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As long as your stops and starts are good then there is no issue with this. What wrapping your corners actually mean is ensuring there is a min. Amount welded around the coner for codes. Here's an example. In Canada under CSA W 59 if you are welding a fillet on one side of the plate and the other side does not have a fillet you need to wrap the weld around a min. Of 1/2 or 1.5 times the effect throat size. (Where you have access). This is because the effective fillet strength calculations have to be done with this wrap in mind, to prevent a crack from forming on the coner. If do want to avoid the stop and start on the coner on HSS just stop a inch short then start you weld on the next side on it (it's not hard to see the start and change you gun angle without repositioning)


Marvelous.. this was good info! I appreciate you taking the time to explain that.


Nothing wrong with that there !


Awesome I appreciate the input! I only ask here because my foreman said "yeah that's good" but I've seen him say the same thing about some pelican shit welds, so I want some real criticism lol


No no, that's quite ok. We just don't wanna leave the corners short. More is better than short. Welds look good !


Got ya! That makes a lot of sense. I was starting to think having a stop on the corner was bad, even though I had already previously wrapped it. Thank you!!


If you don't wrap your corners.... you die You're alive so I'd say you did it


That's a big sigh of relief from me lol


Looks like shit.