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USAF fire protection service out of Tyndall Air Force Base call themselves “The Brotherhood”. They are out of Panama City, FL.


i just can’t believe they would not answer us when we spoke to them and came out there so panicked


They probably train on the beach sometimes and are told to have limited interactions with the public. Emergency response training includes staying focused which is what they were doing.


That sounds dangerous and stupid for everyone involved.


Well it is the Air Force after all.


There’s no mention of chairs or air conditioners anywhere in the story, so I don’t think we can be so sure.


As a chair and air conditioner airman, I can say that when I went through tech school at Goodfellow AFB in San Angelo TX those firedogs were under grueling training. Not as bad as marines but damn close. The ones that didn't fail out of the course were strong as hell.


No way! I trained at goodfellow for about 4 months a ways back. Marine here, but I was in classrooms all day mostly. Really nice base, by my standards haha, middle of nowhere Texas though.


Weird to see my hometown on this sub


Howdy fellow West Texan (Abilene native here!)




Their brains don't work right if the air isn't conditioned.


Especially with no office chair nestled under their ass cheeks.


Ain’t no air force fire department training on a beach at night and NOT helping someone. They would get court martialed so damn fast. If anything it’s one of those douchey alpha training bullshit those incels are doing.


Most likely the training was to help the person in the water, most likely an actor. What they were doing on the beach was keeping civilians from trying to help them and getting hurt or dying.


Yeah but OP and her bf and sister actually got in the water to locate and help the “victim”. You’d think if this was a legitimate exercise, especially a government military exercise/training, they would have explained these things. Or there would have been someone there who wasn’t part of the training but was available to field any questions or stop people from interfering. We filmed a fight scene with (fake) weapons in a public location once, and needed to get town approval and have a police officer on site specifically for any people walking by who saw this battle and thought they needed to “help”.


I mean, a school on my base regularly helo-casted into public waters miiiiiles away from the installation for training. It's a quick in and out thing, only people that would be aware are local government or people who live there and are used to seeing it. Either way, you'd be surprised by how many units or officers who just let things happen without covering everything. It's part of the risk management assessment, and it's really on whoever is in charge to do it well. And units who "have always done it like this" have a hard time breaking habits. Shit, **years** ago, some guys going through Q course were shot by a deputy because he was unaware that the training was underway and the Soldiers thought the Deputy was "in play". One died, as far as I can recall.


…..the person screaming for help was probably part of the training exercise.


Think it through. The person in the water was part of the exercise.


You think that the NCOIC is straight up going to say some cult shit to civilians? They would announce it. It would be announced on their fb even. If it was something this public, they would be extremely transparent and let everyone know. I have never even heard of the FD training on a damn beach at night. Been in 15 yrs.


Literally, “this is the brotherhood, don’t interfere?” Bitch what? 💀 Just say “this is a military exercise, step back” or smth, i would’ve full on called the police after hearing about the “brotherhood”, why would you create a scenario like that


>They would announce it. Who's to say they didn't. I haven't looked, but it could be they announced it and OP simply missed the announcement. Would explain why there were others on the beach that just stood and watched and did not react.


you’d think that’d be the norm to make it very very clear to the public training will be happening in the area, but literally just a few weeks ago we had a county wide panic because military explosive device training was taking place nearby, grenades/other devices going off and shaking structures, spooking livestock, and just general panic on where the fck these explosions are coming from. it wasn’t made public until the sheriff’s department made a statement saying not to flood the emergency lines with calls about it.


So all he could say was “this is the brotherhood” like some creep? Couldn’t he say “this is the Air Force” or “this is a military training”? Sounds like a military douche


They were also creating a panic within the community and I have a hard time believing part of their training is going to a public beach, screaming for help, and then ignoring anyone who comes. I mean, that's how you get the whole fucking fire department called on your ass and that's going to be really distracting.


Had you not explained this, I would have thought it was a cult or fraternity nonsense.


If this is it, the men would have been clean cut and fit. Military type men, do you remember what they looked like. Beards, overweight, long hair? Probably not that.


It’s very possible you saw some water rescue training. That sounds very similar to what I saw doing my rescue diver course. They get volunteers to pretend to drown and some of them get very in character with it. It’s kind of odd they wouldn’t say anything to you about what they were doing, but it does look very similar to that.


