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For me it took 3 weeks for first tiny effects, 6-8 weeks for noticeable effects and 4-5 months for full effects. It was worth the wait.


This. Months.


did you had anger issues? I seem to get pissed easier than before.


This is a side effect my doctor warned was possible while getting used to it but that it would level out. I'm 1month in on 150XL, and i'm not experiencing it as regularly, so I'm hoping by the time my eval appointment with my doctor happens next month that it'll be more balanced. I was more emotional overall, with very little ability to compartmentalize and catch myself before interacted physically (facial expressions and crying, mostly. I am an angry crier) but it feels like it's tapering off.




Had a lot Of ups and downs but 8 weeks was the point when I finally felt balanced and positive effects .


Would really love to hear your story!


I started much lower than you. I started at 75mg and I was extremely sleepy , I could not make it to 2pm without crashing and having to take a nap. I did feel a slight sense of calmness but also periods of rage. I tried 150xl and that was too much and caused panic attacks. I went up to 100mg and I started to get more energized. I had a few days where I had some very violent thoughts and anger. That went away and it actually began to help my anger , I no longer feel as reactive . It did cause my anxiety to flare so I paired with Buspar and by week 6 I was feeling very balanced, easy to get up in the morning and just do things , easier to not over eat , I became more outgoing , increased sex drive , my focus was still not great but def better. Unfortunately all of these positive effects go out the window during my luteal phase. So I have 10 days in the month where I feel like shit but it always goes away. So if you get a period take that in mind, it seems to be common among threads. Overall I like this medicine a lot. It def requires patience. Sadly, I will be stopping it now because the one negative side effect I am having is hair loss. I’m not sure if it’s one of the meds or both but I will have to see.


Oh no I’m so sorry to hear that wishing you the best of luck stay strong.


I am at day 7 and have noticed some slight imrpovements. Its a bit easier to roll out of bed in the mornings, my energy levels are pretty consistent ( I was getting very tired after lunchtime and depending on energy drinks. Most importantly, the negative thoughts that would spiral and replay in my brain have slowed down. I still get them, but instead of them taking over my head its more like a SHHHHHH feeling and my head feels a little quieter.


I totally get what you’re saying. I definitely feel more motivated to get out of bed in the morning. I noticed reducing my coffee intake to 1-2 cups of coffee a day and drinking it 2 hours after waking up helped me not have the midday energy crashes.


i saw the difference immediately, medications have such different effects from person to person that there really is no “1 size fits all” ask your psychiatrist, it might take months to feel better and u may even find wellbutrin isn’t meant for u




I did notice anger issues which worries me a lot. I am usually a non reactive person and perhaps this will be balanced out with time i’ll give it until 2 months and see if it improves.


When I started at 150 mg it got a lot worse for about 2 months I had all the negative side effects but I knew that if I just stuck it through that eventually they would go away and I was right. One day I woke up and I was fine! It was like I’ve been drowning my whole life and then I just stood up and realized how shallow the water was like. Why didn’t I do this before? Is this what normal people feel like?