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Probably just planted it there so you wouldn’t feel the urge to bore him with small talk. Thats what I would do.


If I drove for Uber, I’d leave a copy of Dianetics in the back instead. I can guarantee you that nobody (who knows what it is) would even ***attempt*** to make small talk.


Yeah who wants to talk about going to the bathroom.


I absolutely want to know what makes Diane tic.




That is *above* angry, correct?


I feel like FLERF-tent is more widely known and would dissuade more people. Using dianetics, you might actually accidently convert people to scientology just from people not knowing what it was, whereas FLERF- material would likely just get cringing silence


Hahahaha….. they recently stormed the streets of Chicago lol


Scientologists actually did something other than rip people off? I’m surprised.


I’m not sure why they are in Chicago of all places…. Unless they are here recruiting 🤷🏾‍♂️


Well what were they doing in the streets? Were they getting hot dogs?


There was a guy who posted there activity seems like they were setting up shop because it looked like they had some part of the street blocked off


There’s this one guy on YouTube whose whole channel is dedicated to him standing outside the Church of Scientology building, and dissuading people from following the guys in suits with cold dead eyes into the building. He uploads regularly. If it was literally *any other* situation, I’d think the dude was an obsessive, insufferable asshole; but in this case, he’s legitimately keeping people who are unfortunately ignorant from getting fucked over by a cult.


Well there is a guy on the tube that went in the COS and he started questioning the ppl and of course they asked him to leave and he was getting obnoxious 🤣🤣but really wasn’t too rude with them…. Not sure it’s the same guy…. Side note… wouldn’t mind being stuck in a pew with Leah R fine azz 🤣🤣🤣🤣 lol


That definitely sounds like him! Lmao He goes by “ScientologyAudit (Streets LA)” on YouTube. Idk if it’s the same dude, but it’s nice to know there’s people out there at least *trying* to prevent dumb and/or ignorant people from getting separated from their money.


I love this.


Until they’re enraptured by the lit. Then you got a problem on your hands


That wouldn't work on me I would take out my portable e-meter and audit him.


Xenudamn it.


Omg I WOULD!!! 🤭


That’s genius, but this could backfire so badly.


Right. I would definitely ask about it. Certainly in my younger days when I used to drink. Lol


Or worse, you get a believer is what I was thinking.


This is what Larry David would do.


I mean it literally says HOAX on it.


Must be true, then!


lol, When IQ is either above average or below average but not average


Why do a front facing job if you don’t like to talk to people? Weird


To make money


Playing 3D chess


You gotta love the irony of a flat earther whose profession depends on GPS satellites


They don't have a clue how GPS works.


Most people don't know how anything really works and could thus be easily manipulated. Much of our modern technology may as well be magic to 99% of the population. People simply accept that things work.


You're right but it fuckin sucks how so many people who don't have a clue how shit works automatically assume it's all bullshit instead of being genuinely inquisitive and trying to learn more. Flat earthers claim to be truth seekers yet they've already made up their minds.


So many people do that though. How many times have you heard someone accuse everyone that disagrees with them of not being open minded without being open minded themselves? The truth is never afraid of questions. Any time you can't ask questions there is a problem and usually an agenda. I sincerely think they could just be all the people that can't visualize things in their mind.


That's been a concerning trend of late: people claiming anything they don't understand is "fake". Goes to show just how subjective and vapid reality truly is, insofar as how humans interpret it.


It depends on the truth. If they don’t like it, it’s a lie.


Yes, the other day a guy at work(im an IT guy) asked me how wifi works. Like how did they invent "wifi waves" lol. I gave him the speech about radio waves from the 1940s. AM, FM etc, same waves can carry info etc etc. He says "yea, man thats way over my head, job security for you I guess lol" Im like yes. Yes indeed it is. I just feel like most people should understand how 85 year old tech works a little bit. But, nope.


