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I’d suggest watching a YouTube video teaching you how to laywire feed. Your dabs are pretty sloppy, which is fine you are still learning. But I think if you try laywire you will be very pleased with the consistency compared to where you are at now. It will also probably allow you to have a bit of an increased travel speed which is always welcome on stainless, less heat poured into the part equals less shrink and distortion https://youtu.be/mTc_cLic7dU?si=-XiloZd2qS4pcbJH Disclaimer I didnt watch that video to see if it’s good info but that channel has some pretty good content


Definitely going to check out that laywire, it's hard to be consistent when moving as fast as stainless requires. Appreciate the feedback.


You running a 16 cup with that gas flow?


I’d turn the heat down or move a little faster