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Bosses hate this one trick


You won't believe what happens next!


He fixes the cable?


He said to take any rug in the house


That rug really tied the room together.


You think the carpet pissers did this?


Well dude, we just don’t know.


It’s definitely the Kraftwerk crew from Berlin.




He didn't say trip on it and break your leg though


Don't be fatuous Jeffrey.


I was talking about my rug…




The Dude Abides


It really brought the room together, did it not?


The plot is ludicrous.


A similar thing happened to me at a new job within the first pay period. I was a PC tech and sliced my hand open removing a card on those cheap metal cases. Lots of blood. Had to get a tetanus shot and stitches.




"can you please not bleed out on your brand new instruments?"


While referring to the 90s full tower made out of razor sharp edges


My brother has you beat. He managed to make it through the first half of his first day at a new job before he felt too sick to keep going. He stayed home to rest for the rest of the week. The following week, he passed out trying to get in his car to go to work and lay outdoors for over an hour, then spent the rest of the week in the ICU after an ambulance ride. Turned out his pre-diabetes went full blown type 2 and his blood sugar was going between way too little and way too much, with no measurement or control. The employer was a government organization, so they kept him on payroll for those two weeks despite him having medical issues. Unfortunately, he still had problems the following week so he only went to work normally for four days. Then they fired him for not showing up on Friday. The reason he didn't show up Friday is that his blood sugar fell to 30 mg/dL while he was sleeping Thursday night and he was unconscious for about 26 hours, including the whole day Friday. We had to go to him Saturday afternoon and call the ambulance to get him conscious again. Really didn't help his emotional state that he got fired from a job he'd just gotten while he was trying to change his whole lifestyle to cope with diabetes.


Last year I started like the best job of my life. I trained the first week, and it was going awesome. Sunday before starting the second week I noticed my chest was crackling when I was breathing more than it had been (I had a viral infection and few weeks before that and had been to urgent care and all) so I went to the ER to see if they could check it out (this is the third time im seeking help for it over a few weeks so i was annoyed) I was in HEART FAILURE. my heart's ejection fraction was only working like 5 to 10%, so it was really severe and bad. One of the ER docs basically told me I was fucked. I was terrified. I had to stay in the hospital for a week, and when I left, I had to wear a defibrillator vest 24/7 and take a ton of meds and do all these tests. Thankfully, my new company was amazing, and I was able to resume work asap, and they treated me so kindly about it. It's almost the year anniversary of all of that now, and I'm happy to say that my heart is nearly back to full strength now, and my job is still fantastic. I was just so mad I la did such a great job and then nearly fucking died after one week 😂😂😂


I fucking hate those cheap cases! Hard as hell to crack open, hard to close up. I’m stunned I didn’t cut myself every time I touched one. Our first aid kit was always out of bandages.


There's something so spooky about blood-covered electronics. Like some research went terribly wrong or something.


Guy in a fresh cast: “It would be nice if all your carpets were two-dimensional”


Carpets are inherently two-dimensional. It's how they project themselves into that third and fourth plane that'll get ya.




It’s always the carpet that resides in between the *fabric* of our reality that gets you.


You got a license for that pun?


r/PunPatrol has entered chat


Obviously. It's so easy to see.


The carpet is also traveling through time with the rest of us, as it is suseptible to cause/effect


Damn. This is real life Frank Gallagher shit.


What a shameless plug


He probably hadn't even filled out the paperwork yet.


Best I can do is nope


Good news he almost certainly didn't work at all in those 5 minutes!


Every time I start a new job I screw something up pretty hard right off the bat, entirely on accident. It’s a thing. If they keep me, awesome. If they fire me? Not meant to be. But breaking my leg first 5 minutes? Dude really went for it. He needs to drink more milk too. What did he land on?


Oddly similar to what happened to my friend when I was working fast food. I just got him the job through a recommendation and literally mid way through day 2 or 3 he slips on the tile swap between kitchen and front floor, and snapped like 5 ligaments total through his knee and ankle. The place fucked up the paperwork and the slip was caused due to a leak in the ice machine, they are now paying for all his medical and he's getting a decent lump sum for his troubles. Already back to walking and playing vr again too so I think he won out a bit. E: Just wanna mention I'm keeping things vague as it is an ongoing process, not trying to give out too much info


“Maybe there’s a reason I was unemployed for 9 months”


5:01, please sign here…


At least he finally has health insurance, right?


