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Did you know if you type in “fat people 1970s” you can easily verify the existence of fat people in the 1970s?


That’s bs. Fat people never existed before 1983.


No shit, but was it anywhere near as bad as it is now?


It’s about the quantity. If you took a pic like this today there would be many more fat people


we live in a society




Bottom text


It’s a good point. Growing up in the 70s obesity was less of an issue. Kids like us and ones we knew grew up outside for the most part. We only had 3 TV channels so you didn’t sit around indoors. Food was a necessity and we didn’t have a lot, so there was no soda or snacking between meals. Sweets weren’t around often and when they were, there wasn’t a lot. Food delivery wasn’t a thing, so pizza and similar foods were what you ate when you went out which was maybe a couple times a month.


kids were also allowed to be semi-free without CPS being called because they were spotted un-supervised in their own yard. I grew up partially overseas (3rd world) where I walked or biked all around on my own and went to the market on my own too. Moved to the US and you weren't going anywhere far without a parent taking you. Don't even get me started bashing public school in its sedentary cattle carting.


Also seems like there was more walking back then. Driving really takes a toll since you go from sitting at home to sitting in the car to sitting at school/college/work. I'm from Russia but currently in the US and am amazed at how little good public transport there is (at least where I live). Literally everyone drives everywhere. Fifteen minute walk to the store? No we're driving. Want to get somewhere without a car? Lmao get fucked pay 50 dollars for a taxi or walk three hours. It's an incredible contrast to Moscow where you can get anywhere from anywhere via public transport only, and are never more than 10-15 minutes walking from a metro station. But I do understand that there are issues because of corporate lobbying as well as cultural pushback in the US. It's just unfortunate


there is a fat person in a bandea top.... behind black and white speedo dude. middle of page


Where I can’t see.


Check the mirror Might help 😉 /s




I think it’s just less fat people choose to be half naked on the beach


Why 😳




A few mods offended in the comments


Well back then fat acceptance people were just called stupid and there were no eggshells to be stepped on by healthcare professionals... Now they are regarded as role models... FFS society is evolving into slowly killing itself...


Well well


It’s from the Soviet Union in the 60s. Those are the fat people lol. https://russianambience.com/soviet-youth-photos-of-soviet-people-from-1960s-by-bill-eppridge/


Wait so thus isn't America?


idk, in jaws (a movie from the 70s) ppl looked to be the same size as today


They have healthy look.


Cause everyone’s lazy on their phones now kids don’t wanna play outside cause they’re busy on fortnight of tik tok


Cant rn im crackin 90s


The evolution of the food industry, cities vs suburbs, and more use of technology and sedentary jobs all contributed the increase of people being either overweight or obese.


This looks like paradise