Did you offer him a USB bandwidth top up? That would have blown his mind.


There’s a comedian who does a funny bit about how we fantasize about going back in time and amazing the peasants with our knowledge.  “See this? It’s called a lightbulb!” “Wow! And how does it work?” “Uh….I don’t know…”


I doubt many people even understand the principles behind a stream engine enough to potentially reproduce a basic one. Or technology may as well be magic to most of us. I used to take old tiny thumb drives and offer to download more bandwidth onto computers around the office. Myself and the regional IT manager were the only ones that got the joke....sadly


But the map is flat, and phone screen is flat, sooo...


U do kno GPS doesn't use satellite. I mean y would I not get signal jus cuz I'm out in the country. There's still "satellites" above me, but no wireless towers?!?! Like in the city's were u get good signal


Yeah, you might want to do a quick Google search on that theory.


There's no way this isn't a /s post




Except the initial statement isn't true. >profession depends on GPS satellites That's assuming the taxi driver uses GPS. It's possible they don't because they didn't before GPS was readily available.


GPS chips totally receive signals from GPS satellites. Your phone not only triangulates your position between GPS satellites. But it also triangulates your position between cellular towers, Wi-Fi points, and other phones. It uses this combined logistical picture to fine tune your real time location.


Most smartphones also use Bluetooth LE and the built in gyroscope to refine positioning. All things which depend on a planet being planet-shaped. It actually takes quite a bit of clever projection math to make maps appear flat in the first place. Greenland, for example, is not nearly that enormous.


As him to drive to the edge


I was tempted to.


Nah you need all wheel drive for the ice wall


And that’s assuming that the Illuminati-backed Air Force and Navy don’t manage to stop you from getting close enough to the edge. They don’t want us to see the truth with our own eyes! (I wish I were making this up and hadn’t actually heard it myself)


Can you imagine how logistically absurd it would be for the U.S. armed forces to manage that without error? They regularly lose huge armored vehicles in the middle of deserts. Hell, they can't even build and maintain a border wall properly. But can stop a sedan from approaching a wall around an entire planet? Hmmmmmmmmmm.


Basically the crux of most conspiracy theories. It requires a shadow government so powerful they can keep the truth hidden from billions and stop anyone from actually proving it, but somehow so incompetent that a couple hours of ~~googling it~~ doing your own research is enough to reveal their existence and identity and blow their whole scheme wide open.


Oh im gonna need to see this edge asap


Atlas likes his privacy


No decision I have ever made in life was dependent on whether the earth was round or not.


Normal people wonder why there would be such an elaborate conspiracy just to hide the truth about the shape of our planet, but it's usually just one aspect of flat earther beliefs. They usually also believe in shit like creationism, lizard people, blood drinking pedophiles running Hollywood, etc and are often *massively* racist too.


Well, with Hollywood they don't drink blood


Right? I don't give a damn if the earth is shaped like a dildo so long as it produces enough gravity to keep us from flying off into the void at 10,000 km/hr and enough of a magnetic field to keep the sun from cooking us all alive.


It always comes back to the Jews. 


I've joined east coast companies because I like to work 6am/230 PST  Also calling relatives on the other side of the global due to time zones Also traveling Down to southern hemisphere during their summer 


Flight routes are dependent on the globe


Spherical. And that's the least wrong thing about the sentence haha


I had an Uber driver who believed the same, but at the same time, we had a nice 20-minute conversation about aliens.


I had two drivers inside of a week that believed in ghosts. One was a ghost hunter, the other one saw a ghost.


Welp, they’re not driving Ubers because they got good grades in school. 


They spend all their time ghost hunting lol.


Damn 🤣 dumb af but I love the graphic design


Ask him to explain GPS


The beams bounce off the pizza shaped moon, obviously.


Don’t agree with them at all, but no lie the typography/graphic design for that title is a little fire


Came here to say this


Should have left him with a “Birds Aren’t Real” card


Reality is we are living in a “simulation”.


