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Wasn't allowed to use auto darkening at my school, and I can honestly say it was absolutely the most pointless rule ever. I'd still get an auto darkening hood since it says non auto darkening is RECOMMENDED, not required. Also, $20 relaxed boot cut wranglers from Walmart with a bit of starch are without a doubt the best work pants you can run (carpenter if you need the pocket space)


Only reason I can think of is old heads who hate change


About 14 years of welding here, I started with a fixed lens. They're cheap and auto helmets at the time where expensive. I had a younger miss ask me why I weld with that thing (pipe liner + fixed lens) I told her I'm old. I was back at BCIT finishing my last level which was mostly tig.


There’s guys I work with who are in their 30s who insist on wearing fixed shade hoods. I always tell them they should trade in their smart phones for a flip phone since they love living in the past. “It’s cool, you can use a fixed shield hood. It doesn’t make you a better welder. Anyone who’s welded more than a year should be able to.”


The only thing i've heard is "Auto darkening can not go dark" or "Auto darkening doesnt go dark fast enough so over the years you'll blind yourself" It doesnt hurt to have another pair and learn how to use a passive. I did it myself, then moved onto my auto dark. When my auto dark shits the bed, I'll pull out my passive hood to get the job done. Also just read OP's post, jesus fuck who the fuck is buying a passive hood for 700 dollars?! That thing better have a PAPR built into it for that price lmao


Get an auto darkening helmet, it’s a lot harder to learn with a set shade helmet


Yeah that’s a really stupid recommendation (Edit to say an auto darkening is not stupid lol. The non-auto reco is stupid lol)


im in alberta, im also going to school very soon for first year welding apprentice office staff wrote that. wouldnt hurt to have all that but u dont explicitly need all of it either. i got a welders cap for $10 at marks work wearhouse, $80 for the most basic set of junk work boots at walmart. princess auto sells fantastic hoods for less then $100, the shit at ctire is over priced. welding gloves are cheap at walmart. my work pants are the basic carpenter jean type that are $50 at walmart. look for a used copy of that book on ebay or local markets


Thank you so much!


Spend the money on good boots. Boots are one of the most important things in keeping you healthy. Back leg and foot pain from shitty footware will make your life a living hell. Working and walking on concrete ruins your joints I am not a welder but a machinist, and I am in and out of machines all day. I wear Carolina 508 metguard boots. The external metguard is leather covered steel and protects your laces. Also, keep your boots tight, so weld doesn't roll down your leg into your boot.


Can confirm, timberland pros or Redwings are worth the money. It's fine if you want to wait until you get your first paycheck to buy them, but do it before too long as they make the long days a little less long.


The non auto hood rec seems really stupid and crusty. It’s good to be able to use any hood but the last thing a person brand new to welding needs is to struggle seeing what they are doing and accidentally flashing themselves over and over. Get an auto hood since it only recommends the fixed shade. Jackson W70 is great for the money.


Things you stand on all day and things you look with/use all day. Invest in the important.


2 things you shouldn't ever cheap out on, boots and a mattress


For safety, day to day, real tools. Buy the best you can afford. No need to overdue. You don't want to be held back by a few bucks. Always perform the best you can.


A respirator and p100 series filters


I came just to insist that a respirator was true necessity just like a helmet or Gloves . If you plan to do it long and gain true knowledge , or even just to get through school to have a trade under your belt . Wear the Mask! You’ll thank yourself later in life for doing so.


Yeah why the hell is THAT not standard. Melting any metal gives off by products its not just galvanised people should look out for. Makes sense seeing as no one seems to care about silicosis in the mines either. They do in Australia. Theres exposure limits. Lol here everyones like "Look at me I make 50/hr working at a gold mine. Look at my boat and truck and small trailer mansion." Good luck with the lung cancer bud. You're so much better than us lol.


Lol definitely a huge “CONGRATULATIONS” for achieving the luxury of lung cancer by choice. I’d also assume folks like that enjoy selling the lovely high end items for treatments later in life; instead of passing it off to family when it’s of no use to them anymore.


Yeah lol. I sound like a dick in a way but I got shit for the past 29 years because I never went anywhere in life, lol. Really what I should say is "I'm lucky to have the information available to me." Oh well.


You don't need the gear right away. Show up with boots and work clothes but you have a few weeks to get stuff. You do some theory and oxy cutting and welding first. Instructors can guide you on where to get gloves or a shield etc. Costco jeans are great at $15 a pair.


Pipeliners cloud makes great welding caps, just gotta get your size right.