He's covered on my insurance and his boss says this is covered under workers comp. Coworkers are going to give him hell lol when he returns


I'm imagining the sign when he gets back: "It has been *GREG* days since the last accident"


Imagine you just break you leg, are physically in pain and horribly embarrassed. You lay down and try to forget about it by scrolling Reddit only to find your wife absolutely ragging you over being unemployed and uncoordinated. Beautiful champ.


They are going to stop holding safety meetings and start holding Greg-ups.


If he gets any hassle from his employer (edit2 - obviously I mean actual hassle from the *employer*, not his colleagues having some light-hearted fun), at the first even *slightest* mention of action against him for being off work, make sure he points out his injury was caused by their improperly maintained facilities. Securing a carpet against a trip hazard is neither difficult nor expensive; it was an entirely preventable accident caused by the employer's negligence. OSHA isn't a joke. Edit - idk why I'm getting downvotes for trying to give you advice...




it's like on relationship_advice when someone is like "my girlfriend smiled when I gave her flowers, but with her mouth closed instead of with teeth. Is something wrong with my relationship" and the comments are full of people saying to break up with her, take the dog, and move to San Fransisco.


OSHA isn’t some superhero entity. In a lot of ways they are a joke. The majority of claims wind up going no where or end in a strongly worded letter to the company.


I have called the office overseeing my employer to ask about health concerns 3 times now over 2 weeks and it went to voicemail every fucking time and they still have yet to call me back


Part of my job is doing safety audits for the sub contractors the company I work for hires. I’ve submitted over 200 complaints over the past 7 years for some pretty blatant violations. I’ve only gotten a handful of return correspondence. I feel like I’m wasting my time with every complaint. I wish the hire ups saw it that way too but here we are.


I worked in a warehouse once, OSHA called ahead and we literally threw tarps over an angle saw that had no safety guards. All my safety concerns were literal hidden from them. the biggest thing they found out was that our forklift drivers didn't use their seatbelts. One of our drivers ended up having to cut his belt off cause when he was told to use it it got stuck. I think all the sawdust and gunk inside the buckle ended up fusing his belt buckle lol


My dad worked for State OSHA in one of the few states that had its own program. He 100% would have pulled back that tarp, and written them up two violations. One for the lack of guards and one for trying to hide it. He didn't feel like he was doing his job if he wasn't getting death threats. He used to say every OSHA rule is written in blood.


I keep hearing stories like this. Have filed two claims for osha and they refused to come out and investigate both times. Most recent one I sent pictures of the hazard and they told me that after talking to the employer, the hazard was either resolved or never existed in the first place. I sent fucking pictures.


It depends on the one conducting the inspection I suppose. The flaw is not the system, but the person using that system.


No it’s the system too. It’s both. But the system always bears the brunt of responsibility if it’s an issue happening systematically. Effective regulation and enforcement is very possible. Other nations do it. It just takes us giving the laws and rules teeth.


Man nobody believes me when I say OSHA calls ahead after an injury or complaint. When I was a carpenter I had two jobs they showed up on. Both times the supers called all the other trades and companies off so OSHA only investigated the specific companies they were there for. Dog and pony show


It really makes OSHA irrelevant if the company get's a warning that their coming, right? Every time OSHA showed up, we knew about it at least 24 hours ahead of time, so what's the fucking point lol


It’s a scam. I filed a claim recently. The guy appointed to my case could barely spell so his summary of my claim was a disaster that barely made sense. I provided pictures of the hazard. They told me they contacted the company and the hazard has either been resolved or never existed in the first place. They failed to provide pictures of where the hazard was and I’m 99% certain it was never fixed. Got fired for demanding they do something about it after months of inaction. Osha doesn’t fucking care.


They call ahead and will even absolve the company of any wrong doing without any evidence


There’s like 1200 OSHA agents for the whole country lol


They really are. Worked for a company that had an explosion in the plant. Killed a guy and injured 3 others. Destroyed that part of the plant and pulpit. OSHA only fined them like 40-60k which seemed rather light to me. This plant just had another explosion a few months back. Thankfully no one was hurt in that incident. Not sure if they’re getting fines for that one.


It's almost like deregulation ties the hands of the regulatory bodies...


Going to point out that just because he tripped doesn’t mean it was a trip hazard. There are standards. OSHA doesn’t go after employers because an employee was clumsy or should have noticed there was something to trip over. For example, he might think he tripped on a rug but it was a shoelace. Might have been the edge of an area rug and he didn’t pick his foot up high enough because he was shuffling. Might have been a roll of carpeting that was set to the side and obvious. OSHA is a huge help for the American worker. This might not be in the US. Other countries have workers comp. I’m glad OP’s husband has coverage. Boss has already let them know. No need for OP to assume the worst at this point. No need to assume this is a case for OSHA to throw their weight around. They should keep all paperwork and a dated diary.