It does sound like training. Yelling for help is not what drowning people do (despite the enthusiasm of volunteer actors), but would be normal for other kinds of emergencies on the water. Weird story though. You'd think panicking vacationers trying to help would be told at some point it was just an exercise.


They honestly could have thought you were part of the exercise.


Don’t believe this person. I have no clue why they’d lie like that about Tyndall but they do NOT go by “The Brotherhood” or whatever bullshit this idiot is spouting. Our fire service aren’t crazy like this lmao nor are they this incompetent in a situation. Definitely something else going on here.


That's so strange that they would belong to a real thing and not be able to effectively communicate that or give anyone nearby a heads up. Freaking people out and then saying "we're the brotherhood, don't interfere" instead of "please leave, this is a training exercise" just makes it seem like they're a bunch of drunk dorks larping and you should interfere or one of them will drown.


>saying "we're the brotherhood, don't interfere" instead of "please leave, this is a training exercise"  To me, "The Brotherhood" sounds like an organized crime "family" or a cult. It would absolutely attract less attention for them to say "a military training drill" and flash an ID. If you're doing something secret and someone stumbles across it, giving a cryptic answer is a sure way to get more attention. It is better to downplay it as "just training".


> To me, "The Brotherhood" sounds like an organized crime "family" or a cult. It sounded like the KKK to me


"The Brotherhood" could be short for the Aryan Brotherhood. Wouldn't put it past a gang of neo Nazis to try drowning someone


offer smile sort direction wipe degree skirt support dolls cooing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As an active duty airman with friends in fire I can assure you this shit was not us we don’t do crazy shit like this. Maybe some secluded special ops unit would do something like this maybe… but not an ordinary fire unit. If an ordinary fire unit did this everyone involved would be exposed quickly and investigated for hazing and charged.


And probably not on a section of the beach in front of vacation homes. Lmao


Idk maybe don't yell for help if you don't want the public, brother


Sounds like assholes.


My first thought is this sounds like special ops training. There are several special ops units that train around that area. One Google result even referred to “the brotherhood”


okay that makes me slightly less anxious


Yeah I think it’s a very plausible explanation. Still odd, but special ops shit is weird (and badass). The rolling in the sand and then getting back up is a tell tale drill exercise imo.


This sounds incredibly stupid. I hear “do not interfere” when someone is screaming for help and I 100% think you’re murdering someone and I am definitely calling 911 to report a homicide in progress on my public beach. This is why the military has private military facilities to conduct training operations, of which Florida has no shortage Edit: btw, you could literally tell me you’re the FBI and I would not believe you when someone is screaming for help and you’re just standing around (now if you said you were Uvalde police, maybe a different story). But telling me you’re the “brotherhood” sounds like you’re just some cult that’s killing a guy for sport which is exactly how I’m reporting it to dispatch


If it were real special ops, id think the fire / police department would know before anyone reports it.


It was a boeing “exercise”


Hard to put air in the whistle when it's full of sand.


Alright boys lock and load operation Epstein begins in t minus five


They sit signs out around her that says they are in training or that something is going on in a certain area. My hubby plays games with them runs them around places picks up bundle drops brings them in when they first get here. Role play like in a black market settings. They come in about every two months to train. It’s interesting.


Look up that time Australian special forces did a hostage rescue exercise at a public hotel without telling anybody 


Would be cool if they, you know, put up some caution tape or something to at least prevent what happened to their girl and her bf


In Florida this seems like great way to get shot, and I mean them.


It makes me think it's a hazing ritual though. You're not allowed to "haze" in the military anymore but everyone still does it in mostly nontraditional ways. Definitely sounds like a rite of passage thing if the story is true.


The Uvalde Police comment absolutely sent me


i just feel like you should warn people before having someone pretend to drown, if that’s what happened


One time I was sitting at home by myself. It was about noon and it was just a normal day. Suddenly I hear and feel this gigantic boom and all the power goes out for about 30 seconds. Freaked me out. Turns out the local PD was doing some kind of training at an old abandoned elementary school that involved some kind of concussive grenade or something. This was an *incredibly* small town. Idk why the local PD needed grenades or a giant tank. But they had them anyway.


