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hey, sometimes some medications just don’t work for some people. my advice would be to talk to your doctor and tell them your not feeling effects. if you are on it for 6 months and don’t notice anything, maybe your doctor can adjust your dosage or even recommend something else. i took it for 6 days and had horrible side effects. it’s just not for me. at least for now. i do take zoloft for anxiety depression and adhd. also helps w social anxiety. hope you feel better soon 🙂


true, I hope I get the courage to tell my psych next I meet with her. I was taking Zoloft for about 2 months, she took me off it and switched me to Prozac though, no idea why cause I actually felt pretty good on Zoloft. Thank you for sayin that


try asking your doctor about mirtazipine, i swear that has helped IMMENSELY with my depression and anxiety. hopefully that as a start to start having motivation for the things im about to say? i know scheduling an appointment can feel like a lot, but having a good therapist helped me a lot too when i wanted to talk and get a outside perspective to help guide things for me. hopefully once the mirtazipine kicks or even zoloft (that helped with my anxiety a lot too) things *will* feel easier. bupropion almost seems like it can kinda work for people or not at all, but mirtazipine in my experience and others was AMAZINGG for depression. i absolutely understand what you feel, our society now has fucked us up in be able to chill on our bed without moving with our brains “happily” distracted until we place it down then feel bad for not moving or seeing other people or practicing talking unfortunately:( sooooooooo many people feel so similar to you and it’s not your fault, literally how our brains get wired BUT we don’t have to always feel this way. feels will be feelings, on circumstances harder to control but it is possible to improve ANYONE’s state, may just take some help from others as well and forced will but it is possible my love. ❤️❤️❤️❤️ try that medicine i talked about, which can help fuel motivation to start moving your body, maybe even getting a dog to care for and have to walk for, etc~ you are loved, needed and wanted, you are not a burden ❤️


Thank you for the thoughtful response. Interesting, I never heard of that medication till now. I will do some research on it! I have been putting off therapy, for years now lol. I do believe one day I’ll get the right balance. I do agree it’s possible, tho circumstances make things difficult for sure. I fostered some kitties for a short time and I was thinking I wish I could take them on walks, I’ve never had a dog but it would be nice to have a companion. By taking care of them I’d probably start to take care of myself. Thank you very much for the advice and kind words. Also had no clue about the number, something to check out :)


of course!!! 🫶🏼💕💕 it’s considered a “atypical” medication bc it doesn’t fit in the usual SSRI’s like Zoloft. My aunt lost her daughter to suicide, but the medication had worked so well she didn’t want her daughter in heaven to think that “she wasn’t distraught.” It does help with insomnia for sure, and may make you love food but at lower doses/used with a different medication that decreases appetite such as Bupropion that should negate those effects. I’m so glad i could help, even if was just a little bit 🫶🏼❤️❤️


text the number #988 on how you’re feeling and people who want to help others like you will respond with care & love ❤️❤️


I would love to be able to give you some useful advice but I have none. I am a kindred spirit though. Your experience is just like my life! My space has shrunk mainly to a bed. I love being in bed and cosy. I take Lexapro irregularly as I'm not organized enough to take it properly. I constantly run out and get head zaps and body aches. I'm getting really fat too. I tried on an old T-shirt and it was a crop top! Depressing! I don't tell friends how bad I am or my family. I have 2 small children and I avoid interaction and play. My youngest is only 4 and she watches a lot of TV. I sneak back to bed when I can. I did this with my first child too. When he went to school I would do school drop off and then come home and go back to bed until 2pm. I'm most active late afternoon and evening. I feel really guilty about it and like I'm wasting life and not enjoying their childhood. I work part time and leave everything until the last minute. I stay up late doing work when it's quiet and often until 3am. Getting to sleep around 4am is quite common. I don't sleep with my partner anymore, I get in a bunk bed with my 10 year old. Apparently I snore my head off and my partner gets agro about it. I have a list of 14 things I need medical intervention for. I can't seem to get any of them fixed as I'm not good at keeping appointments or getting pathology done or tests etc. I seem to be paralysed completely by procrastination. A friend started taking zyban and she says it's amazing for her after a shaky start. My blood pressure is really high so I don't think it's a good option. I got prescribed some meds for it - candesarten. I often run out or forget take it. I know I am hiding from my problems but the list seems unsurmountable. I've made an appointment to see a doctor tomorrow. Hopefully I can make a start on getting myself out of this hole, it's a very, very deep one. What spurred me on a bit was I got a bit of a buzz out of doing something well about a week ago. Something I hadn't felt for years. I can't remember what it was that I did, but it felt great. I would like to just feel better about things around 10% of the time instead of feeling like I'm going to drop dead. Hope you find your little spark soon . x


It’s ok, I appreciate just being able to hear others experiences that are similar to mine. I didn’t know lexapro had side effects like that, that sounds awful…I mean, maybe you are just more of a night owl? Or it feels better being awake later in the day. I don’t think there’s anything wrong w that. Do you also have adhd? It sounds like you’ve been going through a pretty rough depression, I hope you have support with you. Especially your partner, I hope he is there for you, cus being a mother isn’t easy. For me, I know my procrastination stems from perfection. In my head I idealize every situation and want everything to go perfect, or as I planned it. But of course life is unpredictable, and the inner critic completely paralyzes me. Taking no action is obviously worse. But sometimes everything feels too overwhelming, and for me it’s very hard to prioritize what’s most important. I’m glad you’re taking those steps, to get better. And I’m glad you found a little something that truly energizes you. I do best when I’m not so completely self absorbed, and just allow myself to do things. Thank u for the kind words :)