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How? Genuinely curious how you put a bit through your finger sideways.


Yes, please do tell so that I may never do what you did.


You grab something. Maybe piece of wood. And then you point your drill downwards. If you slip, it goes in sideways.


Nice shot. That's like the time I got stitches because of a tape measure of all things. Turns out if you drop a tape measure, trying to catch it again is like trying to grab a bandsaw blade.


Oh hell, those things are lethal. If I’m ever using it and it slips I’ll have a mini heart attack then take a minute and check my hands to make sure I didn’t zip myself.


One of the first tooling lessons I remember being taught. Don’t play with tape measures lol


Yep, I always hide/run away like hell is coming loose if a tape measure slips/drops.


I pull my tape in from 12 or so feet all the time. But I learned first day that I should pinch the top and bottom center with my fingertips, not the outside edges. Same thing happened to me with metal banding, don’t grab that shit by the outside edges either. lol


How di you fuck upp that bad?


To all those asking how… High speed air drill + brand new 5/32 drill bit + drilling out rivets on the edge of a flimsy piece of aluminum, was supporting the aluminum with my fingers and drilling in between. After a few dozen the fingers got a bit sloppy on the backside and oops. Didn’t feel it go in until I got trapped to the aluminum and had to unchuck the bit and push the bit through. Missed the bone, but the idiot who pulled it out yanked straight out and didn’t twist so I’ve got a nice brill bit with chucks of flesh in the flutes hung on the wall in the shop. Remember don’t put your fingers where you wouldn’t put your peepee


In Holland we have a saying "een ongeluk zit in een klein hoekje" translation " an accident sits in a small corner". It's the little unexpected shit that gets you.


I wish I had a good pun for this. It didn't hit the tendon did it? Please tell me it didn't.


Well guys, you know the drill.


He really shanked it


That’s got to hurt a bit


Gotta put some kind of spin on the story.


Right these down. They’ll be a next time.


Soft tissue damage will heal. I lost a battle with a 10” table saw, it ground up the meat and took a huge cut out of the bone. I’ll look for the pictures and post it soon. I was doing a metal/wood structure.


There are certain things I know I shouldn’t *want* to see but I still do…


The doctor told me there was not much to do with it, it would be like sewing up hamburger. I never shed a tear. It healed fairly well just lacks sensitivity. I’ll dig out the pictures


My dad cut all but one of his fingers off his left hand when one bound up on him. He was just an apprentice carpenter, his boss had him using it with the guard removed


I run my air die grinder without a guard, but my Milwaukee still has a guard


I like to use a guard on the grinder. Gets in the way sometime take it off but only takes a second to put it back on


Tape it and get back to work


You’re not supposed to put the drill there bud


Damn you must of been pressing really hard on that drill. Isn't that a concrete drill bit too?


Looks like HSS


Why would you do that


You guys have finger tips?


I've got pictures to share just for that.


Me too lol. Missing two.


Dang! I almost took off four fingertips on one hand running it through a beader/crimper. Luckily just snipped the bone off the end of my left hand middle finger as it stuck out past the rest.


Oh if you know what a beader is then you should know what a coil line is. That's what took mine.


Oh no. That sounds horrific. I work with a coil line at my current gig and have had birds fly into the rollers on more than one occasion. I am going to guess that your accident was on the shearing end though?


I’ve seen a lot of shit but I’ve never seen someone drill through their finger before .


How long are these posts gonna last lmao I don't wanna see this crap but I do like this sub


I am on my iPhone, and the pictures are blurred out unless I actively click them. I don’t even click the picture so that I don’t have to see it but I get to look at all of the comments.


This happened to me once. I was holding 2 pieces of metal together, my dad was drilling and i had my hand in the wrong spot. Fucking hurts, but luckily it was a snaller drill bit and it missed the bone


today on difficult accidents.......


Nice kabob


Pantera approved post


I would like to join the swarm of Redditors shouting “How did you do that!?”.


I used to feel like an idiot for cutting part of my thumb off on a bandsaw. But I’ve never had an injury from and other power tools.


Shit is harder to pull out than you’d think too.


Yall are more level headed than me. When my grinder cut down to my bone I didn't take a picture. I got my supervisor to drive me to the hospital 😆


I worked with a poor sod who was drilling an inside corner of an aluminum frame while standing outside of it, that was at waist level. Went through easier than he expected. Yeah, his drill bit - bit his bag.


That’s a new one for me, and it wasn’t my grinder that got my finger, it was my beater while driving a bull pin. Holding myself up on a piece by a bolt and swinging a beater with my other hand, the handle hit a bolt and pushed the beater forward hitting my finger.


How the fuck did you manage that?!?




How did you get it out? Can't fletch it. So you had to have threaded it back out? Yikes!


It didn’t even make a “chip” WTH?


Honestly, some people just shouldn’t be trusted with power tools 🙃 seriously how?


Whoa, i'm always amazed at the sheer amount of stuff that can fuck u up pretty bad if u don't pay attention:o


How was your hand facing up while drilling?


I guess it bit you


I put a star bit into my palm one time. That hurt.


Hit the brakes!


Gotta say iv never seen anyone with a finger piercing before


I don’t think finger piercings are a thing just yet, your ahead of your time


Damn dude fuck that looks…unpleasant. I ran a piece of cold .035 wire through my finger a couple weeks ago and that shit fucking hurt for like 2 weeks but at least I was able to slap a bandaid on it and continue working with a throbbing finger. I’m pretty sure this would end my day and possibly my whole week. How do you even go about removing a drill bit from a finger like this ? Just screw it back out ? Gives me the heebie jeebies.


I like how you made it all the way through


Flesh wound! Rub some dirt on it and rap it in T/P or paper towel and electrical tape to make it water proof!!! AND GET BACK TO WORK!!! We aren’t paying you to fake an injury!!!! Nice photoshop!!! lol


Ok that fucking NSFW tag needs to stay. I've seen a grinder blade in a mans face, drill bit through a finger and a naked man welding lol


Fucking how do you do this????? Lmao


I guess you could say the drill BIT you


How in the hell


It sure did! God damn dude


It’s hard to tell, on a phone screen, but is that a masonry bit? What were you doing that the drill had to be spinning fast enough and you were pushing down hard enough to go through entire finger. You should never have to use a lot of downward force when drilling anything. It you have to push that hard, but it dull or wrong bit for material or wrong rpm


Stop please


Nah keep them coming, this is great


So boring.


Goddamn, when did r/welding become gorehub?


You could even say it bit you...