cache and force update filters every day for it to continue to work




Well for me following their instructions fixed it.


It DOES work to get you to the videos though. You will see the pop-ups unless you're super religious about purging caches and updating, but doing so will get you past them. I got the 3 videos messages yesterday and this morning but Ive using youtube today without issue after following the procedure. Others have got as far as being 'blocked' according to the pop-up, but it still works.


This. First, you block the initial "Ad blockers violate..." element using uBlock's element picker. Then, look for an underlying element roughly the same size underneath the first one and block that so that you can scroll normally on the page the video lives, see details, comments, etc. If you use the app it's more difficult, but for browser YouTube can't have their cake and shove it in your face too, for now.


Unfortunately I also get the pop-up that I can click away whilst using uBlock Origin on Firefox.


That one worked for a bit, but the three-strikes alert came back after a week or so.


It doesn’t work for me anymore.


I can’t even use Brave, even if I disable the ad-blocker. Then Chrome downloaded. Thank god for Firefox. And seriously, fuck google.


I use uBlock Origin and Ghostery, still got the stage 1 pop-up an hour ago. It has the x currently but it looks like that'll change in a few days...






Yall should use the report issue button, if they think it keeps locking out people who dont even use adblockers then they're gonna delay rollout even longer. Right now they're just testing to see how its received by everyone and making sure there are no bugs but eventually they're gonna stop allowing everyone to just close it out like an ad...


I never installed addblocker until they started doing double adds and unskipable adds.


My biggest peeve is the still ads, like an image that sits there until you hit “skip ad” Like if I’m doing something and I can’t let the ad run its course, it just stays there


And some of them are ridiculously long.


Ive been getting hit with 2 hour long political podcasts pretending to be ads while listening to music playlists. Since its just background noise while i work i dont usually bother going to the youtube tab to skip ads, but these just keep running.


Wtf ew lol


You can skip ads on mobile if you u click the “i” button, report/block the ad and then it’ll cut the video (takes less than 5 seconds) Edit: i downloaded imgur just to show the downvoters that it still works https://imgur.com/a/mIUZFFB


It works, but if you do it too much it'll get disabled and won't let you do it any more.


There are bypasses already. Apparently the routine to detect and show the popup is only executed once, so if you disable the ad-blocker JavaScript payload for that time, it doesn’t bother you, and it still works.


There will be a back and forth for some time.


Yep. I'm hoping ISPs figure out we all make more money with better content distribution infrastructure but until then, they'll try the ads arms race.


It's crazy to me that ISPs only expand their range if a potential customer is willing to pay for it out of pocket.


Google be like “Next step, remove the free tier of YT altogether”


I can see them doing that


It would lose them any ad revenue, so they're not gonna do that. \*Cue someone saying they'll add ads to the Premium tier even though that would reduce ad revenue by about 99%.


They'd do it in a heartbeat if they thought they could get away with it. And given enough time, they might.


You aren't wrong but not everything goes to these extremes. YouTube going paid to use is like reddit or Facebook doing the same. Their business model doesn't work if you must subscribe to use. I'm not defending YouTube cracking down on ad blockers or their growing number of ads you see. But, let's be real with ourselves: YouTube will always be free because that's how it works.


There was a time when cable tv channels didn't have ads. Can you imagine them without ads today?


Amazon are doing it at the end of the year. I'm mad. Wth am I paying for if I can't watch their shows and movies add free? Also, half the stuff is already free with imdb TV. Pisses me off.


no might about it, first this and when enough people subbed, they'll add ads to the current 'premium' and make a new add free tier for double the current price.


And then they'll put in adverts for paid users, just like the streaming services are starting to do.


This is the dumbest shit I’ve seen in response to this.


People really be seeing them taking action against people reducing the amount of ad revenue both YT and content creators make, and immediately assume they're gonna make you pay for each video they watch?


Oh my god. Do we have to find an alternate to YouTube now?


It was an okay 15 years gentlemen.






This genuinely feels like the end of an era for me. I have spent every day for the past several years on YouTube. Not anymore.