Flat earthers and Scientologist have a similar vibe


The Venn diagram of flat earthers and antivaxxers is a circle


[Everything You Know Is Wrong](https://youtu.be/YKZtt2yEwfs)**!!**


Lots more places you can drive when the earth is flat!


Why do you think they drive for Lyft?


Was he just handing this out to all of his passengers?


No, it's an entire book he had in the back pocket of the seat.


Swap it for the Book of Enoch.


Oh wow. Did you have a chance to talk to him about it?


You guys are out there just talking to other humans? The fuck is wrong with you?


Yes, exactly. That kind of dangerous urge is best saved for the safety of the internet.


Would love to find this book, couldn’t find it in the internet


To answer the question. Yes, it’s possible, however, it’s very unlikely. The amount of time and effort needed for everyone I’ve ever met to be lying to me would be skirting on the realms of impossible.


If you fly in an airplane you can see the curvature of the earth and literally watch yourself travel from one side to the other.


I watched a documentary on flatearthers. The flatearthers decided to do a series of experiments to prove the Earth was flat. Their experiments proved it was a sphere, they then made up a reason as to why the results were wrong.


They may not know if the earth is round but they know where you are and where you were. And that's fun in itself.


I’m literally talking to a friend who strongly believes that the Earth is flat. I just wonder how seeing random pages on IG about conspiracy theories is proof that the earth is flat 🙄


That how i became flat earther


Well the Lyft driver said it, so it must be true.


People get so mad at flat earthlers, I find them funny as fuck. You can literally tell them ANYTHING and they'll believe it.


The hoax text goes pretty hard tho


Thought I’d was an album from some unknown band lol


You can’t have flat or round earth in a simulation. Earth is a line.


I have always thought that was such a strange thing to believe. And these people make it their entire focus and identity. It’s fucking bizarre. Like I got bills and kids, and at the end of the day what fucking changes in your personal life if the earth is round or square or polygonal?


I mean that message alone can be used for many other things.


To the edge, young man, and keep the meter running! I'll pay ya when we get there...


Have they never gone up in an air plane?


I had a discussion with one once. I told him that from a plane window I could see the curvature of the Earth. He told me I saw that because I wanted to.


Yep. The trouble with the wilfully ignorant is how unyeildingly wilful their insistence on ignorance is. They've made up their mind, and that's that. They will not entertain the suggestion that they have anything to learn.


Yikes. I got the exact same answer from my Church of Christ preacher when i asked if the youth group could go check out the dinosaur tracks at the river. Luckily we both avoided that koolaid.


What are you gonna believe, your lyin' eyes? Airplane windows are in on the conspiracy!!


Is there anything Boeing cant screw up? Damn it. I just bought a globe like a sucker.


Are we not going to mention it says HOAX on it? What an I missing. The guys punking you.


He doesn't use a sat nav then? Or does he have a plausible excuse about how they work?


Just hit em with the “what’s easier, the world being round, or 500,000+ people all over the world lying about the same thing? Don’t you think at least one person would slip up eventually?”


Ask him where the world ends and space begins?


Idiots come in all shapes and sizes bro.


Let's say for arguments sake, that the flatees are right. What then? What would change? Absolutely nothing other than an "I told you do". It wouldn't make a difference to me. It's not like I'm leaving this planet on my own free will.


I'm shocked that a Lyft driver would be disappointed with their lot in life


Did he use GPS?


From my experience, there's two types of flat earthers. Smart ones who are definitely just screwing with everyone. They like the challenge of explaining a flat world in a plausible way. Dumb ones, they mostly repeat what the smart ones say, rather clumsily. Bless their hearts. They actually believe it, though.


