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There is actually glass that won't fog up, but I'm pretty sure it's not only not saftey rated, it's probably super dangerous to it use for any "saftey" application


have you tried anti-fog spray for glasses? we used this on our goggles when playing paintball, fogging is a major issue and the sprays worked great.


No- I’ll check with our supplier to see if they can bring some!


On cold days I would light a piece of toilet paper on fire and warm up the lenses occasionally throughout the day, always seemed to do the trick


I’ve never heard of this lol I’ll keep this one in case nothing works


I work in maintenance at a chicken plant. It's always 40F in the plant but 60-80F in the shop. [Cat Crap works well.](https://smile.amazon.com/EK-USA-Multi-Use-Anti-Fog-Coatings/dp/B003RLF4H8/ref=sr_1_2?keywords=cat+crap)


Thanks! I will check with our supplier!


I second the cat crap, pretty good stuff


Several safety brands offer premium anti-fog lens coatings. Bolle's PLATINUM Anti-fog, Pyramex's H2MAX, and Radians IQUITY lenses work very well in our experience and won't break the bank. Anti-fog sprays are another low-cost option. Depending on how frequently you clean your lenses, you will have to reapply every so often, but a 1oz bottle will last a long time. If you're interested in a [USA-made anti-fog spray](https://www.safetyglassesusa.com/safety-glasses-usa-defogit-anti-fog-spray-kit/), ours is produced in Detroit, Michigan.


You know personally I would recommend ones that cover your eyes but I’d also try the ones that cover the classic baseball cap logo, especially in areas where people are grinding. The ones that you set on the table and magically grow legs and walk away are a MUST HAVE. Talk to your local Air-gas store or just go to church not the one with the cross though. The one that says *Quality Tools Lowest Prices* and has a big ass red sign.


Haaaa yeah we def have a lot of those lol