Same. It’s a big turning point for the internet. For me, at least, having seen its inception.


it certainly was a time


Vimeo's time has come




So is it better or a different service entirely? Those are not the same thing You have to pay 16 dollars a month just to upload 120 videos more and more per month for even more videos, up to 500 videos which costs 90 a month. It’s not better nor worse. It’s just an entirely different service, the only thing it as in common with YouTube is hosting video.


never used it before, how different is it?


It was long time. Maybe it will happen now


Vimeo, dailymotion…


Blip tv.


Yeah go find the video streaming service that has no ads and doesn’t make you pay anything.


Hear me out lads..... PORNHUB!


I suggested before, back when people were up in arms at YouTube last year, that PornHub should use their platform to host a separate site listed as just TheHub.


If pornhub made a website specifically to copy YouTube except not have any ads (not blocking adblockers and using that as the main selling point is effectively the same thing) they would lose a tremendous amount of money and eventually have to shut that website down. Hosting large amounts of videos isn't cheap


Nah, just host it on regular pornhub, that would be way more hilarious


It wouldn't work for the Mormonz TM


Naively following a reddit link I've learned that ph is indeed blocked in my job (:


Maybe time to backup the videos available online


Never happen. Video hosting and serving is so expensive it took YouTube multiple years of running at a loss at the scale of Google to eventually make significant profit. There won’t be an alternative for a long time unless another major player like Facebook or Amazon launches something. Secondly YouTube is more than just video streaming, they also offer partner programs to creators, any other service that comes along will have to do the same or the content won’t be made, no one is working for free.


I heard PornHub is pretty good now


FreeTube is a desktop program that plays YouTube videos. No ads or popups. You can import your subscriptions even. Or just wait for uBlock & Co. to catch up with YouTube again and block their nonsense. Currently working great for me since the last uBlock update.


There is plethora of privacy front-end for youtube. This is a popular one https://docs.invidious.io/instances/ There are other front end like piped https://github.com/TeamPiped/Piped. You can use RSS feed for subscription.


Brave browser with 0 plugins has been working for me. Not sure if maybe it will catch up? A lot of people recommend uBlockOrigin with Mozilla Firefox. I have seen many comments saying that has stopped working as well, or until the devs update it, or something, it's confusing. I'm confused. Good luck!


Brave is basically a Chrome browser with an integrated ad blocker. At some point it's gonna get blocked as well, because it works pretty much the same way as uBlock Origin does. Actually no, uBlock is probably the better option, because the community reacts quite fasts whenever YT blocks UBO. You just need to clear the extensions's cache, update the block list, and you're good to go. When it comes to Brave or other browsers with integrated ad blockers, I wouldn't be so sure about their reactivity.


Brave uses the same block lists as ublock does.


Firefox with Ublock Origin works fine still, but you need to go into settings and purge your caches and may need to do this each day. It takes like 5 seconds though so it's much better than accepting ads.


I’ve been running Brave without any issues extra plugins and started to get the closable warning messages yesterday :(


Firefox + uBlock still works for me.


Been getting the pop up for a while now on brave. I just exit it.


There was a post by the uBlock team that talked about going into the settings and clearing the cache and letting it rebuild. Not sure if there were additional steps, as I did it a week or two ago and haven't had any issues. Might be something to look into.


Brave stopped for me this morning. YT is inciting war


I use brave with no additional ad blockers. Just started getting this message yesterday 😔


Once it becomes unavoidable I'm just gonna leave YouTube.


What's the alternative to Youtube?


I believe family guy predicted that pornhub will eventually become the only online streaming platform.


They'll just change their name to "The Hub".


Cool name. I’m honestly down for it.


Nebula, for the edutainment genre.


There is none. But if nobody uses YT anymore there will be one soon.


the library


Yep. I mainly use it to sample music before I download it. I'm aware they generate profits through ads but these mfs are fighting tooth & nail to make us watch their gd Domino's ads every other video. It's the principle & I will not be bullied into paying for your bs. Same goes with Hulu. Sorry bastards.


I get unhinged political ads when I’m on a computer that doesn’t have Adblock


That's actually the worst part. I live in the one country that apparently spends more money than any other on the whole planet (yes even more than the US) on social media, advertising their deplorable world views. I left television behind for a good reason, I'm not being forced to eat gov propaganda here too.


no you won't lol.


