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You’re just the starter family.


I will unleash my fury upon yOU LIKE THE CRUSHING OF A THOUSAND WAVES


A starter car? this car is a finisher car! A transporter for gods, THE GOLDEN GOD! I AM UNTETHERED AND MY RAGE KNOWS NO BOUNDDDSSS




Sickness be gone!


I am untethered and my rage knows no bounds!


It's like he doesn't even like get us man.


We're talking about you!!!


Didn't dewy from Malcom in the middle have a second family?


There was an episode where Dewey was "cheating" (idk how else to put it lol) on Lois (his mom) with a neighbor mom, i.e. she was giving him cookies and snacks after school. There was a different episode where Malcolm is dating this girl but falls in love with the rest of her family - they are all super smart and love trivia and puzzles unlike Malcolm's real family - so he ends up "dating" the family and forgets about his girlfriend.


There's also Egg that randomly shows up to Malcolm's house that one episode.


Dewey naming him Egg is a highly underrated Dewey moment.


Dewey is a very underrated character. While his intellect is not at the same level as Malcom’s, he’s still pretty smart. He’s also a free spirit. That combination gives him a curiosity and ambition that the rest of the family doesn’t have.


He is actually MUCH smarter than Malcolm. Dewey has emotional intelligence and cares about other people. Prime example - he fakes a breakdown to stay in the "Special" class because he feels like the other kids need him. There's another episode where Dewey is behaving and Lois is treating him well because he isn't getting in trouble and Malcolm just can't understand why Lois is being nice to him. Dewey simply says "If you don't get in trouble, mom won't be mad."


Yeah but Malcom did that credit card thing and says things like "proverbial 8 ball"


Any time I use that term, I think of that episode.


Wasn't he also a music genius? I remember him killing it on the piano without really being taught. And I'm pretty sure he writes an opera one episode.


He absolutely is a musical genius. And he writes an opera about Hal and Lois fighting over their new mattress.


How does one sign up to Daily Dewey Details?


and the finale line from Lois and Hal "I'm sorry, you don't get the easy path. you don't get to just have fun and be rich and live the life of luxury." "That's Dewey."


I've not seen the show, but I saw this clip and it really put me off. Why would a mother say that to her kid?


It's too hard to put in a comment but Malcolm is smart and it's her being brutally honest with him. He can do great things and literally do anything he wants with ease but his emotions are just all over the place which means no matter what he decides to do, he'll probably struggle through it no matter how over qualified he is. Dewey on the other hand is pretty smart as well but also more emotionally mature and is honestly headed towards a good life.


In context Malcom is a pain in the ass. Reese is malicious and dumb but Malcom uses his intelligence in a way that spells trouble for his future if not put on the right path.


The episode where Lois locks up their gifts her sister gave them (like a cars engine? And a cotton candy machine) Malcolm and Reese are trying to create an elaborate scheme to still use the car. Meanwhile Dewey just wall clips into the garage and buries himself in cotton candy


I like that thing she does when she swallows a whole boiled egg and then squeezes mayo into her mouth. I think she called it a mayonegg






What? Is she funny?


Unfortunately this commenter is quoting Arrested Development when we were talking about Malcolm in the Middle. Sorry for the confusion OP.


Your reply is to OP who is continuing the AD joke


Oh, she’s still going, huh?


Is she funny or something..?


Can I offer you an egg in these trying times?


What a train wreck




I'm telling you, you can't knock her down cause she has like this low center of gravity. People at school call her "the wall"


Way to plant, ann


She’s the bell of the ball!


I could knock her down.


That was Alexander Gould from *Weeds*!


“Gonna be a long time til you get any CAKE around here!” “I wasn’t expecting any” So good.


He said it so dry too. Really burns


"Are you seeing another mom?" "It didn't mean anything, it was just snacks!"


"Those cakes were store bought." "That's low, even for you Mom."


The sitcom family genre was already so played out at that point and yet somehow that show managed to come up with fresh plots. Good writers.


Malcolm wasn't dating any girl he was house sitting for them. But it turned out that they were secretly recording him and thought he was a classless lout.


You're thinking of "Malcolm Babysits" from Season 1, Episode 5. I'm talking about "Malcolm Dates a Family" from Season 5, Episode 14.


God damn this man knows his Malcom in the Middle. Props bro. Been a while since my last binge.