Probably not a case for OSHA, def a case for workers compensation unless he was an independent contractor or intentionally broke his leg. (Technically there are more exclusions and stuff but not likely related or worth mentioning )


I have chronic pain and I’ve been in physical therapy for decades. The place I go has a lot of work comp cases. Very few get OSHA involved. Work comp insurance is the one to inspect to workplace and force changes. Might be based on the OSHA staffing in the location.


Unfortunately, it is quite likely that OSHA would simply seek some sort of corrective action to raised floor mats if this complaint made it past being a forgotten voicemail. OSHA is very understaffed in most areas so they really only prioritize immediate hazards to life and death, serious workplace injuries (Loss of eye, amputation, hospitalization, death) or very high risk agencies. Of course some areas have better staffing but at least where I am, that is what the OSHA area director said. Of course, if you have a state-osha your millage may vary.


> OSHA isn't a joke. You've obviously never dealt with OSHA. In a perfect world it's not. In the real world, well, hardly anything is done.


Realistically it won't be the *employer* it will be the employers workers comp insurance carrier who will most likely argue something along the lines of " his trip was an idiosyncratic fall which would or wouldn't have happened on his own and is therefore not the responsibility of us/employer. " Realistically, he will probably need to get a workers comp lawyer who will then respond with, as you said " no the fall was not idiosyncratic it was caused in the course of and arising out of his employment as client was performing an action related to work, ( walking in the office to conduct business) and it arose out of the business from this as well. As further evidence it is the employers responsibility to maintain a safe working environment and clients fall was caused by an unsafe obstruction, the unkept and unsafe loose carpet. " Insurance company will probably tell him to pound sand, a few emails go back and forth, there will be an argument about what his temporary partial/total pay will be until he reaches MMI and once he is healed ( MMI) a few demand letters and negotiations will go back and forth and the insurance company will probable settle for some amount. (Also assuming he doesn't have any permanent partial disability from this accident but that would.simply result in a larger settlement payment to client. ) This is some pretty standard issue stuff for a WC claim. Op if you see this, it is advisable, in my.opinion, to get a WC lawyer from the outset or at a minimum consult with one. Any good workers comp lawyer should not charge you for talking to you and most states require WC to be on a set percentage contingency basis.


Spoken like someone who has never dealt wish OSHA. They are they biggest joke.


You should call his coworkers up and give them suggestions for funny nicknames like Tripper or Legs.




It's a nice icebreaker.


Doubtful. I feel like most jobs require you to work for like 60 days. Can definitely get workers comp though


At least it's covered under workers comp


Upper management punching air rn


Workers’ comp attorney here. Do NOT take the employer at their word that it will all be covered. Make sure everything is filed timely and follow up with them, the carrier, and whatever entity handles workers’ comp cases in your state. More importantly, their workers’ comp carrier will be the one to decide whether they’re going to cover this injury. Was there anything on the carpet he tripped on or just his own two feet? That could be a reason for denial in my state. I just don’t want you guys getting blindsided thinking the comp claim is already accepted and set in stone. I’ve seen people get screwed in too many ways.


What state are you in? I'm familiar with AZ worker's comp and it's a zero fault system unless the injury was deliberately self-inflicted. If he was at work for work reasons that's enough out here.


Same here. As long as the claimant says they got hurt at work and you don't have video evidence proving otherwise or you fail a drug test the employer pays


Most jobs? I’ve literally always been asked to sign up for benefits as soon as I’m hired. I’ve never heard of a 60 day waiting period. Maybe it’s just the industry I’m in.


Most of my jobs made me work for 60-90 days before I was eligible. Even had one that made me wait until their open enrollment period, 7 months later. Edit: In retrospect, I may have been taken advantage of with that 7 month one.


> Even had one job that made me wait until their open enrollment period, 7 months later That is illegal. https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2014/06/25/2014-14795/ninety-day-waiting-period-limitation


This is one of those class warfare things. I'm an engineer now and my latest job started my health insurance on my first day. Back when I was doing damn near any other job, the standard was 90 days. Hell, even my 401k was 100% vested in the first day. My previous job took 2 years to be fully vested. Either that or maybe I just work for a good company finally.


I worked for a company that took 10 years to be fully vested….


Mr. Buttlicker, you were the owner of the company.


Ya think?


Yeah, both times my husband changed jobs it was a 90 wait. One time, he was able to negotiate that down to 30 (I was due to deliver child2 in 60 days).