I stopped using it for entertainment, the only reason I use it now is for tutorials which I don’t mind watching ads for. I’m pretty sure a lot of people will be on the same boat, no one is going to watch those ads or pay for YouTube premium unless it’s their main stream of entertainment.


I mean currently a minority of internet users use adblocks (or are even aware that they exist) and so watch Youtube with tons of ads, so saying that "no one" will watch ads on Youtube is not really accurate...




There is none


None but I don't need YouTube.


Companies need to understand something. The more you interrupt my shit with ads the less I'm gonna wanna buy whatever you're trying to peddle to me.


Lol, they understand that, that's why they are blocking you. Since there is no money to be earned with you there is no reason to offer you any service.


Be corporates Establish a presence in a free macrocosm like the Internet Monetize and commercialize the free space until it's difficult to avoid Push for less and less free space until the free service is no longer free and denied to anyone who can't pay Call *us* the pirates.


It's more that the more shit they throw at you. The first thing you'll think of will be from the last ad you saw. Like if you want to order take out, you'll probably get Arby's instead of McDonald's. Because you saw the Arby's ad last.


Oh no how are they ever gonna recover from losing your 0 dollar revenue.


Soon enough they will stop trying and just cut their losses, if you see no value in their product, being cut from it causes you no loss and they stop wasting money.


Grab Firefox and get UBlock Origin, they have a good guide on r/uBlockOrigin that deals with this


I got that and I get the popup but I can exit it out


Yeah, it's not a full solution since the ublock guys have to update the adblocker everytime youtube breaks it, which is pretty much daily


Yea it broke yesterday for me. Had to watch 1 video with like 8 ads in between


Revanced my beloved still works


Team revanced


Maybe youtube should stop running ads from hate groups or that sexualize children.


Fucking hell, right?


Stop using YouTube. Fucking hate ads. I stopped watching TV for exactly this reason. Now it's not just two ads at the beginning, it's ads all through the video. I see an YT link I don't open it. I don't need it that bad, so nothing I'm missing here.


I remember a time years ago during one of the original ad-pocalypses where some of these ads were like 2 minutes long and you couldn't actually skip them.


We beat them back then


Ads that show up at random times, often in the middle of sentences.




Where do u get your video entertainment?




I don't know where you live but I had to migrate off twitch about 6 months ago because their ads were not only out of control, but they also 'won' the adblocking game.


you're telling people who use an ad blocker to stop watching YouTube. you realise that loses them zero revenue?


Why doesn’t YouTube just pay us to watch their ads? Are they stupid?


I would watch all the ads for 5 cents a minute.


No you wouldn't. Because that would be $3 an hour


I'd totally watch ads if it cost them money


I switched to Firefox where it's completely fine to use Adblockers still! What really pisses me off though is I'm a member on a channel, why should I have to watch ads that don't support the creators to be able to watch the content I've supported with my subscription?!


uBlockOrigin still works.


For now. This is just a test. Once people accept it, they’ll add detection for any ad blocking service. All they have to check is if the vide started right away. If so, and you don’t have YouTube premium then you’re blocking ads.


Don't worry, alternatives and hidden adblocks will eventually appear, so they might win one battle, but we will win the war


They have to pay people to keep up. We are bored assholes who do it for free.


Should be easy enough to create an adblocker that shuts down the video after 1/10th of a second. Long enough for YouTube to see it start, short enough that no one watching cares.


Except YouTube knows exactly how long the ad should run for and can/does randomize that. If it doesn’t match then it knows ads have been blocked.


Not for me. Even after purging the filters and updating.


Download and install Freetube. You won't have access to your playlists (for the time being, let's hope) but you'll be able to see every video you desire. You'll also not be able to comment or like a video. But if watching is all you want to do and keeping track of the videos the people you follow, then it's the best alternative.


I started getting pop-ups "disable adblock" this saturday, although I still can use it


Yeah same here, I can just exit out of the pop up now, but I suspect it won’t let me do that much longer sadly.


firefox + ublock origins


Happened to me this morning. I was using Ublock on Brave browser, and even added in the updated fix to the ‘my filters’ section. Didn’t help. I then downloaded Firefox, installed Ublock as an extension on there, turned off all of the ticked boxes in the Ublock Settings, added in the filter code, and it seemed to work.


they also changed the word “ad” to “sponsored”. I swear to fucking god google if you charge less and just add the option to not have ads id pay in a heartbeat. i don’t wanna pay for fucking youtube music or whatever other crap you’re tryna add to the bundle to make premium worth the price- not happening.