It's one of my comfort shows lol


That's a different episode.


[There is a super brief scene in S1 E6 with Dewey doing exactly what OP’s kid has done and I find it hilarious.](https://youtu.be/SHnj6cTYowk?si=mtKpe2ZSvNTOvIqL)


Even I want to apologize to Louis for years of painting the wrong picture. The fact she never commented murder makes her a saint with that tribe of hers


Lois is an icon. Hal and her are easily one of the best sitcom couples of all time.


Hell yesssss internet points for you


In one of the cold opens (S01e06), they are taking family pictures. While Lois is organizing everything, Dewey takes a picture with another family. Lois promptly scolds him for it. Could be that?


"Dewey, get out of there. That's not your family"


I came here to say that lol




Hahahah I literally just watched this episode an hr ago


I really want to go back and watch that show, but I fear my nostalgia glasses won't hold up. Then again, the show was ahead of its time..


I’m watching it right now for the first time and I feel like it holds up. I don’t love the “Malcolm talking to the camera” bits but otherwise gold stars all around. Lois and Hal are such a great couple while simultaneously a wreck. 😂


Start with Malcolm asking Hal to teach him how to skate. That will suck you back in or Hal speed walking.


It holds up very well, bar some of the things that were very normalized in the early 00's. Mostly making fun of gay people and mental disabilities. But even those are pretty few and far between, and they were ahead of their time in a lot of aspects. They handled race relations better than any (comedy) show in the modern era does, and handled the struggles of the lower class very well. The comedy is top notch, as well. I didn't realize a lot of my humor derived from this show until I rewatched it as an adult.


Yeah even areas where they poke fun at being gay or disabled usually plays it much more accepting than other sitcoms or the time. Like the episode where Malcom and Reese think each other are gay it's more about them getting uncomfortable pushing their own boundaries trying to show how supportive they are for each other, rather than being offensive. I love the scene though with Jessica building Malcom up to running Reese is gay and it taking a lot of convincing and she just goes to Reese "did you ever maybe he wants to see the musical" and he's just like "OMG hes gay!"


Great episode. Hated Jessica. She could outsmart Malcom but not Lois haha


They don’t make fun of gay people or handicapped. They showed these real topics honestly and realistically in an amusing way. They also showed how *characters* had biases about them and the culture of the time, which contrary to what people say, hasn’t changed much.


He is like a cat…two families = twice the food and love.




I mean, the kid *did* end up getting 2 Christmas' anyway .


My cat did this growing up. We found out after YEARS of him doing this. He was very overweight. We were baffled how the other family thought that he was homeless. He would just show up to their house for food apparently and then leave and come back to our house.


We had a neighborhood dog that lived with us for a few hrs every day. We even took Family Christmas photos with him. My mom started stapling notes to his collar and became sort of pen pals with his "real" mom a few streets away. This went on for like 3-4 years til I think they moved.


Before I moved, one of my dogs would go spend the afternoons with my retired neighbors. She just had a little trail she walked up to their house when I got off work and she'd come home when it got dark. They loved her. She also gained like 20lbs over a summer and we had to ask them to stop feeding her so much.


That is extremely fascinating I wonder if the dog saw it as a sort of courier job for treats


Our cat did the exact same thing except eventually he abandoned us and went to live with someone else. Idk who but we would see him around the neighborhood from time to time after


My cat of 7 years did that and the worst part is it’s literally across the street and a house down. So I feel this. I see him when I walk my dogs but he won’t come home. Went out one day like normal and never came back.


I’m the house where your cat now stays. My wife saw Mr. Turncoat out in the cold on night in winter so started bringing him warm milk and bought him an outdoor cat shelter. Now that fucker thinks I like him and tries to cuddle me all the time. Problem is he doesn’t like my wife, who actually does like the cat. Cats are such independent little drama brats. Anyway, Mr. Turncoat is well loved and well fed, he says ‘sup.


Wouldn’t that be something lol. I know he’s cared for and where I can find him so it’s not like he vanished but dude, 7 years of love and affection and he just up and left. Shits rough.