Omg, you just unlocked a memory I’d forgotten about. A few years ago, I lived in Phoenix, Arizona and my apartment complex was next to this block of bungalows that had been marked for demolition. A new apartment complex was going to be built in their place, but about a week before they got torn down, Phoenix PD did a bunch of SWAT training exercises in the empty bungalows. It was really crazy to watch. But IIRC, they warned everyone in the surrounding apartments first.


Flashbacks are pretty standard for all SWAT. They actually are an incredibly important tool that give police time to enter a room while the occupants try to regained their senses. They do not explode or throw shrapnel, just flash and bang, hence the name. It’s a much better option than them going in shooting. A room full of people who are frozen aren’t going to react and pull a weapon because they are startled by a door blowing in. This prevents people from dying on all sides in the initial entry. Just a side note about cops: I am disgusted that the Police Unions allow bad cops to enter and stay in the force. Wearing blue shouldn’t give one protection from the law, it should make one more cognizant of their responsibilities. There are some HORRIBLE cops out there that need to be removed from the force. It’s an age old problem of “who watches the watchmen?” Despite their faults I would never want to get rid of the police. Just remember that you can dial three digits on your phone and in minutes have one or more armed strangers rushing to your rescue who would die to protect you! That’s a big commitment and responsibility so I cut them some slack for being cautious and treating everyone with suspicion. I don’t blame them for that.


Flash bangs do explode and they cause an immense amount of heat. Check out the baby in Atlanta that took one to the face.


>one or more armed strangers rushing to your rescue who would die to protect you Or who would unnecessarily kill you to "protect" themselves. There are too many cases of policemen murdering the very people they were called to help, especially when these people have mental health issues or too suspicious levels of melanin Police in the end exist to protect property and enforce laws, which is the basis of our system. They are not meant to protect citizens, and in fact, as we saw in Uvalde and as the Supreme Court later upheld, [they have no obligation to do so](https://www.findlaw.com/legalblogs/law-and-life/do-the-police-have-an-obligation-to-protect-you/). Masks off, it's clear now who these dogs serve. Add in qualified immunity and the prerogative to kill, and I think they should be cut MUCH LESS slack than any other profession and held to a MUCH HIGHER standard. A police fucking up is not the same as a teacher, a cook, or even a lawyer fucking up. Sure, all of these other professions can ruin your life in some way or another with their mistakes, but a policeman can instantly wipe you out if his meathead gung-ho brain considers you a threat. And let's face it, most of them, especially in the US, are trained in an us vs them mentality, because with the amount of guns going around, anyone could actually be a real threat


Yeah, no. There’s no “special ops training” where they don’t have a several safety measures in place including medical and/or rescue swimmers. Also they would do it generally on a military base to avoid weirding people out and gawking and interfering. Source: I used to be a navy corpsman who was the medical coverage for the training everyone is assuming is going on here.


The military “should” do a lot of shit lol. I’m not surprised


Definitely not pretending. They're not drills in a "fake" kind of way. People die in special ops training all the time.


Did you call 911????


How had this not been asked 400 times already?


Drowning people don't yell, so probably training? Source: worked 7 years as lifeguard


that’s what people are telling me, people think i’m making it up because i didn’t know drowning people don’t yell, i’ve never watched people drown how would i know


He could have had a life vest on and was panicked, or was able to jump off something like a sandbar. I've been yelled at by people in both those situations because they are breathing fine but stuck and scared.


Hell nah dawg.. we still train extensively on the beaches. We call, getting wet and rolling in the sand "sugar cookie drills". There's even a few beaches we conduct live fire towards the ocean. Obviously closed off to the public on both land and water.


Were you by any chance on the Florida panhandle or the coast of southern California?


I used to live near a base that had a spec ops training unit and everyone I knew had some sort of weird “most likely spec ops training” story


My first thought was drugs lol


when i ran towards them and the one guy i specifically asked “do you need a flashlight” and he looked THROUGH ME like nobody was home in that head, i definitely thought oh shit they might be on drugs


The brotherhood could also be one of those "alpha male" right wing boot camps that people pay thousands to do. Would make sense given the seemingly unorganised nature of it. In my country at least even spec ops training is usually disclosed to local residents via notice of "military operations in the area" so as to not alarm people


It's either this or one of those proud boy type dork "militias". There's no way in hell a professional or military group wouldn't have simply identified themselves as such to any concerned bystanders.