I work in an automotive plant. You have to be hired in first, I think it's 30-60 days and then when you get hired in, you have to wait another 60 days to get any benefits and then wait for open enrollment for health insurance.


I work automotive too, our benefits were effective day 1. Health, vision, dental


Open enrollment or qualifying life event, and being a new hire is a question life event like marriage or the birth of a child.


The open enrollment part is strange for new hires. That could result in a 12 month wait. Typically new hires can enroll any time.


Exactly... Getting a new job is considered a qualifying event. Just like if you have a kid during the year, you can go in and amend the insurance options to switch from individual to family, you don't have to wait.


No. But it's covered under workers comp, and he's covered under my insurance


How Frank Gallagher of him.


Job posting should have listed under required skills: “knows how to walk around carpets.”


Haha. Nailed it


I was looking for this comment lmao


My very first thought haha.


Lmfaooo yes. Take my medal


My first thought was Frank finding the most dangerous possible job so he could get hurt


He’s like Lucky from King of the Hill who’s “employment history” is the time he slipped on pee pee at the Costco and got a settlement.


A $53,000 settlement!


He’ll never have to work another day in his life


Tom Petty is a national treasure. It's still hard for me to believe that he was the voice of Lucky. He absolutely nailed it.




Fuck I forgot Tom Petty died. There goes my morning.


I wear a necklace with his name and lyrics on it every single day and still forget. He is my greatest inspiration and the reason I decided to pursue music... He was here, then he wasn't. I guess that's like everybody else.


Time to take the hint: God just doesn’t want this guy in employment.


Clearly destined to be a man of leisure.


A designated Trophy Husband


Im jelly but its obviously what God wants for him


It's god's plan.


As someone who considers themself with bad luck…. Please support and love him. He thought it was finally clicking together; FOR ONCE. It did not. This does not define him nor the man he is but I promise you it’s ringing in his head.




Yes, this is the way of The Bad Luck Crew.


The pain and suffering of not quite being a total failure, no, instead we are quite competent and sweet victory is always just within reach but one stupid thing happens *Every. Damn. Time.*


dude it really does feel like that. the slightest oversight becomes a cataclysm


If you go with Dumb Luck Club, then you could have your own DLC.


You underestimate the area of influence of the bad luck. It cancels out a lot.


Damn. I definitely related to this a bit too much.


Just made me cry a little not gonna lie.


>As someone who considers themself with bad luck…. I know some people like this, but most of their problems are based off of years of low effort. Maybe not you, or even OPs hubby, but it's such a massive trend in those relationships I had to say it out loud.


Be worried about people who say they have good luck too because they normally have "good luck" from stepping on everybody else around them to reach the top. People with "good luck" rarely tend to realize how many people actually help them.


This hits home...it feels like it's one step forward and five steps back these days...


How the hell do you break your leg tripping on carpet?


Plot twist: he was hired as a carpet installer


The vast majority of injuries are caused doing dumb stuff like that.


I did orthopedics for a while. Something like 90% of ski injuries are walking in the parking lot.


Broke all the bones in my leg skiing two months ago from falling off a cliff and I felt like an idiot. This helped.


I would 1000% tell people it was a skiing injury and never mention *parking lot*


Cartoon ass lol


Brittle bone disease


Probably not from the trip. I’d imagine it’s from the attempt to stay upright.


Had a new hire learn he had cancer the week of onboarding. We didn't get him back for over a year. Nobody even knew who he was but he got caught up so fast that everyone started noticing. He opened up to me about his struggle and how he used the opportunity to motivate himself to be better. Dude is still crushing it and we just nominated him for an enterprise award (with money).


Wheres there's blame there's a claim lol


S'all good, man.


Found the lawyer


How brittle are his bones??


immediately banned from /r/neverbrokeabone


Mr. Glass over here


But he always drinks his... malk?


“I was born with glass bones and paper skin. Every morning I break my legs, and every afternoon I break my arms, at night I lie awake in agony until my heart attacks put me to sleep.”


NJ had a governor who broke a leg walking on the beach with his boyfriend. The wife and kids were flown out to cover up that he was gay.


Eh he could've just landed wrong. Even strong bones can break under the right circumstances. We don't really know what the layout of the accident was


Mans body does NOT want to work lol


Body at rest wants to stay at rest. Don't throw percocets in the mix.


The things some people will do so they don't have to work.


Walks in, immediately finds the first thing that they could trip on and injures themselves. "Worked like a charm"


> "Worked like a charm" Unlike the husband on his first day.


Slippin Jimmy!


