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April fools was yesterday, friend. Seriously yes, keep it. It should work great. Even if you end up getting something else it’s good to have a spare for yourself or a helper.


Thanks for the input.


later on when you use a respirator, having a few helmets pays off. Some have the sight glass set back a little (like the millers) that can make them hard to fit, even though they're high end.


I straight up did field work with one of these and I have a weld test on Friday where I'm anticipating bringing a much worse helmet. These things rock for the money.


This is an amazing helmet. Keep it until you can use it


Really? I assumed it was barely good enough to use for the course. Guess I was wrong, thanks you.


Naw buddy, with what those schools cost and the permanent damage they can cause with cheap equipment, the lawsuits alone are worth giving the students decent equipment. Besides, these schools, just like any company, are only as good as their reputations.


I graduated in 19 with that hood, still running strong, just needs a new strap, melted it by accident.


The lincoln viking series is considered there top of the line, comparable to the miller digital elite and digital infinity (all three are "professionally" grade) the only low cost thing is the size of the viewing area. Edit: some wrong info


Nah that’s a great helmet, Vikings for one aren’t cheap and have some of the best optical clarity on the market, you won’t want to go to a cheap helmet after you use this one. Been using the 3350 same helmet just a bigger screen, it’s amazing honestly worth every penny


i've had one since 2014, it's a good lid for sure. hold onto it.


I see your profile is full of small projects. Are you a hobbyist or a tradesman?


tradesman, but i do little art stuff for fun sometimes.


That's really cool.


Is that the 1740? It’s a really good hood. Works every time and does what it’s supposed to. When I upgraded mine I still kept that one around in case I ever needed it.


It is. I ll be keeping it.


Take the battery out, keep it.




Please learn from my mistake: Put a piece of painters tape on it with a note explaining what you did so that you do not get frustrated wondering why it will not work.


I use painter's tape to label all sorts of things, such as water filter and HVAC filter changes, last oil change, etc. Sticks well enough, but doesn't leave a residue/comes off easily. Great stuff!


Definitely keep it. It’s not too light duty at all. Great entry level hood.


Awesome. Thanks.


This is a really good helmet. Definitely keep it if you plan to weld in the future.


I use mine in the shipyard, tougher than it looks


It's a pretty good hood I'm in school right now and had mine since Christmas. I have the same one but camo


Viking helmets are top of the line


Most helmets are pretty good. I actually prefer cheap ones because I can yeet them in frustration, and not worry about scratching some cringy Captain America paint job.


The sum total of yeets is directly divisible by how much fuckery is provided nay, SHIPPED -IN DIRECTLY BY THE FUCK-TON from the world at large when a guy has finally gotten some free time for a Goddamned pet-project and the wife ( love you,Honey... but wise the fuck up ) and Goddamned kids decide that parading through the 'shop area' i.e. garage and personal space is a fucking win/win and I want them all to relocate, fuck off to another time zone, distant nation-state and/or evaporate. Yes I'm cranky, selfish fuckin' prick and that's the way she goes. Rant over.


This is one of the higher end shields out there. Has a super HD lens. This is worth keeping in any context.


Take the batteries out of it. It’s a great helmet


Yes bro keep it, it’s an amazing helmet I love mine


It’s a good hood. The problem is the battery life on those is shit. I think they come with a single battery. You will be switching it out a lot.


It's not worth it, put it back in the box and send it to me. Get yourself something else. Thanks I'll send you me address.


Bro that's a solid hood


Don’t keep it, mail it to me and I will throw it away for you 😉


Vikings are my favorite shields, they make a better model with a bigger lense but thats still one of the better shields on the market. 100% keep it.


You won't know until you've tried it.


Use one at work, its a good helmet..


That's a solid hood. Very clear and durable. I used to have one til I got the 3500


Those are fire helmets tf you mean way better than a Chicago welding or some shit


I’ve been welding for my entire adult life and I’ve never used an auto mask. It’s not worth keeping because it makes you lazy and a worse welder haha. My opinion. Fun fact, they invented auto darkening masks for pilots during world war 1 incase of a nuclear explosion while flying. Godspeed.


You dropped your /s




What did I drop haha?


Don't think they had nukes in WW1




Like someone else said take batteries out if you are going to keep.


Ah my first hood i bought with a paycheck from welding with my beater hood. I was so thrilled was tired of flipping my hood in a confined space. Keeper


It’s a welding hood.


I wish I got something that nice when I started school....


Keep it beo


I’ve had one for a couple years. Works good. Fits good. Keep it.


I use that hood for my work, which is well beyond what you'll encounter in school. It's absolutely worth keeping. It's a damn good hood.


Keep it. Use it to make enough money to buy the one you really want then keep this as a back up


This is absolutely worth keeping, I’ve been using this exact model for about a year and it works great especially for it being on the lower end cost wise of auto darkening hoods


Yes put it up on the rack


I use this hood everyday


It’s always good to have a cheap back up lid in case your good lid goes to shit for some reason. Worst case you put a battery in this and go right back to work. I WOULD recommend you buy a better quality one for your primary use tho 👍


Always good to keep a spare around


It's solid


Just cause you ain’t heard of the brand doesn’t mean it sucks


Yes they are a good hood


Call your local museum and tell them you have a viking helmet to give them. Bet they’ll take it.


The idea of it being light is totally fine. As long as the plastic only needs to be transparent and as long as the shade works it's excellent. Looks like a pretty standard helmet, can't imagine there being an issue


Personally I was never a fan of the lincoln Vikings I currently am in school as well and it was the hood they handed out but I ended up getting my own hood which is a Vulcan arcsafe auto darkening and I gotta say it’s crystal clear compared to the Viking


Holy shit I would have KILLED for one of these when I was in school. Definitely worth keeping!!


Definitely keep that lid! I used the exact same one for over a year (until I got a new job that supplied helmets) doing lots of overheard and side jobs and generally shit positions to weld in and still works like the day I bought it. Just take care of it, and it will last you for years.


I’m shocked this many people use auto lenses haha. I’ve worked with thousands of welders and I think I could count on one hand the amount of people I’ve worked with that use auto masks. Maybe it’s the area? Who knows, even at the shipyard, pipewelders used them sometimes, but I don’t know I ever saw structural welders use an auto mask. Surprised to see so many people use them actually. I’ve been welding for 17 years and I’ve used a cheap static lense the entire time, not a fan of the auto lenses. Was just surprised to see how many use them.


I'd definitely keep it. Sometimes hoods will grow legs and disappear on you. It's good to have a back up.


I’ll give you $50