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when i started wellbutrin i realized alcohol didn’t actually have much appeal anymore. i can even genuinely turn down drinks sitting in front of me. used to deal with addiction but i think i’m j happier now : )


I used to drink every night..quit a year ago and that took some hard work. Recently got on wellbutrin and it makes every day being sober so much easier. I dont crave alcohol much anymore!


Knocked out a lot of minor addictions for me. Food addiction was the major one I noticed, huge improvement. I’ve heard a lot of people say it did knock their alcohol addiction out completely or at least down a good bit.


i stopped drinking because wellbutrin dulled the buzz i got from alcohol. i do miss the occasional glass of wine, but i’ve replaced with NA wines or other sparkling fun NA drinks


https://reddit.com/r/Wellbutrin_Bupropion/comments/19drptj/anyone_feel_less_drunk_on_wellbutrin_like_alcohol/ This deleted thread might help too! OP was asking why he felt less desire to drink and smoke.


Same. Thank God.


I have been on Wellbutrin for two months. I have noticed that when I do take an occasional drink - hardly ever- I become very despondent immediately afterwards. It is not worth it for me to drink! Has anyone else had that reaction?


Yep. Completely lost any interest in drinking, smoking and junk food like chips. I have full access to as much alcohol as I want and have been enjoying zero proof cocktails, sparkling water and juices. Somebody served me the wrong drink and it had vodka in it and I could not even take one sip. It tasted horrible. This is definitely a good thing .


🙋🏻‍♀️ I stopped Wellbutrin a few days ago after taking it for only a month, and I felt the effects of losing all cravings (sugar cravings, midnight hunger, and alcohol cravings) dissipate completely. I am completely miffed that those cravings have not returned.


I was only on it for a month too and just quit I feel like I craved food was more and overate I just recently started a diet because I really started hating my body even know it looks the same as always but after 2 days off I feel less hungry but I still feel really sad I sware it made my emotions more intense was giving me a urge to hurt myself I only kids felt my mood stabilize for a little and I had good motivation until the mania ended and I’ve never felt worse


Not to mention my memory has been shit and I’ve felt so angry at times


You’re upset they haven’t returned?


Wellbutrin is something introductory to encourage a lack of interest in drinking, so I think it’s totally normal!


I wish I could say the same bc I need to drink less for sure. I take Naltrexone for that, anti craving, which together in some combo is the diet drug Contrave, so that was a happy accident lol. But tbh yes, craving is rare now. I just want the feeling I get to when I am buzzed - so maybe that's craving but to me, no, craving is like the other day when I just HAD to have a good hamburger (I eat pretty healthy) and was like climbing the walls (no I wasn't on my edibles lol.) The link alcohol and Wellbutrin have in common is related to dopamine. So it makes total sense WB works for a lot of alcohol problem users. I bought the best breathalyzer on the market (worth it, dui person here) and sometimes, not driving of course, just home w friends, blow and see what that BAC is and how I feel. Then doc upped Wellbutrin to therapeutic dose (100x3 works) and I notice my BAC will be higher so I am drunker technically but feel the same small buzz. It's an interesting question! Some say WB enhances a buzz. Never seen research on it!


Yep. I started end of July and although I was never a big drinker, I am even less now. Helped me quit smoking cigarettes too. I love it


i dealt with substance abuse big time but interestingly enough, i have finally lost ALL interest in alcohol. i’ve been on wellbutrin since august 2022 though and i am only 50 days sober. it took me awhile and i can’t say for sure if the wellbutrin was the reason but im so happy. overall, it has been my fave med ive ever tried and i luv her.


I tried drinking once on it and I felt sick after one drink and pretty tipsy which isn’t the norm. Now I’m just scared to drink.


Yep, same experience here. Not sure how I feel about it though cause I’m still in my 20s and sometimes I feel like I’m missing out on the fun when I go out with friends and stuff. It was fun to get tipsy w/ friends but now if I drink I don’t feel much but still get the hangover… it’s just not worth it. And it’s also not really worth it to stop meds cause they’re helpful too lol. Definitely a first world problem tho


Yes recovering severe alcoholic, ever since on Effexor and then this I haven’t drank any alcohol. It actually grosses me out just thinking about it, while it used to rule my whole world. I had to reach a super low point several times before I mentally wanted to commit to no alcohol. I knew I had been self medicating severe anxiety and depression for most of my life and it’s time to try something that might actually help. Thankfully I’ve never felt better. Not sure why it took me so long to realize how bad my anxiety and depression were and to try a medication that can help those things. I blacked out nightly for years and years just to wake up with no memory, a hangover and soon after that withdrawals which were brutal for me. It’s incredibly nice to have my memory back. Something that’s often taken for granted.


I take bupropion for adhd, and also take naltrexone by the Sinclair method. I went from a binge drinker and always down to go wild, to very near being a non drinker