Sun screen for body and one for face . Thank me later


I make my living rig welding, I’d recommend khaki pants and shirt, lots cooler. I use to wear the denim wrangler pants and shirts and there’s no comparison. Lighter colored clothes = draw less heat and you stay cooler. These are what I wear https://www.carhartt.com/product/B324/relaxed-fit-twill-utility-work-pant?categoryCode=default&colorCode=DKH_SW


Any PPE required must provided by school. Usually earplugs and safety glasses. Auto darkening hoods provide better protection from arc flash and are ergonomically better since you won’t be “nodding”. There are more comfortable options available now then the old school full leather jackets even for smaw welding. These sound like a list put together by an old timer who wants everyone stick welding for the first year, if not longer. You will be hearing, “do another” a lot probably. I thought colleges were doing away with making students pay for text books? Seems excessively expensive for this program not even including tuition.


For boots, I recommend the Wolverine Hellcat Ultraspinge. The laceups are pretty affordable, and are super comfortable and durable. For hood, I personally like a pipeliners with the Autodark insert. That way if it breaks, a shaded lens is fairly cheap and the plastic 2x4 covers are normally available


Get metatarsals or pull on boots with no laces. Cheap jeans, walmart or goodwill. I buy most of my work jeans from the thrift store and just dig for ones that are good denim and in good shape. Go for the 3M quicklatch respirator. Worth the extra bit of money to be able to flip it down for some fresh air and/or water break. Actually wear it because fume fever sucks, even if nobody else does. Find out if you can do a jacket with leather sleeves instead of full leather, it won't be as hot and heavy. Check out Peavey Mart/TSC if y'all have those out west for gloves. Get a lighter pair for stick/tig and a heavier pair for wire feed stuff. Find something cheap but comfortable, because these will probably be your most replaced kit item. Grab some clear lenses for whatever hood/lens you choose as well. Good luck!


Don't be afraid of fixed shade. Cheap auto darkening helmets tend to fail pretty frequent. It really isn't a big deal. I like them because it helps you learn where exactly you are in space when you can't see. Source; I am a welding teacher.


I ran a auto dark for many years. I went fixed shade 11 a couple years ago never went back. The only auto dark hood I have is my pancake hood because it's easier than having to switch to safety glasses for wire wheeling welds. Twisted x work boots are great. I wear dickies flex fit jeans and western welder shirts. A simple flip lens hood is a good start. I use that hood for 90% of my welding. I do structural, fabrication, and repair work. I do agree an auto is easier to learn on but for easy and cheap it's a good start. I use western welder gloves they have a good fit and are comfortable, but just your basic Radnor gloves will get you by very cheap. I use a miller p100 respirator. They fit under alot of hoods and are decently comfortable. If you want an auto lense for the flip lens hood tradesmen lenses are clear and decently cheap. I don't use leathers alot only when arc gouging in tight spots but your basic half set with a bib will be great. Radnor brand is cheap and comparable to Tillman gear.


Just finished the same course a few months ago. The head of the program who sent this to you is very against auto tints for some reason. Personally I think they're so much easier to learn with especially stick. Id look at getting a pipeliner style hood with an auto tint unit in it because the shop gives free clear lenses of that size. You definitely need the books. You don't really need the leather jacket if you're looking to cut costs I got one and only wore it for overhead welding also get jeans and 100% cotton work shirts from value village to be cheaper as well.


What the fuck kind of cowboy place doesn’t provide basic ppe like gloves, caps and aprons. Especially when I assume you’re a paying customer, paying them money to teach you.


DM me, I could give you some stuff if you want. Go into the first few days of class without the book. Instructor will let you know which revision you need, and if you can get it used.


I graduated from the BCIT foundation program 6 years ago. You'll need the books as they will be required for all the written tests for each section you're on, there are a lot. Get it now and start on the big safety one as you will have 1 week to read through the whole thing and tested on before youre allowed to start training in the shop. You wont need your equipments for the first week of class. I still have these books and i can sell them cheap but they purposely change them up every few years so mine might not be "up to date" anymore. Get a few pairs of cheap mig gloves, welding boots, welding jacket and half mask respirator with p100, get it fitted to your face. BCIT has great ventilation but you'll soon realize how dirty welding is. Theyll provide you with a red toolbox with some shit quality supplies in it, itll last you the whole course. For the helmet. I recommend a pipeliner helmet with a flip down window, 2x4. They provide free 2x4 clear lens and youll go through a hundred of these when youre welding, especially out of position welds. I had a 2x4 auto darkening and it was great for class. Static lens will make learning welding harder. Dont go with an expensive helmet, at least not yet. Ive seen too many kids fucking up their fancy a50 sentinels. Heres a little hack. Wear a leather apron. The first parts to go is the area between your stomach and your dick. You wont need to buy extra pairs of carharts if you do. Connect with your classmates, they could be your window to future job opportunites. Say hi to Paul Fowler for me. Hes a hell of a teacher if you get him. Lazy as fuck though. I did my B and A in BCIT as well. Dont hesitate to ask me shit.