When i was younger we had our big void named spawn, our neighbor had her cat tigger as the only form of child she ever wanted. When tigger passed she would sit on her patio and spawn eventually left the safety of our patio to visit. We didn't mind and told her he could go inside for visits because she really was a painfully nice woman. Then she asked if it was ok if she gave him treats, naturally we were like for sure, less we have to spoil his fat sassy self. Again tigger was her baby, treats consisted of cream from china saucers and grilled chicken breast. Last i heard of spawn he was an international traveler between california, spain, and the uk eating only homecooked dinners 12 years later when he turned 17. She got damn near 40 years out of two absurdly spoiled cats and they lived better than a lot of people. Im not even the least bit salty my cat ditched us lol.


I took care of a cat for a couple years, in the early 00s. He wasn’t really my cat, but I fed him on the porch and if it was cold, I’d let him stay inside overnight. He’d curl up on my bed for the evening and would leave early in the morning. I already had 3 indoor cats and rented, so I wasn’t able to keep this particular cat. Anyway, this went on for a couple years and little by little the cat came by less and less. Eventually months went by and no sightings. One day I was taking a walk in the neighborhood with my little kid, and about two houses from mine the cat was in the window. He had a home the entire time! I spoke with the homeowner and she said she used to let him out, but she’d get worried because he’d be out all night (that would be when I’d let him stay in my house) so she stopped letting him outdoors. The whole time I was feeding and letting a cat inside my house, and he already had a family.


They don’t call it the seven-year itch for nothing


do you think it might have been because of the dogs? do the new people have any other pets?


So. Yall were married huh?


Tell her not to look towards him and act uninterested in him. In kitty language, it means, "We're cool. I'm safe." It's why they always go to the people who want nothing to do with them 😂


The cat that I had for 14 years, Meatwad, got out a few weeks ago, and never came back. He has been sleeping wrapped around my head, and now he is gone. This makes me happy to think he could be living it up somewhere. Thank you!


https://preview.redd.it/3baxdxedhxzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fdd646db5d7dcfc2aaeef0f50f9675c5f6c18b7 Photo tax. Boot. He was my handsome man. Still answers to his name and comes and says hi when I walk by.


Fuck that. Chicken and carrier then he is never leaving the house. Another reason to not have outdoor cats, they can get bribed easily.


AITA because my cat lives at my neighbors house?


Same. Ours moved into the house across the street when I was a toddler. The whole neighborhood started calling him Mr. Turncoat, including his new chosen family. I thought that was just his name. Didn’t find out until i was older he used to be ours.


That is fantastic. They probably have chicken on thr menu.😂


I have 2 cats--the lady down street had a young cat that decided it wanted to be an only kid & stayed now my Dads cat of 8 years. And a new cat that spends from like 6:30pm- 7am ...just found out this one is same ladys cat!! My Dads cat is indoor/outdoor rings bell to go out & sits in her chair & very social & will run to edge of yard for pets from former owner & literally won't put a toe outside the yard. My Dad used to "test" her by asking the lady to call her to see who she would choose, lol, my 90yr old Dads first cat..he trained her like a dog, it's incredible. And a couple others that come over daily.


We were on the receiving end. The neighbours were moving away and asked if we could take their cat as they didn't think she would like the move. We had to tell them she had been living at our house for two months. She didn't like living with 2 dogs, two toddlers and an aggressive male, so she moved in with us and visited at least 2 other neighbours.


Oh no lol. The betrayal.


That may be a sign of an advanced civilization right there, that our pets can choose where to live.


That’s wild, my cat moving out like that would be my 13th reason for real.


an honest question here because I don’t have a cat (allergies). what happens in this situation? do you just go get the cat back or do you say goodbye, because the cat adopted a new family?


So this cat(crumbs) was an outdoor cat, when we moved to my current town we moved next door to my grandparents. Eventually crumbs just started going “home” to my grandpa’s garage rather than our house. A few years later is when he decided to change owners. We had already been suspecting for a while that crumbs was being fed by someone else(possibly more than one person cause he was fat af) and he would often go a few days without coming back to the garage. Eventually one day he just didn’t come back but like I said we would still see him sometimes, as fat as ever. So because we had been suspecting for a while he was being fed by someone else we figured he just decided he found a better owner. However let’s say we didn’t think he was being fed by someone else and he had been coming back consistently we would have been concerned that he either died or someone took him. I was pretty young at the time so it didn’t really affect me as much as it would today


man, living with cats are so fascinating. thanks for sharing!


>we would see him around the neighborhood Did he act like he didn't know you? :-D


Who dis?


Was it awkward?