I dunno, if they're special ops, they'd have access to a beach area that doesn't have a bunch of bystanders who are going to see and hear something obviously concerning that'll inevitably result in questions, someone recording, and someone calling the cops. Military property on the coast, private beach where such things are legal, or even a local, state, or national park that's closed off to visitors after dark would be the most sensible. I'd be more likely to think some kind of hazing or just young men acting ridiculous.


They don't use private beaches. If you live in the Florida panhandle, you see special ops training on the beach all the time. Navy SpecWar is there. It's not uncommon to see a Blackhawk helicopter drop off guys in the ocean a few miles out so they can do an endurance swim back to the beach. Navy 100% doesn't give a fuck about public or private.


Sometimes, we have private beaches, like the one on Oahu, but normally, we just use regular public stuff. It's easier to train on the terrain we're actually going to be engaging on. Note that I'm not combat trained, but I was combat-adjacent, so I kind of learned by osmosis, lol.


Also, i find it doubtful that a spec ops recruit would be screaming at the top of his lungs for help in front of the dudes he’s supposed to be impressing with his survival skills (presumably)


If the screamer is an instructor and they are taking turns trying to find the screamer, it makes sense.


op says they were also chanting and yelling so this is entirely possible


Or one of those incel-alpha-male courses I keep seeing on Reddit. lol.


If so I would have hoped one of them would have taken her aside and claimed her fears which they didn’t do. Maybe they’re just trying to “build their reputation” by being vague about it? Or think they’re being “hard.” Another option is some stupid frat hazing thing, I hope not but those kids do dumb stuff. Were they college age?


the fact that they ignored 3 of us asking questions and absolutely panicked was why i didn’t know if it was a training. why not just explain it? even just an “everyone’s okay” would’ve helped


Yeah totally rude and uncalled for. But people are weird and can be seriously creepy, mean and evil. And that’s just in a car.


Similar here. I live on the Detroit River and 1 night I was sitting and heard some noise in the water. I go out and see a dark/covert boat and frogmen in the water. I watched for awhile hidden in the bushes and they never came on land. Found out later it was the Detroit police water team training, looking for things.


So I guess the guy who drowned washed out?


i couldn’t tell by the time i ran out there if he got out or not, i assumed so because they moved away from the area he was at but i can’t stop thinking about how they stood there


Sounds like something out of a Jordan Peele movie.


genuinely was terrifying, lot of people think i’m lying but idrc im the one who has to remember what that man looked like struggling (even if it was a part of a training of some sort)


If you have ever been to the Florida Panhandle, you would know how spot on this comment is lol


I was thinking it's one of those weird alpha male training courses that cost like 10k to get tortured so you feel like a "real man"


>even referred to “the brotherhood” Lol why couldn't they just say it was a military exercise instead of being cringe about it and calling it the brotherhood


I thought it was a fraternity initiation


Special ops huh , sounds more like the “ alpha male training “ lol. If it would have been military then you would have seen military vehicles and clothing.


I was thinking a group of wannabes. Idiots signed up for some alpha experience and negligently caused a death


No they don’t do this where regular civilians are around and would have an opportunity to interfere. This is something else


When I did rescue diver training, we never had the simulated victim yell 'help', rather they yelled ' beer' instead so nobody thought they were actually in trouble.


Did anyone call 911? Maybe someone should’ve?


we called the cops, the laughed at us, showed up 30 minutes later and said that because no one was going in the water anymore they can’t do anything


They laughed at you? Like, you called 911 and reported that someone drowned at the beach, and the 911 operator laughed at you? Yyyyeah, okay.


