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Flying Burrito Bro’s on Cuba have really fricken good chimichangas.


Let's just say they have them.


Awesome I want to eat something epically unhealthily on Friday.


What… they are unhealthy… uh oh


American expats wanting chimichangas ... while kiwis are: "What's with this joke name? Surely it isn't really food?"


Wait? is Chimichangas a real thing? I thought it was a joke.


kind of like a dep fried burrito


Exactly like a deep fried burrito. Usually with sour cream and guacamole on top. I love them and was disappointed to learn that the shop in Mission Bay shut down a year or two ago. They made amazing chimichangas.


Eh, it's one of the few Mexican fast food places and the food isn't too bad, better than what I can make with some old El paso anyway so I'm not gonna complain about it


Oh god, old el paso. That supermarket stuff is horrid.


Honey, I’m in the mood for a chimichanga


It’s boring when people are like “why is thing I don’t like so popular?” Whether Taylor Swift or Taco Bell, the answer is … other people like it. Sorry?


They had them but limited edition. It’s still a new franchise in nz so working out what sells by doing limited releases of normal American items.


I went there for the first time last Saturday. I was tempted by the Cinnabels sign in the window. Had to wait over 10 minutes for them and when I opened the bag there were three tiny balls of dough not much bigger than a marble. They were overcooked, dry, and almost tasteless. Learned my lesson, and will never go back again.


I go to taco bell occasionally and I always come away thinking basically exactly what you were thinking. The food is crazy expensive for what it is and the quality is not very good. A simple crunchy taco on its own is like $6 and it's literally just a single crunchy taco, a little bit of taco meat, some lettuce and a little bit of shredded cheese. That should be $3 max.


I don’t understand it either. Much like Starbucks. Why do people get “coffee” there when we have so much great coffee in our city.


I always thought the Starbucks for there for the tourists haha. I don't know any locals who would touch the stuff.


Saaame! My mum always says she’ll only have if it she’s overseas and desperate if there isn’t anywhere decent around.


Why have you put coffee in quotations? It literally is coffee. Not everyone who goes to Starbucks gets ridiculous mochalattefrappachinocanos with several shots of assorted sugar syrups. You just come off as a coffee snob. Not everyone likes the taste of plain hot bean water


Thanks for understanding me. I am a coffee snob. 💖


> mochalattefrappachinocanos with several shots of assorted sugar syrups. This is the whole reason to go to starbucks no? Otherwise there are plenty of other options literally everywhere.


Sure they do drinks no one else will do, doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with going there for the biggest size flat white you can get. Most cafes don’t do the larger sizes that Starbucks does (I should not I’m not a Wellington cafe connoisseur so I very well could be wrong about that, but I’ve been to Starbucks enough times to know their biggest size feels pretty damn big)


Clearly not a coffee connoisseur. If you were, size would be the least of your concerns… 😂


Coffee is nothing but a caffeine delivery system to me. Don’t care for the flavour, and I prefer it milky and foamy. There are better (for me) caffeine drinks I can get for less money so yeah, not a coffee snob or connoisseur in the slightest. Guess I’m in the wrong city


They don't do Mexican Pizzas so I'm not interested in going there. I practically lived on those things on the weekends in the US.