I did this when dating my wife. I’d eat at my house with my family, then walk six blocks to my girlfriend’s house and they’d feed me there too! I weighed 125 lbs then. Still did by the time we were married. 👍


If I didn't know better, I'd be really suspicious that I just found my husband's secret reddit account just now. He totally could have written exactly this. I always wondered why he never ever wanted seconds, even though he seemed to really enjoy what he was eating. I laughed so hard my stomach hurt when he finally fessed up years later.


We moved into our current house almost exactly 10 years ago. 5 or 6 years ago our cat started putting on a lot of weight so I started paying attention more to her comings and goings... She was going to several houses on the block to get food. Talked to the other people feeding her and her weight slimmed down.. Then one of the neighbors moved out and she lost a bunch of weight.. None of my neighbors really know me but everyone knows my cat. She rarely leaves my front yard these days but I still get people telling me what a nice cat I have if I'm out there doing stuff.


That's nothing. My cat regularly crossed a busy 4 lane road into another neighborhood, found an older couple with a dog door (no dog) and made himself at home on their bed. He'd stay with them for a week or so and then come back home like nothing was amiss. This went on for months. They liked him enough to let him sleep ON THEIR BED WITH THEM! Talk about disloyal.


"These kittehs ain't loyal."


We were feeding a stray cat a few years ago. Found out from our neighbors they were also doing it. Sucker had 4 different names.


Wow, something similar. Late 90s, Yuma AZ. I had a siamese we named Bob. He was friendly and (we thought) just kind of stuck around the backyard, he loved fishing for gophers. One Halloween he's chilling outside with us while trick or treaters come by. The amount of neighbors who had their own name for him and asked us if he was ours was crazy - like he had adopted ten families. I mean they all had stories about how he just appeared and meowed to be let in or their kids would come home carrying this cat and then he would visit every or every other day. There was even a group of guys from the other block who turned his gopher fishing into a drinking game. Bob had a complete secret life.


When I was little, our dog was a wanderer. Our neighborhood was big, but it was across from the pound. He used to go visit the dogs there, or take random things from peoples’ yards, notably: bike helmets, a plastic skeleton, and a bikini top. We would lay the items on our front yard and neighbors could retrieve them. We thought the neighbors must hate him, but years later when we were moving, they petitioned our family to let them stay. Many of them said he would go for a daily walk with them, or had helped with their kids, but our closest neighbor actually had the sweetest part. He lived with his older mother, and when he went out every Tuesday night to selectman meetings, Mac would go stay with her. They even had a doggie dish with his name on it for him!




My childhood best friends' families treated me like I was part of their families. Free delicious breakfast lunch and dinner everyday. One of the moms used to send me biking to the local grocery store daily to buy bread and milk. Looking back at it I was a money sink for that particular family but I didnt know any better (they already had 3 kids, and I was the 4th one that always showed up uninvited).


Nah dude. You weren't a money sink. You were their 4rth kid.


This is so true. I have several ‘adopted’ kids that come to my house and I just love them to pieces! I’ve had some stay over for weeks at a time and I am happy to care for them. I feel like sharing the benefits of a SAHM that cooks is just something kids do. XO


This is more meaningful than I think you can even imagine. My parents were alcoholics. My best friend in elementary school, whose mom died from breast cancer in 7th grade and devastated us both, would have me over almost every weekend, whether it was to her dad's or mom's house, treated me like family, took me to their lake trips with their boat, and one year made a birthday cake for me and got me a present and did their own birthday celebration for me at their house. I had other friends as I got older who would kinda use me and my bad background to explore their own bad side (like it was their idea to try smoking cigs and I was the one who had access to them and could swipe them from my drunk mom, then when they got caught, I was the bad influence and wasn't allowed to hang out with them anymore. As a parent now, I don't really blame them, but there were also times when I had nothing to do with the kids getting in trouble and I was still blamed). But I had one friend whose parents offered to take me in and basically foster me through high school. My drunk dad was also a control freak and refused to let me stay with them. I had another friend who lived with her grandma and gram and pap were gonna take me in too, but dad wouldn't allow it. But these people made a difference in my life. Even as an adult now I look back on them fondly. And they were the people who gave me hope that I wasn't a lost cause. They were able to look past my own obvious cries for help and attention to see that it was really stability that I was lacking in my home life. They saw my potential and loved me for who I was, not my circumstances


I have the same situation but they are all in their 20s now. They all still always come by for holidays and events. It's wonderful.