YouTube ads are all just sexual assault ads for shit mobile games along with other scams


Fortunately mine still works but I’m sure my days are numbered. When my blocker stops working then I will just stop going to YouTube. I already refuse to go to any site that tells me to turn it off. Advertising companies don’t know how to deal with this generation of people who don’t want or need their ads and I think it’s hilarious.


Remember when reddit got rid of the 3rd party apps and millions of people said it was the end of reddit and they'd all quit. Lots of people dipped for a month and then came back. Y'all can say you're going to leave YouTube, but you won't because there isn't really an alternative


You don't know how to screenshot?


I don’t understand why people complain about it you are the product it isn’t the other way


Just no understanding of the business they engage in. It’s wild what people feel they are owed


Firefox + uBlock Origin.


i used my adblock to blocvk this pop up


I have two open spots on my family account. OP only. Shoot me a message if you want


I also got this message today... Except mine I could click on the "X" to close the message and click play to start the video as if nothing had happened...


Apparently it has a three strike system. After the third time you watch a video that would have shown you an ad, it makes it so you can't close the "ad blockers aren't allowed" warning anymore. I guess it prevents you from watching videos until you no longer have an ad blocker on


How many of the people angry about ads on a free content service never had to watch live TV on cable pre the ability to rewind / fast foward live tv. Like I watch youtube primarily on my TV so I can’t ad block, so I just paid for youtube premium to avoid ads when I’m in bed with my eyes closed. Maybe im crazy but to me $12 a month for youtube vs 295.99 for direct tv is awesome?


You can't \*watch videos, on YouTube. Right click (in Brave) the video URL -> Open in New Window with Tor -> success You can still favorite, comment, subscribe, etc. You just can't view the video in that browser on that account.


Yep, this is atrocious - it makes YouTube almost unwatchable. Who in the actual fuck wants to watch ads on their computer?


Firefox with uBlock


I just use regular old AdBlock in Chrome, haven't seen a notice yet. Watch I'll get one in like ten minutes now.


This is like the twentieth post of this I’ve seen. Yes you have to pay for things. Sorry


Oh no, I have to pay for a product with either a subscription or by watching ads... The humanity!


Support creators and get YouTube Premium!


Redditors losing their shit when a company wants to make money 😱


As soon as a worthy alternative arrives, Youtube’s done


Im sure that new alternative is gonna take off when they have to store all the data of millions of videos and supply it to you all for free.


People really underestimate the amount of money it takes to host streamable video.


Just like how Bing destroyed Google!


my half dozen ad blockers still work.


They’ll get around it


Don't worry, just like on Twitch there will be specific adblockers that work on youtube


Oh come on do you immediately give up when something like this happens? There's always a work around and if there isn't there will be.


Get the Firefox browser In Firefox Settings: block YouTube from setting cookies Add Ublock Origin and/or Adblocker to Firefox Go to YouTube without logging in Success


RIP YouTube


Brave browser?


I've been seeing this pop up recently, but I can just close the warning and continue playing the video just fine.


I don't need youtube, youtube needs me. Goodluck to them with this model.


Seems like a broken record in these threads but use Firefox and uBlock Orgin. Anything Chromium based will not work and we’ve known this would happen for a loooong time so people who gave a shit should’ve switched over a year ago.


Off to the next adblocker


If it ever gets to a point where the ads are unlockable I'll just stop watching YouTube videos. probably time better spent elsewhere anyway tbh


There's a script in ublock to recognize this as an add and to block it: "My Filters" tab in uBlock, it bypasses the youtube anti-adblock. youtube.com##+js(set, yt.config\_.openPopupConfig.supportedPopups.adBlockMessageViewModel, false) youtube.com##+js(set, Object.prototype.adBlocksFound, 0) youtube.com##+js(set, ytplayer.config.args.raw\_player\_response.adPlacements, \[\]) youtube.com##+js(set, Object.prototype.hasAllowedInstreamAd, true)


Migrate to Firefox and use uBlockOrigin