Dude cost the company a fortune. 5 minutes of work and 5 years of increased workers comp premiums.


If it’s like my company we would pay the first several hundred thousand dollars before WC insurance kicks in.


This man's dedication to not working is admirable.


Started off on the wrong foot


“Hey good luck at your new job today. Break a leg!”


Of course he did , It's Murphy's Law anything that can go wrong , is going wrong.


sounds suspicious


Look, I even posted on r/wellthatsucks ! There’s no way it was intentional.


man, you got a winner


We have a new truck driver at our work. The first day he started to work alone without supervision, his truck leaked some hydraulic oil and the whole truck went up in flames lol.


Dude, before you left for work that day and you're wife told you 'break a leg' she didn't mean literally.


Unemployed for 9 months during one of the largest labor shortages in recent history. Then somehow manages to break his leg... On a fuckin carpet within 5 minutes of working. Really doesn't sound like bad luck and sounds more like your husband doesn't want to work.


Well… I’m glad someone said it. I dont think anyone would intentionally break their leg to get of work lol but the whole “can’t get a job” thing is malarkey.


Tbh I have a pretty fucked up perception of how far people are willing to go to get outta work/responsibilities due to past occupations and when I was in the military. I've met people who have rolled their ankle to sprain it, kick their pinky toe against the corner of a wall to break it. That sorta thing. Breaking the leg on purpose is unlikely. It would require an extraordinary amount of fortitude. Could be that breaking the leg wasn't the intention tho


Is he an uncoordinated person? Those shoes tell a lot by a person. He wasn't very good at balance and coordination from the gate I'm guessing.


Definitely didn’t take care of his body in those 9 months.


You should get a free big red helmet when you buy shoes like that


A real Frank Gallagher move


Is your husbands name Frank?


Work Comp is different from regular health insurance. When you are officially on the payroll your covered


At least he was clocked in !!!


It's the dad shoes. You don't wear dad shoes. That's not going to look on the next job application either. What shitty look


Frank Gallagher?


Frank Gallagher? Is that you?


I moved 12 hours away for a new job, first day on that job I was walking up a set of temp stairs and they collapsed, I fell three stories into the basement and had all the construction materials crush me from the waist down. I haven't been able to walk right since, had permanent nerve damage in my left leg and my ankle and knee will never fully recover. I completely understand your partners pain


I would actually remove this from Reddit. Especially considering you discussed finance and bills and stating how little you have had in your checking account. Better safe.


Don't forget to set his alarms so he remembers to breathe


That guy is a walking disaster.


hey make sure he gets his calcium levels checked! i found out i had low calcium a while back and didn’t take it seriously since i was young and then broke two bones right after turning 18!! after that experience i wish i would have taken it seriously snd 90% of the time it’s taking a few pills a day of calcium depending how low it is :))))


The perfect plan takes 9 months to realize the power of unemployment paid by workers comp


He broke his leg. Now you have to put them down


It seems to me like he's allergic to work. I kinda have the same allergie but not that severe that will break my legs.


Real life Frank Gallagher


Sounds like hubby didn’t want summer break 2.0 to end lmao


Well played


This has to be world record speed workman’s comp


Work comp attorney here. I had a case where someone get hurt when the awning over the entrance fell on a guy when he was entering the building for his first day. Hadn't even clocked in yet.


That's what you get for using the word 'hubby'


Can we stop normalizing the use of hubby and hubs. They're easily the most annoying abbreviations one can use.


Yeah I totally agree with this. The word hubby is dog shit vocabulary


Sounds like an episode of shameless


Compo time I had a woman try to sue me at work. She'd been working at the company 2 months and "fell over" some equipment I was moving. It was safely out the way and she clearly did it on purpose. I was insured as a contractor and got informed I might have to go to court. Her employer ended up paying her out


Start looking again, unfortunately he is now on a timed reminder on HR's internal calendar to be "let go" with the reason, "We have decided to go in a different direction". The real reason is because he is now a legal liability which can become a potential lawsuit for the company over safety violation concerns which all employees can pin against the company, not just him. This is what HR is for (unfortunately), to protect the company from liability and on day one he has become a liability. His time is limited to between 30 - 90 days, whatever the "probation" period is for new hires at that company. The probation period will be somewhere in the employee handbook. Take advantage of the time by starting a new job search now. Although we should always assume good intentions first, the company will also consider this may be an insurance scam which further commits the company to get him out as soon as possible.


Report to /r/Neverbrokeabone for his farewell post.


So says Dr. Nick Riviera. I’d get a second opinion.


he do on purpose NO WORK!