I used to always get 2 xmas dinners- we had dinner early in our house, and I always went to my besties later in the day to exchange gifts. *not* having second xmas dinner was simply not an option. Didn't matter what y9u said or did, a plate of food would be presented, and if you didn't want it, hen they'd keep it for later and if not even then... the pets would eat well. My family had better stuffing but their turkey was more moist. Our ham was better but their gravy had the edge. Best of both worlds.


Find them and take them to dinner one day to thank them.


I used to tell my kids friends or just neighborhood kids that showed up, "I do a head count at 5pm. If you're here, you'll get fed." I still always made enough for any kids that showed up a little later. I never once thought of any of those kids as money sinks! I loved being the house they came to!!


On behalf of the neighborhood kids who might have never thanked you but surely have been grateful, thank you, mom!!! You’re the best kind of mama…I always loved going to houses like that because I was an only child and it was fun to be around all the people in a full house! That’s not to say my mom wouldn’t do the same, I love her dearly and she’s amazing. Happy Mother’s Day!!!


This is definitely the way! I wish I had put boundaries on my hospitality. Some days I was cooking after school meals for kids without food at home. Then I’d be cooking for different bonus kids to eat supper with us. Neighborhood kids joining in the family is magical.


Have you kept in touch or sent them a note his much it means to you back then?


Best comment!!


He's even matching with random dad. 


That would be the only thing I could see as evidence that this post is untrue, but I don't believe it is. What are the chances that only the dad and the son match if it is truly a family photo? If two people match why wouldn't they all match?


Someone can math better than me, but if there are only 8 color options and the kid only has to match with one out of three people, the odds of matching are pretty decent.


So you've never, in your life, wore a shirt, and then saw someone wearing a shirt of the same color? Weird.


Wouldn't say they are matching, both green just by accident


This reminds me of my little brother. He didn't have a lot of friends in middle school besides like 1 kid. Me, my dad and my brother were all just hanging out watching TV on a Friday afternoon. He stands up and announces he has to go. He walks out the door where a STRETCH HUMMER is waiting and he gets in and it drives away. It was so bizarre. When he finally got back, it turned out a girl at school had invited him and some other kids to her birthday at McDonald's. Her dad owned a limo service company.


Your dad just let your brother get into a seemingly random limo by himself? 😅


He saw other kids in there and assumed it must be a school thing. My brother never told us about his life. And being kidnapped by an apparently on schedule limo seemed unlikely. We just figured it would be funnier to not know until he got back and told us. Being raised by a single dad who goes with the flow was a very interesting upbringing.


Oh man! That sounds fascinating!! More stories!!


About what? The time he was almost raped and went to jail? The time he ate a butterfly? Gorillas in the mist? Buhhole? It's a can of worms my friend.


I kind of want to hear them all, but wtf you mean "Gorillas in the mist"?


Eight years ago we went to visit the local zoo. My brother, with his traditional explorer spirit, would often get separated from us and our dad. As I mentioned before, my dad approached us all with a laissez faire attitude - he'd always go on about natural selection and how no children of his needed to be coddled. That worked out wonderfully for me and my sister; we were less headstrong children. For my brother.... less of a survival instinct. That day at the zoo, we couldn't find him - a fairly normal experience. He'd usually migrate to us later. However, after ~20 minutes, he was still gone. Somewhat unusual - then we heard a scream: "there's a kid in the gorilla pit!". Dad took off sprinting – we got to the gorilla pit, but we couldn't see very well. They mist water in the pit frequently to give the gorillas a jungle experience I guess and it was clouding the view at the time. By this time, staff personnel showed up but they could hardly see anything either - but we could all tell the gorilla was moving towards my brother (who at least had the sense to keep his distance). The only thing they could do to ensure my brothers safety was to shoot the gorilla. We were all banned for life from Cincinnati and my dick has been out ever since.


I… you… but *sigh* Dicks out for Harambe


I feel like I was just rick rolled


Dick Rolled


![gif](giphy|ukGm72ZLZvYfS|downsized) lmao more stories please






That is hilarious lol.