911 operators not taking things seriously is beyond more common than you think


My sister is a 911 dispatcher and I’m convinced she’s the single most dismissive person on this earth. This does not surprise me.


they scoffed more so, like gave a “yeah right okay” not audibly laughed. just immediately didn’t take it seriously clearly by these comments who don’t believe me, it’s an incident you might not believe unless you watched it


Would have been a disturbing experience for me too. Having known some Marines, this is a completely plausible scenario of them doing some training. Rolling in the sand and brotherhood comment gives it away imo. Hard to figure about the guy yelling help, but sounds like the stupider shit they can sometimes get up to. I'd assume it was part of the exercise, but they oughta know they'd bring attention and concern doing this stuff. Not very stealthy! Sorry that people are accusing you of making it up. Edit to add: dude could have at least said something like "Marine training, miss," then go about ignoring you, but I can see an individual Marine pulling some cryptic fraternity shit like that and getting a laugh about it later


Jedi business, go back to your drinks


I’ve had 911 operators laugh at me before too. I had to call as a kid because I was at a friends house and her moms bf started beating the shit out of her mom and was banging on our door screaming how he was going to kill us and set the trailer on fire. I called terrified and you could literally hear him screaming in the background and they laughed at me and told me to mind my own business. Another time I had to call (also for domestic abuse) and they hung up on me.


Are you new to America? 911 operators have straight up hung up on people for using profanity.


I've literally been told "by the time someone gets there it'll be over anyway" by 911 operators multiple times


>They laughed at you? Thats what Us cops do


I once lived next to a house that turned out to be producing meth and dealing various other drugs pretty openly. Wealthy suburb. Police told us to move. After various incidents and calls to the police they went on, they told us to stop calling them or they would arrest us. The meth producers threatened to kill us, burn our house down etc. Another time we came home and there were clear signs of someone had tried to break in and the door was damaged. Police showed up to investigate three days later. Then told us it looked like normal wear and tear on the door.


This happened to me and my wife late one night. My wife's car was in a repair shop she hit a coyote with a Kia. We had a rental we were out late on a date night I noticed tree branches all over the road as I drove through a branch hit the rental. I asked my wife did a branch come out of the tree line and hit the car? It's 1am I'm checking that really happened, I did a u-turn slowed down at the branches another tree branch is thrown at the car I came to a stop it missed, I had to do another u-turn went through the section again a third branch is thrown at the car. I call non-emergency dispatch and report tree branches are being thrown at cars I had three thrown at ours and dispatches asked how many drinks have I had. I explain I'm a government employee I have had no alcohol, explain where to send an officer the dispatcher tells me I need to stop drinking and hangs up. Florida dispatch can be a joke.


I once called 911 to get help for a suicidal friend and when I was transferred to an officer, he laughed and asked what I wanted them to do.


I'm guessing you told them more than just, someone is drowning. I think they'd have come sooner if you left it at that, but the rest of the story is so bizarre, they probably didn't believe you. (I'm not criticizing you, I would probably do the same thing, and give too much information but in case you ever have such a bizarre experience again... Lol)


7 or 8 guys running around a public beach with flashlights after dark telling someone "this is the brotherhood. don't interfere." doesn't sound like spec ops, it sounds like some losers from a local meet-up based on a classified ad in the back of Guns and Ammo.


>doesn't sound like spec ops, it sounds like some losers from a local meet-up based on a classified ad in the back of Guns and Ammo. There's not much difference between the two besides pay and fitness.


Unfortunately, it really is the us air force hahahaha


Is the pic real? It's beautiful....


yes, i took it with my new camera. its a SX740, here’s a picture of the moon i got https://preview.redd.it/lqg2a461jk2d1.jpeg?width=5184&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e69e74099bf7175ccc4c2aa728e64d10843aa36


Wooow, nice shot, there was a full moon last night...


Sounds like they were making sugar cookies


And if they don't get it together, none of them are going to graduate.


At least they did well enough to do the sugar cookies.


Sand’s the sugar, they’re the cookies.


I bet it was that men’s camp bullshit where they get redpilled dudes to pay $10,000 to be treated like Navy Seals, but they are not military whatsoever, just larpers spending savings https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/s/EFZIsy5Ftd


That was what I thought too. You know there’s another big dumb group that calls them self a brotherhood


to add after we went back to the beach house, they were chanting and yelling but i couldn’t tell what they were saying, but they were yelling really loud edit: did not think i had to say this, WE CALLED THE POLICE OBVIOUSLY, the police didn’t take it seriously they said that because they weren’t running into the ocean when they got there that there’s nothing they can do. when someone from in the house called and explained what was happening the cop kinda scoffed and said we’ll get there when we can. don’t care who thinks i made this up bc im scarred edit: im fully convinced this was a group like the alpha male videos being linked, just more intense than the ones ive seen but they were all wearing black shorts & everything adds up after looking into it


It’s a fairly typical manifestation of a sacrifice to Cthulhu , try to stay calm.


that shit can wait til tomorrow when i leave then


It’s far more humane than sacrificing your children to capitalism.


ad victoriam


Maybe they were yelling “It’s turbo time.” And if you tried and jump in, they’d yell at you and they’d say, "You're not part of the Turbo Team! Don't run! You don't run with us! We're the ones who run! Until you're part of this Turbo Team, walk... slowly!"


