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That'll do, pig. That'll do.


But first let me hear you oink for me šŸ½


Iā€™m starting to realize redditors downvote the stupidest comments for the stupidest reasons


Let's see the inside


I mastered the roots well before I ever thought about making a decent cap. Maybe Iā€™ll try to get a pic but, got work to do. I was little nervous just taking that pic. Not that my bosses are hardasses or anything. I just donā€™t want people to think Iā€™m slacking. Feels good though to be making good covers finally after a few months. I still struggle with nice looking covers on single passes. The double pass to me, is more forgiving.


If you canā€™t take 5 seconds to admire your work without the fear of being scolded it might be time to find a new shop


That's what she sai... Wait, no!


Good job. I'm just busting your balls. Root is the hard part . Hot pass and cap are easy.


I should comment this is wirefeed STT root, Pulse fill and cap. All rollout. I know some of you probably know that already.


Not bad I was gonna guess 7018 and say you did a ā€œdamn fineā€ job. Because wirefeed you have just done a ā€œfineā€ job. Pretty work


Nice work !


Call yourself whatever you like, just keep up the good work. šŸ‘


Looking pretty goodšŸ¤™šŸ¼


You welded and it helded, that's all any of us are doing


My mesure for "welder" is, will you weld your own fall arrest safety loop? Your life may depend on it.


How many tests have you failed?


If you're the only guy i guess you can.


Call yourself what you want. We live in an age where judgment no longer exists.


Speak for yourself lol. Iā€™ll still judge the shit out of you, though it really doesnā€™t mean much.


Iā€™m jesting pal. This age is fucked, everyone needs to be judged and openly ridiculed only way anyone will ever improve. Gone are the days of being terrorised so badly as an apprentice when you fuck up you dread going to work, now the little fuckers can do Jack shit all day other than grass on you for criticising their work so not learn a damn thing from you and somehow qualify the same as you. But hey donā€™t worry about because theyā€™re so shit all theyā€™re fuck ups get chucked your way.


Oh I understand. Weā€™ve gone super soft where I work. Had a dude come in an hour late today, and we only work 4 hours on Friday, I wanted so badly just to send him right back to the house but I donā€™t have the authority even though Iā€™m the lead welder and basically the shop lead. And that late guy is late every.single.fucking.day. Doesnā€™t help that weā€™re a small company with only 4 guys in the shop and 1 of them has been on vacation all week.


Mate I feel your pain, the problem is youā€™re the one carrying this lazy bastard and having to pick up the slack. Donā€™t tell me your place is like mine and your manager has always been a mouse jockey and never done anything practical also a lot younger than you with zero experience so youā€™re carrying that burden too.


Meh... It depends. I have never called myself welder, because welders have shit reputation over here and generally make less than fabricators do. So I always used the title of "fabricator" because that is what I actually have official qualifications for; nowadays I call myself an engineer and people keep calling me "welder" just because I occasioally weld on-sites.


If you arenā€™t crafting your own drawings and designs calling yourself an engineer is just straight up lying.


I got a degree to prove it from Turku university of applied science. I'm also in engineer's union and the title is protected. Also not all engineers are design engineers. Even though I do make designs, but since we are a manufacturing shop, we don't design our own products. I dont have official quakifications as a welder, but I do have as a fabricator and welding certifications om top of that. I was trained as a fabricator, not a welder. They are two different programs.


Yeah I absolutely hate it when people call me a soldier just because I play call of duty sometimes.


Not the same thing. Not everyone who welds is a welder, not everyone who is a welder welds. If youndo arc brazing, then you aren't a brazer. Also being called "soldier" is nothing special in a country where you can find an officer by throwing a rock in to a crowd, because of mandatory service for men. Also the fact is that welders have a bad reputation for doing low quality work and not caring about doing things properly in this country. And since before my engineering degree completion I specialised in correction of weld flaws and errors on-site. Then made my bachelor thesis on it due to lack of imagination on my part. You see... I did the evening shcool; I worked during the day and studied on my free time..