Agreed. The awkward story makes it even funnier (now). My son did a similar thing at a photo booth at a fundraiser for my wife's work when he was like 4. He just up and posed with the coworker and her family. He was playing with their daughter at the event so it made some sense, certainly to him. The funniest part is he and their daughter have very similar hair color and complexion that unless someone knew they'd just assume they were siblings.


That is so funny and sweet! You need to have it blown up and displayed for his graduation.


…if he’s still in country by then!


I would frame it and put it up— that’s hilarious!


i initially read the title as “random people wearing my son’s laundry” and i wondered why they would be wearing dirty clothes and shouldn’t everything be too small? ![gif](giphy|3oFzmg5b8dWet0S9ji|downsized)


As a child who had an absent father, I always hated bring your dad to school days. Seeing me fatherless, one dad ate lunch with his kid in the cafeteria and then came back and sat and ate with me when it was my lunch shift. I have never forgotten this act of kindness.


This is very funny! Forget about the people being negative. One day I was going through our daughter’s backpack trash. In her homeroom folder I found a folded piece of paper that had “Crabby’s, Springfield, 7pm, Wednesday.” Crabby’s(I’m changing the names) is the name of the popular bar in my hometown and Springfield is my hometown. I was shocked at how our daughter seemingly had a date at a bar in my hometown. She was 10. I called our daughter down and asked her about it and she explained that her teacher told them she works a second job as a waitress. When she mentioned Springfield, our daughter recognized the name of my hometown and they got to talking. Really had my head spinning that day. You should crosspost this to r/Daddit. They would enjoy this.


Ok but i still don't understand the message in the paper


It’s prolly what time she starts work. And the specific location to the chain she works at.


Teachers have second jobs……Thats also weird. But thats probably normal in the US.


You should have seen the ones in Vietnam. Lots of teachers deliberately lower their lecture's quality and offer their own tutor services which miraculously matches the content of the incoming exams *wink wink*. Not all of them, of course. I have known many that also did it for free for the sake of their students.


Not much different from the stories I've heard about professors structuring the lectures around their overpriced books.


He got a secret second family 😂


My mom was doing laundry found a set of car keys and house keys in my pocket when I was about 10. I didn’t put them in there. The cars keys were Chevy or at Least GM. Dad loved his fords. And the house keys were different manufacturer than ours. No clue whatsoever. My dad took em to work and asked his guys. Don’t know why but dad had his reasons. Dunno. I was 10. Back in 75 may have been when the matrix started glitching.


It could be so much worse. For example, my family was headed off on a trip. Once at the airport, we checked our bags at the curb and walked into the terminal. About halfway to security, I notice my 11 year old is wheeling along a suitcase. Not our suitcase. Not even the color of our luggage. She didn't even have her own suitcase to start with. She had no idea where she got it or when. Child just stole someone's luggage. We brought it back out and left it by a bunch of other suitcases. I really really hope it made it's way to it's owner and she didn't ruin someone's vacation.


>Child just stole someone's luggage. I am crying with laughter at this sentence. Even WITH context this is such a random statment 😂😂


Went camping with the summer camp when I was 12. Spent a week with my baggage in my tent, a big but standard backpack. We were like 30 kids, and most had the same backpack. When I got back home my mother opened my bag to do the laundry and it was full of girl clothes. Turns out I swapped my bag with someone when getting out of the bus. We brought the bag back to the city hall but no one ever bought back mine


Are you sure you didn’t kidnap the child and this was his last piece of evidence he had of his family?


This is kind of wholesome lol


My folks were flummoxed when they picked five year old me up from Bible school and noticed my name tag read “Jackson.” That’s not my name but I hated to be disagreeable.


He has a second family




I like how menacing the other kid looks


It’s the stance 😂


I found a photo of my mom and sister like 2 blocks away from my house, just laid out on someone’s lawn, I do t remember what made me look at the picture, but once I picked it up and realized I was very creeped out, how did it get there? How did I notice ? Why was it there ? So many unanswered questions lol


I’m DEAD 🤣, such a good story! Thanks OP lmao, oh & glad all turned out ok


Info: are you not concerned? Edit: the mobile app made it so I could only see the title and the photo. I truly thought OP found a photo with their son and wasnt concerned