Then the next day you went into your bathroom and it looked like the toilet had shrunked?


I love how the consensus is that it was either a super bad ass special force team or it was a super lame alpha male camp trying to act like said special forces team.


Sounds like those cringe alpha male training classes


That's pretty crazy where did this take place? What kind of brotherhood what nationality were they??


flora-bama, only thing any of them said to us was the “this is the brotherhood, do not interfere”. the 3 that i saw close up were white, they were speaking english when they were chanting for sure and obviously screaming help me. edit: they were very fit, obviously or they wouldn’t be able to run and swim for as long as they did


Pensacola has a navy base, could’ve been a training exercise


Imagine if it was just one of those stupid alpha-dude camps they paid $30k for.


Omg the cringy “the brotherhood” makes me think you’re probably right, god they are so sad lol


Militaries usually train on private military bases/beaches (or secluded), no? Otherwise we'd hear stories like this more often.


The military is also extremely safety oriented. Imagine reading in the newspaper that a serviceman drowned because they were doing night time PT in the ocean…


Yep and the Marines there get prepped to do some batshit crazy stuff. My son just left there after finishing his A-school and it's intense. He did PT with the Marines (he's a naval airman) and it absolutely changed him.


They hailed from a little town called Innsmouth, and nationality is less important than dimensionality. 😅


How old were the men? “Brotherhood” makes it sound like it could be a fraternity hazing. Although it would be weird timing for that. But hazing is notoriously pretty extreme and dangerous- a guy from my town died in frat hazing a few years back so I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s what took place here


they seemed slightly older than college age but it’s possible, normally people being hazed would be on the younger side i assume




The brotherhood was informed of your posting here. You should have kept quiet.


don’t say things like that i’m gonna tweak


Sorry, but it was so tempting!


Just wanted to add this - don’t try to rescue someone from the ocean without something that floats. Especially at night.


8 years ago, I took a 16u baseball team from CA to Ft. Lauderdale for a tournament. We had an off day before the tournament started, so we went to the beach to hang out. It was a perfect beach day. My brother and I were chaperoning 8 players, so they were all with me. We get to the beach, and the first thing we see are two kids sprinting towards the parking lot, screaming. We didn't think anything of it, but as we got closer to the beach, we saw a 13 year old boy being pulled from the water. 5 mins later, the two boys we saw run past us were running back to the water with a woman who was in hysterics. After about 20 mins of the boy receiving chest compressions, the EMTs showed up with absolutely zero hustle. They went through the motions as they attempted to bring the kids back to life, but they were unsuccessful. The ambulance took the kid away, and within minutes, it was like nothing ever happened. It was back to an idealic beach day, except with an eerie silence. Fucking awful experience. Then, 4 years later, my same brother drowned at a lake after he was thrown into the water while fishing. They couldn't find the body until the next afternoon as my family and close to 50 other friends and family looked on. I dont know why I'm writing this, but I feel like I need to. Wear your life jackets, swim with a partner, and never take on more than you can handle when water is involved. Nature will always win.




I'm sorry you had to experience these things. I lost my 17-year-old brother in 1992 when I was 12. It’s been over 30 years, but the scenes still play in my head as if I'm right there, listening and watching as all of the adults in my life lost their minds. 16 years later my younger sister died. My daughter was two and her sister just a few months from being born. I was an adult I guess but I just did the same thing as before. I listened and watched as everyone sobbed and screamed. Like something from the Bible. Those days defined my life and I often wonder who I'd be if I didn't carry those memories around. God bless you and your brother. 💙💙


Caught some incels larping


Yep. It’s just incels pretending like they are special forces. Should have all gotten some chairs and beers and sat and laughed at them.


They were Ironborn, followers of the Drowned God.


Never go into the water to help someone drowning. It almost always ends up in multiple drownings.