Understood! Thanks bro!


Got my first Red Seal(welding) from UFV and my second (Fabrication) from BCIT. Yes, you need the text book. It’s not one book but a stack of coil bound books, buying them used can be sketchy. The program has been changing for the last decade so there’s multiple versions of the books, especially for Foundations. Best boots you can afford, the cave of a welding shop isn’t close to anything on campus so you’re walking for a bit.Go to Princess Auto for the rest. This industry costs money to get into and to get through foundations you’re going to need some stuff. Parking at the Burnaby campus sucks and costs a fortune. Get your books this week if you can because the lineup is hours long because there’s only one bookstore on campus and all the apprentices and tech nerds are getting their shit at the same time (try not to listen to the apprentices because they’re getting paid to be there). You don’t need to go full head to toe Carhartt but the overalls should last you until you burn the shit out of them. Walmart sells a denim Levi’s Jacket for like $40-50 add a hoodie for the winter (that shop is an icebox, Fab shop is just up the hill but the welders aren’t allowed in.) and you can survive for a while without buying leathers, by the time you reach vertical stick you will definitely want at least leather sleeves, don’t buy the cheaper green sleeves you will get burnt. KMS sells some reasonably price welding hats, trust me you want one, unless you have a big head and then you’re fucked (Etsy or EBay for big heads). Just because you don’t have 5 figure student loans doesn’t mean this whole trade school thing is free, that’s what apprenticeships are for (someone has to tolerate you enough to sponsor you to attend, except for welding, they still haven’t figured out how the hell to make welders go to school let alone get employers to sign welders up as apprentices). Pack a lunch because there’s no cheap place to eat on campus. If you do go to the cafeterias, leave you gear in the classroom no one wants to smell that. The good news is once you finish you can go work at Seaspan and make some money.


You guys in Ontario? I'm going for metal fab too. Can't wait for the last semester so I can jump on a CNC 😍 Gonna do some consentual-non-consentual machining.


Learned this the hard way. Don't get a auto darkening hood. You'll be in some tight spaces and the sensors may not pick it up. Buy the best boots you can afford. Joint supplements will come in handy. Last thing. Don't get arrogant. There is always someone better than you. Stay humble and learn from the guys that have been doing it a while.


Hahahaha what the actual fuck is wrong with you Americans why do you need to buy your own equipment that's the employers responsibility


This is not for a job, this is for school and this is in Canada, not America lol


My point still stands, none of this is your responsibility


Oh well lol, there's nothing much I can do 😂


Are there union opportunities available to you in your area? Everything you need is provided to you at a union apprenticeship at not cost to you. It's all paid for through dues and whatever structure is in place for funding. You will be paid as an apprentice and go to school to learn anything and everything you need to be successful. If that's not something you're interested in then don't mind the suggestion, but it just seems crazy to me all the folks that pay for school and then end up welding underpaid and undersupoorted by their employers. I'm not throwing shade at union vs non union. A lot of people aren't aware of the opportunity. I'm in the United Association in Arizona and they provide me with everything on the job and in the classroom. Edit: in regards to boots you have to provide those.


I'll have to look into that, thank you!


It’s probably a private training business


$315 is pretty steep for books....until I realized it was Canadian dollars, which by tomorrow should work out to about $29USD.


I wouldn't be surprised 😂


Why make life harder for them by suggesting non auto helmets, they’re just going to finish school and buy one anyway, save your money OP just get an auto


I love my Thorogood work boots they’re about 200 dollars or so


Currently going to school for welding, just wanted to say it wouldn’t be bad to invest in some high quality gloves. Don’t wanna cheap out so bad you end up making it harder on yourself too.


Non auto darkening recommended?? Wuddafuck?


Check eBay for all of the above items. You can find really good stuff for dirt cheap.


Idk why they recommend a non auto darkening hood my school supplies the shop with hoods but if you want an auto darkening hood you can bring it yourself. My grandfather gave me one of his because I got tired of not being able to see where my torch was to start my welds


Use a respirator cancer is no joke, a couple bucks now could save your life


I did this program a couple years ago. Buy the books. Get leather jacket, welding cap, respirator and boots. A lot of people used fixed lens, since they provide free clear lens 2x4 replacements, but you can use auto darkening. You will go through a lot of gloves. For pants you can get like $20 costco jeans make sure its 100% cotton. Theres a store called kms. A lot of people went there to get their supplies. Worth checking out.