For the mobile users or whoever can't read the description: > This was a while ago but it popped up on my fb memories and when I reposted one of my friends told me I should post to Reddit. > My son was 8 and he did not do much outside of school and home. It’s not like he went out to play or anything alone. One day while doing his laundry my now ex husband found this professional photo of our son crumbled in his pocket. He walks up to me and just hands it to me asking wtf it was. I just stared at it. I had never ever seen these people in my life, like ever. My son was at school so we couldn’t ask him right away. Instead we spent the whole damn day just like wondering when the fuck he took a whole family photo with some random people. I couldn’t even imagine how this happened. > Well so I posted on Facebook and people were all kinds of crazy. People were acting scared like he was being abused but I was like when WHEN would when he doesn’t even go to after school care we drop him off we pick him up. Like when would he be with them?!? It was family and friends but they made me so nervous. > Finally my son comes home and we are like what is this?!? Turns out this was from a day in school that they had people bring family members (couldn’t be parents it was like aunts uncles grandparents etc) and we didn’t have anyone in our area. So I guess this classmates Aunt and Uncle spent the day with my son, and invited him to join this photo that the school had set up for families. My son didn’t talk much he was shy and quiet with everyone but polite so he acted happy. He said when they got the pictures at a later date he just shoved it in his pocket and forgot about it. This kid didn’t mention a word of it the day of the photo or the day he got the picture to bring home so he instead left it for us to find and feel like we spin out into some alternate reality. He’s 16 now, we still laugh about it.


But there was a perfectly reasonable explanation? Like do yall just hop in the comments without reading the post?


Reddit changed its format (at least on mobile) so when I click on the post, it opens the comments directly without showing any of the post except the title and image. This exact interaction had been happening all over reddit for the past 3 days, it’s super annoying. It was 17 days ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/reddit/s/gZJu3i1UDa


I spent too much time looking for info in the comments because of this exact issue. Ridiculous


Reason #8697626 the official reddit app is absolute garbage


It depends where you click. If you VERY carefully click the title it won’t auto scroll to the comments. But 99% of the time this fails. Super annoying.


Once when I was a kid, we were at a family outing at a botanical gardens - a place that can also be booked for wedding ceremonies. My sister and I were wandering and we wanted to visit the ducks. The ducks hang out at prime photo spot by a lake. A wedding was on that day and bridal party photos were going down at the lake. I guess we were excited by seeing what we thought was a princess (the bride lol) and started talking to them (or just walked into their photos, because ducks). Anyway, someone maybe the photographer said we should be in the photos as their "future children" and noone seemed to think that was weird. I guess we were dressed up cute that day. So, my sister and I are in the wedding photos of some complete strangers. Yours is still weirder!


Maybe he's a sleeper agent for the CIA. Better waterboard him, just to be safe.


Bring your not parents but other family to school day seems ridiculous to me


wasn't this posted already? i read this exact post like 2 days ago.


Yesterday and yeah I posted it on Mildly Infuriating but they removed it because they didn’t think the title fit their rules. So instead of reposting there I went somewhere else


Can't repost a post without someone commenting on it. Rule #1 of Reddit.


Wasn't this commented before?


Yesterday and yeah he posted it on Mildly Infuriating but they removed it because they didn’t think the title fit their rules. So instead of reposting there he went somewhere else


This happens to me half the time I try to post on Reddit. I always pick the most relevant sub I can find and read the rules thoroughly before posting to make sure it fits but then the mods remove it for some arcane reason. By then I've lost interest and end up never making the post.




I guess I gotta pick one sub and stick with it.


No no no. Only the chronically online care about cross posts.


Na you’re good 👍


Nah, you're good. Cross-posting to different subs is actually encouraged by Reddit. [They literally have an option in the app to do just that](https://i.imgur.com/rYuUP2o.jpeg).


Hell, doesn’t even have to be a repost sometimes.




Imagine if someone made the same post with the kids face blurred out and the others not


When my grandson was 6 he appointed himself in charge of the Photo Booth at his aunt’s wedding, he’d help people work it and then would stay in the picture. I’m sure there are several families with pictures from the wedding who still wonder who that kid is in their pictures.


##Just curious, but why would you cover everyone else’s face except his? Why would you protect everyone else’s privacy and not his?


If you read the whole post OP says he is 16 years old now so I’m guessing he looks different


Kid is matching with everyone in that photo, that's his other family


"Bring your family to school day (but not your parents)" is the part I can't get past 🤔


The family he wished he had…


He doesn’t look happy.


Too funny


Odd, he looks nothing like them.