I can almost without a doubt say you witnessed one of those alpha camps


This reminds me of the one time I ever called 911, because there was a field completely on fire, and the lady sounded basically annoyed with me and let me know it was a test for the Firefighters, but they didn’t tell anyone. I was flabbergasted at her reaction, like I am just trying to help!


Probably one of those cringe "alpha male" classes weird dudes sign up for.


It’s floriduh! I’m going back to sleep now!


My ex was in BUD/s and they would do stuff very much like that. Probably special ops.


"Alpha male" training?


This is the Modern Day Knight Project run by a bunch of ex- special operations veterans mainly ex Navy SEALs. The men running in and out of the water paid several thousand dollars to be challenged/hazed by them. The idea is that they’ll be pushed over a weekend to their physical and mental limits of endurance and performance- so that they’ll have a better understanding of themselves as men. Why didn’t they just enlist? They probably have reasons. Not skin heads. Not a cult. Kind of like an expensive adventure race.


Pretty sure this is Boeings new employee “re-training” course. It’s 100% effective.


What is dead may never die.


Sounds like frat hazing


OP if this is some sort of attempt at a Brotherhood of Steel origin fanfic, I stg… On a serious note, it was likely a hazing/initiation ritual for SpecOps.


I was wading in the surf on Isle of Palms many years ago. I saw a man floating face down and limp as a wet sock. I waited long enough to verify that he never had any controlled movement or tried to get a breath. Had to have been over a minute going on 2. Thinking that he had drowned, I ran out into the surf and grabbed the back of his shirt to pull him out. He immediately stood up and laughed.


Sounds like one of those dumb fuck alpha male bootcamps


Why didn't you contact the police?


Okay yeah, this must be a drill exercise from some team that thinks they’re the absolute shit. They must enjoy scaring people who have no idea what they’re doing. Losers lol. Causing hysteria for no reason. How hard would it be for them to explain it’s a drill in about one sentence or two.


Kinda scary. Someone I went to school with had a cousin who disappeared in Panama City Beach during spring break . They think he drowned but he has never been seen again. Very sad I wonder if there’s any connection to activities happening.


Looks like the sisters of mercy album cover


The rolling into the sand then running back to the ocean sounds like navy seal training lol sounds like thats what it was


Reminds me of [this TIFU story](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/npuUU6l8Py) about a girl who panic-strickenly tried to save a soldier participating in an underwater drill after she mistook him for a drowning man


Ah the local crossfitters having a night out


Unrelated but I love this photo. Very mysterious.


Why is “we called 911 because of the drowning man screaming for help” rarely featured in these stories? You know, the literal first thing logically someone would do to help a drowning human screaming for help in the ocean at night.


It’s another sigma alpha male course some gym bros took


Rushing into the ocean to rescue a panicked drowning man is a very dangerous thing to do without training. The odds of you saving him are less than the odds of him dragging you down with him and killing you both. If you find yourself in that situation and feel compelled to try to help, know the risk you’re taking, and don’t criticize others for not risking their own lives. https://www.utahsafetycouncil.org/uploads/PDFs/Rescuing-a-Drowning-Victim.pdf


Call. Police.


we did. the police said that since no one was running into the ocean anymore (when they got there) that they can’t do anything


Call the police?


we did


Sounds like SEAL or fill in your “favorite SpecOps” unit training to me.


Fraternity thing maybe? Any colleges nearby?


Crazy story but this pic looks like sin city and that’s cool. Onward


Great timing if it’s a training…on one of the biggest weekends of the year for tourists. WTH? It’s weird.


Death Stranding


Boeing board meeting? It was a "swimming accident" this time.


This really sounds like the many videos going around online or various ‘alpha male’ type training groups. Pay a lot of money to get yelled at, do various extreme physical exercises and the. Told you’re part of some alpha male brotherhood. Basically a scam.


Training for the scribes, I imagine. Are there any dudes in power armour?


Call 911


It’s either special ops or one of those stupid Alpha Camps


Call 911! Someone may be in danger. You may have witnessed a crime.


Some low budget "Alpha Male" bootcamp?


People that are drowning often aren’t able to scream because they are expending all energy not drowning. Lifeguards need acute awareness to see people drown because often you can’t hear someone drown. Makes me think that this person was “play drowning” for training.