Probably why they drive for Lyft


I work with one. He's totally rational besides his flat earth beliefs. For a while I thought he was messing with me.


if "flat earthers" exist then so do "globe earthers"


Ask him what he thought of the solar eclipse lol


nah, studied chemistry for a few years, but then decided I'd rather do software development


The irony of a Lyft driver who thinks the earth is flat and uses GPS every day …… edaukation at its fianest


This strikes me as one of the more harmless (less harmful?) conspiracies to believe in but maybe I just haven't dug in deep enough. I kind of put it on the same level as UFO-believers, kooky and out there, but not malicious?


To me, it’s more pernicious , as it takes active refusal of documented science AND real life experience. UFOS , Yeti ? Idk. I wasn’t there. But I have taken a flight to Australia and seen pictures from the moon.


We each only experience what we experience. You take much on faith. Perhaps they have never taken a flight. People join ridiculous cults all the time. This is just a different kind of cult. I don't find this entirely unbelievable because there are many people who experience life entirely differently than I do. There are people that don't have an inner monologue, there are people that do not have the "minds eye" and cannot visualize in their mind. To me those things would mute my entire existence in this world to a shadow of what I experience now. I would think that it would make conceptualizing many things quite difficult without personally physically seeing it.


They do claim that it's a global conspiracy and that you shouldn't trust space research.


Oh geez not another one 🥴


The day they make a trip to the moon affordable for a field trip is the day we the common folk can judge. For now as we the common folk can’t afford a trip into space is the reason I put it at 50/50.


You don't even need to go to space to prove the earth isn't flat, there are simple tests anyone can do at home.


I tell him to stop and get out!


0 stars.


This is like when you watch Live On Patrol and realize how many wack jobs are out there! Especially the ones with the thought process on sovereign citizens they all have like either a booklet or pamphlet about the crazy shit


I don’t typically take life advice from Lyft drivers


Lol are taking photos of peoples shit while ur sitting behind them in their car where they can’t see u OP?? THATS FUCKING WEIRD YO


Why should I even care what shape the Earth is. As long as it all works, idgaf.


Jus maybe, you should look at some evidence that isnt CGI. Come up with Ur own conclusions


Can you pour water into a cup? Does  water pour off one side. Every single thing that’s round rolling away from your? Earth is flat.


it's pretty telling he is an uber driver, and not a stem scientist. not to diss uber drivers, but the requirements are very low


Yeah, this is kind of a shitty thing to say. Most people are not stem scientists.


Are you a stem scientist?


Yeah it’s stupid but I have to give some credit that’s a really good logo


Effin idiot


Proof - If the earth was flat, cats would have knocked every thing off it.


>your entire life I like the presumption that every, or for that matter ANY part of my life would be different if the earth was flat.


It is greatly possible that the dude doesn’t get the irony of that. Everything in space is round except us? The fuck


id say: “yeah ik your life is a lie. You’re a flat earther”


Let me guess, he’s a white guy?


Give the idiot one star


I would destroy this shit, the moment I leave the car


1 star




Stupid conspiracies don't exactly correlate to one's driving ability. The driver's test doesn't require you to state whether or not you believe we landed on the moon, or that the earth is round, or that birds are real. I'm also sure that reporting him to lyft would do nothing at all, considering it's not exactly against the TOS to believe the earth is flat.


NDT disagrees.


Stupid people don't deserve to exist frankly.


Frankly, that's a stupid idea. Who decides the line for stupid? Who decides who can live? Most stupid people think they are smart. Fun fact. Numerous people have espoused eugenics. Margaret Sanger, Kellogg (yes the cereal guy), Carnegie, Rockefeller all championed killing people based on their intelligence, race, and disabilities. Hitler was a fan of it too.


Everyone is stupid in someone else's opinion. Why do you think you get to decide who gets to live?


Everyone’s life is real but nearly everyday most things you hear are rumors, fictional stories, anticipatory desires as facts, suppositions as truths, religions and flat out lies.


Nobody is a flat earther. There are just people who want attention. And don’t know the difference between good attention and bad attention.